KnightErrantJR |
I'll admit, I didn't quite get to the point of running these guys through any encounters yet, and that will obviously shake out some information as well, but I do think that actually putting the elements of a class together in character creation shows you a few things, so I made up an Alchemist and an Inquisitor, both at 5th level.
If I get some time, I may run these through some encounters, but for now, this is what just making up the characters caused me to think.
I made up the Alchemist as a human, and only bumped his intelligence and dexterity above average.
When coming up with this guy, I noticed that I did pick up formulae that could be used with other people, and taking the infusion discovery. I know that a lot of people have commented on this ability being "automatic," but I'm torn, because while I know I would probably take this, part of me still wants it to be possible to be the totally self modifying alchemist that doesn't take infusion. Still, it was easily a no brainer, and it might have been nice to have it and perhaps the concussion bomb discovery at this level.
The bonus damage to splash weapons looks fun. The range is a problem. I don't have a problem with thrown weapons having the range that they do, its more a matter of having a nice class feature that's very situational because of the range. I limited myself to Pathfinder RPG equipment, but I seriously wanted to use the gnome calculus from the Arms and Equipment Guide, and I kind of hope that some kind of equipment along these lines will "officially" make it into the game, since this would help to make this ability a bit more useful.
Looking over bomb, it seems as if it would be nice to be able to make a bomb and hold it for a while, instead of only being able to use the bomb with the "perfect storm" comes up of being in range, with no one taking major damage from your bomb's splash.
Looking over mutagen, I'm not sure I'd even use this most of the time, since it doesn't quite give a major boost to let you become a front line fighter. My plan for this would be to keep it as a backup to boost Con to give me extra hit points if I needed them. What I was hoping for was something more like the Binder's abilities, where you could partially fill other roles by taking on the mutagen's boosts.
It seems like this could be fun to run through some encounters to see how often the "no win" situation of being in range to throw something but having your allies caught in your splash damage, and how often you could actually get your bomb to work. I really, really would like a calculus like weapon available for this guy, but holy water should be interesting against evil outsiders and undead.
Buying equipment, I ended up getting a Bag of Holding, a ton of holy water, alchemist's fire, acid, a enhanced chain shirt and a morning star, but I'd hate to have to resort to the Morning Star.
I don't know if it would be game breaking, but a discovery that allowed the alchemist to not cause splash damage might be nice.
When making up this guy, I boosted strength, constitution, and wisdom, so he actually had spells and could get into combat as a d8 class. I was going to make the Inquisitor as a ranged justice machine, but I didn't want to loose the ability to take advantage of the tactical feats, and most of the ones that seemed like they would come up in combat involved melee.
I took Gorum as the Inquisitor's deity, so that I got a greatsword, and took the tactical feat that allowed me to do extra precision damage when flanking, as well as taking the destruction domain as my domain ability, and making sure that I took Expeditious Retreat as a spell that I knew so I could actually get into flanking position.
For his equipment, I picked up an enhanced greatsword and breastplate, and the standard array of healing potions. Basically, this guys looks to be a "situational tank," but I'm interested to see how well this guy can identify enemies, and the bane ability should be interesting.
If it weren't for the tactical feat, I'd probably have tried to make this guy more of a ranged hunter, but it just felt like nothing in the tactical feats supported that at this level.
General Questions that Came to Mind
Can you take Weapon Focus (Splash Weapon)? It seems like the bonus to Throw Anything is meant to account for the fact that you can't, but I'm curious.
I guess, given how the tactical feats are written, that Vexing Flanker from the PH II is considered to be too powerful, since in order to get that bonus, officially, you have to have both members of a flanking pair with a similar feat to get a similar benefit.