Max stat score?

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

I just wondered if anyone knew how to get a lvl 20 character with the highest stat possible. at guessing i would say str is best bet.
start at 18 str, add 2 for racial, 5 from manual, 5 from lvl'n, a +6 belt, and 4 lvls of Dragon Disciple. that is str = 40.

is there any other ways to boost a stat i'm not thinking of?

as stated above it can be guessed that a caster could get to 36 (DD38). any chance that gets higher?

trying to stick with human builds. (and i know that DD gives +4str,+2con,+2int)

(this thought brought to u buy table 1-3 of p hand)

The dragon disciple you list can actually get 42str (+2 size from a relatively cheap permanent enlarge person). A druid as a Huge Earth Elemental or Huge plant creature can also get 42 str indefinitely. On the other hand, I don't see a way in PF core to boost a casting stat anymore.

20 starting + 5 levels + 5 book + 6 item + 4 DD = 40 + 8 Giant Shape 2 = 48 Str.

Kamai wrote:
The dragon disciple you list can actually get 42str (+2 size from a relatively cheap permanent enlarge person). A druid as a Huge Earth Elemental or Huge plant creature can also get 42 str indefinitely. On the other hand, I don't see a way in PF core to boost a casting stat anymore.

In core, age progression increases Int, Wis and Cha stats (+3 cumulative at venerable age for race) - useful for casters. However, physical stats suffer greatly at advanced age.

well if your simply trying to power it out to max, take a look in the dnd epic handbook mind flayer minion a Paragon it habe bonuses everywhere.

aaron Ellis wrote:
Kamai wrote:
The dragon disciple you list can actually get 42str (+2 size from a relatively cheap permanent enlarge person). A druid as a Huge Earth Elemental or Huge plant creature can also get 42 str indefinitely. On the other hand, I don't see a way in PF core to boost a casting stat anymore.
In core, age progression increases Int, Wis and Cha stats (+3 cumulative at venerable age for race) - useful for casters. However, physical stats suffer greatly at advanced age.

You could also make a pact with a succubus to gain the profane gift (+2 to one stat)

If your Dragon Disciple is also a barbarian, feel free to add a +4 morale bonus to Str from the raging.

Are other books from 3.0/3.5 allowed? Several feats could help you (if, like Gamender suggested, you want temporary increases too). I think of Animal Devotion, mainly, some aspects of which give you plusses to Strength. IIRC, it was +2 per 4 character levels, for one minute per day (more if you use your Channel Energy to that end). You might need a level of divine caster, though.

As Kamai said before, Wild Shape is also a possibility. I don't know how PF WS meshes with WS-related 3.5 feats, though.

...and, of course, there are some Str-increasing races, too. But you seem to want to stick to human for some reason :-)

the idea was to find out how many ways to get stat bonuses, was hoping to stick to Pathfinder source. i'm unfamiliar with the many classifications of bonuses. IE size modifier, age, and rage just didnt sink in. thx for all the input

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