Loot and a Kleptomaniac PC

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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Ok random question, How many players loot every thing in an adventure ?
What I'm talking about is Weapons, Ammo, Armour and of course Art/Goods (I.E Rugs, Tapestries, Statuettes etc.)

The reason l ask is that l thinking about a new Halfling PC that is going to be a bit of a Kleptomaniac, she deals with it by looting everything she can when she is adventuring, This is all so what drived her to a life as an adventurer

As my DM has said, there is no amount of loot and no amount of difficulty that will prevent me from carrying off ALL of it. I start games with 2 mules, a wagon, spare wheel, spare axel, tarp covering, and a mind to loot the planet.

And reach Oregon, of course.

Back in 2ed I had a Fighter/Thief that literally stripped entire dungeons of everything. Literally, everything. He kept multiple bags of holding and portable holes, tools, and a heavy cart parked by the dungeon door which he used to haul away anything that looked to even be remotely valuable, or that might look good in his house. Statues, giant iron-bound doors inlaid with silver and gems, tapestries, furniture, stone fountains, you name it, he'd gank it. If it wasn't nailed down he'd snag it, if it WAS nailed down, he had a crowbar, rope, and winches.

One of my fav times were finding Netherese-era ruins near Waterdeep. The place was pretty ordinary, but there were something like 6 complete dinnerware sets untouched. We very carefully removed them all and sold them at an auctionhouse in Waterdeep, pointing out that complete sets of impossibly old China would likely sell for a fortune.

I think they were just written in there as fluff. The DM could hardly believe it when we carted it all away, then convinced the auctionhouse that they would make a killing taking them off our hands.

LOL!!!!!!! OMG! ROFLCOPTER!!!! Thank you for the old school Oregon Trail reference!

Remember this: a raging barbarian can carry a pretty massive load, so use the buddy system when looting! You pack, he carries!

Dark Archive

At lest l know now its not just a silly idea, now l have to think up an idea for some back history and how l would role-play her .... and how to get all the loot out the dungeon lol

The only time we don't loot everything is if one of our players is a paladin. You don't really need a raging barbarian. Just bring a dwarf.

I was DM and the party had just defeated a dragon and were bound and determined to haul off every last copper of the dragon's hoard. They bought heavy strongboxes by the dozen to hold all of the coins, several wagons and carts to haul the strongboxes, etc. When they later figured it all up, they lost money getting all of the copper out of the dragon's lair, but each one of them said it was worth it to leave the dragon's cave bare.

The real key to cleaning out a dungeon is the necessary use of tools and storage devices. Use the Scout's motto...always be prepared.

Dosgamer wrote:
The real key to cleaning out a dungeon is the necessary use of tools and storage devices. Use the Scout's motto...always be prepared.

And come with a Shrink Item spell. My sorceress had several boxes she made herself that were exactly the dimensions allowed by the spell. When the time came, she whipped them out and filled them up. Even better than Bags of Holding, especially if you metamagic-rod the AoE.

The Roy wrote:
The only time we don't loot everything is if one of our players is a paladin. You don't really need a raging barbarian. Just bring a dwarf.

Just bring a druid. Load it down before it uses wild shape then load it down again in the form of a quadruped animal.

Is this about greed or kleptomania?

I thought it was about kleptomania.
For a kleptomaniac, here are some ideas
a.) have a really gigantic list of odds and ends on your character sheet (ie. ball of twine, gold locket with the picture of a guy you don't know, one left shoe, etc.). The more random the better. You'll never know when or if this stuff will be useful and when people say "gee, if we only had X", you can pull it out.
b.) take stuff from other characters - not stuff they really need and not anything that's valuable, but just random stuff and use it in front of them (so they take it back and complain about it (in a fun way))
c.) as I mentioned earlier, don't try to steal a larger amount of the loot for yourself. In most campaigns (certainly every campaign I'll ever want to play in), doing this is a bad idea as it leads to either one-upmanship or bad feelings between players. Rule 0 for players is "don't be a dick"
d.) Remember, kleptos don't steal because they are greedy, they steal to steal - so it's not about the value of the item you're stealing

I think you should try to convince your GM to let you have the Pathfinders Chronicler's Deep Pockets ability (perhaps as a feat, or just at a lower gp amount).
This would nicely symbolize your stealing random stuff in towns.
On the other side, I think he should make secret pick pocket rolls for you, whenever you are going around in town (especially market places or shops), since being a kleptomaniac, you aren't really aware of what you are doing in the moment.
This might add some lovely scenes, where you are caught stealing without you knowing what you've stolen.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Do we really need Pathfinder Kender?

John Spalding wrote:
Do we really need Pathfinder Kender?


Charender wrote:
John Spalding wrote:
Do we really need Pathfinder Kender?


We take everything. In our last campaign the druid would shift into a stegosaurus and haul everything out. Coincidentally, we now find ourselves adventuring in a lot of ruins and "abandoned" dungeons.

bags of holding are your friend. I have been in 2 campaigns where we had 6 bags of holding III between the party and we still needed to track the weight and space everything was taking up. We were pretty much carrying entire buildings in those bags. We took everything that wasnt nailed down, removed the nails and took that too.

Playing a Kender is automatic expulsion from the table.
Do not pass 'Go'.
Do not collect two hundred gold pieces.

CourtFool wrote:

Playing a Kender is automatic expulsion from the table.

Do not pass 'Go'.
Do not collect two hundred gold pieces.


Mirror, Mirror wrote:
CourtFool wrote:

Playing a Kender is automatic expulsion from the table.

Do not pass 'Go'.
Do not collect two hundred gold pieces.

He's a poodle. He wants to be the silliest thing at the table.

KaeYoss wrote:
Mirror, Mirror wrote:
CourtFool wrote:

Playing a Kender is automatic expulsion from the table.

Do not pass 'Go'.
Do not collect two hundred gold pieces.
He's a poodle. He wants to be the silliest thing at the table.


Liberty's Edge

TheChozyn wrote:
KaeYoss wrote:
Mirror, Mirror wrote:
CourtFool wrote:

Playing a Kender is automatic expulsion from the table.

Do not pass 'Go'.
Do not collect two hundred gold pieces.
He's a poodle. He wants to be the silliest thing at the table.

Also: they are Kender. They need to be exterminated.

BobChuck wrote:
TheChozyn wrote:
KaeYoss wrote:
Mirror, Mirror wrote:
CourtFool wrote:

Playing a Kender is automatic expulsion from the table.

Do not pass 'Go'.
Do not collect two hundred gold pieces.
He's a poodle. He wants to be the silliest thing at the table.
Also: they are Kender. They need to be exterminated.

And I suppose YOU have a "final solution" in mind...

[/joke](I don't want anyone getting offended by this, but I like Kender AND Gully dwarves, and I think they get schafted unnecessairly)

KaeYoss wrote:
He's a poodle. He wants to be the silliest thing at the table.

In my games, I am the silliest thing at the table.

How do you exterminate Kender?

Invade villages with armies? That is a great boost to the kender economy.

Scare them away? Fearless

outnumber them? Good luck you'll get grappled! (and robbed)

Send in armies of undead?
Don't you know that at least one kender in a band has a +5 ghost touch, returning, slingstone of disruption (that he did not know he had!).....

Why all the hate for kender must be the NPCs rather than the PCs...

Freddy Honeycutt wrote:

How do you exterminate Kender?

Invade villages with armies? That is a great boost to the kender economy.

Scare them away? Fearless

outnumber them? Good luck you'll get grappled! (and robbed)

Send in armies of undead?
Don't you know that at least one kender in a band has a +5 ghost touch, returning, slingstone of disruption (that he did not know he had!).....

Why all the hate for kender must be the NPCs rather than the PCs...

No, Kender must be exterminated. (As a matter of fact, halfling rogues are pretty much delegated to enemies in my campaigns. Anyone even SUGGESTING the idea of a kender-like character is booted from the group. Permenantly.)

Tasslehoff was a great character concept. To suddenly make the entire race into Tasslehoff ruined it for me.

So, all kender must die. Killing a kender isn't a crime, it's your civic duty.

Kill a kender today. Preferably by beating him to death with a non-evil drow. (Especially if it's a non-evil drow ranger). Then burn the evidence, just to be sure.

Kender are fun... I once played in an all Kender adventuring party...

It was like watching a group of ADD Border Collies on speed try to herd a fire hydrant.

gigglestick wrote:
Kill a kender today. Preferably by beating him to death with a non-evil drow. (Especially if it's a non-evil drow ranger). Then burn the evidence, just to be sure.

Reminds me of the beginning of the Webcomic Goblins... lol The non-evil drow ranger part.

That is no way to treat the LG exalted Paladin Kender!

I see you hate the steretype, that is fine...

I second the call exerminate all stereotypes!

*cue Flight of the Concordes*

Their kleptomaniac tendencies
What did it lead to?
Annoying Tasselhoff cloning
Broken! Unbalanced!

So the Mathlords all decided
that the only optimal solution

And now the Kender are dead
The Kender are dead
We brought in halflings from Athas
Who devoured their asses
The Kender are dead

Nothing would eat a kender.

Kender are not tasty
Kender are not juicy

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

Do you want to play a kleptomaniac character, or a greedy character?

In the former case, let me warn you that mental illness isn't fun. It isn't happy happy times, it isn't wacky. It's a debilitating disease that impairs social interaction, and this is a social game. Do not under any circumstances decide that you're going to roleplay actual kleptomania realistically, because the other players will hate you for making an antisocial character and rightly so. Decide what it is your character does, then run these things past the rest of the party first. They have every right to veto, say, pickpocketing other party members.

Kender deserve a lot of the hate they get because many of their racial attributes are nothing but excuses to be obnoxious to the rest of the group. That's not cool. Being fearless, resourceful, happy-go-lucky, and a tad naïve are perfectly entertaining character attributes, and if that's the direction you want to go more power to you. Being impossible to drag away from a suicidal situation or a thief who preys on the rest of the party or a completely social incompetent who refuses to shut up, those are qualities that annoy the crap out of other players and should not be encouraged.

Do not make a character who is antisocial/obnoxious without getting the whole group's OK, even if you have an in-universe justification for doing so. If you make a character who feels that it's okay to steal from the party, then you'll quickly have a party who decides it's okay to prop a chair against your character's room's door and leave in the middle of the night.

If you're playing a merely greedy character, that's less problematic. It's perfectly in-genre to have D&D characters stripping stuff off the walls. Try to avoid making a character who is going to keep things back from the rest of the party, but a character who's constantly appraising everything and trying to run off with the furniture is pretty amusing and challenges only the GM (who can probably handle it).

Freddy Honeycutt wrote:
Why all the hate for kender must be the NPCs rather than the PCs...

In my case, it is because kender have been the race of choice for the guy who wants to be a jerk to everyone else at the table and hide behind 'in character' excuses. Of course when the party turns on the kender 'in character', suddenly that's not fair.

Freddy Honeycutt wrote:

Nothing would eat a kender.

Kender are not tasty
Kender are not juicy

Tell that to the Athasians. 7 days sucking Kank nectar make one...want to eat a Kender.

CourtFool wrote:
In my case, it is because kender have been the race of choice for the guy who wants to be a jerk to everyone else at the table and hide behind 'in character' excuses. Of course when the party turns on the kender 'in character', suddenly that's not fair.

True, but the kender would just be third on the podium of annoying characters.

The second guy on the podium would be the paladin, the player thinking he's got a license to be a tyrant of morality.
And the very first, at the top of the podium, would be the CN character, thinking he's got a license to play a psychopath, with no respect for the group or his fellow players, and can play a CE character while not flashing on detect evil radars.

A Man In Black wrote:
In the former case, let me warn you that mental illness isn't fun. It isn't happy happy times, it isn't wacky. It's a debilitating disease that impairs social interaction, and this is a social game.

You know, I PLAY with someone who suffers from mental illness, and they get along fine. I understand what you are trying to say, but it is not coming out quite right.

And it's all how you RP the illness. Some people can actually play an entertaining Malkavian without being an annoying t#$%.

CourtFool wrote:
Freddy Honeycutt wrote:
Why all the hate for kender must be the NPCs rather than the PCs...
In my case, it is because kender have been the race of choice for the guy who wants to be a jerk to everyone else at the table and hide behind 'in character' excuses. Of course when the party turns on the kender 'in character', suddenly that's not fair.

I played a halfling thief that replaced the paladins codpiece with a flimsy ceramic copy after he wrongfully accused my character of stealing from the party (it tirned out to be the mind-controlled ranger).

I never saw a player get so paranoid before in my life...

I have been lucky in that I have not had to deal with too many Paladins and I do not think any of them were played as Lawful Stupid.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

Mirror, Mirror wrote:

You know, I PLAY with someone who suffers from mental illness, and they get along fine. I understand what you are trying to say, but it is not coming out quite right.

And it's all how you RP the illness. Some people can actually play an entertaining Malkavian without being an annoying t@##.

And you tolerate any issues because real people tolerate things their friends can't help all the time. This is just a natural part of playing a game with friends, and extends to issues that are much less serious than mental illness. If someone is on-call all the time for work, they miss some sessions. If someone's phobic about acid or spiders, you don't run games with black dragons or spider swarms. Etc. A player's personal issues, medical or otherwise, that interfere with the game are a part of life, and you work around them as best you can.

Making a character with personal issues that interfere with the game is not cool. A person who is a kleptomaniac cannot help themselves. A character who is a kleptomaniac cannot help themselves, but you didn't have to make that character that way. I'm not saying that there isn't a place for a character who has aspects of real mental illness, but that fictional mental illness isn't an acceptable excuse for making obnoxious or antisocial characters.

I hate Kender just because my wife plays them soooo well, its annoying. She's like a kender in a womans body anyway so when she plays the damn things...........

And yes she does play the stereo-typical kender, but no in an @rse way. She doesnt do stuff just to annoy the party or me as DM, its just here kenderisms that make it hard for me. But she is funny and fun when she does play them, dont tell her I said that :)

CourtFool wrote:
In my case, it is because kender have been the race of choice for the guy who wants to be a jerk to everyone else at the table and hide behind 'in character' excuses. Of course when the party turns on the kender 'in character', suddenly that's not fair.


Hate. Kender.

Joshua J. Frost wrote:
CourtFool said stuff Joshua agrees with.

This is definitely a sign of the Apocalypse.

Who are you again?

Joshua J. Frost wrote:
Who are you again?

That is just cold…even for you.

Licks Joshua.


I'm trying to remember if I ever disagreed with you. So I checked to see if I'd ever banned you. Nope.

Can you ban Kender?

Please oh please?

Are you Fizz-ban?

Seldriss wrote:
CourtFool wrote:
In my case, it is because kender have been the race of choice for the guy who wants to be a jerk to everyone else at the table and hide behind 'in character' excuses. Of course when the party turns on the kender 'in character', suddenly that's not fair.

True, but the kender would just be third on the podium of annoying characters.

The second guy on the podium would be the paladin, the player thinking he's got a license to be a tyrant of morality.
And the very first, at the top of the podium, would be the CN character, thinking he's got a license to play a psychopath, with no respect for the group or his fellow players, and can play a CE character while not flashing on detect evil radars.

I agree with third and First.

almost all of the paladins I've played with have actually been pretty cool. They are big on keeping their word and obeying just laws. They never try to break the law, but they understand when a law is just evil. (Good always trumps law for most of them).

And they tend to lead from the front. In the present campain, we have:

CG Fighter Rogue
CG Spellblade Rogue
NG (I think) Divination Wizard
NG Hedge Witch
CG Barbarian
LG Paladin (Skillum)

Skillum always takes the lead (even with the recent additon of the barbarian) and he always looks out for the rest of the party. Surprisingly, he's one of the less arrogant members of the party. (He likes the fact that he's the brick, and he loves his Smite Evil, but the two rogues are often more...egotistical.)

But I can see where a paladin has a lot of room for abuse.

I have seen way too many paladins, try to control the rest of the group because of their perceived morals. We end up roleplaying the rogue or wizard doing certain things when the paladin is sleeping. The player feels like he's being left out but its his fault, he chose to play a prick of a paladin.

The chaotic neutral character who thinks he can do anything he wants is just as bad. Its basically a way to be evil inside the rules. I say lock them both in a room and leave them there.

The basic point is many character types can be abused, from race, to class, to alignment type. If you want to ban something, ban people who have a lack of respect for other players, not character concepts (unless they are over powered, and can't be geared down) Playing a kender who is fearless doesn't mean he wont ever back down from a fight. Not being afraid is different from not knowing your gonna loose. being inquisitive is not a bad thing and not relegated to kender. I have seen mages who fiddle with everything trying to learn what it is and how it works. They want to talk with the dragon about its form of magic. Kender can be serious (not often but not never) and aren't stupid. As for being a klepto, we all understand it's a real issue that people deal with and it's not fun. being blind is not fun yet people will be playing blind or deaf oracles. This in no way means we are disrespecting people with the limitations, in fact, i look at it as celebrating these people and adding to the thought that they can be contributing members or a party and society. I'm sure that somewhere a deaf or blind person plays pathfinder or DnD and makes their character the same as them, just so the deaf dwarf can kill the dragon and win the princess. let kender pc's steal things without knowing, even from players, but if it's a weapon, make sure they realize it before battle starts. yes, it's gonna cause issues in town, but a good chance for some RP and plot hooks. If players are ok with it, even let kender have a small chance to sometimes end up with an item a pc needs, but give the same small chance that he/she grabs that wand from the enemy mages hip when he was flanking her.

same small chance that he/she grabs that wand from the enemy mages hip when he was flanking her.

You are speaking of the fighting art of the Kender Handler called

five-fingered fighting

KenderKin wrote:

same small chance that he/she grabs that wand from the enemy mages hip when he was flanking her.

You are speaking of the fighting art of the Kender Handler called

five-fingered fighting

I know have a vision of a kender inquisitor. not sure how that works, but it's now stuck in my head. or sorcerer with a kender bloodline!

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