Good Things Come in 3s (Another Pathfinder PbP)

Gamer Connection

Okay, as promised in 2009, I am now asking for 4 players for another Pathfinder PbP game.

I am trying to playtest low level, mid level and high level gameplay for my RL gaming group.

This game is not going to be first come first serve, I will be actively choosing players based on racial and class choice.

Before applying, if you are in either of my other PbP games, please do not apply, I would like to see some other people get a chance to play. Also there will be a strict deadline for players to create characters for review.

Character Generation guidelines are as follows:
* Core Pathfinder Rulebook only (with inherited/afflicted template exceptions).
* 15th level characters.
* 15 Pathfinder point buy system (please itemise stat costs for easier calculations).
* Character wealth of 240,000 gp (there will be a gp limit on how much is allowed to be spent per category).
* No item creation feats.
* Max HP at first level, please roll each HP per level here.
* 2 standard pathfinder traits.
* A few home rule class changes (very minor, will expand on them soon).
* Minimum posting of 1 post per day, unless already notified previously.
* No evil alignments.
* Itemised equipment lists.

House rule changes to classes::

*monks can be chaotic
*Wizard skill points per level are 4 + INT modifier (all that fancy book learnin')

That's it for house rule changes top the classes, it's just how I see the two classes should be, it's also what we rule in my RL group.

GP budget breakdown::

Weapons - 75, 000 gp

Armour and Protective Items - 60, 000 gp
(this includes rings of protection, bracers of armour, adn anything else that increases your armour class)

Goods and Services - 5, 000 gp

Potions and Scrolls - 10, 000 gp

Magic items - 90, 000 gp
[i](this includes staves, wands, wonderous items, rings that dont increase AC, etc.)

If you are unsure of what category an item fits in, then please ask me, and I will tell you.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

I would like to play a human cleric of Erastil. I am not sure exactly what stuff you would like in the application, especially regarding description and back story.

Ability Scores:

Str 12 (2)
Dex 14 (5) +2 lvl = 16
Con 14 (5)
Int 8 (-2)
Wis 15 (7) + 2 human + 1 lvl = 18
Cha 8 (-2)


Point Blank Shot
Precise Shot
Deadly Aim
Rapid Shot
Mounted Combat
Mounted Archery
Ride By Attack
Spirited Charge


Knowledge Nature

Liberty's Edge

Sounds cool.

I'd like to try out a Half-Orc. A multiclass Monk/Bard.

John Spalding wrote:

I would like to play a human cleric of Erastil. I am not sure exactly what stuff you would like in the application, especially regarding description and back story.

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **

Application would be as simple as posting your class and race you wish to play, which in your case would be "I am thinking of playing a human cleric."

I'd like to play a half-elf bard.

I would be interested in playing a human ranger.

I would be interested in playing a gnome sorcerer.

This game was originally written for Forgotten Realms, and I am not going to change any of the places or names, I will just convert monsters and classes over to Pathfinder.

This doesn't mean that this is strictly a Forgotten Realms game, but places and NPCs may have FR names instead of golarion names.

okay, Winterwalker, Gryphon Gold, Grimmeh, Ellipsis, go ahead and create your characters.

I hate to do this, but you guys do have a dealine, you have until Saturday night to have your characters ready for my review, and then after review, you have until sunday night to fix anything that is wrong in the review.

As I said, i really hate to be so snarky, but I've had bad experiences with players taking a month for their characters to be ready, and having to wait that long to start the game.

This game will be started by next Wednesday night at the latest, Monday or Tuesday evening being optimal.

If you need one (for play or back-up), I would like to make a fighter/barbarian that was a half-orc with the inherited half-dragon (blue or song from the FR) template that would wield some sort of hammer. Think of Thor as the inspiration. :) You made it 15th level with the possibility of inherited tem[plate exceptions, after all.


Fighter 5 and Barbarian 7
or Barbarian 12
1/2 dragon +3

Okay, thnking about it, I might need you, as the party has no core combat based characters yet.

Go ahead and create your character.

I'm on it.

Liberty's Edge

Working on it now, will have a post later today.

Liberty's Edge

Ekeebe before I continue doing the math on my idea, I should ask if natural lycanthrope (inherited templete.) is allowable.

If so let me know before I cross reference all the changes required for that idea. Thanks bud!


Liberty's Edge

Can I put the Amulet of Mighty Fists under my "weapon" budget? I do not plan on using anything but fist attacks, and it would save a big chunk of my misc item budget.

I will have a draft ready sometime later tonight, tomorrow morning at the latest. Also, a luck stone increases AC, but gives a number of other bonuses, would it be labeled as armor or as a magic item?

Well, here is Lutor. He is a half-orc (half blue dragon) with character levels distributed as follows: Fighter 2, Barbarian 10, and half-dragon+3


spent points etc.
strength 5 points: 14
dexterity 3 points: 13
constitution 5 points: 14
intelligence -2 points: 8
wisdom 2 points: 12
charisma 2 points: 12

other additions
strength 14 +8 (half-dragon)+2 (half-orc) +2 (level 4, level 8)
dexterity 13 +1 (level 12)
constitution 14 +2 (half-dragon)
intelligence 8 (+2 half-dragon)
wisdom 12
charisma 12 +2 (half-dragon)

final stats
strength 26
dexterity 14
constitution 16
intelligence 10
wisdom 12
charisma 14


1st Power Attack
Ftr 1 Weapon Focus (Warhammer)
Ftr 2 Improved Unarmed
3rd Improved Grapple
5th Intimidating Prowess
7th Greater Grapple
9th Extra Rage (may change to Blindfight)
11th Lunge

Rage Powers:

2nd Intimidating Glare
4th Clear Mind
6th Scent (might change)
8th Damage Reduction
10th Damage Reduction


Acrobatics 10
Climb 6
Intimidate 12 ranks
Perception 10 ranks
Survival 2
Swim 4
Note: I have not yet decided on how to spend myy 10 points for favored class barbarian: hitpoints and/or skills

Questions and General:

1. There seems to be a couple of differences between the 3rd/3.5 inherited template and the Pathfinder one in the Bestiary for the half-dragon. The one in the bestiary does not appear to be written for PCs and you mentioned inherited templates as coming from outside PFRPG. So, what do I use?
a.) The Bestiary lists the Con bonus as +6 but I used a +2 which is what my memory tells me that is what the 3rd/3.5 had.
b.) The breathweapon in 3rd/3.5 was, I believe 6d8 damage but the one listed in the Bestiary is one die per racial hitdice.

I will add new posts for new questions. I also still have to roll hitpoints and pick equipment but I have some ideas in mind for that

Here is the first draft of my character. I am still working on spell list and equipment, but everything here is pretty finalized.



STR 10 [0]
DEX 13 [3]
CON 12 [2]
INT 10 [0]
WIS 10 [0]
CHA 16 [10]
DEX +1 {4th lvl BOOST}
CHA +2 +1 +1 {RACIAL}{8th lvl BOOST}{12th lvl BOOST}
DEX 14
CON 14
INT 10
WIS 10
CHA 20

Sorcerer 15
Bloodline: Arcane


1 - Toughness
1/B - Eschew Materials [class bonus]
3 - Extend Spell
5 - Defensive Combat Training
7 - Great Fortitude
7/B - Combat Casting [bloodline bonus]
9 - Lightning Reflexes
11 - Still Spell
13 - Silent Spell
13/B - Improved Initiative [bloodline bonus]
15 - Quicken Spell

Skill Ranks
Bluff 1 [class]
Fly 10 [class]
Knowledge (Arcana) 1 [class]
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) 1 [bloodline - class]
Sense Motive 1 [talent - class]
Spellcraft 15 [class]
Use Magic Device [class]

I am just posting raw numbers for now because abilities, skills, saves, etc. will most likely be affected by equipment.

WinterWalker, I can see the Amulet of mighty fists being a "Magic Item" and not a "Weapon" for the purposes of the gp budget, although any "Weapon Bonuses" would be under the "Weapon" budget. Also, Natural Lycanthropy is allowed, although, I think only animals of 5HD or less though. Wolves, Leopard, Rat, etc. Just make sure you run it by me first please.

Ellipsis, a Luck Stone would be classed as a magic item, because it grants more than just an AC bonus, and doesnt take up a slot, IIRC correctly.

The Thing from Beyond the Edge, Go with Pathfinder Bestiary RAW.

This goes for anyone choosing a template, as I think I wasn't clear on what I meant by inherited/afflicted exceptions to the Core Rulebook. I meant that you could use the Pathfinder Bestiary for racial templates as character options, as many DMs don't allow this.

This means that no templates from other books, other than the Pathfinder Bestiary.

Here is a spell and equipment list for my character, these are subject to change based on what the other characters end up doing

Spell List:

Arcane Mark
Dancing Lights
Detect Magic
Ghost Sound
Mage Hand
Read Magic
1st Level
Mage Armor
Unseen Servant
Protection from Evil
Magic Missile
Identify {Bloodline}
2nd Level
Mirror Image
Hideous Laughter
Invisibility {Bloodline}
3rd Level
Shrink Item
Phantom Steed
Dispel Magic
4th Level
Black Tentacles
Resilient Sphere
Stone Shape
Dimension Door {Bloodline}
Greater Invisibility {New Arcana}
5th Level
Wall of Stone
Persistent Image
Overland Flight {Bloodline}
6th Level
Chain Lightning
Form of the Dragon 1
True Seeing {Bloodline}
Greater Dispel Magic {New Arcana}
7th Level
Projected Image
Spell Turning
Greater Teleport {Bloodline}


Weapons Value:50000
+3 Longspear
+3 Seeking Sling
Armor Value:55000
Amulet of Natural Armor (+3)
Dusky Rose Ioun Stone
Ring of Protection (+4)
Goods & Services Value:2500
Acid (10)
Alchemist's Fire (10)
Belt Pouch (5)
Blank Spellbook
Bullseye Lantern
Canvas (80 sq. yd.)
Chain (100 ft)
Chalk (100 pieces)
Flint & Steel
Glass Bottles (5)
Grappling Hook (5)
Holy Water (20)
Manacles (2)
Masterwork Manacles
Oil (51 pints)
Parchment & Ink
Piton (50)
Rations (10 days)
Sack (50)
Scroll Case (50)
Sealing Wax
Sewing Needles (25)
Signal Whistle
Silk Rope (500 ft)
Smokestick (5)
Soap (5 lbs)
Steel Mirror
Tanglefoot Bag (4)
Thunderstone (20)
Tindertwig (99)
Waterskin (5)
Winter Blankets (10)
Potions & Scrolls Value:8000
Scroll of Charm Person (4)
Scroll of Disguise Self (2)
Scroll of See Invisibility (2)
Scroll of Silent Image (20)
Scroll of Darkvision (5)
Scroll of Make Whole (2)
Scroll of Wind Wall (4)
Scroll of Stinking Cloud (2)
Scroll of Sleet Storm (2)
Scroll of Magic Circle Against Evil (4)
Scroll of Magic Circle Against Chaos (2)
Scroll of Magic Circle against Law (2)
Magic Items Value:90000
Bag of Holding 1
Boots of Striding and Springing
Cloak of Resistance (+4)
Dust of Dryness (5)
Dust of Tracelessness (2)
Efficient Quiver
Handy Haversack
Headband of Charisma (+6)
Ring of Sustenance
Universal Solvent (4)
Wand of Cure Light Wounds (2)
Wand of Knock
Wand of Obscuring Mist
Wand of Protection from Chaos
Wand of Protection from Evil
Wand of Protection from Law
Wand of Shield

Budget Total Remaining:34500
Budget Original Spent Remaining
Weapons 75000 50000 25000
Armor 60000 55000 5000
Goods & Services 5000 2500 2500
Potions & Scrolls 10000 8000 2000
Magic Items 90000 90000 0

Liberty's Edge

Ekeebe wrote:

WinterWalker, I can see the Amulet of mighty fists being a "Magic Item" and not a "Weapon" for the purposes of the gp budget, although any "Weapon Bonuses" would be under the "Weapon" budget. Also, Natural Lycanthropy is allowed, although, I think only animals of 5HD or less though. Wolves, Leopard, Rat, etc. Just make sure you run it by me first please.

Ellipsis, a Luck Stone would be classed as a magic item, because it grants more than just an AC bonus, and doesnt take up a slot, IIRC correctly.

The Thing from Beyond the Edge, Go with Pathfinder Bestiary RAW.

This goes for anyone choosing a template, as I think I wasn't clear on what I meant by inherited/afflicted exceptions to the Core Rulebook. I meant that you could use the Pathfinder Bestiary for racial templates as character options, as many DMs don't allow this.

This means that no templates from other books, other than the Pathfinder Bestiary.

OK, I was going to use it as a weapon bonus item ala adding weapon enchantments.

As for the template, Wolf works if allowed.

Winterwalker, Wolf is allowed, go ahead.

If I can get in, I'd like to play a Human Fighter.

I don't have any reserves yet, Rokku, you are welcome to a reserve spot if you wish.

Shadow Lodge

I'll put my hand up too.

Ghost post


I spent an hour crafting a post with all my magic items and was too stupid to copy it before posting. It got eaten!


Liberty's Edge

I'll have my sheet posted for tomorrow for ya. Still working him.

magic items awaiting approval :)


00012 warhammer
03000 adamantine
50000 +5 total (+4, giant bane)
53012 subtotal

00012 warhammer
00300 masterwork
00090 alchemical silver
08000 +2 total (+1, ghost touch)
08402 subtotal

00001 hammer, light
00300 masterwork
08000 +2 total (+1, returning)
08301 subtotal

1500 ea javelin of lightning (x3)
4500 subtotal

74212 weapons total


00400 breastplate (non-humanoid allowing for wings)
04000 mithril
25000 +5 total (+4, light fortification)
29400 subtotal

02000 ring of protection +1

08000 amulet of natural armor +2

16000 cloak of resistance +4

55400 protections total
Note: If doubling for non-humanoid armor includes mithril then an additional 4000 would bring total to 59400.

goods and services:

to be filled in later


3rd level potions: 750 ea x10
potion of cure serious wounds x4
potion of water breathing x2
potion of prot. energy cold x2
potion of prot. energy fire x2
07500 subtotal

2nd level potions 300 ea x7
potion of lesser restoration x7
02100 subtotal

first level potions
magic fang x5
00250 subtotal

09850 potion total

magic items:

64000 belt of physical perfection +4

6500 horn of goodness/evil

04000 restorative ointment

02000 handy haversack

12000 boots of speed

00900 feather token, swan boat (x2)

00200 feather token, fan

89600 total

HP: 14d8 + 14 + 8 ⇒ (5, 1, 4, 8, 1, 5, 1, 7, 6, 7, 4, 8, 5, 4) + 14 + 8 = 88

Winterwalker's Half-Orc In Progress stuff:

HP: 90
Math for HP generation:


Wolf 2d6 2d6 ⇒ (1, 1) = 2 +
Max HP Monk Level 1 = 8 +
Monk Levels 2-7 (6d8) 6d8 ⇒ (8, 7, 1, 7, 5, 6) = 34 +
Bard Levels 8-12 (5d8) 5d8 ⇒ (4, 6, 1, 7, 7) = 25 +
Monk Favored class bonus 7 = 76 + 14 for Con score = 90.

Magic Items for Review/Approval:



Weapons - 75, 000 gp
[NECK]Amulet of Mighty Fists +3 [Keen(1) + Sonic Burst(2)] = 45,000
[SCABBARD]Luckblade (0 wishes) = 22,060
[BACKPACK] Javelin of Lightning(x5) = 7,500
Balance Remaining: 440

Armour and Protective Items - 60, 000 gp
[WRIST] Bracers of AC +6 [+1 ac, Spell Resistance 19 (+5 bonus)] = 36,000
[FINGER(L)] Ring of Protection +3 = 18,000
Balance Remaining: 6,000

Goods and Services - 5, 000 gp
[Backpack]Everburning Torch 110gp 1lb
[Backpack]Healer's Kit 50gp 1lb

Horse, Heavy(trained for war.) 300gp --
(stuff on the horse.)
Military Saddle 20gp 30lb
Saddlebags 4gp 08lb
Tent 10gp 20lb
Cold-weather Outfit 08gp 07lb
10 gallon barrel of ale 02gp 80lb
Balance Remaining: 4,496

Potions and Scrolls - 10, 000 gp
[Backpack Compartment 1]
Bard (written at 4th level) - Cure Moderate Wounds 2d8+4 (x19) = 3,800
Bard (written at 4th level) - Invisibility (4 min. duration.) (x5) = 1,000

[Backpack Compartment 1]
Neutralize Poison = 1,050
Potion of Remove Blindness = 750
Potion of Remove Deafness = 750
Potion of Water Breathing = 750
Potion of Water Walking = 750
Potion of Speak With Dead = 750
Potion of Endure Elements(x2) = 100
Potion of Bull Strength = 300
Balance Remaining: 0

Magic items - 90, 000 gp
[BODY] Monk's Robe = 13,000 (+5 levels worth of AC and Unarmed damage as monk.)
[BACK] Cloak of Displacement, Minor 24,000 (20%) miss chance.
[WAIST] Belt of Giant Strength +6 = 36,000
[FEET] Boots of Levitation = 7,500
[Backpack] Bottle of Air =7,250
[BACK] Handy Haversack = 2,000
Balance Remaining: 250

My skills are finished, stats are calculated, gonna pick some feats and the traits and I should be done building this character.

1st brb 12
2nd ftr 1d10 ⇒ 3
3rd ftr 1d10 ⇒ 5
4th brb 1d12 ⇒ 2
5th brb 1d12 ⇒ 9
6th brb 1d12 ⇒ 12
7th brb 1d12 ⇒ 1
8th brb 1d12 ⇒ 12
9th brb 1d12 ⇒ 6
10th brb 1d12 ⇒ 11
11th brb 1d12 ⇒ 10
12th brb 1d12 ⇒ 3
+10 for favored class

note: hitpoints without constitution modifier

I hope I did the dice right. This is my first time using the roller. I will total in another post...


constitution (w/o belt of physical perfection): 60
rolls plus 1st level plus favored class: 96

hitpoints: 156 (w/o belt, base when naked, devoid of equipment)

I keep forgetting to switch avvys...

Now I need to find thew standard PF traits and use them...

traits: courageous and bully

Okay guys, this game will have to go on hold for a week or so, but it is still up, so please create your characters and post them.

note: I ended up just rounding down the left over gp and kept some spending money out of the goods and services

half-orc (half-blue dragon)
fighter 2
barbarian 10
half-dragon +3


26/30 strength 5pts: 14+8(1/2D)+2(1/2O)+2(lvls)
14/18 dexterity 3pts: 13+1(lvls)
20/24 constitution 5pts: 14+6(1/2D)
10/10 intelligence -2pts: 8+2(1/2D)
12/12 wisdom 2pts: 12
14/14 charisma 2pts: 12+2(1/2D)
Note: numbers after "/" are magically altered


immune to sleep, paralysis, and electricity; lowlight vision, darkvision 60'; breath weapon (p. 170); damage reduction 2/-, 4/- when raging; orc ferocity, uncanny dodge, improved uncanny dodge,


+21 Fortitude base 10+5(con)+2(belt)+4(cloak)
+11 Reflex base 3+2(dex)+2(belt)+4(cloak)
+8 Willpower base 3+1(wis)+4(cloak)
notes: +2 morale bonus to will when raging; courageous +2 trait bonus versus fear;bravery (ftr2) +1 to will sv vs fear; +3 to reflex vs traps (trap sense)

Combat Basics:

40'/70' fly Move: base 30 (x2 for flight) and add 10' for barbarian
+4 Initiative: +4 (dex,belt)
+31 Armor Class:10+6(breastplate)+4(bp enh)+6(nat:+4+2enh)+1(defl.ring prot)+4(dex:+2+2 belt)
+27 Flat Footed AC (no flat footed due to uncanny dodge) dex loss due to feint
+15 Touch AC: 10+4(dex:+2+2belt)+1(defl. ring prot)
note1. +3 dodge bonus to AC vs attacks made by traps
note 2. -2 penalty to AC when raging
156 (180 w/belt)Hitpoints

+22CMB=+12 (BAB) +8(str)+2(str blt)
+36CMD=10+12(BAB)+8(str)+2(str blt)+2(dex)+2(dex blt)
when raging BAB, CMB, & CMD increase by an additional +2
when fatigued BAB, CMB, & CMD suffer a -1 penalty
grapple receives an additional +4 and may be performed as a move action
grapple defense receives an additional +2
power attack: -4 to hit, +8 dam or +12 two handed
lunge: can increase reach by 5' until end of turn by taking -2 penalty to AC until next turn

With adamantine warhammer +4, giant bane (x3 critical):

giant bane: +6 vs giants: add additional +2 to hit and +2 to damage and does an additional 2d6 damage

to hit
+27 to hit: +12(BAB)+8(str)+2(belt)+1(wpn fcs)+4(hmr)
+27/+22/+17 to hit
+29/+24/+19 when raging
+26/+21/+16 when fatigued

1d8+14 one-handed
1d8+16 one-handed raging
1d8+19 two-handed
1d8+22 two-handed raging
1d8+13 one-handed fatigued
1d8+17 two-handed fatigued

with alchemical silver ghost touch hammer:

to hit
+24 to hit: +12(BAB)+8(str)+2(belt)+1(wpn fcs)+1(hmr)
+24/+19/+14 to hit
+26/+21/+16 when raging
+23/+18/+13 when fatigued

1d8+11 one-handed
1d8+13 one-handed raging
1d8+16 two-handed
1d8+19 two-handed raging
1d8+10 one-handed fatigued
1d8+14 two-handed fatigued

with +1 light hammer:

THROWN: range increment 20
to hit
+17 to hit: +12(BAB)+4(dex,belt)+1(hmr)



1st Power Attack
Ftr 1 Weapon Focus (Warhammer)
Ftr 2 Improved Unarmed
3rd Improved Grapple
5th Intimidating Prowess
7th Greater Grapple
9th Extra Rage
11th Lunge


33 rounds per day: 4+5(base con)+18(10th level brb)+6(xtra rage)
+4 morale bonus to strength and constitution
+2 morale to will saves

rage powers
2nd Intimidating Glare
4th Clear Mind
6th Scent
8th Damage Reduction
10th Damage Reduction


skill purchases
44 points

Climb 5
Intimidate 12 ranks
Perception 10 ranks
Survival 1
Swim 4
fly 12

skill bonuses
note: mithril breastplate has AC penalty of -1

+03 acrobatics (dex)+4-1(armor)
+00 appraise (int)+0
+02 bluff (cha)+2
+14 climb (str)+10+5rks-1(armor)
+02 diplomacy (cha)+2
+02 disguise (cha)+2
+03 escape artist (dex)+4-1(armor)
+15 fly (dex)+4+12rks-1(armor)
+02 handle animal (cha)+2 untrained
+01 heal (wis)+1
+27 intimidate (cha)+2+12rks+2(1/2 Orc)+10(str)+1trait(bully)
+11 perception (wis)+1+10rks
+03 ride (dex)+4-1(armor)
+01 sense motive (wis)+1
+03 stealth (dex)+4-1(armor)
+02 survival (wis)+1+1rk
+13 swim (str)+10+4rks-1(armor)

note: strength based skills receive an additional +2 when raging but a -1 when fatigued


+4, giant bane adamantine warhammer
+1 ghost touch alchemical silver warhammer
+1 returning light hammer
javelin of lightning (x3)

mithril breastplate +4, light fortification
amulet of natural armor +2
cloak of resistance +4
ring of protection+1
signet ring (200 gp value)
horn of goodness/evil
belt of physical perfection +4
silk rope 50'
waterskin x2
belt pouch 20 cp, 8 sp
belt pouch 20 sp, 8 gp
belt pouch 29 gp

boots of speed

handy haversack
feather token, fan
feather token, swan boat (x2)
potion of cure serious wounds x4
potion of water breathing x2
potion of prot. energy cold x2
potion of prot. energy fire x2
potion of lesser restoration x7
magic fang x5
restorative ointment

blanket, winter
explorer's outfit
traveler's outfit
noble's outfit
assorted jewelry (400gp value, made for 1/2 dragon)

mirror, small steel
soap, 1 lb
assorted toiletry articles
flint and steel
1 gem 1000 gp
4 gems 500 gp each
10 gems 100 gp each
5 pp
50 gp

Half-Elf Bard is ready for review.


Weapons (71866 gp 5 sp):
Cold Iron Longsword +3, 24630 gp, 4 lb
Cold Iron Dagger +2, 12604 gp, 1 lb
Shortbow +4, 32330 gp, 2 lb
Arrows of Seeking (50), 2302 gp 5 sp, 1 lb

Protective Items (60000 gp):
Cloak of Resistance +5, 25000 gp, 1 lb
Bracers of Armor +5, 25000 gp, 1 lb
Ring of Protection +2, 8000 gp
Amulet of Natural Armor +1, 2000 gp

Potions (10000 gp)
Potion of Remove Blindness x3, 2250 gp
Potion of Remove Curse x3, 2250 gp
Potion of Remove Deafness x3, 2250 gp
Potion of Remove Disease x3, 2250 gp
Potion of Remove Paralysis x3, 900 gp
Potion of Remove Fear x2, 100 gp

Other Magic Items (75000 gp):
Wand of Cure Critical Wounds, 21000 gp
Winged Boots, 16000 gp, 1 lb
Handy Haversack, 2000 gp, 5 lb
Figure of Ebony Fly, 10000 gp
Rod of Spendor, 25000 gp
Horn of Fog, 2000 gp, 1 lb

Goods and Services (5000 gp)
Everburning Torch, 110 gp
Masterwork Finger Cymbals, 100 gp
Rations x10, 5 gp, 10 lb
Courtier's Outfit and Jewelry, 80 gp, 6 lb
Spell Component Pouch, 5 gp, 2 lb
Waterskin x5, 5 gp, 20 lb
8 lb platinum bars, 3000 gp
10 lb gold bars, 500 gp
190 gp

Some adjustments coming.

I forgot to add in my class skill bonus for those I have ranks in. :)

edit: Also changed +1 ring to +2 and changed amulet of natural armor from +2 to +1. It was an even stevem price exchange.

Still working on my formatting for the alias page...

Yes, I know that it is on hold for a week but I wanted to bump it anyway.


I'd like to put my name forward in the event that you need another reserve player.

If I were to be required, I'd try my hand at a half-elf fighter/transmuter/eldritch knight.

All the best with the game.


Awaiting approval here for gear and stuff.

Jakka wrote:
Awaiting approval here for gear and stuff.

He hasn't been posting recently, probably just busy with RL. We just need to wait a while longer.

Ellipsis wrote:
Jakka wrote:
Awaiting approval here for gear and stuff.
He hasn't been posting recently, probably just busy with RL. We just need to wait a while longer.

This is an RPG messageboard. Posters having a real life is not allowed.


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