A Man and his Dog - part 2

Advanced Player's Guide Playtest: Final Playtest

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Scipion del Ferro wrote:
Haha, I take it you saw the trick up my sleeve ;) I love the fact that witches can fly pretty much at will and have baleful polymorph at 4th level.

Make a druid, use wildshape to transform into a small air elemental ( or a flying animal), have natural spell. Profit. :P

this is the first time I can't see my own Post :P

What is going on here? We about to do another playtest? Can anyone jump in?

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 4

Twizzle, gnome wizard 7:

Name: Twizzle
Race: Elf
Alignment: LN
Class: Wizard 7
Size: Small

HP: 58

STR: 10 +0 (base 12, -2 race)
DEX: 22 +6 (base 15, +2 race, +1 level, +4 enhance)
CON: 17 +3 (base 13, +2 race, +2 enhance)
INT: 18 +5 (base 14, +4 enhance)
WIS: 10
CHA: 8 -1

Fort: +7
Ref: +10
Will: +7

BAB: +3
AC: 21, 10+ (4 mage armor) + (6 Dex) + (1 ring) + (1 amulet) + (1 size)
22 w/ shield +4

CMB: +2
CMD: +4

+13 Fly
+16 Knw (arcana)
+16 Knw (history)
+16 Knw (planes)
+16 Spellcraft

Shocking grasp +10 (30 damage)
Scorching ray +10 (4d6, 2 rays)

Arcane bond - Staff
Specialist - Transmutation
Prohibited - Necromancy, Divination
-Physical Enhancement (+2 Con)
-Telekinetic fist, +7 (1d4+3) 9/day
Scribe Scroll
Bonus feat - Maximize Spell

1 Toughness
3 Augment Summon
5 Combat Casting
7 Spell Focus (transmutation)

Arcane bonded staff
8,000 Headband of Int +4
8,000 Belt of Dex +4
2,000 Cloak of Res +2
2,000 Ring of Deflection +1
2,000 Amulet of Nat Armor +1
random adventuring gear

750 2 scroll of dispel magic
1,400 2 scroll of max. shocking grasp
700 scroll of stoneskin

Spells Known:
0- All
1- shield, mage armor, summon monster I, shocking grasp, color spray, enlarge person, feather fall, reduce person
2- scorching ray, spider climb, darkvision, summon monster II
3- dispel magic, displacement, slow, summon monster III
4- stoneskin, summon monster IV

Spells Prepared:
0 who cares
1 shield x 2, shocking grasp, reduce person x2
2 scorching ray x2, summon monster II x2
3 displacement, slow, summon monster III
4 max.shocking grasp x2

Here's a small wizard. Specializes in getting up close and personal and tazing opponents. He might need to drop Spell Focus for Weapon Finesse, but I've never been 100% on if melee touch attacks use Str or Dex. If someone wants to use him or whatever I don't care. I build characters at work to pass the time.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I'm so lost... I thought we were all making four characters each... Or am I just throwing one guy into all of this?

Adam D wrote:
I'm so lost... I thought we were all making four characters each... Or am I just throwing one guy into all of this?

I think the idea at the moment is that, ideally, we would each have one character out of a group of four, but more are never bad just in case someone has to cancel when it comes time for the actual PbP. (And that may mean we end up running 2 or more each.)

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Alrighty, here we go... Wanted to create a front-liner for the team.
Put this together kinda late at night, if anyone finds any errors, lemme know.

Naylisk & Yasha


Human Paladin 7(Naylisk)
Init +0; Senses -; Perception +1

AC 26, 10 touch, 26 flat-footed (+11 Armor, +4 Shield, +1 Natural)
HP 70
Fort +10, Ref +5, Will +9

Speed (30)20 ft.
Melee +11/+6 (Lance 1d8+1)

STR 18, DEX 10, CON 14, INT 8, WIS 12, CHA 15 (14+2+2)
Base Atk. +7, CMB +11, CMD +11
Skills: Handle Animal +9, Heal +7, Ride +10

+2 Full Plate (5650gp)
Keen Lance (2310gp)
+2 Hvy Steel Shield (4170gp)
Belt of Giant Strength (8000gp)
Cloak of Resistance +1 (1000gp)
Amulet of Nat Armor (2000gp)

Mounted Combat
Ride-By Attack
Spirited Charge
Selective Channeling
Extra Lay on Hands
Racial Abilities

Tiger Mount (Yasha)
Init +3; Senses low-light vision, Scent; Perception +8

AC 20, 13 touch, 16 flat-footed (+4 Dexterity,+7 Natural, -1 Size)
HP 57
Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +4

Speed 40 ft.
Bite +9 (1d10+6), 2 Claws +10 (1d8+6)
Rake (1d8)

STR 23, DEX 18, CON 17, INT 2, WIS 15, CHA 10
Base Atk. +4, CMB +10, CMD +14
Skills: +10 Escape Artist, +8 Perception

Mstwk Studded Leather Barding (700gp)

Improved Natural Armor
Improved Natural Attack

Size Modifiers
-1 Attack, -1 AC

Darkjoy wrote:
Tomorrow will be a busy day for me, projected online time is after 18:00 European time.

GMT or CET? I can be on tomorrow around then, though it might be a bit on the late side for me most nights.

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

Scipion del Ferro wrote:

** spoiler omitted **


Cost of belt and headband are both off, each costs 16k, which is above the 8k limit!

Rework is required.

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

Are we still waiting for a druid?

Anyway, let's get this show on the road.

If you are, I might take the role.
+2 Weapons are over 8000 right? ;)

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

Azmahel wrote:

If you are, I might take the role.

+2 Weapons are over 8000 right? ;)

They are on the edge, +2 is ok.

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

PBP is here!

We are waiting for a druid/cleric.

If nothing is posted within one hour we are using a modified pregen.

I'm on it. Are we playing "sensible" or "dirty" ?

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

Azmahel wrote:

I'm on it. Are we playing "sensible" or "dirty" ?

What does that mean?

Just post it already ;>

I'm eating right now. will take some time. (Also this is the first druid since 3.0 I'm building)

"sensible" is simulating a "real" encounter with a likely real party and a summoner that is build as an enemy and encounter not a pc killing monstrosity.

"dirty" is optimized characters against a pc killing monstrosity. A pure Test of power.

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

Azmahel wrote:

I'm eating right now. will take some time more.

"sensible" is simulating a "real" encounter with a likely real party and a summoner that is build as an enemy and encounter not a pc killing monstrosity.

"dirty" is optimized characters against a pc killing monstrosity. A pure Test of power.

OK, the PC killing monstrosity bit took a hit, only 5 natural attacks, gone are the days that I could make a gazillion attack rolls ;(

I fully expect semi-optimized PCs, because there is no natural progression from level 1, optimization sets in.

I know I'm late, but i'm in the finsihing touches

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

Azmahel wrote:
I know I'm late, but i'm in the finsihing touches

I wasn't saying anything, I just posted a cleric ;>

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

Darkjoy wrote:

PBP is here!

We are waiting for a druid/cleric.

If nothing is posted within one hour we are using a modified pregen.

Gale has chosen Singer as his PC

3 slots remain open, Azmahel will likely pick his druid. Adam will pick his paladin I guess, so that leaves one lucky player ;>

Darkjoy wrote:
Darkjoy wrote:

PBP is here!

We are waiting for a druid/cleric.

If nothing is posted within one hour we are using a modified pregen.

Gale has chosen Singer as his PC

3 slots remain open, Azmahel will likely pick his druid. Adam will pick his paladin I guess, so that leaves one lucky player ;>

To whoever ends up with Archer, the damage listed on his sheet does not include the various temporary bonuses from Rage, Rapidshot, Manyshot, Deadly Aim, Point Blank Shot, etc.

Please remember to add the appropriate modifiers.
Rage: +2 Damage
Manyshot: Double damage on the first shot.
Point Blank Shot: +1 to hit and damage under 30 ft.
Deadly Aim: -2 to hit, +4 damage
Rapid Shot: 1 Extra attack, -2 to hit.

With all but Point Blank Shot, the attack routine is:
+9 for 2d6+26 and +9/+4 for 1d6+13

My bard is likely to go first, meaning you'll also have a +2 competence bonus to attacks and damage, and a +2 Morale bonus to attacks, saves, damage, skill checks, and ability checks, making the total to hit and damage:
+13 for 2d6+34 and +13/+8 for 1d6+17

(I'll post this in both threads just to make sure it's not missed)

Druid is posted
One think I might like to change though: loose Power attack, gain Improved initiative

In fact I'll go and change it right now

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 4

Darkjoy wrote:
Scipion del Ferro wrote:

** spoiler omitted **


Cost of belt and headband are both off, each costs 16k, which is above the 8k limit!

Rework is required.


I always do that > . > Stupid stat items are the only thing in the game where I read the crafting cost, not the base cost.

Well that leave him about 8,000 to spend on other things which I'm not in the mood to buy for him now, probably a ton of scrolls.


Name: Twizzle
Race: Elf
Alignment: LN
Class: Wizard 7
Size: Small
HP: 58

STR: 10 +0 (base 12, -2 race)
DEX: 20 +5 (base 15, +2 race, +1 level, +2 enhance)
CON: 17 +3 (base 13, +2 race, +2 enhance)
INT: 16 +5 (base 14, +2 enhance)
WIS: 10
CHA: 8 -1

Fort: +7
Ref: +10
Will: +7

BAB: +3
AC: 20, 10+ (4 mage armor) + (5 Dex) + (1 ring) + (1 amulet) + (1 size)
24 w/ shield +4

CMB: +2
CMD: +4

+13 Fly
+16 Knw (arcana)
+16 Knw (history)
+16 Knw (planes)
+16 Spellcraft

Shocking grasp +10 (30 damage)
Scorching ray +10 (4d6, 2 rays)

Arcane bond - Staff
Specialist - Transmutation
Prohibited - Necromancy, Divination
-Physical Enhancement (+2 Con)
-Telekinetic fist, +7 (1d4+3) 9/day
Scribe Scroll
Bonus feat - Maximize Spell

1 Toughness
3 Augment Summon
5 Combat Casting
7 Spell Focus (transmutation)

Arcane bonded staff
4,000 Headband of Int +2
4,000 Belt of Dex +2
2,000 Cloak of Res +2
2,000 Ring of Deflection +1
2,000 Amulet of Nat Armor +1
random adventuring gear

750 2 scroll of dispel magic
1,400 2 scroll of max. shocking grasp
700 scroll of stoneskin

Spells Known:
0- All
1- shield, mage armor, summon monster I, shocking grasp, color spray, enlarge person, feather fall, reduce person
2- scorching ray, spider climb, darkvision, summon monster II
3- dispel magic, displacement, slow, summon monster III
4- stoneskin, summon monster IV

Spells Prepared:
0 who cares
1 shield x 2, shocking grasp, reduce person x2
2 scorching ray x2, summon monster II x2
3 displacement, slow, summon monster III
4 max.shocking grasp x2

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

Playtest is underway, we still have 2 PCs that need their very own player.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 4

Well I've got 5 hours here at work to join you gents. Care to link to the spot?

hrmm, the race on the Wizard should be gnome, not elf.

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

Playtest results thus far:

The summoner now summons not spams

And he summons. He's now more than a device of wall of flame spamming, and in exchange the eidolon has become more fragile. ( which is ok, considering that a Lvl 5 spell can summon a CR 7 Beastie)

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

Azmahel wrote:
And he summons. He's now more than a device of wall of flame spamming, and in exchange the eidolon has become more fragile. ( which is ok, considering that a Lvl 5 spell can summon a CR 7 Beastie)

The eidolon was the unfortunate victim of a first strike, so actual playtest data is inconclusive at this time ;>

Sorry for disappearing, had issues with my net all weekend. Still need someone to run a PC?

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

Kolokotroni wrote:
Sorry for disappearing, had issues with my net all weekend. Still need someone to run a PC?

Yes, go to PBP and claim a PC

So the playtest yesterday lead to a pretty handy win for the party over the summoner, though I think at least part of that was the summoner trying to wait for the perfect moment to strike and getting nailed in the process.

Any thoughts on doing another today?

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

Kolokotroni wrote:

So the playtest yesterday lead to a pretty handy win for the party over the summoner, though I think at least part of that was the summoner trying to wait for the perfect moment to strike and getting nailed in the process.

Any thoughts on doing another today?

Yes and the HP were off, Kitty would have been toast if I had caught that mistake sooner.

Darkjoy wrote:
Kolokotroni wrote:

So the playtest yesterday lead to a pretty handy win for the party over the summoner, though I think at least part of that was the summoner trying to wait for the perfect moment to strike and getting nailed in the process.

Any thoughts on doing another today?

Yes and the HP were off, Kitty would have been toast if I had caught that mistake sooner.

perhaps a little less cat and mouse today? Since it was you that wanted to test the 'soft' side of things.

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

Kolokotroni wrote:
Darkjoy wrote:
Kolokotroni wrote:

So the playtest yesterday lead to a pretty handy win for the party over the summoner, though I think at least part of that was the summoner trying to wait for the perfect moment to strike and getting nailed in the process.

Any thoughts on doing another today?

Yes and the HP were off, Kitty would have been toast if I had caught that mistake sooner.
perhaps a little less cat and mouse today? Since it was you that wanted to test the 'soft' side of things.

Soft side has nothing to do with it, at round 3 you were drawn out and 1-1 summoner + eidolon is a meatgrinder.

So that little hp oversight killed the playtest - mistakes were made again.

But we will see how things go today, oh yeas we will

Darkjoy wrote:
Kolokotroni wrote:
Darkjoy wrote:
Kolokotroni wrote:

So the playtest yesterday lead to a pretty handy win for the party over the summoner, though I think at least part of that was the summoner trying to wait for the perfect moment to strike and getting nailed in the process.

Any thoughts on doing another today?

Yes and the HP were off, Kitty would have been toast if I had caught that mistake sooner.
perhaps a little less cat and mouse today? Since it was you that wanted to test the 'soft' side of things.

Soft side has nothing to do with it, at round 3 you were drawn out and 1-1 summoner + eidolon is a meatgrinder.

So that little hp oversight killed the playtest - mistakes were made again.

But we will see how things go today, oh yeas we will

What i mean was, you had mentioned to azmahel that you were looking for a less chesslike approach from the players to represent more likely player behavior. But at the same time you were referencing the art of war regarding your own tactics for the summoner.

Darkjoy wrote:
Kolokotroni wrote:
Darkjoy wrote:
Kolokotroni wrote:

So the playtest yesterday lead to a pretty handy win for the party over the summoner, though I think at least part of that was the summoner trying to wait for the perfect moment to strike and getting nailed in the process.

Any thoughts on doing another today?

Yes and the HP were off, Kitty would have been toast if I had caught that mistake sooner.
perhaps a little less cat and mouse today? Since it was you that wanted to test the 'soft' side of things.

Soft side has nothing to do with it, at round 3 you were drawn out and 1-1 summoner + eidolon is a meatgrinder.

So that little hp oversight killed the playtest - mistakes were made again.

But we will see how things go today, oh yeas we will

After all the HP were off, but not as off as you thought. Everybody except Characters ( even NPCs normally) has to roll his first HD ;)

*watching from the sidelines. All work and no fun make me a dull boy*

Edit, wrong thread

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

Today was a good day!

I let the summons do the heavy lifting and did not cast any spell.

Summons performed ok, slowed party considerable and they even took a few hits from me this time around.

Druid is down for the moment, druid animal companion and archer both took a beating but are now at + 1/2 hp.

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

Darkjoy wrote:

Today was a good day!

I let the summons do the heavy lifting and did not cast any spell.

Summons performed ok, slowed party considerable and they even took a few hits from me this time around.

Druid is down for the moment, druid animal companion and archer both took a beating but are now at + 1/2 hp.

To add: moments later the druid was killed > at -20 after being revived to 0hp by the paladin just moments before.

The question that haunts me is what happens when you throw two 7th level summoners and eidolons at an 7th level party?

Basically the same CR encounter, but with double the summoned monsters output I wonder if the party will be overwhelmed by the summons?

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