Buck Naked Barbarians

Advanced Player's Guide Playtest General Discussion

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Remco Sommeling wrote:
In this example it is a circumstance bonus to ac, that stacks with just about everything.

But not armor and natural armor, as I noted above.

hogarth wrote:

Seriously, I don't think there's anything wrong with an unarmored AC boost that benefits monks and/or wizards, as long as it doesn't stack with other common, potentialy large AC boosts (namely armor and natural armor bonuses, and maybe shield bonuses).

I am not saying it is wrong, but I don't think it really plays to the Barbarian's strengths. It also seems like an awfully large step up from the Dodge feats, although I shouldn't dwell on that since the ones I posted are similarly stepped up relative to Core Rules feats.

I just think that increasing the character's offensive power is more practical, since a Barbarian only has a limited number of Rage rounds per day.

Kirth Gersen wrote:
hogarth wrote:
I like the "canny defense" idea (as you can see, I came up with a similar feat), but I don't really see the benefit of making the AC bonus tied to a stat instead of naturally scaling with level.
Because my homebrew fighters have an Agile Dodge talent that scales with level (+1, +1/4 levels) they can take instead of Armor Training. I've got feats and talents for tough skin (natural AC bonus) and the like as well. Overall, martial guys are FAR less mage-dependent in my games.

I like both of the things you have done there. Any chance you have them written up somewhere?

Caineach wrote:
Tim4488 wrote:

Caineach wrote:
Why not constitution based?
Con is already an important score for Barbarians. It'd be too easy a pick. Wisdom and Charisma are both things they don't usually care about as much.

So? You want them to have the same stat problems as Monks, where they need everything?

Wisdom would be avoiding blows by seeing them coming. Barbarians don't do that IMO.

Charisma is strength of will, so I understand this argument better for them. But do they will themselves to ignore the blow?

They take the hit and have "maces bouncing off my overly massive pecks" That is Constitution in a nutshell.

Well, my idea was less that they use Cha to shrug off the blow, and more that their presence is so intimidating their foes have trouble hitting them at all. Your idea makes sense for your fluff, my idea makes sense for my fluff.

Epic Meepo's idea isn't bad. I'm still not a fan of Unfettered, sorry.

seekerofshadowlight wrote:
I like both of the things you have done there. Any chance you have them written up somewhere?

In hard copy and email, for my campaign group. Nowhere publicly, because I borrow stuff from non-OGL sources and don't want any suggestion of copyright challenge or infringement.

Grand Lodge

I have it up on a private Google Group for my gaming group as well. Kirth hasn't taken me to task for it, so I could add you to it if you like Seeker. Offer is still up for you too Kirth.

TriOmegaZero wrote:
I have it up on a private Google Group for my gaming group as well. Kirth hasn't taken me to task for it, so I could add you to it if you like Seeker. Offer is still up for you too Kirth.

Dude! Send me a link! You were able to upload the emails directly?

Grand Lodge

It's taken a little editing, and I have adjusted some things for my game, so they're not exactly the same. But they are mostly intact. I'll be sending you an invite shortly.

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