Bestiary: Top 3 ToH monsters

Product Discussion

Sovereign Court

Same deal as the other thread, what monsters from the ToH series would you like to see updated to the PFRPG rules in the next Bestiary?

For me:
1) Babbler: I love the notion of the Lizardmen having this nasty minion/ally tromping around and gobbling people up.
2) Kamadan or Caterwaul: Since Paizo cannot reproduce the Displacer Beast or the Coeurl, why not put in another sustitute?
3) Bunyip: I know they've used it already so I'd like to see it updated.

Scarab Sages

A Wolf in Sheep's clothing.

Hangman Tree

Animal Lord

Sovereign Court




Sovereign Court

GeraintElberion wrote:


That's in the ToH?

Huh, I completely forgot...

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Already in the Bonus Bestairy

Dark Archive

Since the other thread got bumped up to top ten, I'm going to do that here:

1.) All daemons
2.) All clockworks
3.) All non-unique devils (Wait for Epic to be out for others)
4.) All non-unique demons(Wait for Epic to be out for others)
5.) All celestials
6.) All demodands
7.) All oozes (Oozes are under-represented at the moment, IMO)
8.) All zombies (Particularly Juju)
9.) All golems
10.) Flail Snail

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Callous Jack wrote:

Same deal as the other thread, what monsters from the ToH series would you like to see updated to the PFRPG rules in the next Bestiary?

For me:
1) Babbler: I love the notion of the Lizardmen having this nasty minion/ally tromping around and gobbling people up.
2) Kamadan or Caterwaul: Since Paizo cannot reproduce the Displacer Beast or the Coeurl, why not put in another sustitute?
3) Bunyip: I know they've used it already so I'd like to see it updated.

Hey CJ,

Paizo did reproduce the Coeurl... it was in Pathfinder Adventure Path #22 IIRC in that volume's Bestiary. (They had gotten permission from the Van Vogt estate, from what James Jacobs had said).

In any case, I agree with all of your top 3 from ToH (and definitely the Kamadan over the Caterwaul).

Dean, the_Minstrel_Wyrm

Sovereign Court

The_Minstrel_Wyrm wrote:
Paizo did reproduce the Coeurl... it was in Pathfinder Adventure Path #22 IIRC in that volume's Bestiary. (They had gotten permission from the Van Vogt estate, from what James Jacobs had said).

Thanks MW, I just meant that since they can't publish the Couerl again in the next Bestiary, they can do one of the other cat/tentacle options.

Sovereign Court

Lord Gadigan wrote:
10.) Flail Snail

You may be out of luck with that one as I thought I've read that James Jacobs does not like this particular gastropod.

1. Bunyip
2. Tentamort
3. Crystalline Horror

Honorable mention goes to the Leprechaun, because, for better or worse, it is one of the best-known fey, and yet is conspicuously absent from most bestiaries.

Dark Archive

1) Tabaxi
2) Skulk
3) Ogrillon
4) Adherer
5) Flumph

I'd also like to see the Dire animal template updated for Pathfinder so I can finally stat up my dire spider monkeys.

As I mentioned in the other thread, I would love to see an advanced version of the either (or both) the bunyip and the slicer beetle that actually removed limbs. It would give some use to the regenerate spell.

In addtion to those two, I would love to see the following:

The dragon horse (and the ki-rin) - mainly because the ki-rin was in the 1e Monster Manual.

The leprechaun (and the clurichaun and far darrig) - another 1 e creature.

The vilstrak - while low CR, it is still a good creature to fill the roles of the umber hulk and hooh horror.

Sovereign Court

Thraxus wrote:

The vilstrak - while low CR, it is still a good creature to fill the roles of the umber hulk and hooh horror.

I don't remember this thing, what did he look like?

Dark Archive

Like a big stony humanoid bug with clawed oversized hands.

Sovereign Court

David Fryer wrote:
Like a big stony humanoid bug with clawed oversized hands.

Thanks... I'm still blanking on it though. Sounds cool.

Callous Jack wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
Like a big stony humanoid bug with clawed oversized hands.
Thanks... I'm still blanking on it though. Sounds cool.

It is also capable of melding through stone to ambush creatures.

Sovereign Court

So I guess Gryphs will be going in the next Bestiary...

Legendary Games, Necromancer Games

I guess we're just going to have to do a Tome of Horrors: Pathfinder Edition :)

Shadow Lodge

Clark Peterson wrote:
I guess we're just going to have to do a Tome of Horrors: Pathfinder Edition :)


You heard it first here!

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Clark Peterson wrote:
I guess we're just going to have to do a Tome of Horrors: Pathfinder Edition :)

Clark your'e sitting on a gold mine with that one. Collect all the best bits from the Tomes and watch the folks go wild.

Sovereign Court

Wow, that would be great!

Can we preorder it now?

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 16

How about now?

Grand Lodge

Lord Gadigan wrote:

Since the other thread got bumped up to top ten, I'm going to do that here:

1.) All daemons
2.) All clockworks
3.) All non-unique devils (Wait for Epic to be out for others)
4.) All non-unique demons(Wait for Epic to be out for others)
5.) All celestials
6.) All demodands
7.) All oozes (Oozes are under-represented at the moment, IMO)
8.) All zombies (Particularly Juju)
9.) All golems
10.) Flail Snail


Very much would like to see clockworks. Especially given the stuff i have been reading the the Absolom guide.

And the JuJu zombies...

Grand Lodge

David Fryer wrote:

1) Tabaxi

2) Skulk
3) Ogrillon
4) Adherer
5) Flumph

I'd also like to see the Dire animal template updated for Pathfinder so I can finally stat up my dire spider monkeys.

+1 as well especially the Ogrillion. Fills a nice slot, although Ogerkin kinda work too.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber
Clark Peterson wrote:
I guess we're just going to have to do a Tome of Horrors: Pathfinder Edition :)

Even if you have to break it up into two volumes, I want a print edition!

Grand Lodge

Clark Peterson wrote:
I guess we're just going to have to do a Tome of Horrors: Pathfinder Edition :)

You have no idea how much that would rock. Wait what an I saying...

Please Clark make it so....

The Exchange

What are we chopped liver! Sheesh! :) Here's what we've got converted from the Tome of Horrors so far!

Aerial Servant
Al-Mi'raj, Psionic
Angel, Monadic Deva
Angel, Movanic Deva
Animal Lord
Cat Lord
Mouse Lord
Archer Bush
Barracuda, Small
Barracuda, Medium
Barracuda, Large
Basilisk, Greater
Bat, Doombat
Bat, Mobat
Beetle, Boring
Beetle, Deathwatch
Beetle, Rhinoceros
Beetle, Slicer
Blood Hawk
Bloody Bones
Bog Beast
Bone Cobbler
Caribe, Giant
Carrion Moth
Cave Cricket
Clam, Giant
Clockwork, Brain Gear
Clockwork, Drone
Clockwork, Overseer
Clockwork, Parasite
Clockwork, Scout
Clockwork, Swarm
Clockwork, Titan
Clockwork, Warrior
Cobra Flower
Crab, Monstrous
Crayfish, Monstrous
Daemon, Cacodaemon
Daemon, Charon
Daemon, Charonodaemon
Daemon, Derghodaemon
Daemon, Hydrodaemon
Daemon, Piscodaemon
Daemon Lord, Oinodaemon
Death Dog
Death Worm
Demodand, Slime
Demodand, Tarry
Aeshma (Rage Demon)
Beluiri (The Temptress)
Eel, Moray (Cave)
Hamster, Giant
Lizard, Blood
Marmoset, Giant
Mummy, Bog
Shark, Astral
Sheep, Ewe
Sheep, Ram
Tiger Barb (Giant)
Turtle, Giant Snapping
Wight, Barrow

Stop on by! Take your shoes off! Sit a spell! Ok, no, they're not "official" but they might do in a pinch :)

Well why would I use a handy, free website when I can pay $40 for a hardcover book? Pffft.


Hmm. That didn't sound right.

-The Gneech wrote:

What are we chopped liver! Sheesh! :) Here's what we've got converted from the Tome of Horrors so far!

Aerial Servant
Al-Mi'raj, Psionic
Angel, Monadic Deva
Angel, Movanic Deva
Animal Lord
Cat Lord
Mouse Lord
Archer Bush
Barracuda, Small...

Very nice.

But I would still like a PDF and dead tree addition for when I don't have internet access...

The Exchange

gigglestick wrote:

Very nice.

But I would still like a PDF and dead tree addition for when I don't have internet access...

Oh certainly. We'll probably compile them all into a PDF when done but just didn't want to keep remaking it along the way.

The Exchange

John Robey wrote:

Well why would I use a handy, free website when I can pay $40 for a hardcover book? Pffft.


Hmm. That didn't sound right.

-The Gneech

Because you want to support Paizo? I say use the free ones until there are ones available from Paizo, then buy the book and decide which ones you like better.

Until then you kind of can't beat free :)

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Clark Peterson wrote:
I guess we're just going to have to do a Tome of Horrors: Pathfinder Edition :)

That would be nice and maybe you guys could start making a few other products too. Would love to see The Slumbering Tsar parts 2 and 3 as well as ToH Pathfinder edition.

Clark Peterson wrote:
I guess we're just going to have to do a Tome of Horrors: Pathfinder Edition :)

Don't go teasing us, Clark. There's some of us that get really excited when you say such things. <--

Dark Archive

Clark Peterson wrote:
I guess we're just going to have to do a Tome of Horrors: Pathfinder Edition :)

I'm already saving my money.

I'm afraid Tricky Owlbear will beat Clark to the punch! We're producing a monster book called Forgotten Foes. Perhaps you'd like to know more? :)

Dark Archive wrote:

Curse you for reminding me of that Valley Elf song!

Otherwise, coolness! And bonus points for Giant (space) Hamsters! I wonder if we'll ever see stats for Wooly Rupert?

The first three:
1) Time Elemental
2) Midnight Peddler
3) Crypt Thing/Guardian

But I'm going to include the rest for completeness:
Cloud Dragon

Mist Dragon

Salt Drake

Air Elemental Dragon

Fire Elemental Dragon

Wood Giant

Tallow Golem

Mummy of the Deep



The Exchange Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 6

Aurumvorax is probably my #1 choice :)

Hey Clark - if you do decide to produce a Tome of Horrors for Pathfinder, call me :)

Set wrote: wrote:
Curse you for reminding me of that Valley Elf song!

Heh heh..."Gucci cooshee poochie".

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