Eidolon BAB

Advanced Player's Guide Playtest: Final Playtest

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 4

Just a quickie. Does an eidolon get iterative attacks from their BAB? Like a level 10 biped with weapon training using a great sword. Would it get two attacks +8/+3?

I'm wondering because I have an idea for a summoner / eidolon pair of archers. Under the effects of haste they would get ten arrows between the two of them at level 10.

+16 (2 arrows)/+16/+16/+11
1d6+5 (option of Deadly Aim)
+20 (2 arrows)/+20/+20/+15
1d6+9 (option of Deadly Aim)

Yes. BAB grants multiple attacks with manufactured weapons. Not with natural weapons, though...

Scarab Sages

RAW state extra attacks are not gained for high BAB with natural attacks but it does not exclude gaining those extra attacks for weapon training use so I would assume at the moment you do gain them though I dont agree it should

Ceefood wrote:
RAW state extra attacks are not gained for high BAB with natural attacks but it does not exclude gaining those extra attacks for weapon training use so I would assume at the moment you do gain them though I dont agree it should

Because the rules should work different for the ediolon than they do for any other monster?

Abraham spalding wrote:
Ceefood wrote:
RAW state extra attacks are not gained for high BAB with natural attacks but it does not exclude gaining those extra attacks for weapon training use so I would assume at the moment you do gain them though I dont agree it should
Because the rules should work different for the ediolon than they do for any other monster?

But they already do!!! The rules for most monsters are vastly different than used for an Eidolon. The Rules state that a creature of outsider type have 3 good saves. They also state that outsiders have martial weapon proficiency, meaning an erynes with 6 levels of sorcerer is eligible for eldrich knight. Hell by raw when dealing with outsiders you could put armor on your eidolon, then tell someone about it including what your beastie looks like in it, and big E would spontaneously learn how to move in it as outsiders have proficiency in whatever armor they are described as wearing. I don't want to hear about how the guide says that armor of any kind interferes with the link, if that were the case, how is it that the summoner can wear armor?

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 4

Ah, nice. I wasn't really clear on that one. Thank you.

Scarab Sages

Inconvenience wrote:
how is it that the summoner can wear armor?

love this, I didnt think of it that way & its so true - another fluff reason down the drain

I just want the option to leave the NA progression as is or an option through evo pts to drop it down to the level of AniComs & allow armour to be worn as barding like AniComs can do

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