Eidolon Slam

Round 2: Summoner and Witch

Lantern Lodge

If a summoner had a biped eidolon, it starts out with 2 claws each doing d4+3 due to its 16 strength. If it had the slam evolution, does the slam replace its base 2 claw attacks with 1 slam attack at d8+5 damage since now it would only have 1 attack or does the slam replace each claw so it would have 2 attacks each dealing d8+3 damage? It only seems worth taking under the latter interpretation...

The eidolon must have the limbs (arms) evolution to take this
evolution. Alternatively, the eidolon can replace the claws
from its base form with this slam attack (this still costs
1 evolution point).

Replace, being the operative word here. Getting a slam attack replaces the claw attacks. You lose two claws and gain one slam.


Scarab Sages

i read it to be 2x claws replaced by 1x slam otherwise it would be too powerful
on average claws would do 5-6 pts each while slam would do 9-10 based on your model so reasonably even to me

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