KaeYoss |
KaeYoss wrote:Pulls out Book of Erotic Fantasy. "Oh! Here's some nasty compulsions hehe...!" ^_^
369: Compulsion Curse: Instils specific compulsive behaviour in target.
Yeah, this spell can be used for fun AND profit!
And when you're done affecting targets with obsessive (whatever you're selling) buying disorder and nymphomania, you can get rid of the witness by implanting a really nice compulsion. Like walking up to dwarves and give them detailed descriptions about what nasty things you'd do to their ratty, inadequate beards.
Set |
374. Monkey Ninjas Attack! - 8 size Tiny monkeys, clad in black pajamas, attack the subject character as a swarm, causing Distraction (DC 18), battering damage (2d6 nonlethal) and stealing a single item at random, with a Sleight of Hand skill of 20. They vanish at the end of the round, taking their loot with them. Variations on this spell create taunting pixies, smaller-than-normal goblins (dressed as pirates) and yappy little creatures that resemble anthropomorphic chihuahuas, but the mechanical effects are identical.
375. Hovering Disk - this variation on Floating Disk moves with a fly speed of 30 ft., with direction and speed under the casters mental control, but cannot fly higher than 30 ft. off of the ground (or water, or a similar surface). It can support 200 lbs. / caster level, and is large enough for 1 medium sized creature / caster level to stand.
376. Superior Disk - this variation on Floating Disk functions as Hovering Disk, but is covered with a Tiny Hut effect, affording those riding the disk protection from the elements and a measure of concealment. It can fly up to 100 ft. over the surface of the ground, and flies over water, ice or similar surfaces without incident.
377. Slipped Disk - the subject is wracked with unmanly back spasms and cannot stand erect, being treated as if Staggered until he can make a Fortitude save to end the effect. As a full-round action, any ally capable of lifting his weight can give him a +4 to this saving throw by grappling him and lifting him into the air.
Umbral Reaver |
363. Conversion Shield [Acid|Cold|Electricity|Fire] - Range: Touch. Upon casting any conversion shield spell, select an energy type from acid, cold, electricity or fire. When the subject of the spell receives energy damage of the chosen type, it is changed to the energy type in the spell's name before being applied.
364. Conversion Ray [Acid|Cold|Electricity|Fire] - As Conversion Shield but Range: 30 ft. Ray.
365. Expeditious Emesis - Target creature must make a fortitude save or it immediately vomits up the contents of its stomach into a random adjacent space and is sickened for one round. Any swallowed creatures are placed prone in that space.
366. Articulate Retort - One alchemy lab becomes animated and capable of speech. It uses the caster's crafting feats and skills as its own and will perform potion and alchemy crafting for the caster. The caster's spells are expended when necessary. However, the lab will make especially witty insults whenever spoken to, such that the caster receives a -2 morale penalty to all crafting skill checks for the spell's duration.
Patrick Murphy |
367.Summon Star Metal: summon small asteroid with metallic qualities.
368.Summon Star Steed: summons space beast to help you
369.Speak across the void:talk normally in space.
370.Propulsion: move through vaccuum of space
371.Globe of Atmosphere 10':
372.Spark of life: create life on an asteroid/planet where there was none before; alternatively destroy huge number of undead.
373.Harness Solar Energy: become a conduit for the sun; become as daylight spell, radiate heat, deal fire damage in melee, release fire balls every round.
Steven Purcell |
393. Shockwave-A wave of energy emanates out from the casters space as a 60ft cone. The process of releasing the wave kills the caster but all targets in the path of the wave (including allies and other non-enemy creatures) take 3d6 damage per caster level. The caster requires Resurrection or True Resurrection to restore to life (Raise Dead is insufficient)
Set |
394. You lie, you die. - this spell creates a magical globe of radiant energy that envelops all within a 60 ft. burst of the caster. Anyone currently diguised by any form of illusion or transformation magic is painfully reverted to their natural form, taking 1d6 damage / level of the spell used to alter their appearance and ending that spell immediately. Even those currently benefitting from the mundane disguise skill have their disguise blasted away, taking 1d6 damage. For a creature with a racial ability that alters their form, such as a lycanthrope, aranea or doppleganger, if they are in a form other than their natural form (which, for an aranea or lycanthrope, is their non-human form), they suffer 1d6 damage for each of their base racial HD, while those using a class ability suffer 1d6 damage for each level in the class that class ability requires to attain. (Example; a 12th level Druid in the form of a Large Animal, which requires him to be a 6th level Druid, will take 6d6, while one in the form of a Huge Elemental, which requires him to be a 12th level Druid, will take 12d6!)
Fortitude save for 1/2 damage, but the disguise will still be torn away.
Louis IX |
395. Icarus: target creature flying with wings loses its wings over a couple rounds
396. Old School: target creatures now follows the rules from the previous edition
397. Old School, Greater: target creature now follows the rules from any given previous edition
398. True Form: the caster turns into you, the player, for a day. Using other player's input, try to fit yourself into D&D and play. Might be difficult :-)
399. Matrix: for a round, the target character is conscious of the player's world. They can retrain a given skill or feat on the spot. If given the proper key to a nearby door, they can also teleport to another place with a door.
400. 400: summon 400 Spartan warriors. 100 of them defect ;-)
401. Animagery: the caster gains one Wild Shape use. Use Lesser/Greater versions to vary the equivalent druid's level.
402. Instant Cartography: small prying eyes shoot from the caster and travel some distance into nearby corridors, before coming back and informing him of the place's layout. Each such eye takes 1HP from the caster with them, and these HP are restored when they come back. Greater versions can detect traps and invisible things, pass through doors, evaluate the opposition's CR, even appraise treasure - all these using the caster's skills. The eyes might be detected, and they can be dispelled or followed on their way back. If they are destroyed, the HP involved is lost.
KaeYoss |
407 Heretic. Target loses divine spellcasting ability.
408 Exorcise. Target loses arcane spellcasting ability.
409 Spook. Animals will shy away from target.
410 True Lies. Mundane or magical attempts to determine whether someone is dishonest will always "detect" a lie even if the target is honest and speaks the truth.
Madcap Storm King |
411. Unbreakable Pact. Spell used to bargain with outsiders.
412. Death's Embrace. Protective death aura with a damaging touch attack.
413. Anxiety. Makes a target suspicious of one of his allies.
414. Guzzle. Allows target to drain up to a gallon of liquids from a container each round.
415. Sparks. Damaging sparks can ignite flammable materials.
Madcap Storm King |
416. Cat Scratch Fever. Target gains an aura that attracts hungry cats.
417. Helping Hand. Caster gains a helpful spectral hand.
418. Greased Lightning. As lightning bolt, but greases an area.
419. Wrath of Minos. Turns caster into a minotaur with special abilities.
420. Smoke and Mirrors. Smoke cloud makes foes disoriented and mirrors create terrifying illusions.
DivineAspect |
421. Aid Enhancement: Improves your ability to aid another by 1.
422. Animate Paper: Animates sheets of paper, or folded paper as a concentration duration construct.
423. Bantam Mount: Summons a Mount for a tiny or smaller familiar. It's a chicken which has the same movement as a Mount.
424. Create Thread: Creates a permanent thread, either as embroidery or attached to items within short range. (I've got this one in a game, it makes setting alarm 'wires' really easy)
425. Destroy Flask: Instantly destroys one bottle or flask with a ranged touch attack.
426. Energy Charge: adds 1d4 of energy damage to a weapon for concentration, or to your next attack with a wielded weapon.
427. Fuzz: Grants a 1% miss chance per CL for concentration
428. Grandeur: Provides your Charisma bonus to someone else's roll for a skill which uses charisma.
429. Handiness: Floats an item which you could carry in one hand within arms reach, for 10 minutes per level.
430. Initiative Augmenter: Raises the next initiative roll within 1 minute per level to your CL if it's lower/
431. Jerk: Launches an item of no more then 2 pounds, within short range, as an attack using your CR, with a range increment of 10 + 5 for every 2 CL.
432. Kit: Allows the summoning of phantasmal tools for skill checks with a duration of 1 minute per CL.
433. Lens: Distorts the air to create a lens to make seeing small or distant things easier.
434. Malign Aura: Will save or think you are cursed, suffering a minor morale penalty to rolls until you roll higher then or equal to the casters CL.
435. Nullify Cantrip: Dispel magic for the cantrip spells.
436. Overload: Does CL damage with a touch attack, to subject and caster, long range.
437. Poison Gloves: You can handle poison with a limited form of telekinesis, redicing the risk of accidentally poisoning yourself.
438. Quantify: Long range spell which accurately measures some mundane aspect of a physical item, such as distance, weight, or speed.
439. Rush: Add 5 to all your movements possessed with concentration
440. Smokebomb: Creates a puff of smoke in your present location (5foot square), providing your CL as a bonus to stealth, not cumulative with any other magic bonuses.
441. Transport Object: Allows the caster to teleport a small item from them to another person, with short range.
442. Undervision: Provides Darkvision 5.
443. Vision: Increases vision range by 10' with concentration.
444. Wall of Glass: Blocks line of effect, but not line of sight.
445. Ward bubble: Creates a minute bubble of force in an adjacent square, an enemy moving into it must make a reflex save or it pops and knocks them back into their previous square.
446. Xeno's Paradox: 1% miss chance per CL against arrows.
447. Zip: Adds 10 to someone within short range for their next action.
Set |
423. Bantam Mount: Summons a Mount for a tiny or smaller familiar. It's a chicken which has the same movement as a Mount.
Heh. I like this one. The image of someone's monkey familiar furiously clutching onto the back of a fluttering chicken, blasting away with a wand during a fight, is funny.
447. Zip: Adds 10 to someone within short range for their next action.
Adds 10 what? +10 to their movement speed? +10 to a single attack roll, like a half strength True Strike? +10 inches? (Bom chicka wow wow)
Louis IX |
KaeYoss wrote:404 Not found. The spell you requested could not be foundROFLMAO!!!
And to think he waited the 400 range to do this ;-)
448. Spell check: corrects spelling mistakes on a written document. Greater version: corrects faults of style and involuntary insults in written or spoken word - sometime, expressing oneself in a foreign language can lead to these involuntary insults. Better be prepared when you meet the orc chieftain ;-)
449. Dhalsim's Touch: you grant target creature a 5 ft bonus to its reach (inclusive). Greater version: +10 ft
450. Raise tax: Summon 1d6 gp from everyone in range, Ref save for half.
451. Abomination: on target creature, create one temporary additional limb that this creature already has (an arm, a leg, a wing). Can replace a lost limb. Can be made permanent. Greater version: can add a couple limbs that the creature doesn't already have (wings on a biped, arms on a bird, etc.) This is taxing for the target and requires a Fort save or some damage happen
452. Lumière's work: create a visual effect with sounds, recreating something you have seen. Greater version: you can add other effects (touch, smell, taste, other?) and/or fascinate your audience. Even gain an Oscar.
453. Loss of imagination: for a few minutes, target creature acts in a standard way, not using unusual tactics, feats, and spells. Might not be noticeable on fighters ;-) Spellcasters-only can still cast spells, but are limited to one spell for each spell level.
454. Art Fraud: choose one of two effects. (1) create a tangible work of art (sculpture, painting) that appears to be good, but transforms into sand one day later. (2) cast on an existing work of art, to detect if it's genuine and good.
455. Delayed Blast Fart: er... I didn't write that, did I? Self-explanatory, though.
456. Second Guess: choose (1) reroll a Knowledge check or (2) on a failed Will save, the target spends too much time pondering its actions, and can only use a full-round action every other round (it can still use a standard action per round).
457. Happy thoughts: raises the target's morale by one step (panicked>frightened>shaken>normal) and raises its attitude by one step (hostile>indifferent>friendly) ; counters and countered by Depression: target becomes shaken and indifferent
458. The Truth is Out There: target creature don't believe anyone, and might be self-convinced that the government is hiding alien corpses in Area 51... whatever that is in your game world ;-)
459. Project Management: a project (crafting an item, building a castle, etc.) you are working on gets a 10% cut in time and ressource, but a 5% raise in global price.
460. Darwin's Boon: for a while, target creature gains a +1 in its highest stat, and -1 in its lowest ; counters and countered by All Men Are Created Equal, which does exactly the opposite.
461. Monotheism: target creature or group now believe in one god, and might take offence if seeing other gods worshipped around them.
462. Feast of Atonement: like that other Feast spell with Atonement mixed in. Sometimes, religious revels end up in wine and sin, but it's in the gods' name so all is good ;-)
Louis IX |
463. Instant Heir: produces an heir of target creature. Several options: (1) increased fertility for "normal" heir creation; (2) a commoner steps forwards and reveals to be the lost son/daughter of target; (3) a child or adult appears next to the target.
464. Coffee Jolt (cantrip): remove Fatigued condition for a while. If used too much, target becomes Exhausted and this cantrip only makes him Fatigued instead. Can be used to not sleep during guard.
465. System Failure: either (1) the government body fails in governing, or (2) a machine or spell you are touching stops working.
466. System Crash: as above, with negative effects (riots/explosions)
467. Pedantism: your speech pattern change and become more articulate. You get -2 to your Charisma-related skill checks when dealing with regular people, and +2 when dealing with the upper class (nobles, high priests, etc.)
468. Career Switch: target creature moves all skill points from one of its skill (caster's choice, which can be "his highest skill") to another one of your choice. If there are points remaining, target can reaffect them as they want. Will save negates.
Louis IX |
469. Imaginary Illness: target believes he's affected by an illness of your choice. With Greater version, target can even display symptoms of said illness, and die. But it's not an illness, it's a curse (to cure, use the usual means: Remove Curse, Break Enchantment, etc.). Will save negates. If target has to suffer negative effects from the illness, he gets an additional Fort save for his body to "realize" it's not a real illness.
470. Inventory: creates a scroll with the list of everything in a given container. Alternatively, lists everyone or everything in a place. Lesser version gives the general type and the numbers might not be accurate. Greater version can display more information.
471. Submit Poll: target audience stops doing whatever they were doing to reflect on the poll and answer (Will save). Can lead to unemployment later. Can be in the lines of "Give me 2000 spell ideas, please" ;-)
Louis IX |
472. Death Ward, Slime style: this spell is a mix between Contingency and the slimes' ability of splitting. If the target dies during the spell's duration, it is split in two halves who regenerate into two identical copies of the same creature with half the original's total HP. The copies can't use spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities, and they get a -1 penalty to their attack and damage rolls. When the spell duration expires, the two halves transform into ashes and disperse. Only a True Resurrection or Wish/Miracle can bring the original creature back to life.
473. Compression and Redundancy Check: cast on a book, this spell shrinks in half the volume of text, or restores it to normalcy. It can either shrink the book as well, or leave the other pages blank. From then on, only the caster can read the book normally, other character will need to use Read Magic or True Seeing. This doesn't work on books with active magic (from this spell, glyphs, arcane marks, fire traps, etc). When the book is compressed, adding to the book can be compressed only if the caster is the one writing on it. This spell can work on a spellbook (making it effectively capable of holding twice its normal number of spells), but the caster must succeed a Spellcraft check with a DC of 10 + the highest spell level. This DC increase by +10 if the spellbook doesn't belong to the caster.
474. Surgical Precision: the (touched) target's next attack gets +10 but its HP damage is halved. Other effects, such as poison, works normally. Can be cast as an immediate action, but the caster can't cast a spell on his next round.
475. Strategic Command: in a large battle, the caster can see the whole battlefield as if from above, and communicate telepathically with all his allies. It strains the mind, though: during the spell's duration and for an hour after the its completion, the caster can't cast spells. His body is helpless while the spell is active, and exhausted for an hour afterwards.
476. Arcane Allergy: the target becomes allergic to arcane magic (ref/will save, whichever is better). Any spell doing damage has said damage increased by 1 point per dice (not cumulative with itself). If the target is an arcane spellcaster, any spell cast deals damage equal to the spell level (this damage is dealt just after the spell is cast).
477. Sorcery Switch: a sorcerer casting this spell loses access to one spell and learns another (of the same level) that he had seen cast or experienced in the previous minute.
478. Familiarity: target is the caster's familiar, if he has one. This gives said familiar a temporary increase of intelligence and wit, and speech. It can then insult the wizard in every manner possible for all past treatment.
479. Music For the Masses: the targeted bard's performance instill a deeper devotion in the audience. The next divine spell cast on them or by them gets a +1 caster level.
480. Force of Nature: when targeting a creature polymorphed into a natural creature (excluding the possible abominations/undead/constructs/ooze morphs), said creature gets the following adjustments, cumulative with its current form: Str +4, Dex -4, Con +2, Int -2. If the target was able to cast spells, they can't while this spell is active. It is active for one minute, or until the polymorph effect expires.
Louis IX |
Sorry if some of my ideas already exist in some Spell Compendium or another book which I don't have.
481. Realization (or "you won't sell me your death tubes"): if target creature has unhealthy activities (according to the caster's own style of life - might be smoking, gorging in food, kleptomania, going to church... anything, really) during the spell's duration (days), he'll have to make a Will save DC 10 before engaging in each of these activities.
482. Sportmanship: during the spell's duration, target creatures (of intelligence greater than an animal's) only use non-lethal versions of their attacks if they aren't lethally attacked first. If a fight finishes before the spell's duration ends, the winner wakes the loser, they shake hands, go on about "it was a good fight", and separate peacefully (they return to the olympic village ;-)
483. Metal Allergy: each round of the spell's duration, target creatures suffers 1 hp of damage for each metallic item they are touching with their skin (typically, these are armor and blades, but other things might incur this: taking coins from a pouch, being manacled, etc).
Louis IX |
484. Jump: target creature is thrown in the air. If used on enemies, they can be thrown haphazardly and fall to their death. If used on allies, they can direct their jump and either land on trees or land safely as though using feather fall. Mass version targets group of creatures.
485. Laser Blade: turns a blade into a laser blade for a few rounds. If used on a nonmagical blade, it melts and becomes destroyed after the spell ends. If used on a magical blade, it temporarily removes its bonuses while the spell is active, but the blade isn't destroyed at the end - although it's really hot for the same duration, inflicting something like 1d4 damage (see Heat Metal). A laser blade cuts through almost anything, bypassing armor, hardness, and some DR.
486. Surprise Pounce: for the target's next attack, he can use a full-attack after a move, as if he had the Pounce ability.
487. Flying Castle: this spell makes an existing house-sized object (or a ship) slowly levitate (with some its supporting ground). Once airborne, it can be directed around with the same sluggish speed. This spell ought to be permanent, unless the caster's goal is to make it crush a large area. It can be cast several times to affect a larger building.
488. Free Spell Slot: this spell can be used to cast another spell which level is lower. Obviously not used by Sorcerers.
489. Hermetic Tongue: long duration. Caster and designated allies can communicate in a new language, possibly confusing listeners.
Louis IX |
490. Speed Reversal: on a given area, all speeds are reversed, based on the caster's walking speed. For a medium-sized caster (walking speed 15 ft), the formula in feet is S'=225/S.
491. Advanced Contingency: like Contingency, but with a more complex algorithm. Any spell can be cast, but, until the contingency condition occurs, the caster loses the maximum number of spell slots used by the contingency(*). If these spells include material components, the caster must have them when the contingency occurs. He has to make the appropriate gestures and utter the appropriate incantations uninterrupted when he casts the Advanced Contingency spell, which might take time.
(*) for instance, if the algorithm says:
> If condition X occurs,
> then cast spell A (spell level 5),
> otherwise, if condition Y occurs,
> then cast spells B (level 2) then C (level 4)
The spells cast are either A or B+C, and the minimum slots used are one level 5 (for either A or C) and one level 2 (for the possible use of B).
492. Guess Player's Job: can be used to recognize someone's job from clues like forum posts. From #491, you can guess I'm in the computing domain. Since KaeYoss gave you the Wave of Feces spell, let's guess what his job is... or let's not ;-)
KaeYoss |
492. Guess Player's Job: can be used to recognize someone's job from clues like forum posts. From #491, you can guess I'm in the computing domain. Since KaeYoss gave you the Wave of Feces spell, let's guess what his job is... or let's not ;-)
I also have the computing domain. The list of bonus spells is nice enough.
And as a fellow IT professional you should recognise that Wave of Faeces spell. ;-)
KaeYoss |
Oh, and I see your puny if-elseif contingency, and raise you an:
493 Spell procedure: Casts a determined succession of spells in order. You need to expend all the necessary spell slots (the one for spell procedure and for all the component spells). Casting is a standard action, but after that, you automatically cast one spell per round (in order), on your turn, as a free action.
DivineAspect |
495. Combat Avatar - Gives your CL as bonus to split between BAB and AC to a summoned creature, for concentration.
496. Periscope (Divination Cantrip) - see from an adjacent square, around corners or through closed doors.
497. Mix Well (Transmutation Cantrip) - Targets an object with multiple objects in it (such as a spell component pouch), have a 50% chance of drawing the wrong thing the next time it's drawn from. Also useful for dissolving poisons in drinks or making soup.
Set |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
30-ish cantrips;
498. Breeze - creates a cool breeze that moves with you, fanning flames, repelling smoke, stirring up ground fog or cooling the overheated.
499. Vocalization - replicate the vocalization of any animal you have ever heard, replicating it flawlessly.
500. Scent of the Predator - normal animals require a Will save to approach you, predatory animals gain a bonus to the save.
501. Command Animal - similar to command but only affects an animal, and only an animal that recognizes the spoken command being given (in other words, one trained to respond to vocal commands).
502. Harness the Wild Spirit - makes any trainable animal more tractable for one day, giving +2 to any Handle Animal, Ride, Wild Empathy or Profession: Teamster checks you make with the affected animal.
503. Attract Animals - you send out a silent call that attracts all normal animals within close range to wander up to you. If attacked or threatened, they react normally, but otherwise just stare at you for as long as you maintain concentration, and will follow you if you begin slowly moving away. (Can only take a 5' step while maintaining Concentration.)
504. Call Companion - sends out a call to any Animal Companion, Special Mount or Familiar so long as they remain on the same plane as you. The animal has a sense of you direction and distance for up to eight hours after the call is sounded, or until the animal reaches your position.
505. Focus Faith - with a few drops of holy (or unholy) water, you bless your holy (or unholy) symbol, conferring +3 hit points of damage *or* a +1 to the DC to resist your next use of Channel Energy, chosen at the time of the casting. A single flask of holy water has enough 'drops' to fuel 10 castings of this spell.
506. Sunsymbol - Your holy symbol is infused with the power of the sun, and the next time you channel energy, you also produce illumination as a torch for 1 round per die of damage inflicted (or healed). Channel Energy attempts that inflict damage to any creature that is adversely affected by sunlight (spectres, vampires, etc.) inflicts +1 hit point / die.
507. Alert Undead - all undead within close range are immediately alerted to your presence as a surge of negative energy flares outward from your person. Unintelligent undead automatically turn to look in your direction, which may ruin any pretense of being 'dead bodies,' while intelligent undead are allowed a Will save to resist such an obvious display.
508. Analyze Corpse - you can determine the length of time a corpse has been dead, both determining date and general time of day of death. An undead creatures gains a Will save to resist this spell, and if they fail, you know how long has passed since their mortal death.
509. Find the Deathwound - you wave a satchet of freshly cut leaves and grasses over the body, and it 'pulls' towards the source of the injury that ended the life of the target, with the plants withering and blackening as they find the fatal wound. (In the case of ingested venom, the lips and stomach may be targeted, for instance.) You gain a sense of how the victim died, in addition to this visible display (by blade, fire, poison, spell, etc.). Undead are allowed a Will save to resist this spell, but if they fail you sense how they died (energy drain, disease, etc.).
510. Crawling Claw - you animate one severed hand into a Tiny Skeleton or Zombie for 1 minute (depending on how much flesh remains). The hand withers at spells end, burned out by these energies.
511. Sterilize - you release a flood of negative energies that kill all of the micro-organisms within close range of your person that are not already within another creature (living or undead). You can concentrate these energies solely within your own body, if you wish, allowing a second save to purge yourself of disease, and also causing nausea (nauseated 1 round), 1 point of temporary Constitution damage, queasiness (1d6 nonlethal damage) and infertility (lasting 24 hours if you are male, or 2d8 days if you are female).
512. Create Stones - you conjure small smooth round stones, weighing about 2 lbs each, which you can use as projectile weapons (1d3 damage if size M, 1d2 if size S, range increment 10 ft). The stones disappear one round after leaving your hand, but the spell lasts 1 minute and you can create stones as a free action throughout that time.
513. Coalstone - You cause a diamond to return to its original state as a lump of coal, releasing stored heat and pressure back into the environment in the process. For every 1 gp value of the diamond, it will release heat equal to a burning coal for 1 day, inflicting 1 hp of Fire damage if held for an entire round.
514. Greater Coalstone - 4th level spell, causes a diamond to explosively release fire and force, inflicting 1d6 damage / caster level, half of which is Fire and half of which is Force, requiring a 100 gp. diamond as a material component, and having a range dependent upon how far you can chuck the diamond before it explodes...
515. Test Soil - you can gauge the quality of soil within close range throughout the time of concentration, walking slowly to evaluate an entire field. The spell identifies good areas for planting, sources of possible taint (underground sources of rusting metal, for example), but does not explain why areas are 'good' or 'bad,' merely steering the caster towards the best places.
516. Hand Aflame - your hand catches on fire, illuminating the area as a torch. You can strike a foe with your burning hand inflicting +1d3 flame damage, but ending the spell, as it requires light concentration, and you cannot perform any action more strenous than movement while maintaining the spell. These flames do not harm you or your equipment, even if you handle a scroll with that hand.
517. Firefinger - You can inflict 1d3 fire damage to a single target within close range by pointing at it. An alternate version of this spell, Spitfire, requires you to spit at the target, but is mechanically identical.
518. Sanctify Area [Good] - you sanctify an area with bolstering energy that causes all within the 10' radius circle to gain a +1 deflection bonus to AC and a +1 resistance bonus to saving throws against Evil creatures, as long as they do not leave the area. It lasts 1 minute or as long as you retain total concentration, but you must choose which duration is to apply as you cast the spell. This spell can be cast as a [Law] spell, affecting Chaotic foes, an [Evil] spell, affecting Good foes, or a [Chaos] spell, affecting Lawful foes.
519. Cause Rash - you conjure a misty cloud of irritating fluid that gives a -2 circumstance penalty to Dexterity for 1 minute on a single target if it fails its Fort save. Creatures resistant to Acid or immune to poison are unaffected by this irritating fluid (and bonuses to saving throws versus either apply to the Fort save vs. this irritant), but spell resistance does not apply.
520. Remove Pain - you may remove any penalties inflicted from non-magical sources of pain for as long as your retain concentration on the spell, or for 1 minute, determined at the time of casting.
521. Divine Edibility - you can determine whether a substance is edible or not. It will not name poisons, or differentiate them from diseases, spoilage, inedibility, etc. merely tell whether the substance is safe and nourishing.
522. Appraise - by hefting or touching an item over the course of 1 minute, you can sense the gold piece value of the item. It will not differentiate whether or not the gemmed eyes of a 2000 lb statue represent 99% of its value, only you choose to only analyze one of the eyes, independently of the statue.
523. Counting Beans - this cantrip counts the exact numbers of like things within a 1 ft. cube / caster level. It can be cast to tell 'how many coins are in this chest' or 'how many copper pieces are in this chest,' but will not otherwise differentiate between coin types, gem types, etc. Three castings would be need to count the number of copper, silver and gold coins in a chest seperately.
524. Know Duration - the caster can specify any one spell in effect within close range and will learn exactly how much duration remains before that spell expires. If cast upon a spell, incantation or ritual that takes more than a standard action to cast while it is being cast, the spell will inform the caster exactly how much time remains before this magic-working is complete. This spell is a free action to cast.
525. Orders - this spell acts as a Command spell, but it only affects Lawful targets, and can only give them commands that would be lawful and further the interests of law. DM adjudication may be required, as points of law can be tricky and subjective...
526. Heal Plants - this cantrip removes infestations, parasites and disease from a large plant (such as a tree) or all related smaller plants (such as a crop of some sort) within a 20 ft. square. Used on plants with hit point scores, this effect cures 1d3 points of damage.
527. Blossom - this spell causes one plant (or several smaller ones, or just a part of a large tree) to immediately 'blossom' producing fruit, nuts, vegetables or flowers, regardless of season. One meal worth of such provender can be created from a single casting, regardless of level, or the size of the plant(s) affected. This spell cannot be used twice in the same year on a plant, as it artificially forces the plant to advance a season, and therefore skips it's next productive season.
528. Liven - this cantrip refreshes a single large plant (such as a tree) or a smaller group of related plants within a 20 ft. square (such as a crop, or small herb garden). The plants affected are treated as if they had received adequate water and nutrition (and favorable weather conditions) over the past 24 hours, allowing the caster to maintain a small garden in an otherwise inhospitable climate.
529. Repel Insects - non-magically compelled mundane insects will avoid the spell recipient for 1 hour, or for the duration of light concentration (movement only, no other spells may be cast). If cast upon a tree, or a 20 ft. area of plant life, harmful insects will similarly avoid the area, while those beneficial to the plants in the area (such as bees) will be unaffected.
530. Warning - this cantrip places a magical trap on an item, causing it to warn the caster the next time anyone other than he touches it. The warning can be audible (in his own voice, and no louder than he can shout), or silent, alerting only him by mental signal (waking him from a sound sleep, if necessary). The duration is 8 hours.
531. Close Portal - one door or window within close range slams shut. It does not automatically lock itself, although one with a sliding latch might lock automatically when it slams shut, if the door is designed that way). If the portal requires more than 20 lbs of force to move, such as a door that has been pinned open with a piton, the spell fails.
532. Mass Close Portal - 1st level, as the above, but affects 1 door or window / caster level, +1 per point of his casting modifier (Int mod for a Wizard, Cha mod for a Sorcerer).
533. Disguise Scent - the touched subject has no scent for 1 hour, although other materials splashed upon him later may 'paint' him with new odors. A creature that does not wish to be 'de-scented,' such as a troglodyte, is allowed a save to resist.
534. Elemental Ward - you place an elemental ward upon a single item. The next person besides yourself who touches it within 1 minute takes 1d4+1 points of energy damage. Only Bards can place Sonic energy wards, Sor/Wiz can place Cold, Electrical, Acid or Fire wards.
Louis IX |
Actually, it was spontaneous. I was writing down the number of the spell and then it hit me.
Some things just hit us when we least expect them...
I also have the computing domain. The list of bonus spells is nice enough.
And as a fellow IT professional you should recognise that Wave of Faeces spell. ;-)
...and some things just hit the fan when we least expect them.
Well, I didn't recognise it per se, perhaps because my colleagues and I don't swear in English.Oh, and I see your puny if-elseif contingency, and raise you an:
493 Spell procedure: Casts a determined succession of spells in order. (...)
At least there's some choice in there (as Neo said, the problem is the choice). And... puny? I'll give you puny, you script-monger! ;-)
537. KaeYotic Punyshment: while this spell is active, any spell cast that mimics programming will turn into that wave of... yes, that other spell.
538. KaeYotic Presence: while someone signs something with a name homonym to Chaos, Chaos itself descend onto the forum.
All in good spirits of course :-)
And, since we're WoF-deep in IT, there's some more:
539. KaeYotic Recursivity and Fuzzy Logic: when a sequence of spells involved in an algorithmic contingency or procedure calls itself again, the spellcaster usually loses all his spellcasting abilities until the contingency is executed. This spell creates an Animated Invisible homonculus (I call it AI :-) that stores spell energies that's only to be used for such a goal. Each day spent without setting off the contingency, there's a cumulative 1% chance that the AI emancipates itself, becoming an invisible stalker or something else entirely.