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Did a playtest today for the Inquisitor and Alchemist. I have to say, this was one of the longest fights I've ever had in a game. 15 combat rounds.
Woodling Catfolk Druid (8)
Drow Ranger (3)/Sorcerer(5)/Arcane Archer(1)
Kobold Summoner (9)
Duerger Duskblade (9)
Half-Ogre Knight (9)
CR 7 Cohort Shapeshifter (Dire Tiger form)
Catfolk Fighter 3/Noble 5
Catfolk Commoner 3/Noble 1
The PC's were escorting an exiled (runaway) prince and his commoner significant other to a remote catfolk settlement so they could get married before the girl gave birth (she was 8 months on). There was a 5,000gp reward on both their heads (treason, by law).
Two bounty hunters had been attracted to the party due to one of them asking about the reward on the missing prince. Those two followed the group at a distance of about 3 hours for a couple of weeks, then saw them take off out of a remote town with two catfolk on a wagon. Figuring the two were the missing outlaws, they quickly hired some local muscle to help them ambush the party.
BBG's (not evil, just bountyhunters)
Henara the Mad, Tengu Alchemist (9)
Fenara the Focused, Tengu Inquisitor of Law (9)
Frik the Minotaur Fighter (5)
Frak the Minotaur Fighter (5)
Paul the Centaur Archer (fighter 6)
Saul the Centaur Archer (fighter 6)
STR: 16 DEX: 14 CON: 15
INT: 11 WIS: 14 CHA: 12
HP : 106
AC 20 (10 + 8 (Armor) + 1 (Natural) + 2 (Dex) - 1 (Size)
Feats: Improved Initiative, Point-Blank-Shot, Precise Shot, Shot on the Run, Rapid Shot, Many Shot, Weapon Focus (Longbow), Weapon Specialization (Longbow)
Weapons : +1 Composite (+3) Longbow of Shock or Acid (Paul had Shock, Saul had Acid, rolled randomly ahead of time). Each also had a +1 Keen Scimitar
Full Attack : 12 (x2), 12, 7 (1d8+4+1d6 Energy) Longbow
or 14 (x2), 9 (1d8+4+1d6 Energy) Longbow
or 14, 9 1d8+4 (15-20, x2) Scimitar
Both brothers had +2 Breastplate's on, and 40 arrows each.
STR: 20 DEX: 10 CON: 15
INT: 7 WIS: 10 CHA: 8
HP: 111
AC 24 (10 + 10 (Armor) + 5 (Natural) - 1 (Size)
Feats: Great Fortitude, Improved Bull Rush, Power Attack, Vital Strike,
Weapon Focus (Greataxe), Weapon Specialization (Greataxe)
Weapons : +1 Large Greataxe. Gore as a secondary Attack
Full Attack : Greataxe 17, 12 (3d6+6) + Gore 10 (1d6+5)
Both cousins had +2 full plate on.
STR: 11 DEX: 24 CON: 12
INT: 18 WIS: 10 CHA: 13
HP : 64
AC 29 (10 + 6 (Armor) + 1 (Dodge) + 7 (Dex) + 5 (Spells))
Feats: Weapon Finess, Dodge, Mobility, Point Blank Shot, Shot on the Run
Weapons : +1 Rapier of Shock (1d6 + 1d6 Electricity)
Full Attack : 17, 17, 12 (1d6 + 1d6 Electricty)
5d6+4 Bomb (+9 Splash, 10 feet)
Armor : +4 Leather Armor
Discoveries : Sticky Poison, Explosive Bomb
Formulae Prepared that day:
Heroism, Cure Serious, Haste, Gaseous Form, Barkskin, Cat's Grace, Resist Energy, Cure Moderate (2), Enlarge Persion, Expeditious Retreat, Cure Light (4)
Other Equipment : Ring of Invisibility, Wand of Cure Moderate, Wand of Fireball, Wand of Web, Wand of Invisibility
STR: 18 DEX: 16 CON: 22
INT: 10 WIS: 16 CHA: 12
HP : 64
AC 26 (10 + 8 (Armor) + 4 (shield) + 1 (Dodge) + 7 (Dex))
Feats: Exotic Weapon (Bastard Sword), Dodge, Power Attack, Improved Sunder, Greater Sunder
Tactical Feats : Coordinate Manuevers, Coordinated Defense, Outflank
Weapons : +1 Sonic Bastard sword
Full Attack : 10, 5 (1d8 + 1d4 Sonic)
Armor : +2 Breastplate, +2 Heavy Steel Shield
Spells Known : Acid Splash, Bleed, Guidance, Read Magic, Detect Magic, Stabilize, Bless, Divine Favor, Expeditious Retreat, Cure Light, Sanctuary, Aid, Cure Moderate, Invisibility, Zone of Truth, Cure Serious, Keen Edge, Dispel Magic, Searing Light
Other Equipment : Belt of Physical Might (+4 Str, +4 Con)
Fight Details in next post....