Free Adventures

Homebrew and House Rules

Hey folks, I brushed up a couple of adventures that I made. If you get a chance, go to, check them out, play them, and tell me what you think.

My players enjoyed them. I hope you do, too.


Lovely gesture. Thanks.

I'll look them over.

If I can make an initial suggestion - combine the PDFs and remove the graphic beneath the text. Combined they're still not very big and the text over the drawings is hard to read.

You also should include the OGL and Pathfinder licenses at the end. I know its a fan project but it is still good form.


Thanks.Barbarossa. That was nice of you.

A couple more helpful suggestion:

1) Next/underneath each adventure title, tell us what level the adventure is for so we don't have to open it up to find that info.

2) If it requires more than the 5 PF character party, let us know.

That's it for now. I have not downloaded them yet - my current party is past the levels stated - but later on, I probably will.

Keep them coming.

- V

Sigurd wrote:

Lovely gesture. Thanks.

I'll look them over.

If I can make an initial suggestion - combine the PDFs and remove the graphic beneath the text. Combined they're still not very big and the text over the drawings is hard to read.

You also should include the OGL and Pathfinder licenses at the end. I know its a fan project but it is still good form.


When I get a chance, I'll re-work them with the licensing.

What do you mean by combining the PDFs? Just joining the the two adventures?

VooDoo wrote:

Thanks.Barbarossa. That was nice of you.

A couple more helpful suggestion:

1) Next/underneath each adventure title, tell us what level the adventure is for so we don't have to open it up to find that info.

2) If it requires more than the 5 PF character party, let us know.

That's it for now. I have not downloaded them yet - my current party is past the levels stated - but later on, I probably will.

Keep them coming.

- V

Good ideas. I'll do it.

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