Ape Attacks but at what bonus?

Rules Questions

The Exchange

I'm building an ape animal companion for a first level druid. And I'm not sure what one phrase means on page 53 under animal choices. The phrase is "All animal attacks are made using the creature's full base attack bonus unless otherwise noted."

That seems to be contradicted by the ape getting Multi-attack when the druid hits 9th level. Unless it is already suffering a -5 penalty to its secondary attacks?

Any ideas folks?


Sovereign Court

What that is referring to is that the ape doesn't have iterative attacks.

Natural attacks are all based off of the creature's full BAB score. Primary and secondary categories still apply. Since the bite is the first entry in the stats it is the primary attack and has no penalty, the claws are secondary and are at -5 to hit, until multiattack kicks in at which point they become -2.

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