2,000 Spells?

Homebrew and House Rules

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542. Rethink - Allows a re-roll on a failed will save

Scarab Sages

543 Now Witness My True Power: Can only be cast as immediate action upon being reduced to 0 or fewer hit points. Caster vanishes and is replaced by a Balor or Pit Fiend, as appropriate, with caster's memories and motivations. However, after 1 minute per CL, outsider vanishes and caster returns, is reduced to one hp, exhausted, and permanently loses one spell slot of highest level.

544 Technical Support: All creatures in a 20' burst who possess a 14 or higher intelligence become affected by the Rage spell.

545 Magical Gathering: All creatures who possess spellcasting ability in a 20' radius become compelled to attack all other spellcasters until they are dead or flee the spell's area of effect. A spellcaster who fails the save may automatically resist the effects of the spell by relinquishing his or her spellbook or most valuable magical item as a prize to be taken by the winning combatant.

546 Open Source: Wizard only. The contents of your spellbook are telepathically broadcast to all other Wizards in a 1 mile radius. Those Wizards may remember and attempt within 8 hours to copy one spell for each point of intelligence bonus they have, as though they had your spellbook right in front of them. For each spell they mentally copy, you may choose one spell they have prepared and copy it into your own spellbook in the exact same manner.

547 Copy Protection: Wizard only, must be cast on caster's spellbook. Next Wizard other than spell's caster who tries to prepare a spell out of caster's spellbook is beset by a devil or other Lawful Evil outsider who is immediately summoned to offending wizard's location for one round per CL as though summoned by Summon Monster spell.

KaeYoss wrote:

I also have the computing domain. The list of bonus spells is nice enough.

Computing "Domain", eh. I didn't get that at first read. Yes, it's great, and we're adding to it as we speak (thanks to Face_P0lluti0n as well)

548. Cheat Code: for the spell's duration, your HP total value is the maximum taken from all your HD, and they can't get down. However, using this spell has a 95% chance of triggering a System Crash (see spell #466) with you as the target. If the DM fails a will save behind his screen, this risk is halved.

549. Spam: you target someone's senses, and overload them with useless information.

550. Virus: set up a password and an action. Upon hearing the password, the spell's target executes the action.

551. Account Theft: for the spell's duration, you play the target character. This might incur you some anger from the character's player.

552. Security Center: for the spell's duration, you are immune to Spam, Viruses, and Account Theft. Each day after the spell ends, you get a warning about renewing the spell.

553. Farming: for the spell's duration, you play 3d6 NPC

554. Mentat: for the spell's duration, the target character can make elaborate computation, as if he was/had a computer. He also gets +4 to all his Int-related skill checks. At the end of the spell, he loses 1d4 points of Intelligence until he rests or is healed.


555. Common Telephone Prefix: using this spell, you can communicate with anyone, everywhere, just by knowing their name (this is used and abused in almost every american movie I saw)

556. Hustle: the low-level Haste. One target can move 50% faster, and has one additional iterative attack (like their lowest attack with an additional -5).

557. Renown: the spell's duration is variable and the caster must concentrate. One minute: target gets +1 on all Charisma-related skill checks. One hour: +2. One day: +3.

558. Pack: full-round spell, during which every unattended item the caster wants in his pack finds its way there, sorted as he wishes. Reverse version is Unpack: the content of one container flies out and sort itself neatly.

559. Mage's Doghouse: low-level version of the Mansion spell series, this one creates a small outbuilding of the appropriate size for a dog.

560. Haunted Wagon: makes a wagon haul itself as if two horses were attached to it. Greater versions can create a temporary wagon, too.

561. Ghost Writer: enchant a quill and parchment so that it writes whatever the caster hears, says, reads, and/or thinks. Using this spells quicken the related activities: duplicating writings, scribing things (even magical scrolls).

562. Ghost Reader: a magical sensor leaves the caster (taking half their total HP with them) and gets through a book with a speed of one page per second. It then returns to the caster and impart the knowledge it gained and the HP it borrowed. If it's intercepted by someone, that someone can gain the knowledge and HP instead. If the book has magical traps or other active spells on it, the sensor takes the full brunt of them (it might destroy it, send it in another dimension, etc). If destroyed or otherwise imprisoned by the book, the caster doesn't gain anything (apart from the knowledge that the book is dangerous).

563. X-Ray: a little like clairvoyance, with another mean (like, er... X-Ray :-)

564: Goblinize: target creature gets morphed into a goblin. Lesser versions impart only bits of the Goblin's description, like "small and dextrous", "ugly and weak", or "can't count over 2."

565. Impart Knowedge: temporarily transmit the caster's skill to another character.

566. Natal Distraction- Subject hears the constant loud crying of an infant of their species

567. Insomnia- Subject is not able to sleep for a number of days equal to caster level

568. Figment of imagination- Remove all memories in the subject regarding a single person/creature.

Kolokotroni wrote:

566. Natal Distraction- Subject hears the constant loud crying of an infant of their species

567. Insomnia- Subject is not able to sleep for a number of days equal to caster level

How nice to group those two together. Have a kid, people.

Since we're on that subject...

569. Lactate: target gives milk. Painful for males.

570. Easy Dots: target's dots are made easier (for her and everyone around). I meant periods :-)

571. Polka Dots: if target's clothes are polka-dotted, they break into dance. Polka dance, of course.

572. "You are here" Dot: you get a map of your surroundings with a "you are here" dot in the middle. Can be useless in a desert ;-)

573. Déjà Q: you've already seen this mechanic.

574. Summon Nanny I-IX: summon a nanny for a kid. Higher levels summon several highly competent nannies able to deal with a rowdy bunch of kids. I wish I had that spell a couple times...

575. Summon Brat I-IX: summon that rowdy bunch of kids. Or just wrap "kid" in the Summon Monster list, that'd be easier for everyone involved.

576. Summon Tart I-IX: summon a cake for everyone. Birthday candles included. Alternatively, this spell can summon a person whose only skill is on appearance (and badly so even then).

577. Minor Wish (low level): wish for something small?

578. Extremely Minor Wish (cantrip): you wish.

579. Polydactylism: you gain extra fingers (or replace those mangled from... whatever reason). Nothing really useful, except when playing Liszt.

580. Mithridatism: this long duration spell gives you a bonus of +4 against a given poison, of which a dose is required as material component. Each time you succeed in making a save against that poison, the bonus lowers by 1.

581. Accelerated Acculturation: for the duration of the spell, the target can mingle with people of another culture/race with almost no problem (raise their attitude by one step towards Friendly). Those who really hate you or what you represent might still be hostile.

582. Vampirism: during the spell's duration, you can heal yourself by consuming human blood (gain 1HP for each HP stolen that way). Animal blood can be used too (rate is 2HP from the animal gives you 1HP). During the spell's duration and for one day afterwards, you suffer the usual vampire drawbacks.

Shadow Lodge

DivineAspect wrote:
Dragonborn3 wrote:
Some of the cantrips seem to strong for cantrips...
Like what? Numbers would do.

Like 436 Overload, 444 Wall of Glass, 445 Ward Bubble, 500 Scent of the Predator, 503 Attract Animals, 505 Focus Faith, 511 Sterilize, maybe 513 Coalstone, and 518 Sanctify Area are a few examples.

Not really sure if all of those are cantrips, but the posters said they were.

Louis IX wrote:

How nice to group those two together. Have a kid, people.
Since we're on that subject...

I thought someone might appreciate the two.

583. Summon worst fear - You create an illusion of the subjects worst fear. It only applies to the subject and is not visible to anyone else. No harm befalls the subject they just believe it is real (on a failed save) and act accordingly.

584. Launch person - Target humanoid is hurled at a 45 degree angle in a direction of your choice, 10ft per caster level. If stopped by a wall or other object it suffers 1d6 damage per 5 feet not hurled.

585. Mage's magnificant poking finger - a human sized hand of force constantly taps the subject on the solder and darts out of view when he looks to see who tapped him.

586. Summon Caravan - Conjures 2 carts and a team of horses to pull them per caster level.

587. Time skip - All creatures within range skip their next 5 turns per caster level.

588. Amusing Destraction - The entirety of targets clothing moves 10 ft to the left (subject must be wearing clothing for spell to have an effect)

589. Mage's instant party games - Summon a series of amusing games appropriate to a scenario (chess, darts, or whatever is setting appropriate).

590. Summon Bath - Target is encased in a field of force that quickly fills up with soapy water, when the field completely fills (lets say 3 rounds) the field disapates and the water disperses (the subject is in no risk of drowning)

Louis IX wrote:
Lokie wrote:
KaeYoss wrote:
404 Not found. The spell you requested could not be found
*Chokes and spews soda*
540. KaeYotic Regurgitation: whenever target poster posts, other posters snort, choke, and/or throw up.

Well, I did get people to blow isotonic grapefruit sports drink stuff out of his nose (which he later told me hurt like hell) and once I got him to attempt to breathe cappuccino (which he later told me hurt even more).

People will be a lot safer if they remembered a simple mantra: Don't drink while listening to me (or reading what I wrote).

591. Lock Blades, Ranger spell, causes one of his blades to stick to his opponent's blade.

592. Staredown Gaze attack, causes target to become shaken.

593. Mental Maze: Target has to find his way out of a maze within his mind. (Helpless while doing so.)

594. Thieves' Ladder: causes a surface to grow projections, to make a climb much easier.

595. Holy Fire: Divine damage fire spell

596. Fires of Heaven: Upgrade to Holy Fire

597. Deadly Embrace: Victim becomes helpless while grappled

598. Kiss of Death: Lower level finger of death, delivered by touch.

599. Hand of Death, Fires additional rays for Finger of Death.

600. Summon Comet, Causes a comet to veer toward the planet, unless dispelled it will wipe out all life on the planet...(plot device spell)

601. Displace Clothing: As displacement, but only the targets clothing appears displaced, no effect on combat, unless it's kinda cold out...

602. Blur Face: As Blur but only affects a target's face, excellent for protecting witnesses. Often cast in conjunction with

603. Change Voice.

604. Witness Protection (Permanent Disguise self)

605. Record Proceedings An illusion spell used by some courts to visually record proceedings for display outside the courtroom.

606. Thread Jack: Change the topic of discussion without anyone noticing.

607. Justiciar Peace: Everyone with radius of the caster becomes passive.

608. Banhammer: Infuse your hammer with law and order. Make a melee touch attack at the caster's base attack bonus, the target must leave the building.

609. Astral Banhammer: Summon a floating hammer. Make a melee touch attack at the caster's base attack bonus, outsiders are returned to their home plane.

Kolokotroni wrote:

589. Mage's instant party games - Summon a series of amusing games appropriate to a scenario (chess, darts, or whatever is setting appropriate).

This sounds suspiciously like the focus component is a white rod which you must securely strap to your right wrist.

Is there a improved version that has a slightly longer, black rod as focus?

Dark Archive

610. Lodestone Blessing - for as long as you concentrate, this cantrip allows you to point to magnetic north.

611. Lodestone Curse - the cursed subject becomes intensely magnetized, and if wearing metal armor, suffers +2 to his armor check penalty to skills and treats his armor as one class heavier for the purposes of movement penalties (and possibly penalties to attack rolls, if the armor becomes effectively heavier than he is proficient with). Heavy armor reduces the afflicted character's movement rate by an additional 10 ft. (or 5 ft., if Small). Attempts to remove metal armor take twice as long (attempts to put on metal armor are not reduced, as the magnetic attraction makes the armor inconvenient to don as well, no matter how quickly it flies to your body). Weapons with a striking surface of metal (pretty much anything not a club, quarterstaff, whip or sling stone) benefit from a +2 circumstance to strike and damage you, while your own weapon attacks with partial metal weapons suffer a -1 circumstance penalty to attack and damage rolls. Weapons made fully of metal (swords, daggers, etc.) suffer a -2 to attack and damage rolls in your hands, and flexible metal weapons (chains, flails) or thrown or slung metal weapons (thrown daggers, shuriken, sling bullets) suffer a -4 to attack and damage rolls!

One small benefit is that you gain a +4 bonus to your CMD against disarm attempts, if holding a weapon with a metal grip (sword, dagger) and can quick-draw a metal weapon (or object, such as a holy symbol) even if you lack the feat. This metallic attraction resembles magnetism, but works on all metals, even those that do not normally respond to magnetism. The curse lasts 1 round / level, and while it is in effect, metal-clad and armed warriors cry.

612. Lightning Form: the caster morphs into a lightning bolt for a round. His speed is 60 and he can pass through narrow openings and through persons and objects. If he passes through a metallic object, he can emerge from any part of the object (if he strikes a wall of iron, he can get out from any part of said wall). If he passes through anything else, he inflicts damage and takes damage as well, as his energies are used to inflict damage. Each person or medium-sized item passed through removes 1d6 HP, and the lightning inflicts 5d6 damage on the first item/person, 4d6 on the second, etc.

613. Acid Form: for one round, the caster liquefies into a pool of acid that can burrow by burning the ground it's on (speed: 5). Damage is done the same way the Lightning Form does.

614. Sonic Form: same with sound. Great for speed.

615. Parasitic Host: for a while, the target is morphed into a parasitic entity and can "infect" another creature. Said creature is not necessarily aware of this. At any time during the spell's duration, the parasitic entity can exit its host, using a full-round action to do so. The entity is fully aware of everything happening around the host, and can send thoughts. The entity can also try to direct its host by using Charisma checks, but it can lead to self-discovery. Upon discovery, the host can expel the entity by using Charisma checks as well.

616. Active Mind Defence: while this spell is active, the caster is less vulnerable to psionic abilities and other abilities that target the mind.

617. Airborne Warning And Control System: creates a mind link between a flying creature and other creatures on the ground. After the initial round of observation, and while the spell is active, reduce all penalties for cover and concealment for the ground creatures, as well as DCs for spotting enemies. The flying creature can't do anything else than moving around and defending itself (i.e. no casting and attacking). The flying creature can be a familiar, a polymorphed creature, or a trained animal, but not a wild animal or an enemy. If it's a trained animal, bonuses are smaller. If it's a polymorphed creature, it can decide to suspend its observation to do something else, starting again the next round.

618. Haste, greater: this spell sits between Haste and Time Stop. For a short while, it gives the target creature two full-round actions each round (rather than one), which can be used for anything (i.e. moving, attacking, spellcasting, etc). The Mass version can affect several targets. Also, Haste, Lesser is like Haste but for one target only.

619. Great Deeds: for a short while, target creature gains two temporary levels and can use abilities gained from these two levels (characters must select a class they already have levels in). After the spell's duration, target is exhausted, takes 1d6 non-lethal damage for each round spent in Heroism, and a negative level for each minute. Mass version targets several creatures, while Greater version gives four temporary levels, with the same drawbacks.

EDIT: I confirmed my suspicion that there's a Heroism spell already, so I renamed this one. As before, apologies if any of my ideas do exist elsewhere (despite my contribution to this thread, Arcane Spellcaster isn't my class of choice).

620. Management Switch: the target's player and the DM exchange places.

621. Reordering: caster throws Initiative for everyone in the battle, using only a d20 without the initiative modifiers from the other characters. He can opt to add or remove up to 4 points from the roll, but the total of these points must be zero.

622. Terraform: targets the surroundings for one mile per level. Can change the type of terrain by one step (Desert<->Plains<->Grassland; Flat<->Hills<->Mountains; Dry<->River<->Lake). Alternatively, can make some hostile place (say, Elemental Plane of Fire) bearable for an hour per level.

623. Artificial Life: creates a small construct or uses an existing one. This construct is now able to create duplicates of itself by using natural resources around it (takes one day). This construct and its duplicates follow a mission (program) given by the caster.

624. Cyborg: this spell targets a living creature and creates a construct to take over some aspect of their abilities. This can replace a lost limb, or give natural armor bonuses, for instance.

After watching DBZ with my son...

625. Body Snatch: caster exchange his body with target creature (Will save). He keeps all his class abilities, but exchanges everything else (racial abilities, equipment, HP, etc).

626. Martial Arts Technique: by yelling the name of the technique (Kamehameha, etc.), something happens, usually visualized by a beam of light. The caster has to spend Ki points for this to work. If a creature or an object is targeted, it loses 1d8 HP for each Ki point spent (max 8d8, Reflex save for half).

627. Air Dance: caster can fly using its ground speed, but must spend one Ki point per minute to do so. For another Ki point, his speed is quadrupled for one round.

628. Reveal Power: target creature receives 2d8 temporary HP and 2d4 Ki points. Target can cast Martial Arts Technique and Air Dance once in the following minute.

629. Merge Bodies: caster and target creature merge. They must be of the same race, and willing. This spell can be cast only once. For all intent and purpose, target creature is dead, its body disappeared, and it can't be resurrected. Its gear falls to the ground. The caster's attribute change as follows: if the target's is higher, it gains +1. If it's lower, -1. Caster gains target's experience, up to his next level's minus one. Caster is healed by half the target's HP, up to their max HP. Temporary and Permanent versions are available.

630. Sayan Anger: as Transformation, with blond hair and blue eyes. Casting this spell is a full-round action that allows a free Intimidate check on all opponents within 30 feet.

631. Kaioken: caster must spend Ki points while casting this spell. For each Ki point spent, he gains +1 on Strength. The spell's duration is one round per Ki point spent. However, the caster receive 1d6 non-lethal damage for each round spent under this spell.

632 summon loincloth
633 fruitful drink, summons magic powder that flavors water

633 Wall of light - Create a wall of shining light that physically blocks creatures of evil alignment.

634 Summon entertainment - Create an illusion of a band, orchestra or similar performance group that distracts/captivates foes (and entertain's party guests)

After a wild game of MtG...

635. Wall of Nets: like Web, but solid enough to stand on its own.

636. Wall of Pizza: if toppled, buries creatures under sizzling hot pizzas. Can be eaten through.

637. Wall of Plaster: low-level.

638. Shatter Wall: destroy a wall.

639. Mobile Wall: makes a wall able to move 15 ft per round while the caster concentrates.

640. Anchor Wall: prevents a wall from toppling over.

641. Shape Wall: can be cast as an immediate action when a Wall spell is cast, or afterwards. Can target magical and non-magical walls. Re-shape the wall into a desired form. The final wall's surface can't exceed the original's. Can open holes as well, possibly extending length if openings are large enough (arrow slits: none; windows: 1 inch of additional length per window; doorways: 1 foot per doorway). Can also create ceilings and stairs (using the wall's matter: stone, iron, etc).

642. Furnish Wall: adds "furniture" to the wall: wooden doors, glass windows, steel reinforcements, portcullis, wooden bridge, etc.

643. Imbue Wall: cast with another spell (which must be first level and have a range of "touch", but can be cast by another caster), it gives the wall the ability of delivering the other spell to everyone touching it. Duration: very short (one or two rounds). Examples: Cure Wounds, Inflict, etc.

644. Wall of Wood: a wall, made of wood.

645. Transmute Wall: change a wall's matter into another. The resulting wall can't equate the result of a spell of higher level (i.e. a Wall of Iron can be downgraded to a Wall of Stone but not the reverse).

646. Wall of Brambles: like Entangle, but with a wall shape (can target creatures flying nearby).

647. Wall of Shadows: mix the Shadow's powers with a wall shape.

648. Wall of Glass: can be shattered (DC depending on its thickness) for much damage. Glass can be tinted, made as mirrors, even one-side mirrors.

649. Wall of Nothingness: can destroy a wall, or create a wall-shaped void nearby. The void attracts everything next to it for one round (Reflex save DC, as well as damage incurred, varies upon distance from the wall).

650. Wall of the Gods (Divine spell): create a wall with the cleric's deity's symbol on it. For the spell's (short) duration, the wall can act as divine symbol, and the wall's creation acts like a Channel Energy from the cleric.

651. Wall of Trees: once created, this wall is indistinguishable from a very tight forest. Only rangers and druids (and their animal companion) can pass through. A druid touching another creature can bring it with them.

652. Wall of Toilet Tissue: creates a wall of soft paper which use is self-explanatory. Additional colour and smell is optional. Can counter Wall of Faeces ;-)

653. Unexpected Professional Expertise: while this spell is active, the target can do his job better. The target gains +2 on all Craft checks, and +4 on all Profession checks.

654. Enlarge and Reduce, Improved: target gains or loses two sizes categories, non-stackable. Greater version: three categories. Mass version: targets several creatures/objects.

655. Genetic Manipulation: affects either one creature, one plant, or some plant's product (fruits/vegetables/flowers/etc). If it's a creature, it's effect can be immediate (and temporary), or they can be transmitted to its future offsprings (50% chance). Material component is a part of another creature or plant. Mix a part of the material component into the target. Can be beneficial or harmful. In either cast, Fort save negates. Mass version can target several creatures/plants or a whole field/orchard.
Examples: target humanoid's skin becomes bark-like. Target tree can now move its branches like arms. Target humanoid grows wings. Target peaches now have a potato flavour and no core. Target plant becomes sentient.

656. Music of the Universe: after a bard casts this spell, he can use his music to attune himself to the universe. He can gain knowledge equivalent to the Commune with Other Plane.

657. Music of the Spheres: after a bard casts this spell, he can use his music to cast a Divine spell, expending a spell slot of the same level. He's fatigued afterwards, and loses all his remaining spell slots for the day.

Dark Archive

658. Dance the Spears - animates melee weapons, with the number of weapons dependent upon your caster level and the weapon size (you could animate a bunch of daggers, or just a pair of spears, for instance). These weapons can't leave your Reach, but can each attack with your BAB any foes within that reach, as long as you maintain Concentration.

659. Knight of Long Knives - you, or the subject touched, gains the ability to make melee attacks at any target within Close range. You do not gain the ability to make attacks of opportunity beyond your normal reach for that weapon, but even a dagger can be used to cut someone across a crowded room as a melee attack. As these are not ranged attacks, you suffer no penalties for attacking into close combat, but neither do you count as flanking someone you target with these distant strikes. You cannot target a foe for a distant strike if you do not have line of effect to that target.

660. Eyes of the Serpent - this cantrip fascinates a single target, who must be within 10 ft. of you and able to see your eyes. Once the target is fascinated, you must retain total Concentration, being able to make only a single 5 ft. step each round (and if that takes you more than 10 ft. from the subject, the spell breaks), and the effect lasts until the target is attacked, you lose Concentration, or something comes between the two of you and blocks his sight of your eyes.

661. Squeeze - this cantrip requires a full-round action to cast, and leaves you staggered on the following round, but allows you to squeeze through a space as if you were one size class smaller. Inflexible armor, such as a breastplate, or oversized weaponry, may make this spell unusable, as only your body benefits from this transformation.

662. Shadow Volley - this spell crafts shadowy duplicates of you for a single instant, that seem to shift and meld, occupying your space similar to the figments created by a mirror image spell. Cast as a move-equivalent action while you use a standard action to fire a missile weapon (or hurl a projectile), the ammunition is replaced by a barrage of shadowy duplicates that inflict the same base damage (1d4 for a sling bullet, 1d6 for a spear, etc.) to everyone in a Close range cone or a Medium range line (chosen at the time of casting). The damage is not modified by your strength, weapon enhancements, etc. as the shadowy duplicates carry none of your bonuses from skill, power or magical properties. If you are capable of launching multiple missiles as a standard action (by throwing shuriken, or through the use of the Manyshot feat) all missiles launched in that action are transformed into shadow volleys.

663. Avalanche Sling - this druidic spell is a variation on Shillelagh that affects a sling, instead of a staff or club, causing the slung stones (not bullets) to inflict damage as if they were two size classes larger, plus one additional size class larger for every five druid levels you possess. The stones grow and grow during flight, striking like boulders, and return to their normal size and weight as they fall to the ground. This spell can also affect thrown stones, and even those enhanced by the Magic Stone spell (a powerful combination against an undead foe!).

664. Forest Fall - A higher level variation of Avalanche Sling / Shillelagh, this spell, first seen among the elves, can be used on either a spear held in hand, or the arrows of a bow that is subject to this spell, causing a spear to strike with the weight and force of a tree, and arrows to hit like thrown spears, or worse.

665. Good, Bad, I'm the One with the Crossbow - this transmutation causes bolts on your person to animate, loading themselves into your crossbow as fast as you can fire them. The tiny bloodthirsty animus that infuses the animated bolts causes them swerve in mid-flight to strike any living target attempting to evade them, and ignore a living defenders Dexterity bonus to Armor Class (although they do not treat the foe as flat-footed). The crossbow bolts to be affected must have the heads replaced with large shark's teeth, but their damage does not appear to be affected by this change (they are not re-usable) and the crossbow painted with what appears to be a shark's mouth near the front of the stock (the crossbow is re-usable). Bolts that hit a living target remain animated, and attack again on the following round, using the same BAB. They continue attacking each round until they fail (or are destroyed, being attackable as diminutive objects with an AC of 18, Hardness 1, hit points 1), at which point they drop to the ground inert (and broken). Against undead or constructs, about all the spell is good for is allowing one to re-load faster, as the bloodthirsty bolts care nothing for such targets.

666. End of Days - summons Asmodeus (or a setting-appropriate archdevil). Material component is a child born with a tattoo 666 on his body.

Set wrote:
666. End of Days - summons Asmodeus (or a setting-appropriate archdevil). Material component is a child born with a tattoo 666 on his body.

Did you wait long for this one?

667. A New Dawn (or The Day After The End): banishes any evil outsider in range. Undead creatures take 10d6 damage. Other evil creatures 5d6. Good-aligned creatures are healed 5d6 and Restored. If it's night time, the Sun appears in a cloudless horizon. Divine spell level 10.

668. Benevolent Administration (high level, good casters only): cast on a town, shift the governing body's alignment towards Good. Reverse version is for evil casters.

669. Double Team: cast on two allied targets. For the spell's duration, they get +1 to attack rolls, +1 to damage rolls, and +1 AC as long as they stay adjacent.

670. Animenagerie: cast on several animals (totalling as many HD as the caster's), shift their attitude towards frendly.

671. Protect Book: cast on a book, spellbook, or several pages of paper/parchment product, this spell solidifies them (they are still readable, but not writable). Their pages and covers are as hard as steel, and weigh as much (let's say 5 lb for a regular spellbook). This spell can be cast to make shuriken from torn parchment. The paper product can't be folded afterwards (any rolled scroll stays rolled) unless succeeding a DC 30 Strength check - but books can still be opened and closed. The caster can add his personal rune on it so that only he can open and read them. He can also shrink the book, which divides its heavier weight by 8. This spell has a duration of 24 hours and is dismissible.

Dark Archive

Louis IX wrote:
Set wrote:
666. End of Days - summons Asmodeus (or a setting-appropriate archdevil). Material component is a child born with a tattoo 666 on his body.
Did you wait long for this one?

The apocalypse kind of crept on me, actually. I just posted the 666th tiefling trait a few days ago.

I suspect it will be a bit longer before we get to the 666th aasimar trait.

Set wrote:
Louis IX wrote:
Did you wait long for this one?

The apocalypse kind of crept on me, actually. I just posted the 666th tiefling trait a few days ago.

I suspect it will be a bit longer before we get to the 666th aasimar trait.

It's just me, then. I was surprised to see the interesting spells posted for 300 and 404, too.

As for the Aasimar traits (where are those threads?), perhaps the 111th would be enough to be the good-aligned end of the world? I played INS/MV several years ago, and rolling 666 or 111 were major happenstances then (111 was good crit for the angels and bad for the demons, and the opposite goes for 666).

Back on topic...

672. Protect Creature: cast on another creature (touch spell, Fortitude save, additional save each round), morphs them into a shrunk statue of steel for the spell's duration (dismissible, depends on the creature's size - tiny or smaller, or familiar: 1 day/level; small or animal companion: 1 hour/level; medium: 1 minute/level; large: 1 round/level; huge or larger: 1 round). The statue can be used as a club. It has Steel hardness (10) but each damage that goes over the hardness is counted with hardness towards the target's health afterwards (for instance, if a foe Sundering the new club for 2 damage and then 3, the target suffers 25 damage when the spell ends). It can be mended, though. If the statue is destroyed by any mean, the spell ends and the creature dies (no save).

673. Steel Skin: like Stoneskin with more DR

674. Adamantine Skin: same as above, with even more DR

Shadow Lodge

Louis IX wrote:
As for the Aasimar traits (where are those threads?), perhaps the 111th would be enough to be the good-aligned end of the world?

Or 777, but that one is pretty far off in the Aasimar Thread.

Dark Archive

675. Death by Kitty - Your animal familiar increases by four size categories, adjusting its attributes by +24 Str, -4 Dex, +8 Con and gaining +8 natural armor, as well as increasing the damage of its natural attacks by four size categories for 1 minute / level. Improved Familiars do not benefit from this spell, nor can you Share its effects with yourself.

676. Death to Kitty - You can reach out and make a neck-snapping gesture with your hands, causing one animal familiar within close range to make a Will save or suddenly lose the benefits of being Familiar, its link to its master severed for 1 minute / level. During that time, the master is treated as if he did not have a familiar, and the familiar reverts to an Int 2 normal animal of the appropriate form. If the familiar is slain before the duration ends, the master suffers no penalty, and can replace it immediately. Using this spell on your own Familiar is an evil act. Unless it's a cat.

Set wrote:

676. Death to Kitty - (...)

677. Death to Sylvester: same as above. Can target animal companions, eidolons, etc.

Dragonborn3 wrote:
Louis IX wrote:
As for the Aasimar traits (where are those threads?), perhaps the 111th would be enough to be the good-aligned end of the world?
Or 777, but that one is pretty far off in the Aasimar Thread.

Thanks for the link. In relation to the INS/MV game, I mentioned 111 and 666 as roll results from three six-sided dice. Getting 777 with those dice would be quite hard :-)

Back to the topic of listing new spells...

678. Dimensional Anchor, Location: places a dimensional anchor on a location (size depends on level). This has two effects: (1) the location can't shift planes, and (2) no one can shift planes while at this location, nor use dimensional transportation (Dimension Door, Teleportation, Bags of Holding, etc). The second effect also means that nothing can come from another place directly in target location, blocking most Summons. To Summon something, the spellcaster would have to make his summon appear near the target location's edge and move. The first effect isn't really important, except for plane-shifting locations like the old Spelljammer ships :-)

679. Dimensional Perturbance: can target one or more creatures/objects, or a location (this can mean several versions for this spell: Lesser=object; Normal=one creature; Mass=several creatures; Location or Greater=location). Any target creature or object that tries to use dimensional travel suffers 1d4 damage per caster level, has a 5% chance per caster level of failing to shift, and is nauseated for 1d4 rounds. If cast on a location, the spell targets creatures or object trying to use dimensional transportation to and from the location. Items put into or taken from a dimensional container are also targeted by this spell.

680. Containment Wall (or Ward): creates a shapeable wall that's invisible and intangible (not really a wall, then, more like a ward). Any object trying to get from one side to the other is pushed back. To get through, creatures must make a Strength check DC 30 (-1 for every 10 feet of speed). Thrown weapons have 50% chance of not passing through. Ammunition 20%. Incorporeal things can pass through. Can be anchored on a location or a creature. Examples of use: create solid bubbles in water, anchor noxious gases away from the party (or trap a foe in said gases), etc.

681. Magical Containment Wall (or Ward): like above, but targets magic rather than corporeal things: any magic trying to get from one side to the other is subject to a Dispel Magic using the caster's level.

682. Bondage: binds one target in tight ropes.

683. Bandage: binds one wound. Works if target's HP are lower than half its maximum, or if it's bleeding (see Bleed effect). Heals 1d4 damage and stops one point of bleeding.

684. Cast: creates a cast around a broken limb. This stops the after-effects the target suffers from the broken limb (pain, bleeding, infection, etc). Target can use the limb with a 25% efficiency for one day, 50% the following week, 75% the following month. If the limb is a leg, efficiency means walking speed and skills related to moving around (Acrobatics, Climb, etc). If the limb is used to attack, efficiency means BAB, and the cast has a cumulative 5% chance of breaking. If it breaks, the limb is broken again.

685. Salve: creates and apply a healing salve on a poisonous wound. Target gets a new save with a bonus equal to the caster's Heal skill. Can also target burnt skin, which recovers after 1d4 hours. Can't target a wound with another Salve.

686. Salvo: creates the illusion of a cannon blast. Adjacent creatures are deafened for one round and take 2d4 sonic damage. Creatures at 10 feet suffer 1d4 sonic damage.

687. Salvatore: the target grows a long and fine mustache pointing upwards, and speaks bizarrely for the spell's duration (Charisma checks -2 on normal people, +2 on artists, +4 on painters). It also gains +4 in Profession(artist/painter), Perform(artistry/paint), and Craft(work of art/painting).

688. Clarke's Third Law of Prediction: this spell creates one item from the next PL, which the caster can use. It dissipates after one round.

Dark Archive

689. Fire Serpent - material component, a flask of alchemist's fire that is poured out into the air, where it ignites and animates as a Tiny flying ooze that inflicts the damage of alchemist's fire to anyone it strikes. It is treated as incorporeal, and thus difficult to combat. Variations on this spell can be cast with alchemical spark or alchemical frost, if such formula exist in the game world.

690. Elemental Alignment: choose an element-related type of damage (acid, electricity, fire, cold). For the spell's duration, any spell that inflicts one of those type of damage is transformed into the one you chose. Greater version include the other types of damage (Sonic, Force) in the list.

691. Empower Spell: the next spell cast is Empowered, like the metamagic feat, but it also applies to fixed variables (normally, Empower Spell only affects random variables). For instance, using this before Cat's Grace allows for a +6 Dex enhancement. Greater version doubles the spell's variables.

692. Forceful Change Back: if target is polymorphed or using any mean of changing shape, this spell forces them back into their natural form. This also makes them nauseated for 1d6 rounds.

693. Forceful Change: if target is able to polymorph itself without using a spell, this spell forces them into any one shape they can assume. They are fatigued for 1d6 rounds afterwards. If they have a limited number of uses of this ability (like a druid), this expends one of these uses.

694. Lock Change: if target is polymorphed or using any mean of changing their shape, lock them in their current shape for the spell's duration. No save has to be made when the spell is cast. If the target tries to change shape during the spell's duration, he has to succeed a Fortitude save DC 20. For the spell's duration, this DC increase by 2 for each subsequent change. If the save succeeds, the target is nauseated for one round after the change. If it fails, the target doesn't change and is nauseated for 1d6 rounds. Whatever the save result is, the target becomes fatigued for 2d6 rounds after the change.

695. Lock Change, Lesser: exchange one lock with another.

696. Divine Food: creates food and drinks for one creature per caster level. This sustenance is imbued with positive energy (if caster is good or channels positive energy) or negative energy (if caster is evil or channels negative energy). Taking this meal heals or inflicts damage (respectively) on living creatures for 1d4 HP per round of consumption (and the opposite if the people eating are undead... is that even possible?).
The conjured food keeps its magical properties for one hour. It's a normal meal with a soup, some meat with vegetables, a drink, some cheese with bread, and a fruit. The containers disappears when the food loses its magical properties. If the spellcaster succeeds a Profession(Cook) skill check DC 15, he can make sandwiches instead (which can be eaten while adventuring). For each +4 to the DC, the caster can add one hour to the duration.
The food is enough to feed one creature per caster level for 4 rounds (that is 4d4 per level of total healing), but a lesser number of creatures can eat the leftover. If a creature spends 10 or more rounds eating this food (even with pauses in between), they become sickened for 10 minutes per round spent eating. If they continue to eat and reach 20 rounds of consumption, they become nauseated for 1 minute per round spent eating.

697. Divine Food, Lesser: get an insight on what your next meal is.

698. Flame Freezing: cast on a fire, makes it unable to burn. Can be cast on a creature to make it unable to burn - but still subject to fire damage from magic although they gain +5 to their save. Can be cast on a fire creature to make it unable to damage people with fire (its Slam attack still does damage, though).

699. The Last Curse: generally cast by a high-level caster who's tortured to death, this spell targets as many creatures the caster chooses and can see (or a general location centered on the caster's location at that moment, in which case it only affects people living in the area, and those people can escape the curse by permanently moving away). It can include a generation aspect ("you are cursed to the ninth generation"), and its incantation include a very detailed description of the curse ("I curse you, I say! I curse you and your children!"). For each target and each subsequent generation, the caster suffers 1 HP of damage (targeting 10 people with a third-generation curse inflicts 40 damage on the caster; targeting 1000 people with a ninth-generation curse inflicts 10000 damage on the caster). This damage can't be prevented by any means. The curse takes effect upon the caster's death, and inflicts a -1 penalty on all rolls from the targets and their afflicted children - as well as a sense of dread. Each target can escape the curse by making a Will save DC 20 (for large crowds of the same type, apply the bell curve appropriately). Upon having children, both parents have to succeed a Fort save DC 20 or the child is also affected. Since the dead caster's soul fuels the curse, it is automatically lifted if the caster is resurrected. Otherwise, the curse can't be lifted short of a Wish or Miracle.

700. The 700 Club: Higher level version of Spiritual Weapon, does 2d6 up one size category from 1d8. Anyone successfully hit by the club must make a will save or convert to the religion of the caster. While under their new faith, the target sees all non-believers as enemies.

Shadow Lodge

701) Lesser Empower Spell.
As the Empower Spell, except the increase is 25%(rounded down). Thus a burning hands spell that deals four points of damage would instead deal five point of damage.

702)Go for Broke
Chose one weapon when you cast this spell. When the target weapon is used in battle, the first hits deals maximum damage(not encluding extra dmamge dice, such as from sneak attack or the flame weapon enchantment). For instance, a +1 Longsword wielded by a fighter with 16 Str would deal 12 points of damage. While a +1 Flaming Longsword wielding by the same fighter would deal 12 points of dmamge plus 1d6 points of fire damage. There is a 45% chance the weapon gains the broken status after the attack is made(if succesful).

703. Running Fast: for the purpose of the Run action, the target's speed is doubled.

704. Running Start: at the beginning of the target's next turn, he can move his speed as a swift action.

705. Running Nose: target's speech is impaired (25% spell failure) and he might sneeze at the most inopportune moment.

706. Running Joke: each time a player makes a joke out of the game's context, his character hiccups.

707. Running Man: target humanoid is now clothed in bright orange and becomes paranoid.

708. Running Extravaganza: everyone in a 30' radius has their speed doubled and must only use the Run action.

709. Running Joke, Greater: each time a player repeats a joke that has already been made, his character hiccups twice.

710. Running for the Position: if target is in the process of being elected to a position of power, the caster gets information about the target's status in relation to the vote.

711. Running for the Position, Dictatorship version: if target is in the process of being elected, he wins the election.

712. Running for the Position, Recount version: if target is in the process of being elected, switch enough votes so that he is.

713. Running Joke, Inverted: each time the player hiccups, the character has to tell a joke.

714. Running after the White Rabbit: target becomes paranoid against everyone and everything, except one creature (caster's choice) of the same race and of opposite gender, whom he must follow.

715. Running out of Ideas: if target is currently speaking, he finishes his sentence and stops, looking for his lost ideas. Doesn't work if the target has material to help his speech.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

716. Pants: Pantses 1 creature.

717. Spell Checker: Corrects all spelling and grammar in 1 page of writing/level.

718. Greater Spell Checker: Immediately adds all spells in a spell book to your own if you don't already know them.

719. Instant Party: Creates an inn or tavern, complete with kegger and adventurers to recruit.

Shadow Lodge

Louis IX wrote:
711. Running for the Position, Dictatorship version: if target is in the process of being elected, he wins the election.

Here I am, waiting for the seven-hundred and eleventh spell, and this is what I was looking forward too?


720. Spell Relay - A willing creature within 30 feet may be used as the point of origin for your non-self spells. Touch and ranged touch spells require the affected creature to use an action and make the attack rolls.

721. Redirection - As spell relay, but affects another spellcaster's spells instead of your own. Will negates.


Summon Endless Ninjas
School: Conjuration (Summoning); Level: 12
Spellcraft DC: 51
Casting Time: 1 action
Components: V, S
Range: short (25 ft. + 5 ft./level)
Effect: A whole stack of ninjas
Duration: 40 minutes
Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance: no
This spell summons a number of Ninja Minions equal to the character’s caster level. They appear immediately, as close to the designated area as possible. They understand any language the caster can speak and act as directed. When killed, Ninja Minions and their equipment disappear in a puff smoke, leaving behind no trace of their presence. Ninja minions will not take initiative and follow all orders to the letter. They will not attack or do anything except defend themselves unless directed to do so.

Ninja Minion (CR 1/2)
LE Medium Natural Humanoid (Minion, Shadow)
Initiative: +2; Senses: Perception +5, Darkvision
AC: 14 (+2 Dex, +2 Wis)
HP: 1 (Minion)
Fort +1 Ref +4 Will +2
Speed: 30 ft. Attack Bonus: +0/+1
Attack: Ninjato +3 melee (1d6/19-20/x2) or shurikan +2 ranged (1d2+poison)
Special Attack: +1d6 sudden strike
Skills: Acrobatics +6 (+16 Jump), Athletics +4, Disable Device +5, Perception +5, Stealth +7
Feats: Stealthy, Weapon Finesse
Special Abilities: Trapfinding
Str 10 (+0), Con 12 (+1), Dex 14 (+2), Int 12 (+1), Wis 14 (+2), Cha 8 (-1)
Gear: Masterwork Ninjato, 20 shurikans, 5 doses of black adder venom (Fort DC 11/1d6 Con/1d6 Con), 3 flash pellets, ninja garb (+1 on stealth checks)
Ninja Leap: Ninjas have a +10 anime bonus on Jump checks and are always treating as if making a running jump. Ninja Minions are not restricted by their height when making Jump checks.

723. Spice Up: adds flavor to any existing food and/or water (which might be conjured or not). This is a taste-changing effect only, and can't cause allergies from the chosen spice. Any spice the caster knows can be added, including salt and sugar.

I wrote this because our office's coffee machine suddenly found itself devoid of sugar. A not-so-happy experience for me.

724. Purge Knowledge: Range: Long
Erase all written occurances of a specific word or phrase (limit 2 words per caster level) within range of the spell.

725. Alter History: Same as purge Knowlege except the word or phrase can be replaced by a new one instead of simply being erased.

726. Ignorance: Permantently cause 1 target creature per level to become illiterate. That character can no longer read written words regardless of any future attained skill points. This can be undone with a wish or miracle spell.

727. Spectral Hunter: Creates a spectral hunting dog that can track targets for you. The created dog has the scent ability and a survival check equal to your caster level + casting stat.

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