Off-Topic Discussions

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Liberty's Edge

Solnes wrote:
Urizen wrote:
Solnes wrote:
Hey guys. I have a friend of mine that is going to sell me a bunch of old A D&D stuff. Are any of you interested in the old original mini's? And he is bringing me a list of tings that aren't D&D, like Shadowrun.... I will post that as soon as I get it.
List, please. And if there's a Tiamat or Colossal Dragon for cheap, I will love you long time. Five dollar not required.
He has the old pewter ones. I know there is a dragon, but its the one that you have to assemble.

I must have them!

<looks around for people to fight>

Moff Rimmer wrote:
Urizen wrote:
Agreed. Bookstores are a slice of heaven laid on earth.

Bookstores are creations of Satan. Designed to deplete an intelligent person's hard earned money. Especially used book stores.

Evil, evil places.

<-- (no self control)

My plan is near completion. I am He who separates you from your hard earned dollars. You are those which fuel my consumption for beer, gaming supplies, and tasty pork tenderloins. *smack lips*

Resistance is futile. Just write out the check and no-one gets hurt.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Did I hear someone mention old D&D and Shadowrun Books?


Liberty's Edge

Solnes- In all seriousness I am interested in seeing the list of stuff as well. There are certainly some holes in my collection.

If there is any 2e stuff, I am most interested in material from Planescape and Spelljammer.

I know you won't know till Friday or thereabouts, so I know my hopes are a bit moot until then.

The minis though are the real prize in my mind. I am extremely interested in those.

Liberty's Edge

Moff Rimmer wrote:
Urizen wrote:
Agreed. Bookstores are a slice of heaven laid on earth.

Bookstores are creations of Satan. Designed to deplete an intelligent person's hard earned money. Especially used book stores.

Evil, evil places.

<-- (no self control)

I found an old Traveller rulebook (in very good condition) at a used bookstore. I also found a hardback copy of Good Omens.

Love the used bookstores. :)

Sovereign Court

Cuchulainn wrote:
Good. I'm not completely insane.

Wait, wait, let's not be hasty...

flash_cxxi wrote:
Did I hear someone mention old D&D and Shadowrun Books?

No. That was just your convectors rattling a bit. Noone mentioned anything about anything. gently slips earmuffs back on top of flash's ears

alleynbard wrote:
There is good groping and bad groping certainly.

What? It's "people you want groping you" and "people you don't what groping you."

Cuchulainn wrote:
So I'm not the only one with a strange attraction to office/school supplies. Good. I'm not completely insane.

You, Studpuffin, and I should start a support group before our abodes completely fill with mechanical pencils and post-it notes.

alleynbard wrote:

Solnes- In all seriousness I am interested in seeing the list of stuff as well. There are certainly some holes in my collection.

If there is any 2e stuff, I am most interested in material from Planescape and Spelljammer.

I know you won't know till Friday or thereabouts, so I know my hopes are a bit moot until then.

The minis though are the real prize in my mind. I am extremely interested in those.

So far no one other than me seems interested in the mini's, so you should have your pick of what I have. I will let you know how many and what they are and what he charges me for them. We can go from there?

flash_cxxi wrote:
Did I hear someone mention old D&D and Shadowrun Books?

That would have been me. A friend of mine is selling me some stuff. I figured I would offer up what ever I pass on for what he charges me.

Solnes wrote:
So far no one other than me seems interested in the mini's, so you should have your pick of what I have. I will let you know how many and what they are and what he charges me for them. We can go from there?

I'm surprised you're even interested in the minis given that you guys got rid of a lot of them and don't even use them in your own games. I find this ... puzzling.

I just prefer the pre-paints over the pewters...

Kids are being so good today. Riley is all smiles and cuddles, I have missed that!

Liberty's Edge

Treppa wrote:
Cuchulainn wrote:
So I'm not the only one with a strange attraction to office/school supplies. Good. I'm not completely insane.
You, Studpuffin, and I should start a support group before our abodes completely fill with mechanical pencils and post-it notes.

But I swear, I need more graph paper! Yes, I know I have 3 pads already, but this graph paper is red!

Studpuffin wrote:
Treppa wrote:
Cuchulainn wrote:
So I'm not the only one with a strange attraction to office/school supplies. Good. I'm not completely insane.
You, Studpuffin, and I should start a support group before our abodes completely fill with mechanical pencils and post-it notes.
But I swear, I need more graph paper! Yes, I know I have 3 pads already, but this graph paper is red!

Oooh! Get both varieties - the double-sided and the type with lines on one side and squares on the other.

Don't forget the logarithmic paper, too.

Solnes wrote:
Kids are being so good today. Riley is all smiles and cuddles, I have missed that!

The calm ... before the storm ...

<insert twilight zone music>

Treppa wrote:
Studpuffin wrote:
Treppa wrote:
Cuchulainn wrote:
So I'm not the only one with a strange attraction to office/school supplies. Good. I'm not completely insane.
You, Studpuffin, and I should start a support group before our abodes completely fill with mechanical pencils and post-it notes.
But I swear, I need more graph paper! Yes, I know I have 3 pads already, but this graph paper is red!

Oooh! Get both varieties - the double-sided and the type with lines on one side and squares on the other.

Don't forget the logarithmic paper, too.

What? No hex-grid paper? Fail.

Allrighty then. Time to head into manhattantown for gaming stuff. Will also be meeting up with the wife to do some shopping. Hopefully we will be able to catch Cafe Zaiya to pick up some onigiri. In either case, this talk of used bookstores makes me want to go to Book-Off!

Liberty's Edge

Treppa wrote:

Don't forget the logarithmic paper, too.

They don't carry it here, it has to be "special ordered"... bunch of stupid dumb... mumble mumble

Liberty's Edge

Urizen wrote:
Treppa wrote:
Studpuffin wrote:
Treppa wrote:
Cuchulainn wrote:
So I'm not the only one with a strange attraction to office/school supplies. Good. I'm not completely insane.
You, Studpuffin, and I should start a support group before our abodes completely fill with mechanical pencils and post-it notes.
But I swear, I need more graph paper! Yes, I know I have 3 pads already, but this graph paper is red!

Oooh! Get both varieties - the double-sided and the type with lines on one side and squares on the other.

Don't forget the logarithmic paper, too.

What? No hex-grid paper? Fail.

Neither! :(

Urizen wrote:
Solnes wrote:
So far no one other than me seems interested in the mini's, so you should have your pick of what I have. I will let you know how many and what they are and what he charges me for them. We can go from there?

I'm surprised you're even interested in the minis given that you guys got rid of a lot of them and don't even use them in your own games. I find this ... puzzling.

I just prefer the pre-paints over the pewters...

I like to paint the mini's, most of the ones that we kept I had painted. I want them to paint, not collect. :)

Pssst... the hex paper is in the back room. Invitation only. Tell 'em Treppa sent you.

Urizen wrote:
Solnes wrote:
Kids are being so good today. Riley is all smiles and cuddles, I have missed that!

The calm ... before the storm ...

<insert twilight zone music>

I am hoping it lasts through the night. We have BBQ Chops and ribs for dinner with scalloped potatoes and sweet peas. Hubby has had a long day and I am hoping to make him feel better with a good dinner, a hot shower and quiet kids. :)

Liberty's Edge

Treppa wrote:
Pssst... the hex paper is in the back room. Invitation only. Tell 'em Treppa sent you.

I did, they don't have it. They did say your pack of rainbow permanent markers came in though.

Studpuffin wrote:
Treppa wrote:
Pssst... the hex paper is in the back room. Invitation only. Tell 'em Treppa sent you.
I did, they don't have it. They did say your pack of rainbow permanent markers came in though.

I'm gonna need some alone time.

Liberty's Edge

Treppa wrote:
Studpuffin wrote:
Treppa wrote:
Pssst... the hex paper is in the back room. Invitation only. Tell 'em Treppa sent you.
I did, they don't have it. They did say your pack of rainbow permanent markers came in though.
I'm gonna need some alone time.

That means run! Everyone, to a safe 1/3 mile distance.



Treppa wrote:
Cuchulainn wrote:
So I'm not the only one with a strange attraction to office/school supplies. Good. I'm not completely insane.
You, Studpuffin, and I should start a support group before our abodes completely fill with mechanical pencils and post-it notes.

Heehee. One of my friends joined a support group like that. It ended up being just a group where they told each other where the good sales were. :)

Solnes wrote:
alleynbard wrote:

Solnes- In all seriousness I am interested in seeing the list of stuff as well. There are certainly some holes in my collection.

If there is any 2e stuff, I am most interested in material from Planescape and Spelljammer.

I know you won't know till Friday or thereabouts, so I know my hopes are a bit moot until then.

The minis though are the real prize in my mind. I am extremely interested in those.

So far no one other than me seems interested in the mini's, so you should have your pick of what I have. I will let you know how many and what they are and what he charges me for them. We can go from there?

what minis I would like to see the list or minis when you get them :)

Studpuffin wrote:
Treppa wrote:
Studpuffin wrote:
Treppa wrote:
Pssst... the hex paper is in the back room. Invitation only. Tell 'em Treppa sent you.
I did, they don't have it. They did say your pack of rainbow permanent markers came in though.
I'm gonna need some alone time.

That means run! Everyone, to a safe 1/3 mile distance.



Get to the Choppa!!!!!

compliments of Urizen :)

Solnes wrote:
Urizen wrote:
Solnes wrote:
Kids are being so good today. Riley is all smiles and cuddles, I have missed that!

The calm ... before the storm ...

<insert twilight zone music>

I am hoping it lasts through the night. We have BBQ Chops and ribs for dinner with scalloped potatoes and sweet peas. Hubby has had a long day and I am hoping to make him feel better with a good dinner, a hot shower and quiet kids. :)

day off Solnes

Dark Archive

I think I just single handedly solved "The civil religious discussion thread" with one post. I gave a way for all of the worlds religions to solve their problems.

Woodraven wrote:

Get to the Choppa!!!!!

compliments of Urizen :)

Glad you like ADM. :D I need to point you out to Zimmer's Hole that I played for you in the car on the way down, too. Thanks for the reminder.

Jeremy Mcgillan wrote:
I think I just single handedly solved "The civil religious discussion thread" with one post. I gave a way for all of the worlds religions to solve their problems.



The paizo.com website will be offline for maintenance Wednesday, June 2, starting at 3 p.m. Pacific time.

The downtime should be no more than two hours.

I heard a sound, like thousands of voices crying out...


Liberty's Edge

Orthos wrote:

The paizo.com website will be offline for maintenance Wednesday, June 2, starting at 3 p.m. Pacific time.

The downtime should be no more than two hours.
I heard a sound, like thousands of voices crying out...

I blame Sebastian.

In before the maintenance down time.

Home for less than five minutes and I have already bleed all over the kitchen floor. But at least there is Mt Dew in the fridge.

My foot hurts now. :(

Twin Agate Dragons wrote:
In before the maintenance down time.

Maintenance down time?

Mister Moorluck wrote:

Home for less than five minutes and I have already bleed all over the kitchen floor. But at least there is Mt Dew in the fridge.

My foot hurts now. :(

In that case everything is cool. :)

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

The Thing from Beyond the Edge wrote:
Maintenance down time?

See the note at the top of the page. (Maintenance notes always get top of the page!)

Celestial Healer wrote:
Moff Rimmer wrote:
taig wrote:
Moff Rimmer wrote:
Ok everyone. I've got some new pics up. Enjoy (and let me know what you think).
You have a gift for composition, Moff!


This was funny. I went with my son. (8 year old.) I stopped by the store and picked up a spray bottle. He asked me why. I asked him if he's seen pictures of flowers with water/dew on them. I told him that I was going to try and make that happen if it isn't on the flowers to begin with. He says -- "so you're going to cheat".

Heh. A lot of photographers do exactly that.

In a similar story, my partner likes to pretend that this picture was taken exactly as it was. In fact, we found the old high chair stashed in a corner with some other furniture where the light was terrible, so I said, "Let's drag this into the middle of that brightly lit part of the abandoned restaurant. It will look creepier that way." And sure enough, it's creepy as hell. Sometimes you have to stage a little :)

I like the chair pic but don't see it as creepy. However, I have to give props to Moff's pics instead in this case because purple has always been my favorite color.

Gary Teter wrote:
The Thing from Beyond the Edge wrote:
Maintenance down time?
See the note at the top of the page. (Maintenance notes always get top of the page!)

Thank you. It seems that I learned something new today.

Gary Teter wrote:
The Thing from Beyond the Edge wrote:
Maintenance down time?
See the note at the top of the page. (Maintenance notes always get top of the page!)

You have better be workin' to improve the server, and not be servicing the office pool, Teter. We will be watching with great fanfare. We know your true agenda. You lurk here for chrissakes. And consort with the likes of Cosmo.


Solnes wrote:
So, what is everyone doing today?

I am going to go to Atlantis in hopes of convincing some of my friends to play Champions.

And we expect explicit candid photographs of resurfacing the hardwood floors.

Liberty's Edge

Urizen wrote:
And we expect explicit candid photographs of resurfacing the hardwood floors.

I heard they're laying down red wood planks, with an improved polish!

The Thing from Beyond the Edge wrote:
Solnes wrote:
So, what is everyone doing today?
I am going to go to Atlantis in hopes of convincing some of my friends to play Champions.

Uh...you might be too late. It sank. A long time ago. Under the ocean.

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