Regenerate.... the gimped heal spell!

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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School conjuration (healing); Level cleric 7, druid 9

Casting Time 3 full rounds

Components V, S, DF

Range touch

Target living creature touched

Duration instantaneous

Saving Throw Fortitude negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes (harmless)

The subject's severed body members (fingers, toes, hands, feet, arms, legs, tails, or even heads of multi-headed creatures), broken bones, and ruined organs grow back. After the spell is cast, the physical regeneration is complete in 1 round if the severed members are present and touching the creature. It takes 2d10 rounds otherwise.

Regenerate also cures 4d8 points of damage + 1 point per caster level (maximum +35), rids the subject of exhaustion and fatigue, and eliminates all nonlethal damage the subject has taken. It has no effect on nonliving creatures (including undead).

What is the deal with this often under the rules do you actually lose a part of your body...and dosent the other healing spells mend broken bones(one would imagien that a fighter would suffer a few broken limbs if reduced to negative hitpoint). it just seems like a weaker form of the heal spell so why the high spell lvl?

does anyone have a good answer for or is this just the case of a spell that has not been revised since 2nd edition D&D

ohh i alsmost forgot...the 3 round casting time, that takes the cake and makes this completly useless in combat

perhaps it could be mildly usefull if reduced to a 5th lvl spell considering the long casting time it might still not be usefull

well it might be a rare occasion but that doesnt mean it is a bad spell, just dont use it unless you are missing some bodypart..

Two words for you: Vorpal Sword!

Two more: Crit deck.

meatrace wrote:
Two words for you: Vorpal Sword!

well if my head comes off because of a vorpal sword i imagien that i would need resurection or somthing like that(and that would bring me back with my head attacthed to my body)

since the regenerate dont work on dead matter i dont think its there to repair that sort of dmg

I believe broken bones generally can be mended by any spell that cures ability drain, at least that is how I play it not sure there is a steady rule on stuff like that.

sometimes devious traps can be constructed so to target specific bodyparts.

Someties people just amputate helples people by torture or diseases might rot your hand off.. or .. or.. dont gimp spells because they do not fit in computergame format ;)

Yes as a GM I have caused body parts to no longer be attached to some characters.

That and a PC once badmouthed a king he should not have. That spell gave him his tongue back

hmm crit deck yes i dont use that, and its not core stuff, but still ok i suspect that there are some stuff in there to that could make you lose parts of your body...but if your dm use that sort of stuff on you dosent it seem a little harsh that you need a 7th/9th lvl spell to get back on track....

and since you seem to use the crit deck, perhaps you can put this in perspective. would you ever memorize the spell when you could chose heale with is a 6th/7th lvl spell instead?

I remember seeing somewhere a necromancy spell that made your legs wither and break... Spell Compendium I suppose.

heal does not restore lost body parts

Heal fixes: ability damage, blinded, confused, dazed, dazzled, deafened, diseased, exhausted, fatigued, feebleminded, insanity, nauseated, poisoned, sickened, and stunned. It also cures 10 hit points of damage per level of the caster, to a maximum of 150 points at 15th level.

It does not restore lost body parts or remove negative levels or restore permanently drained ability score points.

Edit: Another fun note, I have a player in a pbp that will be avoiding heal spells like the plague, as his character is nuts and thinks he is someone out of a play. If heal is cast on him he "resets" back to being an actor

Niels wrote:

hmm crit deck yes i dont use that, and its not core stuff, but still ok i suspect that there are some stuff in there to that could make you lose parts of your body...but if your dm use that sort of stuff on you dosent it seem a little harsh that you need a 7th/9th lvl spell to get back on track....

and since you seem to use the crit deck, perhaps you can put this in perspective. would you ever memorize the spell when you could chose heale with is a 6th/7th lvl spell instead?

no, not unless I anticipate bodyparts flying

Quite a few spells are too specific to keep in mind, but at least you can memorize it the next day to restore that hand.

the high level needed is not really an issue, it generally only happens when the DM wants it to anyway, because the mechanics for it are few and far apart.

ofc i follow the point from a roleplaying perspective...the lose of a heand if you steal(under some evil laws) and so on... but lets also consider how few spellcaster can actually cast this spell in any a comunity. and who would have the gold to pay for it´?

for any normal npc the price of a 7th lvl spell is pretty high, 910 if the caster is a cleric or 1530 if it its a druid caster.

and considering the healing/curing effects of the spell and comparing it to heal it semms that heal cures far more effects and a greater amount of hitpoint.

and if we are looking at it from a rolplaying perspective the abbility to replace a missing hand or are seems lees powerfull than bringing back the dead

Mr. Fishy has a problem with the spells level too. 7th level for a spell that specific seems a little hard. A 5th level Breathe of Life and Raise Dead can heal dead. But you need a 7th level spell to put a finger back on.
Mr. Fishy allows severed body parts to be healed back on if gentle repose is cast to keep it fresh or if the part is restored very quickly, (with in a round arm leg or minutes for a finger or toe). Cure light won't heal it, cure serious or better is required. Limbs would require a heal spell or better.

It not a common issue until the crit deck takes a hand or a finger and some whiner starts using you name and asking you to fix it. I can heal dead but not fingers is hell to tell someone.

2 ed had a spell called heal injury that didn't heal any damage only injuries, broken bones, damaged organs, Mr. Fishy think's it was 2nd or 3th level. Spells and Power, maybe?

Grand Lodge

meatrace wrote:
Two words for you: Vorpal Sword!

Another: decerebrate.

There are not many effects that require regeneration, but if one of those things happens, very few other spells will help short of wish or miracle. As mentioned, heal doesn't regrow lost body parts.

repair injury could do that yea (lvl 3 btw), but it required multiple applications for broken bones only, and those alternate rules were introduced with really nasty crit tables along with it.

you do not have anything like that now really and raise dead costs way more than what you pay for a regenerate spell.

I agree that raise dead should be harder, but.. it is for ease of gameplay more than anything else I think, besides raise dead still does not restore your body to minty condition.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Regenerate can be a VERY useful spell in a campaign that uses critical hits or tracks damage to limbs. It's not as useful in games that don't. And that's perfectly fine.

Blight is very useful in a game that uses lots of plant monsters, but in a game that has NO plant monsters, it sucks. Same for charm person in a campaign where everyone plays robots. Not all spells are the best.

Grand Lodge

Mr.Fishy wrote:
Mr. Fishy allows severed body parts to be healed back on if gentle repose is cast to keep it fresh or if the part is restored very quickly, (with in a round arm leg or minutes for a finger or toe). Cure light won't heal it, cure serious or better is required. Limbs would require a heal spell or better.

That's not a bad idea. It doesn't help if the king's torturer tossed your severed hand in a brazier, or a slicer beetle ate it.

Mr.Fishy wrote:
2 ed had a spell called heal injury that didn't heal any damage only injuries, broken bones, damaged organs, Mr. Fishy think's it was 2nd or 3th level. Spells and Power, maybe?

I remember this also, though I think it did heal hit points as a cure moderate as well. This basically came in as a response to Combat and Tactics critical results.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32

Roughly half of all characters I've ever seen get petrified end up broken into at least two pieces before anyone can prep a stone to flesh spell. If you're fighting medusas or basilisks in areas where other monsters might end up smashing your petrified allies, you might very well find yourself wanting a regenerate spell.

Mr. Fishy knows he cast the restoration spells. Stupid ranger should learn to take a hit, er three crits from a Fishy.
Mr. Fishy healed it.

Really nasty crit, crit deck, hmmm.

Ah combat and tactics, what wonderfully evil charts you held

Starglim wrote:
meatrace wrote:
Two words for you: Vorpal Sword!

Another: decerebrate.

There are not many effects that require regeneration, but if one of those things happens, very few other spells will help short of wish or miracle. As mentioned, heal doesn't regrow lost body parts.

again you need resurrection for that, since you die if your head comes off. resurrection can bring you back even you are reduced to dust. and regenerate dosent work on Nonliving creatures, so there are no combining it with rais dead for a cheaper spellcasting.

also a spell like reincarnate seems much more fantastic and powerfull than the regenerate, growing a whol new body, and its a 4th lvl spell.

my major issue is with the lvl of the regenerate spell it simply seems way to high for an spell that fixes somthing that in my book is far less sever than death.

Epic Meepo wrote:
Roughly half of all characters I've ever seen get petrified end up broken into at least two pieces before anyone can prep a stone to flesh spell.

If the pieces are together when the statue is restored the body should be intact. Unless a piece is missing then...That sucks, Mr. Fishy only heals dead.

James Jacobs wrote:

Regenerate can be a VERY useful spell in a campaign that uses critical hits or tracks damage to limbs. It's not as useful in games that don't. And that's perfectly fine.

Blight is very useful in a game that uses lots of plant monsters, but in a game that has NO plant monsters, it sucks. Same for charm person in a campaign where everyone plays robots. Not all spells are the best.

sure that is a good point, but where the plant creatures are suported by the rules, critical hits to your armes are not.... and then there is the matter of the spell lvl, it just seem way to high; if you play in a game that use dmg to specific bodyparts and very nasty critical hits then there is a fair chance you will be a sory pice of meat with no limbs way before you get acces to 7th/9th lvl spells.

and is mending a broken lege more fantastic than rasing the dead?...i realize that that must be a matter of opinion but in my head it just seems odd.

seekerofshadowlight wrote:
Ah combat and tactics, what wonderfully evil charts you held

Not just those, the Spell Criticals options in Spell and Magic were horrendous as well.

Roll a nat 1 on a save vs. Lightning bolt and you might have a limb vaporized.

Grins with evil Glee

i still used then charts well into 3.o. But the players do so love the crit deck

As for rasie dead vs regeration well, you can shock someone back from the the dead but not fix a severed limb.

The way I see it is rasie, just calls the soul back to the body, like some one in an ER shocking ya with paddles.

You can't paddle someone one day per level. Also raise dead heals any lethal wounds on the subject. Mr. Fishy understands seekerofshadowlight's point but Mr. Fishy still thinks that sewing on a finger is less magical than raising the dead and healing any lethal wounds. (decapitation)

Mr. Fishy would be happy with a weaker spell of a lower level.

sewing a finger back on, Roll a craft (Tailoring) Check.

I rather think raise dead is too easy for 5th level.. but yea.. people die around those levels as well.. so I guess they had to ^_^

Still the material component is a balancing factor.

As a house rule I have considered changing the casting time to a standard action and changing the healing granted to fast healing 4 for 1 round per level. The phyiscal regeneration bit would remain the same.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Thraxus wrote:
As a house rule I have considered changing the casting time to a standard action and changing the healing granted to fast healing 4 for 1 round per level. The phyiscal regeneration bit would remain the same.

I'd do something along those lines too. Make the spell "regenerate" oh I dunno, grant the regeneration ability? Maybe make it regen 1 per 3 caster levels for 1 round per caster level (in addition to regrowing lost parts etc).

Mr.Fishy wrote:

Mr. Fishy has a problem with the spells level too. 7th level for a spell that specific seems a little hard. A 5th level Breathe of Life and Raise Dead can heal dead. But you need a 7th level spell to put a finger back on.

Mr. Fishy allows severed body parts to be healed back on if gentle repose is cast to keep it fresh or if the part is restored very quickly, (with in a round arm leg or minutes for a finger or toe). Cure light won't heal it, cure serious or better is required. Limbs would require a heal spell or better.

It not a common issue until the crit deck takes a hand or a finger and some whiner starts using you name and asking you to fix it. I can heal dead but not fingers is hell to tell someone.

2 ed had a spell called heal injury that didn't heal any damage only injuries, broken bones, damaged organs, Mr. Fishy think's it was 2nd or 3th level. Spells and Power, maybe?

There is a big difference between regeneration and raise dead. Raise dead require a body. Regeneration will restore a limb that is completely missing. To bring someone back from the dead without a body requires a level 9 spell.

That said, I don't have a problem with a cure serious spell reattaching a severed limb, but it cannot regrow it.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32

jreyst wrote:
Make the spell "regenerate" oh I dunno, grant the regeneration ability? Maybe make it regen 1 per 3 caster levels for 1 round per caster level (in addition to regrowing lost parts etc).

I'm totally stealing this idea.

James Jacobs wrote:
Regenerate can be a VERY useful spell in a campaign that uses critical hits or tracks damage to limbs. It's not as useful in games that don't. And that's perfectly fine.

Sure. It's just rather odd, given the core game doesn't use critical hits or limb damage, or even have solid optional rules to do so, that Regenerate is a core spell.

Yeah, DMG has an optional rule for 'what happens if limbs are damaged,' but, again, no real system for dealing damage to limbs or body parts.

You'd think that 'Regenerate' would be the sort of thing you'd provide with, say, Bodyparts and Ballistas supplement or whatnot.

(None of this is Paizo's responsibility, of course.)

A crit from a bunyip will take off a limb. Probably not really a big deal unless you're playing in Varisia, though. :-)

Sovereign Court

in my games a nat 20 followed by a nat 20 followed by a confirmation causes limb loss. A character looses the limb and gains the dying condition (another houserule which changes death and dying rules) and has to make a save or loose conciousness from shock.

So while rare, limb loss happens in my games and regeneration is quite useful.

We also use the standard paizo crit deck so we have a player missing an ear right now who won't get it back since there aren't any high enough level druids (and no PCs playing one). Here's hoping a town winds up with a regeneration scroll in its monthly random magic item collection.

seekerofshadowlight wrote:
i still used then charts well into 3.o. But the players do so love the crit deck

SOME players do...

Finn wrote:
seekerofshadowlight wrote:
i still used then charts well into 3.o. But the players do so love the crit deck
SOME players do...

well I am not using it in that game as not everyone wanted to use it, unless folks have changed their minds anyhow

seekerofshadowlight wrote:
Two more: Crit deck.

Yeah. Hehe.

seekerofshadowlight wrote:

Yes as a GM I have caused body parts to no longer be attached to some characters.

That and a PC once badmouthed a king he should not have. That spell gave him his tongue back

Strangely enough it happened this weekend to another player at about the same time SoSL made this post due to the crit deck. Scary, just scary.

Grand Lodge

Regenerate most likely is another hold over from earlier editions, where limb removal was more common.

Niels wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

What is the deal with this often under the rules do you actually lose a part of your body...and dosent the other healing spells mend broken bones(one would imagien that a fighter would suffer a few broken limbs if reduced to negative hitpoint). it just seems like a weaker form of the heal spell so why the high spell lvl?

does anyone have a good answer for or is this just the case of a spell that has not been revised since 2nd edition D&D

ohh i alsmost forgot...the 3 round casting time, that takes the cake and makes this completly useless in combat

perhaps it could be mildly usefull if reduced to a 5th lvl spell considering the long casting time it might still not be usefull

Its a useless spell and an oversight by paizo. It harkens WAY back to early days when limb loss was rife and heal was different.

As is 3.5 utter, utter, utter waste in the rules. House rules might make it relevant.

I suggest either delete it (instead of making fool scenarios where it is needed that pick on a rule area long forgotten and unsupported)


make it a MASS, standard action spell and it becomes balanced for the level.

Grand Lodge

I never gave the spell much thought, but if I did, I'd probably replace it with the vigor line of spells in 3e, having essentially the same effect, but one level higher. (So lesser regeneration is a 2nd level spell that regenerates 1 hp/round for 10+CL rounds, max 15, for example.) I'd be tempted to introduce a vulnerability (most likely fire and acid) that it cannot regenerate.

seekerofshadowlight wrote:
Ah combat and tactics, what wonderfully evil charts you held

oh hell yes, it did. There are four lobotomized giant rats in an abandoned half-elf temple in faerun that can attest to that.

I really liked that book.

It serves as a useful placeholder for that effect (the regeneration of missing limbs), giving the GM an index for how potent/useful the regrowing of limbs and/or organs is for modeling other spells.

It seems a tad weak on the healing it provides though for a level 6 spell, but I might allow it to be changed into a healing spell of lesser or equivalent level if cast on a whole target.

Pathfinder PF Special Edition Subscriber

One item from days of yore that was dropped when the system went to 3.0 was a Sword of Sharpness. It allowed the severing of limbs and body parts and actually made the Regenerate spell useful. Were someone at Paizo to include the "Sharpness" weapon enchantment, the spell would become useful yet again.

wraithstrike wrote:
seekerofshadowlight wrote:

Yes as a GM I have caused body parts to no longer be attached to some characters.

That and a PC once badmouthed a king he should not have. That spell gave him his tongue back

Strangely enough it happened this weekend to another player at about the same time SoSL made this post due to the crit deck. Scary, just scary.

Glad to be the Harbinger of Doom.

insaneogeddon wrote:

Its a useless spell and an oversight by paizo. It harkens WAY back to early days when limb loss was rife and heal was different.

As is 3.5 utter, utter, utter waste in the rules. House rules might make it relevant.

I suggest either delete it (instead of making fool scenarios where it is needed that pick on a rule area long forgotten and unsupported)


make it a MASS, standard action spell and it becomes balanced for the level.

Just because you won't lose a limb in combat due to the base RAW, doesn't mean you won't lose something that can't be reattached from role playing or a quick bend-o-the-rules for something. A great example:

A friend was hit with touch of Jubilex and failed his fort save. He was basically dead in a couple turns as his body was converted into a slime. Not fun. The DM said that the transformation was starting in the arm the character tried to shield himself with and spreading to the rest of the body (description given entirely for flavor). I call out, "If I chop off his arm can he get another chance at the save?" DM thinks for a second, loves the idea, and off comes the arm. Friend makes the second save. So the character is alive yet incapacitated/ineffective in combat until we could get a Regenerate (there's no arm left to reattach, it got converted to ooze, which btw got used as an offensive weapon because one of our deranged characters had bottles with him). It worked out way better than just letting the dude die.

Pathfinder PF Special Edition Subscriber
JBSchroeds wrote:
insaneogeddon wrote:

Its a useless spell and an oversight by paizo. It harkens WAY back to early days when limb loss was rife and heal was different.

As is 3.5 utter, utter, utter waste in the rules. House rules might make it relevant.

I suggest either delete it (instead of making fool scenarios where it is needed that pick on a rule area long forgotten and unsupported)


make it a MASS, standard action spell and it becomes balanced for the level.

Just because you won't lose a limb in combat due to the base RAW, doesn't mean you won't lose something that can't be reattached from role playing or a quick bend-o-the-rules for something. A great example:

A friend was hit with touch of Jubilex and failed his fort save. He was basically dead in a couple turns as his body was converted into a slime. Not fun. The DM said that the transformation was starting in the arm the character tried to shield himself with and spreading to the rest of the body (description given entirely for flavor). I call out, "If I chop off his arm can he get another chance at the save?" DM thinks for a second, loves the idea, and off comes the arm. Friend makes the second save. So the character is alive yet incapacitated/ineffective in combat until we could get a Regenerate (there's no arm left to reattach, it got converted to ooze, which btw got used as an offensive weapon because one of our deranged characters had bottles with him). It worked out way better than just letting the dude die.

A very creative DM ruling. Impressive.

The newest issue of Kobold mentions Telkari's Clockwork Plague can be stopped with amputation...

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