
kefka360's page

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I want a book on tengu and a book on playing draconic races and more on dragons in general cant get enough on dragons.

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I try to allow every thing my players come up with. That being said i only didn't allow one race because it had the ability to take twice the spells per day if you gave up the first level feat, cant run with out the feat, 120 dark vision, and 100 ft good fly.

im kind of new here what dose BAB1 and BAB 1/2 and BAB 3/4 mean i know BAB is base attack bonus but dont know what the number after is looks like fun classes to play and cant wait.

here is a ruff draft of a magic focused player race more about it after most of the crunch is done first race created.
looks like a drow with wings
fly 100, walk 30 cannot run with out feat and only at times 3
+2 int, +2 cha, - 2 con
+2 spot and +2 fly with your wings
+1 ecl
if you give up your first lvl feat you get twice the amount of your spells per day

Dabbler wrote:
Got a conversion for the Artificer here, and the Eberron races here. These are fairly straight forwards changes. If you want psionics, then Dreamscared Press are pathfinderising some psionics for Pathfinder here with the Alpha and Beta releases available as downloads. Or if you want the quick-fixes, I suggest you just update the hit dice on the Psion (to d6) and Wilder (to d8), and give the Soulknife full BAB until the final release from Dreamscarred.

Thank you i love the downloads ill look in to the psionics.

I have not seen much for eberron here and im thinking of gming soon. I don't know how to convert the class or races properly the ones i do feel not right to me please post ideas.

SmiloDan nice conversions next game im Dming im going to allow most of this.

At first glance the infusions seem to be good but why do i have to spend a discovery to give them to my other party members? after looking though and creating a lvl 10 alchemist it look like its going to be a lot of fun though. The only thing I need now is a pdf list of things I can create with craft alchemy with the dc to create and how much it is.

I like the changes to the eidolon but why change the min/lvl i can see the one at a time but having both is a big hit.

In the play test it said there is going to be more focus in the APG but is there going to be more curses? I find the curses in the playtest great and I love the great power at a price.

Jabor wrote:

If you put 1 rank in a skill, you have one rank in that skill.

However, if it is a class skill, you get a +3 bonus to all checks made with it - so it's functionally the same as putting 4 ranks in it under the old 3.5 system.

so if a prc req 5 ranks i have to wait for lvl 5?

dose putting 1 rank in a class skill make it 4 ranks?

I see thank you for your help.

The spellsword is from the complete warrior book and I dont get what a good save is and a bad one other than that it should be ok as is i think can some one plz help.

Am I the only one who loves the tome of combat and doesn't have a problem with it? As far as it gos its a good book and its like any other book if some one has a engulf time they can break it. With the person going up levels a head of the party that is your fault as a DM as for the PC being overpowered I would like to think that you can talk it out or worst comes to worst kill the pc and say no vows and and TOB maneuvers have to be used with a weapon like sword or axe ect. If that doesn't work change the date you meet to a day he cant make it.

what happens to spells if a sorcerer mutliclasses in to a wizard?

ghettowedge wrote:
kefka360 wrote:
but what happens if i want to make a pc that throws nothing but barrels at people?
Watch out for plumbers.

Its carpenters but was latter changed to plumbers so should i watch out for both?

but what happens if i want to make a pc that throws nothing but barrels at people?

The Suspense wrote:
Jess Door wrote:
ah! the suspense!
I'm killing you.

Yes you are killing me so stop it!

Im glad they put that in the book. It is the most awesome line in the book!

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Has a good movie ever come from a video game?

I don't think so but I'm going to wait for a midnight screening if they have one I like to think blizzard wouldn't screw this up I hope.

I am going to enjoy the new book smell and read it from cover to cover roll up every race and class combo I can I think they will be 1st level. After that I am going to hit Rob with it because of his complaining about only using the pdf.

Good for you thats what i should do with mine all they do is gather dust.

• +2 Strength, +2 Charisma, –2 Dexterity
• Dragon: Dragonborn are considered dragons.
• Medium-sized
• Dragonborn base land speed is 30 feet.
• +1 natural armor bonus.
• +2 racial bonus on Knowledge (history) and Intimidate checks.
• Low-Light Vision: A dragonborn can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. He retains the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.
• Breath Weapon (Su): The dragonborn gains a breath weapon he can use once per encounter as a standard action. Each time he uses the breath weapon it takes the form of a 15-foot cone. This breath weapon deals 1d6 + Con modifier points of damage (2d6 at 8th or higher level and 3d6 at 15th or higher level); a successful Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 the Dragonborn's character level + dragonborn's Con modifier) halves the damage. He may choose fire, cold, lightning, acid, or chlorine gas damage. The decision is made at character creation and cannot be changed later. The dragonborn is immune to the effect of his own breath weapon.
• Draconic Fury: The dragonborn gains a +1 bonus to his attack rolls and +2 damage when he is reduced to half or less than his total normal hit points.
• Automatic Languages: Common and Dragon. Bonus Languages: Celestial, Dwarf, Elf, Infernal, and Ignan.
• Favored Class: Sorcerer or barbarian
• Age and Aging: as human
• Height and Weight: Male 5' 8" + 2d8 inches, 170 lbs. x(2d6) lb.; Female: 6' 0" + 2d8 inches, 225 lbs. x(2d6) lb.
I was thinking about changing the breath weapon it should be more powerful than the sorcerers heritage one but so far that one is giving me the most problems they are born in to the world NOT reborn i was thinking about a -2 to dex because they are bigger then the other races age inst my most concern for now right now its getting the mechanics of the race to be better and useful in the higher levels but not unbalancing at lower levels.

DeadlyUematsu wrote:

It's fine as a ECL +0 race. A fair number abilities are highly situational (the energy resistance) or require investment (the skill bonuses) to get the most out of them. Also, the breath weapon is essentially worthless at high levels (no opposition worth its salt is going to line up for you and 32 damage, 16 on a save with possible energy resistance reducing it further makes it a fun flavorful with some occassional use but nothing more than that).


• +2 Strength, +2 Charisma, –2 Intelligence.
• Dragon: Dragonborn are considered dragons.
• Medium-sized
• Dragonborn base land speed is 30 feet.
• +1 natural armor bonus.
• +2 racial bonus on Knowledge (history) and Intimidate checks.
• Low-Light Vision: A dragonborn can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. He retains the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.
• Breath Weapon (Su): The dragonborn gains a breath weapon he can use once per encounter as a standard action. Each time he uses the breath weapon it takes the form of a 15-foot cone. This breath weapon deals 1d6 + Con modifier points of damage (2d6 at 8th or higher level and 3d6 at 15th or higher level); a successful Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 the Dragonborn's character level + dragonborn's Con modifier) halves the damage. He may choose fire, cold, lightning, acid, or chlorine gas damage. The decision is made at character creation and cannot be changed later. The dragonborn is immune to the effect of his own breath weapon.
• Draconic Fury: The dragonborn gains a +1 bonus to his attack rolls and +2 damage when he is reduced to half or less than his total normal hit points.
• Automatic Languages: Common and Dragon. Bonus Languages: Celestial, Dwarf, Elf, Infernal, and Ignan.
• Favored Class: Paladin or barbarian
• Age and Aging: as human
• Height and Weight: Male 5' 8" + 2d8 inches, 170 lbs. x(2d6) lb.; Female: 6' 0" + 2d8 inches, 225 lbs. x(2d6) lb.
how about that than? would that have any ECL its from achan_hiarusa link i made some changes to it.

underling wrote:


It looks ok, but I think even for the heightened power level of PF Beta, you may have creeped over the line into ECL+1 territory.

You have energy resistance, darkvision, skill bonuses AND a breath weapon that scales with character level - and scales with extra dice, not just a +1dmg per level.

now obviously others may disagree, but I think if you compared this to elf or human or dwarf, the dragonborn is better, and thus should probably be ECL +1

i was thinking about removing -Dragonborn are immune to a dragon's Frightful Presence, and receive a +2 racial saving throw bonus against Magic Sleep & Paralysis. my goal is to not have a ECL on him

WelbyBumpus wrote:
kefka360 wrote:
No one??

I think your racial writeup is fine. I would play one, and let people play one in a campaign I was running, so it seems reasonable at first glance to me.

I would only balk at the "immune to frightful presence" if I knew the campaign was going to be dragon-centric and dragonfear was a big element of the game. Otherwise, it comes up so rarely that it's kind of a flavorful "trinket" power.

thanks for your help

all i wanted to do was try to see if this was good for a race with out templates and make it like something from the pathfinder PHB.

Pendagast wrote:
kefka360 wrote:
so just use the dragonborn racial traits would work? like +2con -2 dex no other mods? what about the aspects in the RotD?
When pathfinder beta came to our attnetion one of our sorcerors was a dragonblood sorceror. When we converted to beta we simply used races of the dragon as a paper weight.

the guy wants to be something other than a sorceror thats why I'm trying to create a race for him.

so just use the dragonborn racial traits would work? like +2con -2 dex no other mods? what about the aspects in the RotD?

I'm with a new group that for the most part doesn't under stand templates so i was going to try to create a race kind of like what you see in the PHB.

Are you ever going to have a twitter account?

No one??

One of my players wants to be a dragon born in the new pathfinder game i was thinking of changing the races of the dragon 3.5 book one but pathfinder is still new to me.I was thinking of removing the right of rebirth and having it just a race to make things easier and the rebirth mechanic confuses the GM we have.I was thinking of using this tell me if this is good i was trying to get it so theirs now LA credit gos to UlarKaun i changed 2 things from the one he had for his 3.X post.

-Dragonborn are considered humanoid (dragonblood)
-Ability scores: +2 Str, -2 Dex, +2 Cha.
-Medium: As Medium creatures
-base speed is 30 ft.
-Dragonborn are immune to a dragon's Frightful Presence, and receive a +2 racial saving throw bonus against Magic Sleep & Paralysis.
-Darkvision to 30 ft
-+2 racial bonus on Intimidate and Perception checks.
-DR 5 (Breathe Weapon Type)
-Breath weapon: 5’ line per HD, Damage 1d8 + 1d8 for every 3 levels, can use 1/day, Reflex save (DC 10 + ½ the Dragonborn HD + his/her Con Mod), energy damage type chosen at first lvl and can’t change (acid, cold, electricity, or fire)
-Automatic Languages: Common and Draconic
-Favored class: Fighter or Sorcerer
-Level adjustment: +0