Haven't you always wanted a flying, undead monkey? A witch's (Improved) familiar

Advanced Player's Guide Playtest: Final Playtest

Glancing over the Witch class, which class I kinda like. I began familiarizing myself with the abilities, the familiar ability in particular. I may have overlooked this, but what about improving this ability with feats like Improved Familiar. Could it be possible to have a side bar (a new feat is probably unnecessary) to show how different improved familiars would work for a witch. My initial thought on how I will handle this without official rule clarification is to have the original familiar “transform” into the new and improved familiar, retaining all of the spells possessed and continuing to provide the same bonus spells as the original familiar. Also, could we seen some other feats to help improve a witch's familiar. Things to help create undead monkeys or flying monkey - once monkey is added to the familiar list.

I KNEW the witch was missing something: Flying Monkeys!

And Ruby Red Slipper of Plane Shift...

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