Accelerated Drinker Trait and the Alchemist

Advanced Player's Guide Playtest: Final Playtest

Shadow Lodge

Just curious as to whether or not this trait would effect the alchemist's other class abilities, mutagens and extracts. The wording of the trait specifically says potions, however it was written before the alchemist was conceived. My gut feeling is yes, it would effect abilities such as mutagen and extracts, as those are essentially potions with very specific results. Would that be to much if it worked that way, in your opinion? Either way, I think the trait fits thematically with the class. Thoughts/opinions?

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 4

Is there a place these traits are listed? I'm intrigued.

Shadow Lodge

I didnt help myself by not posting the actual trait :) You can go here to see the trait. Basically as long as you start your turn with a potion in your hand, you can drink it as move-equivilant action. Im not at home and dont have the pdf in front of me, but I belive its mentioned under extracts that it "acts like a potion" or something to that effect, which is what got me thinking about this trait.

Hmmm....something tells me that this really isn't intended. If you want fluff, maybe extracts don't go inert when they leave the alchmist's posession so much as there's some minor last-minute adjustments you need to make before consuming one to 'activate' them. Need to shake it just so for a moment, or crush a solid ingredient with your teeth.

Shadow Lodge

Made it home and found the relevant line in the PDF which caused me to even spark this thought in the first place. In the section detailing extracts, there are a few lines that stand out. First:

APG Final Revision v2 pg 3 wrote:

Extracts are the most varied of the three. In many ways, they behave like spells in potion form...

Ok not very compelling there, but its a start. However this next line is what really got me wondering:

APG Final Revision v2 pg 3 wrote:

An extract is “cast” by drinking it, as if imbibing a potion —the effects of an extract exactly duplicate the spell upon which its formula is based, save that the spell always affects only the drinking alchemist. The alchemist uses his level as the caster level to determine any effect based on caster level.

Bolded text mine for emphasis. If drinking an extract is "as if imbibing a potion", why wouldn't the accelerated drinker trait effect it?

Grand Lodge

Seems fair to me. What kind of abuse can you really get into with extracts that you can't get with potions?

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 4

Considering you have to have the potion in your hand to begin with. I suppose you might walk around always carrying a pair of extracts to chug at the start of the fight....

Shadow Lodge

Scipion del Ferro wrote:
Considering you have to have the potion in your hand to begin with. I suppose you might walk around always carrying a pair of extracts to chug at the start of the fight....

Heh, I just get this mental image of the paranoid alchemist with extracts in both hands as they search through the dungeon... Kinda makes me wish there was a quick-draw-equivalent feat for potions!

Kabump wrote:
Scipion del Ferro wrote:
Considering you have to have the potion in your hand to begin with. I suppose you might walk around always carrying a pair of extracts to chug at the start of the fight....
Heh, I just get this mental image of the paranoid alchemist with extracts in both hands as they search through the dungeon... Kinda makes me wish there was a quick-draw-equivalent feat for potions!

There might indeed be a feat like that in the works. We'll just have to wait until august and see.

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

It's not PF or OGL, but the old 3.0 Forgotten Realms campaign setting had masterwork potion belts that, if I recall correctly, made retrieving a potion a free action. I'd allow an extract/mutagen to be used with one of those. It would make it pretty much a must-have item for an Alchemist, but they're nonmagical, and thus cheap, and frankly are kind of a no-brainer for anyone if your GM allows them.

For PF Core only...a Glove of Storing is a possibility. Maybe you could justify 10,000 gold to store your mutagen and have it in your hand as a free action.

I also think, from a concept standpoint, false-tooth style capsules would be kind of cool. I know I've seen them in an RPG book somewhere, but it might have been a totally different system.

RicoTheBold wrote:

It's not PF or OGL, but the old 3.0 Forgotten Realms campaign setting had masterwork potion belts that, if I recall correctly, made retrieving a potion a free action. I'd allow an extract/mutagen to be used with one of those. It would make it pretty much a must-have item for an Alchemist, but they're nonmagical, and thus cheap, and frankly are kind of a no-brainer for anyone if your GM allows them.

For PF Core only...a Glove of Storing is a possibility. Maybe you could justify 10,000 gold to store your mutagen and have it in your hand as a free action.

I also think, from a concept standpoint, false-tooth style capsules would be kind of cool. I know I've seen them in an RPG book somewhere, but it might have been a totally different system.

Those are both good suggestions. I might actually ask my DM to let me buy one of each. :)

It's not like The Alchemist has a lot of items he absolutely needs as opposed to a fighter or a wizard...

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 4

I'm under the impression that items stored in an adventurers satchel from Seeker of Secrets can be accessed with a free action so long as the pockets are open ahead of time. It's basically a bandolier, but you run the risk of stuff falling out with the pockets open.

So you could move up, throw a bomb, grab two potions. Then next turn use two move actions to drink them down. Or drink down two combined extracts to gain four buffs in one round.

Shadow Lodge

Scipion del Ferro wrote:

I'm under the impression that items stored in an adventurers satchel from Seeker of Secrets can be accessed with a free action so long as the pockets are open ahead of time. It's basically a bandolier, but you run the risk of stuff falling out with the pockets open.

I'm reading that entry right now, and actually makes no mention of what it takes to retrieve an item from one of the 6 slots on the sash. It mentions its a move-equivalent action to open or close one, and that it is a move action to remove the sash in case of emergency. As such I'm inclined to think it would be a move action to grab anything from an open pocket on the sash.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 4

Hrmm, well it's a move action to recover an item normally. Maybe it doesn't provoke an AoO or something like the haversack.

It makes sense to me if you have an open pouch with a single item in it readily available that it would only take a free action to get it.

Maybe a little clarification on that item is needed.

Shadow Lodge

Scipion del Ferro wrote:

Hrmm, well it's a move action to recover an item normally. Maybe it doesn't provoke an AoO or something like the haversack.

It makes sense to me if you have an open pouch with a single item in it readily available that it would only take a free action to get it.

Maybe a little clarification on that item is needed.

I agree. As it stands now, I would allow slots that are unbuckled to be retrieved as a free action, but you run the risk of losing the object should you fall/trip/get grappled/etc.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 4

I don't think the alchemical capsules from Complete Adventurer would work. From the section about them it doesn't look like you can just put any potion you want in it, just the 6 they list. A clever DM might say for an additional 15gp you can craft a special potion just for the capsule retainer.

Since you can activate those with a swift action that would be a nice price.

Shadow Lodge

Im sure there will be some new items in the APG as well that should be tailored towards the alchemist as well. Why cant this book be out already? :)

Pathfinder PF Special Edition Subscriber

Good things come to those that wait. I'm glad to wait! :)

Something to keep in mind however... is that the Adventurer's Armory is coming out this month. Perhaps there are a few "forward looking" items there.

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