Alch |

I'm shocked just shocked. What is there no love for Halflings of Golarion?
I vote for a book on the sneaky little bastads of Golarion.
A companion for Halflings end the discrimation now. The other stunties
have gotten their companions. Why not the Haflings?
YOU are shocked?!?!?!?!?!
I am shocked!!! What about HUMANS?!?!?!
They are the most DIVERSE, the most POPULOUS AND the most IMPORTANT....
Yet... we've got exactly ZILCH on them... Not even some measly vital statistics for the different ethnic groups...
[And don't give me the "there are companions for the different regions/countries" excuse - they ain't race specific...]

Enkili |

YOU are shocked?!?!?!?!?!
I am shocked!!! What about HUMANS?!?!?!
They are the most DIVERSE, the most POPULOUS AND the most IMPORTANT....
Yet... we've got exactly ZILCH on them... Not even some measly vital statistics for the different ethnic groups...
[And don't give me the "there are companions for the different regions/countries" excuse - they ain't race specific...]
There's twenty or so pages on humans in the campaign setting book (a companion is only 36 pages I think). Even though you said not to I add in the fact that most of the regional settings from Cheliax to Qadira are mostly geared toward humans already. Humans, being the most diverse and populous, just means that everything that is not race specific is largely about humans.
On a side note I think they are trying to avoid
measly vital statistics for the different ethnic groups
to avoid ANY appearance of being racist. Same basic reason men and women have the same stats.

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Matthew Morris wrote:I still want a 'bastards of Golarion' with the half elves (and half orcs) getting some love.The point has been made elsewhere in quite a lengthy thread but, to sum up: "I don't think that word means what you think it means."
Well yeah, all the half breeds aren't 'bastards'. (Most of my half elf PCs are though)

Alch |

There's twenty or so pages on humans in the campaign setting book (a companion is only 36 pages I think). Even though you said not to I add in the fact that most of the regional settings from Cheliax to Qadira are mostly geared toward humans already. Humans, being the most diverse and populous, just means that everything that is not race specific is largely about humans.
On a side note I think they are trying to avoid
Alch wrote:measly vital statistics for the different ethnic groupsto avoid ANY appearance of being racist. Same basic reason men and women have the same stats.
I don't see what vital statistics for different human ethnic groups has to do with racism. Following that reasoning giving vital statistics for dwarves, elves, etc. would be a lot more racist since they are considered as racially distinct. Also men and women DON'T have the same vital statistics and the descriptive texts for the different human peoples clearly state that there are differences.
The problem with the argument that 'not race specific rules' are made for humans, is that any race can take them...
That the 20 pages are about the different human ethnic groups just highlights the problem: dwarves, elves, gnomes all have only one single page, yet they manage to make a whole compendium out of it...

MerrikCale |

If we do an aasimar or tiefling companion... I'd rather do 2 companions than 1. We don't really use the word "planetouched" in Pathfinder, in any event.
And tieflings and aasimar deserve their own books anyway; I'd probably do an aasimar book first since we've already done some work with tieflings in PF #25.
For mr planetouched refers to genasi

The_Minstrel_Wyrm |

Tengu! My group have gone mad for them. Though if they could be in the Eastern supplement you'd be saving us from a mountain of continuity issues and we'd be very grateful and buy all your books forever.
Ironically a player in both of my Pathfinder games told me about a tengu rogue character idea he just came up with, so he'd really appreciate a Tengu of Golarion companion book. (I had to nix his idea however, as he was considering this for "Council of Thieves" and I just can't see a Tengu Rogue working out in Westcrown. (Admittedly, that may be just me).
I told him to keep that concept for when we get around to "Serpent's Skull" (No idea when that will be). Hmmm... let's see... high-level Mwangi Expanse action on Mondays... check Recent Sunday game start-up with KINGMAKER check... trying to replace high-level Monday night game with "Council of Thieves" (high-level just on hiatus, not quitting altogether). Yeah... it's gonna be a while. :P
Dean (TMW)

Troubled_child |
Ironically a player in both of my Pathfinder games told me about a tengu rogue character idea he just came up with, so he'd really appreciate a Tengu of Golarion companion book.Dean (TMW)
My group has gone far beyond that. The first thing that happened is one of us started writing an entire setting (a spin off from an earlier game) in which the majority of the population was Tengu. Then because he wasn't going to be ready to run it any time soon our current game ended up with 4 Tengu PC's (out of 7) who had gotten lost travelling the planes and ended up in Varisia and I'm their Shoanti guide.

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I'd certainly be interested in Aasimar and Tiefling companion guides. As an aside, I'd really like future race based companion guides (especially ones dealing with non-standard races) to contain new favored class options, new racial trait options, and new racial feats in the similar vein that APG will be bringing to the table. Anyway, just wanted to show my support for products supporting the nonstandard races.

Troubled_child |
I'd certainly be interested in Aasimar and Tiefling companion guides. As an aside, I'd really like future race based companion guides (especially ones dealing with non-standard races) to contain new favored class options, new racial trait options, and new racial feats in the similar vein that APG will be bringing to the table. Anyway, just wanted to show my support for products supporting the nonstandard races.
That's an excellent point and well made sir. Any future race companions should bring them in line with options provided for the core races in the APG.

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Well there was a big section on Tieflings in AP#25, I'm not very excited about seeing another chunk on them anytime soon. I know that's not a player resource but there was quite a bit of material presented.
As Blazej pointed out most of this stuff isn't really player oriented and much has been covered fairly well in Chronicles previously.
Humans have about 10 books out already and I expect they will continue to release human oriented books.
Aasimar maybe, Tengu I can see being released when the Asian setting comes out (or maybe a bit before).

Troubled_child |
Well there was a big section on Tieflings in AP#25, I'm not very excited about seeing another chunk on them anytime soon. I know that's not a player resource but there was quite a bit of material presented.
As Blazej pointed out most of this stuff isn't really player oriented and much has been covered fairly well in Chronicles previously.
This seems to be a point that has cropped up in a few threads. With a growing amount of information being stored in APs perhaps a compendium for each AP containing just the background material, new rules and bestiary is in order? For those of us in groups that for one reason or another just aren't suited to life on the rails I think this would be a great product. As is it feels like there is a lot of valuable material out there that I'll never get to use as I can't justify the cost when more than half of each book will just be skipped past (though I do intend to run Kingmaker as it seems like an honest attempt to deal with the problems my group has with scripted adventures). Considering all the material is already written it seems like a fairly simple project (mostly adjusting page numbers and layout) that could be a big hit.

BPorter |

I really see little need for a large number of races beyond the ones in the core rulebook. Golarion is human-centric and the other playable races are distinctive enough. With the possible exceptions of tieflings, aasimar, and a few others, I want others races to stay in the Monster column.
I have no desire to return to the WotC days of walking into a tavern being comparable to walking into the cantina at Mos Eisley.
I'd much rather see the Companion line flesh out other cultures and areas of Golarion instead.

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I'm shocked just shocked. What is there no love for Halflings of Golarion?
I vote for a book on the sneaky little bastads of Golarion.
A companion for Halflings end the discrimation now. The other stunties
have gotten their companions. Why not the Haflings?
It was already scheduled and we knew about it, that's why no-one is calling for a book that's already coming out as James linked you too.
I think Tengu of golarion would be an excellent book.
I also want to +1 the idea of companions being used to make savage species like progressions for certain monsters rather than a savage species like book. When doing it on monsters you can still say well this monster shouldn't be a player race/this should and you can keep it as acceptable with society play when each book is released, centaurs or golarion etc. But if you just make a book of guidelines for any monster, then you end up having to not allow those rules for society play. I think the idea of companions used to expand playable races is a great idea since they're player oriented books anyways.
That having been said, I don't want a lot of them. Maybe one a year at best and not races covered in other books (revisited lines etc.) but if in 2011 we got centaurs, and in 2012 we got satyrs etc. I would love that.

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I would Like to Second Goblins of Golarion and Outcasts(Bastards) of Golarion.
I'd like to vote against both of these. Half-races I don't think need they're own book, and goblins are already covered by the revisited line.
If we did do a half-race book I'd rather each book deal with one race rather than multiples, I'd rather a book on half-elves, and a book on half -orcs, then a book on both lumped into one.
That being said I don't think there's a need for either.

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+1 for tieflings and Tengu.
Tieflings are one of my favourite races with drow coming a close second.
More information would be awesome, as I am looking at taking a tiefling into Rise of the Runelords and maybe Second Darkness.
Is there any chance of seeing Khaastas (Khaastii sp?) appearing in a bestiary or are they WotC IP?

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+1 for tieflings and Tengu.
More information would be awesome, as I am looking at taking a tiefling into Rise of the Runelords and maybe Second Darkness.
Pathfinder #25 pages 61-67 has plenty of information about teiflings in Golarion. I gave you the page #s so you could skip any AP relevant spoilers. But it's pretty well written so I don't think we need a companion for them for a while (say 3 years)

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LackofFocus wrote:I would Like to Second Goblins of Golarion and Outcasts(Bastards) of Golarion.I'd like to vote against both of these. Half-races I don't think need they're own book, and goblins are already covered by the revisited line.
If we did do a half-race book I'd rather each book deal with one race rather than multiples, I'd rather a book on half-elves, and a book on half -orcs, then a book on both lumped into one.
That being said I don't think there's a need for either.
I'd agree with you except...
Half Elves don't get any love in Elves of Golarion and Half orcs don't get much in Orcs of Golarion. Maybe if they're touched on in Humans of Golarion...

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lastknightleft wrote:LackofFocus wrote:I would Like to Second Goblins of Golarion and Outcasts(Bastards) of Golarion.I'd like to vote against both of these. Half-races I don't think need they're own book, and goblins are already covered by the revisited line.
If we did do a half-race book I'd rather each book deal with one race rather than multiples, I'd rather a book on half-elves, and a book on half -orcs, then a book on both lumped into one.
That being said I don't think there's a need for either.
I'd agree with you except...
Half Elves don't get any love in Elves of Golarion and Half orcs don't get much in Orcs of Golarion. Maybe if they're touched on in Humans of Golarion...
The Orcs book is good, but it really doesn't do much for a Half-orc unless you're playing a very Orc-like Barbarian type. At which point, just play an Orc if the GM will let you. Some of the traits are cool and flavorful, (Beastrider, is awesome & humorous at the same time) but other than that really just some fluff bits. They are good fluff bits, though.
So, yeah. I'd like to see individual books for Half-orcs and Half-elves.

MundinIronHand |

Most of us can use the elves and orcs books to figure out the mentality of the "batsards" , lets aim at bigger and better things....PIXIES!!!!!
Serious list below..
1) HALFINGS, its coming so no worries there.
2) Tiefling and Aasimar, or whatever heaven or hell spawn you can give us
3)Kobolds, are they still racial enemies of gnomes? What are their ties to dragons? Have a player who always wants to play one.
3)Fey, what are they like? whats the first world like? why do they come here?
4)Dragons!!!. we love dragons, 1/2 dragons, pseudodragons, I even miss the turtle dragon (remember this one, it would float on the surface of the ocean and people would mistake it for an island and build villages, only to have the whole thing sink in like 100 years.
5)Rakasha, (i can't spell) there has always been a fascination with these creatures, but very little information.
6) Deep elves, gnomes and dwarfs. So we can play an escapee or be ready for that entirely underground adventure.

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lastknightleft wrote:LackofFocus wrote:I would Like to Second Goblins of Golarion and Outcasts(Bastards) of Golarion.I'd like to vote against both of these. Half-races I don't think need they're own book, and goblins are already covered by the revisited line.
If we did do a half-race book I'd rather each book deal with one race rather than multiples, I'd rather a book on half-elves, and a book on half -orcs, then a book on both lumped into one.
That being said I don't think there's a need for either.
I'd agree with you except...
Half Elves don't get any love in Elves of Golarion and Half orcs don't get much in Orcs of Golarion. Maybe if they're touched on in Humans of Golarion...
But that's just it, the half races don't have a unique culture, so you're either using the human culture or the elf culture. If both are described there's no need for a book that says, "well take the culture they were raised in, only they don't quite fit in." I think a whole book basically saying that is a waste.

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Matthew Morris wrote:But that's just it, the half races don't have a unique culture, so you're either using the human culture or the elf culture. If both are described there's no need for a book that says, "well take the culture they were raised in, only they don't quite fit in." I think a whole book basically saying that is a waste.lastknightleft wrote:LackofFocus wrote:I would Like to Second Goblins of Golarion and Outcasts(Bastards) of Golarion.I'd like to vote against both of these. Half-races I don't think need they're own book, and goblins are already covered by the revisited line.
If we did do a half-race book I'd rather each book deal with one race rather than multiples, I'd rather a book on half-elves, and a book on half -orcs, then a book on both lumped into one.
That being said I don't think there's a need for either.
I'd agree with you except...
Half Elves don't get any love in Elves of Golarion and Half orcs don't get much in Orcs of Golarion. Maybe if they're touched on in Humans of Golarion...
They do, however have unique ways that they interact with both of their parents cultures. Half-orcs at least get talked about in the Orc books, but only in relation to their Orc heritage. Half-elves don't even get that.

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What about tackling the Half-races in a different way?
Do a book on Half-races, but section it off so it addresses:
* Elf/Human
* Elf/Dwarf
* Elf/Halfling
* Elf/Orc
* Dwarf/Human
* Dwarf/Halfling
* Dwarf/Orc
* Halfling/Human
* Halfling/Orc
* Orc/Human
After all, if there can be half elf/half human hybrids, why not take it to the next level and discuss how they work with other races as well?

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1st off, unless pathfinder is your 1st time hearing of 1/2 elf, take some of what you know, secondly they mention how elves feel about 1/2 elves. That should allow some insight into how a 1/2 elf feels when around other elves and as for human culture well that's varied by region not race.
Your first... 'point' can be applied to each and every race in the game. And your second? By that logic, make one book about race 'X' and how they feel about every other race in the game and your done.

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lastknightleft wrote:They do, however have unique ways that they interact with both of their parents cultures. Half-orcs at least get talked about in the Orc books, but only in relation to their Orc heritage. Half-elves don't even get that.Matthew Morris wrote:But that's just it, the half races don't have a unique culture, so you're either using the human culture or the elf culture. If both are described there's no need for a book that says, "well take the culture they were raised in, only they don't quite fit in." I think a whole book basically saying that is a waste.lastknightleft wrote:LackofFocus wrote:I would Like to Second Goblins of Golarion and Outcasts(Bastards) of Golarion.I'd like to vote against both of these. Half-races I don't think need they're own book, and goblins are already covered by the revisited line.
If we did do a half-race book I'd rather each book deal with one race rather than multiples, I'd rather a book on half-elves, and a book on half -orcs, then a book on both lumped into one.
That being said I don't think there's a need for either.
I'd agree with you except...
Half Elves don't get any love in Elves of Golarion and Half orcs don't get much in Orcs of Golarion. Maybe if they're touched on in Humans of Golarion...
The Half-Breeds do need something, that is why something that deals with the "Outcasts of" would work well it would cover those niches as well as other races that don't fit. Both Half-Races have a special place they fill in Elven and Orcish society but how are dealt with by the world in general, which is what needs to be filled in.
As for the Goblin book I think that Paizo has done an amazing job with the Goblin in the Golarion Setting and I would like more.

BenS |

I really see little need for a large number of races beyond the ones in the core rulebook. Golarion is human-centric and the other playable races are distinctive enough. With the possible exceptions of tieflings, aasimar, and a few others, I want others races to stay in the Monster column.
I have no desire to return to the WotC days of walking into a tavern being comparable to walking into the cantina at Mos Eisley.
I'd much rather see the Companion line flesh out other cultures and areas of Golarion instead.
I don't want to be a hater, but really, this is pretty much my feeling on the subject. (Though a Tengu book might be cool for the year they release the Xian Tia material.)
Much, much more interested in region/nation guides at this point to flesh out the Inner Sea area.