Both the Imbue and Seeker arrow abilities on the same arrow?

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Lantern Lodge

Arcane archers get the ability Enhance arrows (magic) at 1st level and (elemental) at 3rd level, Imbue arrow at 2nd level, and Seeker arrow at 4th level. Imbue arrow says: "A spell cast in this wasy uses its standard casting time and the arcane archer can fire the arrow as part of the casting." Seeker arrow says: "Using this ability is a standard action (and shooting the arrow is part of the action)." Similar language, but not the same. While it seems pretty clear that Enhance arrows and Imbue arrow abilities can both be used on the same arrow (the AA could shoot a +1 shock arrow imbued with burning hands, for instance), can the AA use both the Imbue and Seeker arrow abilities on the same arrow if the casting time of the spell chosen is a standard action or less--a +1 shock arrow imbued with burning hands that also goes around corners?

My answer would be: "Sort of". To use the Seeker ability you have to use your standard action, leaving you with a move and swift. If you have swift action spells (such as a Quickened spell) or something you want to imbue that is a free or move action (I can't think of any), you can Imbue that first then apply Seeker, which fires your arrow.

The issue is that Imbue says that you "can fire the arrow as part of the casting" while Seeker tells you that the standard action used to apply the ability fires the arrow ("shooting the arrow is part of the action"). If you have ways of gaining extra standard/full round actions (which don't exist in Pathfinder Core, but do in 3.x books) you could Imbue a standard action/full round action spell then apply Seeker and fire the arrow.

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