rydi123 |
Having just made an Oracle for an upcoming game, I wanted to share some of the thoughts that occurred to me in the process.
1) Domains
It seems as though there would be more system consistency and general utility for the class if the foci were each given a specific domain during character creation. All the foci line up with existing domains, and give spell lists almost identical to them. The domain powers in each of the domains are more than fitting for the appropriate foci (fire domain/flame foci for example), and without the granted abilities the oracle ends up having to choose things like Fire Resistance as one of their revelations (further weakening them in comparison to the cleric). In short, just give Oracle a single domain that is appropriate to their focus, along with the granted power of said domain.
2) Undead Turning / Energy Channeling
Yes, I know that Oracle is supposed to be something different than a "spontaneous casting cleric". However, they already lose a lot of utility due to the drastic reduction in versatility, and two domains (or one, if the above suggestion is taken). Losing channeling is just a bit much... at the very least they should get the Turn/Rebuke feat. Imo, this is backed up by the fact that they get a cleric's spell list; they are channeling raw spiritual power, not just "flame" or "bone" spells (and flame actually deserves turning anyway, can't think of something undead fear more than holy flame). Adding this in would also make the class more entertaining when used with 3.5 material, since Divine feats would then become available.
3) Revelations
Just a smattering of various thoughts really:
a)I like having the separate sets of abilities, but it seems like there should be a "general" category that anyone can take. Turning, channeling, special spellcasting boosts, things like that. Such a list could also include "Curse-Specific Revelations" which would provide a way of further exploring one of the defining mechanics of the class.
b) I think that along with revelations, there should be a bonus feat or two thrown in, similar to sorcerer. The progression is kind of boring until key levels. Or, another alternative would be to just increase the number of revealations gained to 1 per 3 levels... This combines especially well with a "General" category or "Curse-Specific" category.
c) Most revelation abilities should be usable more times a day. Compare to the Sorcerer again, and you see a lot more utility in their stuff overall.
d) Should be more spellcasting-amplification type revelations. Sorcerers get bloodline arcana, but what do Oracles get?
e) The capstone abilities are under-whelming in comparison to most of the other classes.
Overall, I really love the Oracle's flavor (curses are fantastic, the flaws add huge roleplaying hooks), but I feel that they are lacking in versatility compared to the Cleric/Druid, and lacking in power compared to both the Sorcerer and the Cleric/Druid. Unless one or both of these are dealt with, the class will be a very sub-par choice for anyone even remotely concerned with the utility of their character.
Smerg |
Having just made an Oracle for an upcoming game, I wanted to share some of the thoughts that occurred to me in the process.
1) Domains
It seems as though ...2) Undead Turning / Energy Channeling
Yes, I know that Oracle is supposed to be something different than a "spontaneous casting cleric"...3) Revelations
Just a smattering of various thoughts really:
a)I like having the separate sets of abilities, but it seems like there should be a "general" category that anyone can take. ...
b) I think that along with...
1>> Personally, I am fine with the Focus and Revelations allowing you to pick your powers from a list. When I made my Wind Oracle, I was happy to see that I could focus on a Lightning/Damage theme or a Recon/Movement theme. I liked that the Focus and Revelations were broad enough to allow a person to select more than one style of play. I did feel that when I looked in detail at the Wind Revelations that some more work needed to go into hammering them into a proper set of abilities but this is why there is play testing.
2>> I think that people are 'set' in thinking of Energy Channeling because they currently don't have another mechanic to work with. I agree that Oracles should have something that allows them to reduce the burden from their spell list to protect and support their team. I don't agree that a healing mechanism is the only way that support could be given.
One of the big arguements early on in City of Heroes with the Defender group was the different styles of protection the different Defenders provided. The Empath Defender was the classic 'Healer' type. City of Heroes though provided several other types of Defenders with mechanics of Buffing, Debuffing, Damage Absorption, and Armour Boosting.
Now, I think this is where there are rich territories for an Oracle to get a standard power that they can use which is not Channeling but provides a similar role in the group.
I see the Oracle providing 'foresight' to their companions. I think this could be presented in a couple of different ways.
a>> The Oracle gives guidance to their companions. An Oracle can choose one companion to shield per five levels. The shielded companion gets an Oracle Insight Bonus (Class bonus?) to AC of +3 plus 1 per 3 levels of Oracle (not hard numbers but something to start with). A +3 is roughly a 15% reduction in the number of times a person is hit and thus a 15% reduction in damage. The benefit would last for a number of minutes per day (likely equivelent to the Oracle level) and require a swift action to activate.
b>> The Oracle gives guidance to their companions. An Oracle can choose one companio to shield per five levels. The shielded companion gets damage reduction 2 plus 1 per 3 levels of Oracle (again just a suggestion of numbers to start with). The shielded person is getting 2 less points of damage per attack which adds up over a combat. The benefit would last for a number of minutes per day (likely equivelent to the Oracle level) and require a swift action to activate.
c>> The Oracle choose the worst possible future for an enemey. The Oracle chooses an opponent to Doom. The Oracle chooses one enemey at a time to Doom. The Oracle must succeed at a ranged touch attack (or enemey must make a Will save) to Doom the enemey. A Doomed enemey gets a -2 on attack and saves with an additional minus 1 per four levels of Oracle. A minus 2 is roughly 10% avoidance of damage but with the need to make a to hit roll it might be worth increasing the effect. I would suggest this is a swift action for the Oracle and they can do it Cha +3 times per day and each Doom lasts for 1 min on the target.
3>> I like the idea that there might be an additional general list of Oracle Revalations. It would clear possibly some space on the themed focus without needing to repeat writing of the same material repeatedly.
Ice Titan |
Awesome stuff
I think this is great. Something along the lines of the Harrower prestige class from the Pathfinder Chronicles: Campaign Setting book, where the Oracle can seek visions of the gods for particular characters.
Maybe something like...
Destiny (Su): Once per day, when the Oracle ends his rest, he may select one creature he is in close contact with as his ward. By communing with his focus with the aid of his ward (through martial training for the battle focus, by listening to the waves crash on the shore for the waves focus, for scattering bones on the earth for the bone focus) for ten minutes, the Oracle may divine a cryptic omen regarding his ward's future. This omen may manifest in several different ways:
*Providence: The ward gains a +1 insight bonus to his AC. For every five levels of Oracle attained by the receiver of the visions, this bonus increases by +1 up to a maximum of +6.
*Guidance: The ward gains a +1 insight bonus to his attack rolls and skill checks. For every five levels of Oracle attained by the receiver of the visions, this bonus increases by +1 up to a maximum of +6.
The oracle activates his ward's Destiny by using a free action on his turn. This bonus can be used for a number of rounds equal to the Oracle's charisma modifier +2. These rounds do not have to be consecutive.
And later on, the Oracle could effect more party members with his ward, maybe getting access to a small number of useful abilities-- something like being able to have each party member re-roll one saving throw against death per day, or maybe giving the entire party a bonus on initiative. Maybe some sort of insight bonus to all saves aura?