Cassomir Pathfinder Homebrew PbP OOC Discussion

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Male Human Inquisitor 3
abstract gm wrote:
As an aside, have any of you played the Casssomir Pathfinder Society adventures?

Not a one! Looks like that's the tale for most of us.

Where should we be in the character creation process by now? I'll have some time today to kick out a character.

Both of my concepts have grown enough to be full-fledged characters at this point, but I was hoping to have the group sway me one way or the other. I'll likely default to the Oracle otherwise.

@abstract gm - In any case, I'll turn in my finalized character by the end of the day. Should I post it to the forum or email you?

EpicViper wrote:

Where should we be in the character creation process by now? I'll have some time today to kick out a character.

In any case, I'll turn in my finalized character by the end of the day. Should I post it to the forum or email you?

1. There is no deadline. Once you as a group are happy with the composition of the group you can encourage each other to complete characters!

2. I'm happy to see the characters posted as an avatar alias. That way I can see them from whichever PC I'm logging in from.

Female Kobold

I have played no CoC either.

grufflehead wrote:

Not played any PF Soc games at all.

Quite happy to see any of them used as part of a larger campaign but the whole 'living' style game is the reason I no longer have a face to face group and ended up playing online. So not all bad ;)

PF Society killed your face to face group, gruffle? :(

Kobold Cleaver wrote:
I have played no CoC either.

Call of Cthulu??

Looks like I'm all set with playing my bard. I'll get to work on creating his sheet.

Female Kobold
Cry Havoc! wrote:
Kobold Cleaver wrote:
I have played no CoC either.
Call of Cthulu??

No, no Cthullu. It's too fatalistic. :P

Right, then, I'll get right to work.

Female Halfling Summoner 1

Okay, here's my character so far. Note that she's named herself after her own eidolon, to avert any later confusion.

So our current composition looks like this:

Grufflehead - Unnanounced (Waiting to balance)
Cry Havoc! - Bard Ranged & Magic Support
Odin - Alchemist Light Mixed Melee & Ranged, Light "Spell"caster
Heaven's Agent - Inquisitor or Summoner(?) Martial Support & Light Spellcaster
Epic Viper - Inquisitor or Oracle Light Martial Support & Spellcaster
Kobold - Summoner Spellcaster + Eidolon
BadSlacker - Wizard Heavy Spellcaster

Divine 1-2
Arcane 4-5

Interesting to note that all proposed characters(with announced classes) are spellcasters of one stripe or another. But this all looks good to me, between us 5 light martial(3/4 BAB) characters we'll put some physical hurt on, and we won't be lacking for magical support.

@Epic, I vote your inquisitor concept as I like the flavor, but I think party balance is served either way...

Dr. Hazard's Crunch is done, now I'm just working on le flavor.

Female Kobold

My character actually won't be able to manage even slight martial, or even remotely useful in combat besides her eidolon and a few spells. I decided that she has a crippling disability which renders her bones extremely weak. Thus, her Dexterity and Strength scores are pretty bad. I may not even bother getting her a weapon.
In fact, going over what I've done so far...spent over half my points on Charisma, spent all my but one of my skill points on Charisma-based skills, and just got the Skill Focus (diplomacy)feat. Pretty much, Aseve is the only way she's going to be any use in a combat situation.

In Wrath's Shadow

I'm not slacking... I simply couldn't decide between barbarian and monk, and after a day of thinking decided to go wizard. She's about half finished now.

Female Kobold
Badslacker wrote:
I'm not slacking... I simply couldn't decide between barbarian and monk, and after a day of thinking decided to go wizard. She's about half finished now.

Wait...a normal class?


Actually, this reminds me of this one PbP I used to play in. The characters were, essentially, a kobold, two halflings, a gnome, and a dwarf. this means that the only medium-sized person was still very small. That theme stuck with us for a while. :P

Cry Havoc! wrote:
PF Society killed your face to face group, gruffle? :(

Not PF Soc, but another living campaign - I'm lumping them together in the 'adventures designed to be run in 4 hours, report back results, shared campaign world with player actions influencing stroyline' group.

I was putting a newish group together and between lack of time from various people, plus a good experience of one game, I suggested the living style as it seemes perfect in terms of spreading the GM load, easy to prep, run in 1 night etc etc

I have to say the campaign in particular is regarded as one of the better ones in terms of meta-plot and writing quality, but honestly, after about 4 years (during which I even wrote an adventure for it), the railroading, heavy handed plot devices, the fact that your group's 'plot' may change completely because you played the mod in a different way to the majority just made me want to scream. There was a personnel issue as well, but I quit about 6 months back (they are soldiering on til the end of the arc). We've had tentative discussions about maybe picking up a PF AP once they are done, in which case I'm more than happy to go back, but I will never play another PF Soc style game again in that format I'm afraid.

But I'm not bothered at all if the GM wants to use some/most of an adventure as the basis for one of our exploits because what happens isn't going to get re-written down the line and, this being a particular annoyance of mine, if we get set-up in some situation where the party (or even some of the party) are just totally opposed to doing something, then we walk away from it and do something else. When that's all you've got ready for the night (or pitch up at a con) then it's kinda hard to say as a player 'you know what, this sucks, and I'm not doing it - so long guys you're on your own' as that can pretty well screw the others, and then you sit around for 4 hours ;)

Wiki admin 5, artist 1, game master 1

I'll dive right into building my inquisitor then, as well.

abstract gm wrote:
As an aside, have any of you played the Casssomir Pathfinder Society adventures?

I've not played any Pathfinder Society scenarios. I've wanted to, but as of yet I've been unable to find a face to face group to play with. Count me as another that would have no objection if you decided to use them as part of this campaign.

Badslacker wrote:
I'm not slacking... I simply couldn't decide between barbarian and monk, and after a day of thinking decided to go wizard. She's about half finished now.

Heh, that's quite a switch in focus ;)

OK, the good Dr has listed what everybody else is thinking about so I've got a narrowed window to aim at. I've already sorted my stats (which will stay the same regardless of any other decisions), the background will get some minor tweaks to reflect some of my trait choices, so I really need to choose a class (which will then have a bearing on the feats I take).

I'll mull over some more. I've got working versions as bard, cleric, druid, ranger/paladin and wizard - some of those duplicate classes so will probably be first to get cut.

Doesn't seem like we've got any gaping holes (well, Trapfinder, but I couldn't actually shoehorn Earnest into Rogue very well so I'll probably have to pass on that one). Unless anyone wants to push me in one direction, I'll make a decision by tomorrow, and once I've done that the sheet will be up within an hour or so.

Grand Lodge

grufflehead wrote:
...Unless anyone wants to push me in one direction...

I just got the irony that everyone except you, gruffle, has chosen some sort of spellcaster in abstract's 'hen's teeth', low-magic campaign... you should totally go caster.

grufflehead wrote:
I'll mull over some more. I've got working versions as bard, cleric, druid, ranger/paladin and wizard - some of those duplicate classes so will probably be first to get cut.

Cleric (of Pharasma?) feels like a good fit to me, but I don't know how easy it will be to make your ideas work, mechanically. Anyway, my two coppers.

grufflehead wrote:
Doesn't seem like we've got any gaping holes (well, Trapfinder, but I couldn't actually shoehorn Earnest into Rogue very well so I'll probably have to pass on that one). Unless anyone wants to push me in one direction, I'll make a decision by tomorrow, and once I've done that the sheet will be up within an hour or so.

It's not inconceivable that Val could take a level of Rogue at some point down the line, but it would honestly be a bit meta-gamey. I did consider giving him the Vagabond Child trait for access to Disable Device as well, but I rejected that idea for much the same reason. The flavor behind the trait really doesn't fit his background at all.

As you may be able to tell, I'm all about characterization first, optimization a distant second. :)

Kobold Cleaver wrote:
Actually, this reminds me of this one PbP I used to play in. The characters were, essentially, a kobold, two halflings, a gnome, and a dwarf. this means that the only medium-sized person was still very small. That theme stuck with us for a while. :P

Cue up the Randy Newman CD...

...or maybe 8-track. :D

Male Human Inquisitor 1

Brayker lived most of his life in a small settlement outside of Maheto. He has quite the distaste for slavery and tyranny due to his hometown sweetie being sold by her father just as their love was blossoming. Though he believes Evelyn to be dead, he hopes his quest will someday lead to her, one way or another. In an effort to save her, he attacked the slaver and his cronies, but never stood a chance. They tossed his body cliff-side. Brayker lives, and he's come to Cassomir for the rumors of slave trade.

Brayker uses only basic weapons such as the dagger and sling because he believes that power comes from the wielder's passion and faith. He dresses like Van Helsing, but with some five-o'clock shadow that he keeps tidy with his blade. While not the friendliest guy around, he isn't too rude either. He just tells it like it is.

Wiki admin 5, artist 1, game master 1
Cry Havoc! wrote:
As you may be able to tell, I'm all about characterization first, optimization a distant second. :)

I agree completely. That said, I can easily see my inquisitor picking up one or two levels in rogue; I'm designing him to be an agile combatant, moving through a battle in order to place himself in advantageous positions. Some rogue abilities could add to this; if I end up going this route, I'll definitely take our lack of a trapfinder into consideration.

Wiki admin 5, artist 1, game master 1

@abstractgm, I've got a character trait to run by you: Threatening Defender, from Cheliax, Empire of Devils.

Heaven's Agent wrote:
@abstractgm, I've got a character trait to run by you: Threatening Defender, from Cheliax, Empire of Devils.

If it fits your character then it's fine by me.

As the discussions continue, it seems sensible to offer a choice for you all.

1. I present an opportunity and you either accept it or decline. If you decline, I present a new opportunity and so on.

2. I offer some sort of notice-board at an adventurer's shop that has jobs available. You pick the one you want.

I am happy with either choice, but ultimately I have two or three plots that will develop regardless of your actions and you will either choose to investigate or at some point, the powers that be will involve you regardless.

This would never be rail-roading. You may be engaged for one 'adventure' but free-will would inevitably return.

Female Kobold
abstract gm wrote:

As the discussions continue, it seems sensible to offer a choice for you all.

1. I present an opportunity and you either accept it or decline. If you decline, I present a new opportunity and so on.

2. I offer some sort of notice-board at an adventurer's shop that has jobs available. You pick the one you want.

I am happy with either choice, but ultimately I have two or three plots that will develop regardless of your actions and you will either choose to investigate or at some point, the powers that be will involve you regardless.

This would never be rail-roading. You may be engaged for one 'adventure' but free-will would inevitably return.

I kind of prefer option 1. It fits my character better.

Also, is anybody else missing their dot and their '# new' thing?a

abstract gm wrote:

As the discussions continue, it seems sensible to offer a choice for you all.

1. I present an opportunity and you either accept it or decline. If you decline, I present a new opportunity and so on.

2. I offer some sort of notice-board at an adventurer's shop that has jobs available. You pick the one you want.

I am happy with either choice, but ultimately I have two or three plots that will develop regardless of your actions and you will either choose to investigate or at some point, the powers that be will involve you regardless.

This would never be rail-roading. You may be engaged for one 'adventure' but free-will would inevitably return.

I think I would vote for option #2. Knowing myself as I do, I can't see myself saying 'no' to most any adventure hook offered, unless it seemed ridiculous. With more than one choice offered, it would offer more opportunity for discussion, and thus be more engaging.

Kobold Cleaver wrote:
Also, is anybody else missing their dot and their '# new' thing?a

They've been a little bit hit or miss lately, haven't they? I keep holding my breath waiting for the powers that be to offer some sort of thread subscription feature. Hopefully someday they'll get around to it.

Grand Lodge

Cry Havoc! wrote:
I think I would vote for option #2.

I second the second, with similar reasoning. Also, I can't wait to see this adventurer's shop with quest postings. :)

Female Kobold

Sounds good.

Abstract, I was wondering whether we could actually represent Aseve's broken bones with statistics. Nothing major, just a -4 to Balance and maybe a Balance check required if she loses her cane or uses it as a weapon. Of course, I'm not asking for any repayment, it's just for roleplaying purposes.
I don't need this, I just think it'd be an interesting weakness.

Kobold Cleaver wrote:

Sounds good.

** spoiler omitted **

I can see some benefit but I'm concerned it may prove a hindrance in the long run for you and the group. I'll let you decide but if it doesn't work, you can always remove it.

Male Human Inquisitor 1

@abstract gm - The first idea sits a little better with me, even though it's well within my character to go to a job board. I don't see why either shouldn't be utilized, depending on a quest's particulars.

In Wrath's Shadow

I prefer the second option, having a few open options and having to decide between them is much better, as I agree with Cry Havoc about not saying no to an adventure hook.

Itsgottabeodin wrote:
I just got the irony that everyone except you, gruffle, has chosen some sort of spellcaster in abstract's 'hen's teeth', low-magic campaign... you should totally go caster.

Heh, I can see you and I are going to get on famously ;)

Cry Havoc! wrote:
Cleric (of Pharasma?) feels like a good fit to me, but I don't know how easy it will be to make your ideas work, mechanically

Yep, definitely one of the options. 'Not as easy as it might be' is the answer to your question though so I will probably start as something else, and move into cleric after a level or two.

@abstract - I'm adding a slight change of focus. As well as general CSI/Homicide type work, I am quite taken with the idea of hunting down undead as they are an affront to the dignity of death. Happy with the Slayer's Oath trait from Wayfinder #1?

One issue I'm wrestling with is deities and alignment. According to the book, a cleric has to be 1 place away from their god. Problem is I want to be LG and Pharasma is N. I could just choose the 'power not coming from a diety' option, but Pharasma fits the rest of the idea so well it seems a bit of a waste. Thoughts?

As far as story hooks go, happy with whatever suits you. You have asked us all for detailed backgrounds to make plot writing easier, so it should encourage people to be a bit more expansive in coming up with ideas hopefully

Female Kobold
abstract gm wrote:
Kobold Cleaver wrote:

Sounds good.

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **

Sounds good. Bear in mind that since her cane isn't meant to be any sort of weapon, she probably won't have to make the check that often. Besides, my Balance sucks anyways. :P

Badslacker wrote:
I prefer the second option, having a few open options and having to decide between them is much better, as I agree with Cry Havoc about not saying no to an adventure hook.

I never met a hook I didn't like! And I've got the dead PCs to prove it! :)

@abstract - I should have my character sheet finished up tomorrow.

Female Kobold

Arg. Turns out that tail slap is a secondary attack, which basically means it would be very stupid to make it my Reach and Grab focus. I guess I'll put those on my bite attack, though it's not nearly as interesting. :/

Wiki admin 5, artist 1, game master 1
grufflehead wrote:
One issue I'm wrestling with is deities and alignment. According to the book, a cleric has to be 1 place away from their god. Problem is I want to be LG and Pharasma is N. I could just choose the 'power not coming from a diety' option, but Pharasma fits the rest of the idea so well it seems a bit of a waste. Thoughts?

You could always go lawful neutral. You define the personal code that your character lives by, and base any decisions on it; a code to destroy all undead is usually going to lean toward good anyway.

It also gives you the freedom to blur the good/evil axis; whatever your character may be tasked with, you can do what it takes to get the job done. Regardless of moral considerations.

Wiki admin 5, artist 1, game master 1
abstract gm wrote:

As the discussions continue, it seems sensible to offer a choice for you all.

1. I present an opportunity and you either accept it or decline. If you decline, I present a new opportunity and so on.

2. I offer some sort of notice-board at an adventurer's shop that has jobs available. You pick the one you want.

My character is much more likely to take up a cause if he's presented with it naturally, rather than looking for work on Cassomir's version of That said, as a fair number of our party members favor the notice board, you could split the adventure seeds between the two and use both options.

Heaven's Agent wrote:
My character is much more likely to take up a cause if he's presented with it naturally, rather than looking for work on Cassomir's version of That said, as a fair number of our party members favor the notice board, you could split the adventure seeds between the two and use both options.

It's not so much the notice board I favor, as much as the presentation of multiple adventure hook options. Perhaps a more organic method can be devised, rather than 'Help Wanted' ads or the like.

Here's my wizard - would like to hear any comments.

Grand Lodge

Looks good, now we've got a bluffer to match our diplomaster. :D
My only question is how does fast-talker fit in with your background?

Male Elf Bard 1

Val's sheeet is coming along nicely! I need to finish an equipment list, and type up his background and description.

Female Halfling Summoner 1

I am done, I think.

Val, Dr. Hazard is going to be coming from Cheliax on the 'Sea Devil's Maiden,' if you want to meet on the ship...

F.Y.I. it is probably going to burn in port, likely an experiment gone wrong...

*tears hair out* just wrote up entire backstory, etc. Paizoboard monster just ate it.

Male Human Inquisitor 1 / Bard (Detective) 1

Got the bones (if you'll pardon the pun) of Earnest sorted. If anyone wants to read it over, I'm at a loss for feats to take so any suggestions will be considered if they fit the character.

Male Elf Bard 1
Dr. Hazard wrote:

Val, Dr. Hazard is going to be coming from Cheliax on the 'Sea Devil's Maiden,' if you want to meet on the ship...

F.Y.I. it is probably going to burn in port, likely an experiment gone wrong...

Excellent, I'll take you up on that. Val would enjoy the company of someone so...eccentric. :)

btw, abstract, all of the nuts and bolts of Val's sheet are ready for you to review now. Let me know if anything looks amiss.

Alright, rewrote backstory & all. Dr. Hazard is done.
Open for comments, suggestions, flame, etc.

Male Human Inquisitor 1 / Bard (Detective) 1

Looking forward to seeing how the Doc fares. I mentioned playing an alchemist myself in another game - I noticed with amusement that his infusion choices are not only almost identical to mine, but I also 'fixed' one slot for Expeditious Retreat and left the other one open for more situational use.

I'm backtracking on the whole undead hating thing (well, any more than anyone else hates them). I want to stick with my alignment choice, partly for character reasons and partly to keep my options open for future development. It means I've had to throw out one of the traits I wanted and having read up a bit on Pharasma, I no longer think it's an appropriate choice of deity. Changes and current version in my profile - still looking for 1 trait and 2 feats.

EDIT: @ GM - possible to take this trait from the Pathfinder DB?

Family Business

Itsgottabeodin wrote:

Looks good, now we've got a bluffer to match our diplomaster. :D

My only question is how does fast-talker fit in with your background?

Ellaria wanted to have her teachers teach her much more than they wanted, which is what she managed to do with her bluffs, cheats and manipulation.

Grand Lodge

Earnest Carbrook wrote:
Looking forward to seeing how the Doc fares. I mentioned playing an alchemist myself in another game - I noticed with amusement that his infusion choices are not only almost identical to mine, but I also 'fixed' one slot for Expeditious Retreat and left the other one open for more situational use.

What can I say, great minds think alike.

Ellaria wrote:
Ellaria wanted to have her teachers teach her much more than they wanted, which is what she managed to do with her bluffs, cheats and manipulation.

Ah, cool.

I believe Emrys is ready as well. I'm afraid I opted for the "novel" option while writing the description and background. That said, feel free to read what I've got; I'd love any feedback or thoughts anyone may have.

@grufflehead, I included a possible tie-in with Earnest in the background. If you'd rather not know anyone at the start of the game, let me know and I'll change things around a bit.

To summarise - I am happy with the choices of traits and the characters submitted so far.

As you're driving the train at this point, when do you think you'll all be ready to start?

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