
Advanced Player's Guide Playtest General Discussion

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Jason Bulmahn wrote:
They're HERE!!!!



Jason Bulmahn wrote:
They're HERE!!!!

Sweet, thanks for getting em out must go read

Lisa Stevens wrote:
seekerofshadowlight wrote:
Hey blame Lisa she started it with the whole 8-ball thing. Totally her fault

Why does everybody blame me? :(


** spoiler omitted **

might be that your the one in charge

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

Beautiful. Something to distract me from the round 2 vote.

Thanks, Jason!

Awesome, just happened to check this while waiting for Heroes to come on. Now I won't have to fight with the servers tomorrow which are likely to catch on fire. :)

Dark Archive

Awesome! Something I noticed immediately: why are tactical feats now called teamwork feats? Personally I liked the preferred the former name, and I wonder if there was some particular reason for this change...

*Shrill and Girlish Shriek of Delight*

Woot! Downloading now.

Asgetrion wrote:
Awesome! Something I noticed immediately: why are tactical feats now called teamwork feats? Personally I liked the preferred the former name, and I wonder if there was some particular reason for this change...

Maybe to stop confusion between them and 3.5 tactical feats. As I have saw at lest 2 posters think it was talking about the 3.5 ones

Jason Bulmahn wrote:
They're HERE!!!!

At last! Thanks !!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)

The summoner is better and the oracle is better. I had hope for some sort of band aid Mystery with bonus spells like:
lesser resturation, Remove Disease, Neutralize Poison, etc
or a protection Mystery with:
protection from evil, Resist Energy, etc
or a freedom Mystery with spells like
Remove fear, Remove Paralysis, Freedom of Movement, etc.
But you can't have it all. I will read and read. Thanks Jason :-)

Sweet! I was just wondering about this earlier today. :D

The loracle (lore mystery oracle) looks really solid. Sidestep Secret and Handy Book!

Randomly, still bad fort. Whatever!

Ooops, spell list and Eidolon got nerfed. My bad.
But The summoner got SLA back up to 1 minute per level and casting time is back to a standard action.

Ice Titan wrote:

The loracle (lore mystery oracle) looks really solid. Sidestep Secret and Handy Book!

Randomly, still bad fort. Whatever!

Yep and the Mysteries are still unbalanced.

I just downloaded it. I have to say, while I was definitely interested in the APG overall, I wasn't too keen on the new classes. Just Glancing at it, I really like what I see, especially the Cavalier. One critique I do have is about the banner abilities. I think it would be nice to have these bonuses without the banner, but with a lesser radius. Getting a banner however, (a new item that can be made/bought) increases the radius dramatically.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 4

I just put up a list of changes I noted for the Alchemist in the Alchemist and Inquisitor Playtest thread.

Zark wrote:

Ooops, spell list and Eidolon got nerfed. My bad.

But The summoner got SLA back up to 1 minute per level and casting time is back to a standard action.

No, you said they were better. I agree wholeheartedly.

EDIT: Nevermind, the Large and Huge evolution is still basically a must have in order to keep a fighting Eidolon. Although lowering the HD was definitely the right move IMO.

Sovereign Court


Loopy wrote:
Jason Bulmahn wrote:
They're HERE!!!!



Awesome, Jason. Thanks again for the hard work. I'm playing a Witch and she's a blast!

Out of curiousity, what got overhauled/tweaked the most? No necessarily a blow-by-blow of all the changes (I'll download later and read the things to find that out), but more like...where did most of your attention seem to fall? Which class(es) in particular? What abilities and powers?


Feel free to still answer that question (lol), but reading over the Cavalier...nicely done. There's a load of the suggestions mead on the forums here, and I can see a few bits that I even might have suggested. Getting rid of the Oaths, clearing up the Challenge, adding a better explanation of the tight family of mounts, and broadening the Charge ability make the Class feel more cohesive. Haven't gotten through the Orders fully yet, but now the Cockatrice makes sense (hehe).

I've been a massive fan of the class since that Dragon Magazine article way back when, so it's great to see a rendition I feel deserves the moniker once again.

Great job.

Still a few typos for the editor, tho... ;-)

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