Order of the Sword Cavalier

Advanced Player's Guide Playtest: Final Playtest


The 2nd level ability (By My Honor), states that an additional oath may be sworn, and bonuses from oaths are increased by 1.

Unless I'm just missing it, it doesn't seem that the oath is a cavalier class feature any more. What should go in place of this ability?

Thanks for the update!

Sorry for the double post.

The Knight's Challenge mentions an increase from d6 to d8 for the extra challenge damage, what would this be now that the challenge damage is equal to the cavalier's level?

The "Mounted Mastery" wasn't altered either. Cavaliers now suffer no armor penalty when applied to ride checks, but the Mounted Mastery still states that the armor penalty for ride checks is halved. It is still a good ability, the first sentence just needs to be removed.

AlQahir wrote:
The "Mounted Mastery" wasn't altered either. Cavaliers now suffer no armor penalty when applied to ride checks, but the Mounted Mastery still states that the armor penalty for ride checks is halved. It is still a good ability, the first sentence just needs to be removed.

The no armor penalty refers to the Cavaliers particular mount, as it is within the Mount special ability. If the Cavalier is between mounts or has to borrow one for some reason, he would have only half the normal armor check penalty. This could definitely be more clear. If you are to read that statement that he has no armor penalty on any mount, the combat training, light armor prof. and bonus feat would also apply, which doesn't seem right.

Not likely to make a whole lot of difference to most, but it's there.

Paizo Employee Director of Games

Hi there folks,

It appears that some of the rammifications of the changes to this class were not full played out through it other class abilities. I will post up some corrections later on this week after I get this sorted out.

Sorry for the mix up.

Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer
Paizo Publishing

I'd just replace the line for "increase the bonus granted by the oath" to "increase the bonus granted by the teamwork feat", and replace the ability to take an additional oath with......an additional teamwork feat.

Knight's Challenge would increase the bonus damage by 50%, or perhaps double it, as it is a once per day, high level ability.

All subject to change when the updated PDF is released, of course.

Jason Ellis 350 wrote:

I'd just replace the line for "increase the bonus granted by the oath" to "increase the bonus granted by the teamwork feat", and replace the ability to take an additional oath with......an additional teamwork feat.

Knight's Challenge would increase the bonus damage by 50%, or perhaps double it, as it is a once per day, high level ability.

All subject to change when the updated PDF is released, of course.

Using some of those teamwork feats is hard enough for a mounted character with a focus on charging, and the reactive nature of some of the better tactical feats.

Also, somewhere in the class, perhaps inside one of the Orders, can we get a class feature that makes the abysmal will saves less of an issue? I was kinda counting on the oaths to do that pre-revision.

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