Does the Eidolon get revenge?

Advanced Player's Guide Playtest: Final Playtest

What happens to the Eidolon if its pre-14th level Summoner is brought below negative hit points? What about if the Summoner dies? Does the Eidolon get to keep fighting, or does it disappear, leaving the party bereft of two combatants in the middle of battle?

I am under the impression that if the summoner dies, the Eidolon disappears. As far as I know it behaves like other summons like that. I have no basis for that though, and it should be explicitly stated in the final version.

Caineach wrote:
I am under the impression that if the summoner dies, the Eidolon disappears. As far as I know it behaves like other summons like that.

Summons don't disappear if their summoner dies.

The only reason the Eidolon might is based on the tricky question, "Where is a dead Summoner considered to be for the Life Link ability?". If he's considered to be in the square his body is, the Eidolon persists and can take revenge. If he's wherever his soul goes when it departs the body, the Eidolon is instantly unsummoned for being more than 10,000 feet from its Summoner.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Zurai wrote:
The only reason the Eidolon might is based on the tricky question, "Where is a dead Summoner considered to be for the Life Link ability?". If he's considered to be in the square his body is, the Eidolon persists and can take revenge. If he's wherever his soul goes when it departs the body, the Eidolon is instantly unsummoned for being more than 10,000 feet from its Summoner.

I've actually asked a similar question about magic jar before. If I have several ongoing spells cast upon me, and I posses someone else's body via magic jar, do the buffs remain with my unconscious body? Or do they go with my "soul" into the new body?

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