NG print on demand finally here soon!


Grand Lodge

Looks like the folks at Necromancer Games will soon start having books available for print-on-demand, probably starting with their most recent three PDF-only publications: Slumbering Tsar, Eamonvale Incursion, and Demonheart. Looks like it will be done through RPGNow/DriveThruRPG.

According to the latest information, the sites will soon be releasing information to allow publishers to convert PDF products to a print on demand format. They will probably become available in February or March.

I'm hoping we'll see good sales on these, which will encourage Necromancer Games to publish the rest of Slumbering Tsar and perhaps some other products as well!

Damien_DM wrote:

Looks like the folks at Necromancer Games will soon start having books available for print-on-demand, probably starting with their most recent three PDF-only publications: Slumbering Tsar, Eamonvale Incursion, and Demonheart. Looks like it will be done through RPGNow/DriveThruRPG.

According to the latest information, the sites will soon be releasing information to allow publishers to convert PDF products to a print on demand format. They will probably become available in February or March.

I'm hoping we'll see good sales on these, which will encourage Necromancer Games to publish the rest of Slumbering Tsar and perhaps some other products as well!

Thanks for this good news. I've been waiting patiently for a few months now. Another few months will be easy to take...

I hope the p.o.d. is full-color (i.e., interiors--my only quibble w/ the Open Design p.o.d. stuff).

Silver Crusade

Oh hell yes.

Liberty's Edge

Damien_DM wrote:
Looks like the folks at Necromancer Games will soon start having books available for print-on-demand, probably starting with their most recent three PDF-only publications: Slumbering Tsar, Eamonvale Incursion, and Demonheart.

This is excellent news. The Tome of Horrors series and Book of Fiends are in extremely high demand and short supply right now. Now if they release new editions of their books with Pathfinder rules we can all have fun!

Dark Archive

Brutal Ben wrote:
This is excellent news. The Tome of Horrors series and Book of Fiends are in extremely high demand and short supply right now. Now if they release new editions of their books with Pathfinder rules we can all have fun!

Yes, this WOULD be an excellent outcome. Especially if Pathfiderized.

Finally here soon?

Sounds like a step in the right direction, but I hope that some new or revised products for PRG are in the works.

Yeah, I don't want to see a glut of recycled work. I want some fresh new material.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Damien_DM wrote:

According to the latest information, the sites will soon be releasing information to allow publishers to convert PDF products to a print on demand format. They will probably become available in February or March.

Definitely great news. Can I ask where you got this latest information from? Thanks.

Grand Lodge

Blood stained Sunday's best wrote:
Damien_DM wrote:

According to the latest information, the sites will soon be releasing information to allow publishers to convert PDF products to a print on demand format. They will probably become available in February or March.

Definitely great news. Can I ask where you got this latest information from? Thanks.

It was posted by Bill Webb on the Necromancer Games boards recently.

The Exchange

Damien_DM wrote:

Looks like the folks at Necromancer Games will soon start having books available for print-on-demand, probably starting with their most recent three PDF-only publications: Slumbering Tsar, Eamonvale Incursion, and Demonheart. Looks like it will be done through RPGNow/DriveThruRPG.

According to the latest information, the sites will soon be releasing information to allow publishers to convert PDF products to a print on demand format. They will probably become available in February or March.

I hope that DTRPG are looking into having the PoD book pop out of a machine in the country of your choice. It would be great to only have to pay local shipping.

Grand Lodge

Really really want a PRG Tome of Horrors. <sigh>

Liberty's Edge


Some of Green Ronin Publishing's more popular OGL material are available through Lulu. The hard covers are a little more expensive because of the POD model, but the perfect bound books are very reasonable, and it's nice that these available at all.

Also a search for d20 on Lulu comes up with 267 results, mosly perfect bound, but there are a few hard bound books listed.

Link to Book of Fiends

Liberty's Edge

Herald wrote:
Really really want a PRG Tome of Horrors. <sigh>

at least we're getting it piecemeal through the PFRPG Bestiary and other stuff, and its in full color too!

Grand Lodge

Brutal Ben wrote:
Herald wrote:
Really really want a PRG Tome of Horrors. <sigh>
at least we're getting it piecemeal through the PFRPG Bestiary and other stuff, and its in full color too!

I'll take what I can get!

This is encouraging news. Hopefully, they will announce what they are doing with the rest of Slumbering Tsar soon. I want to buy, but I don't want to buy in until I know their plans.

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