Multiclassed oracle

Round 1: Cavalier and Oracle

one of our players is planning on multiclassing a battle oracle with fighter, and he's wondering how this effects his curse and revelations.

The revelations and curses all state things like "at level X this happens", it doesn't specifically state oracle level, so he's confused on if your curse changes as you level a non-oracle class, and your revelations continue improving or not.

Liberty's Edge

eerongal wrote:

one of our players is planning on multiclassing a battle oracle with fighter, and he's wondering how this effects his curse and revelations.

The revelations and curses all state things like "at level X this happens", it doesn't specifically state oracle level, so he's confused on if your curse changes as you level a non-oracle class, and your revelations continue improving or not.

The standard quote from staff has been unless otherwise stated all class powers are based on the Class level. Hopefully another forumite will post and actual quote or link.


All class powers are always based on your class level, unless they are specifically called out as being based on your character level. This has been so for the last decade.

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