Doubling Rings & Twin Takedown

Rules Discussion

Doubling Rings


This item consists of two magically linked rings: an intricate, gleaming golden ring with a square-cut ruby, and a thick, plain iron ring. When you wield a melee weapon in the hand wearing the golden ring, the weapon’s fundamental runes are replicated onto any melee weapon you wield in the hand wearing the iron ring. (The fundamental runes are weapon potency and striking, which add an item bonus to attack rolls and extra weapon damage dice, respectively.) Any fundamental runes on the weapon in the hand wearing the iron ring are suppressed.

The replication functions only if you wear both rings, and it ends as soon as you cease wielding a melee weapon in one of your hands. Consequently, the benefit doesn’t apply to thrown attacks or if you’re holding a weapon but not wielding it (such as holding in one hand a weapon that requires two hands to wield).

Twin Takedown


Requirements You are wielding two melee weapons, each in a different hand.

You swiftly attack your hunted prey with both weapons. Make two Strikes against your hunted prey, one with each of the required weapons. If both hit the same hunted prey, combine their damage for the purpose of its resistances and weaknesses. Apply your multiple attack penalty to each Strike normally.

Do they work with gauntlets?



Price 2 sp; Damage 1d4 B; Bulk L
Hands 1
Category Simple
Group Brawling; Traits Agile, Free-Hand
A pair of these metal gloves comes with full plate, half plate, and splint armor; they can also be purchased separately and worn with other types of armor. They not only protect your hands but also transform your hands into lethal weapons.

A gauntlet is 100% a weapon, but what bothers me most is the "wielding" part.

Or maybe it's just a verb meant to say that the weapon has to be not simply carried ( like holding a greatsword, a polearm or a heavy crossbow with 1 hand ) but wield in a way it can be used ( it can trigger an AoO, for example ).

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Yes, Doubling Rings work with gauntlets and Twin Takedown.

With a Free Hand weapon, I'd say that one must be able to make an attack with it in order to be wielding it. So this means not having another weapon in it or otherwise using that hand (as per Free Hand description).

So for a one-handed weapon wielder, a gauntlet makes a great offhand weapon to imbue with Runes which can via Doubling Rings be applied to any weapon they wield with their other hand.

It's also solid for a dual-wielder for when your PC needs to swap gear, do a maneuver, throw a javelin, or whatnot. That can all be quite difficult swapping, dropping, or sheathing, yet with a gauntlet, the PC can switch back and forth easily. And it's Agile too. I think it'd be worth the slight drop in damage (unless focused on a different weapon group, like a Fighter for most of its career).

Castilliano wrote:

With a Free Hand weapon, I'd say that one must be able to make an attack with it in order to be wielding it. So this means not having another weapon in it or otherwise using that hand (as per Free Hand description).

You nailed it, and now I am totally convinced.

Shadow Lodge

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This is covered by the Free-Hand weapon trait

Free-Hand wrote:

Source Core Rulebook pg. 282 2.0

This weapon doesn’t take up your hand, usually because it is built into your armor. A free-hand weapon can’t be Disarmed. You can use the hand covered by your free-hand weapon to wield other items, perform manipulate actions, and so on. You can’t attack with a free-hand weapon if you’re wielding anything in that hand or otherwise using that hand. When you’re not wielding anything and not otherwise using the hand, you can use abilities that require you to have a hand free as well as those that require you to be wielding a weapon in that hand. Each of your hands can have only one free-hand weapon on it.

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