smrtgmp |
I'd like to see a version of Practiced Spellcaster that is tied to the spellcasting ability.
Potent Caster
Requirements: Int, Wis, or Cha 13+
Benefit: You add your primary spellcasting ability score bonus to your caster level, upto your character level.
^ this
casters are boned by multiclassing as is, and something to address that is very much needed.
Kvantum |
Oversized two weapon fighting for rangers and the like to use two longswords. Don't actually want to see monkey grip as that was abused too much.
Already exists in Book of Experimental Might II as "Massive Two-Weapon Fighting". Quick and easy paste-in, if the designers want it.
Hexcaliber |
What is an advanced players guide? It's a book for people that already have a good idea what they want from a pathfinder game. This just expands their options.
With that in mind we can expect feats that expand on the new classes. We can expect feats that fill a hole. Based on what people have been writing in this thread it seems that multi-classing, flavorful metamagics and weapon feats are what the game needs right now. Things like this would expand the game nicely.
I for one don't think we need more min-maxing. Monkey Grip and feats like it can go to the way side. The average combat is 2 to 5 rounds, which makes the Inquisitors justices immediately nerfed. We need feats that will make combat more interesting, not end It quicker.
Just my two cents on the deal. I don't have any example feats to offer right now, I'm typing this on my phone during work so I gotta go.
MaverickWolf |
I for one don't think we need more min-maxing. Monkey Grip and feats like it can go to the way side. The average combat is 2 to 5 rounds, which makes the Inquisitors justices immediately nerfed. We need feats that will make combat more interesting, not end It quicker.
I think calling specific feats out as min-maxing is rather unfair. Especially Monkey Grip. The over-sized weapon use is not exactly a new concept, and players just want to be able to run with it. Same for the Oversize Two-Weapon Fighting (and I know people who can use two longswords at once comfortably, myself included).
SmiloDan RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |
I'd kind of like to see a "reversed" Spring Attack that goes Attack-Move-Attack, possibly using up a swift action to accomplish the extra attack. Definitely with a requirement of BAB 6+ or even 11+, but hopefully not as arduous to qualify for as Bounding Assault. Probably just an advancement along the Spring Attack feat, maybe with Combat Reflexes as requirement.
Hexcaliber |
I'd kind of like to see a "reversed" Spring Attack that goes Attack-Move-Attack, possibly using up a swift action to accomplish the extra attack. Definitely with a requirement of BAB 6+ or even 11+, but hopefully not as arduous to qualify for as Bounding Assault. Probably just an advancement along the Spring Attack feat, maybe with Combat Reflexes as requirement.
If the second attack was at -5 (like a secondary attack) then this could totally be feasible. I would even say that Spring attack and Cleave need be the only requirements.
As for my previous min/maxing comment. I stand by it,
Outright putting two greatswords in a fighters hands without penalty? How about 2 oversized bastard swords? Numerically it doesn't always make as much difference as most people like to believe, but realistically? Monkey Grip did too much in 3.5 and I do have a problem with it. An oversized weapon is harder to sunder, harder to disarm (should be easier, but RAW are RAW) and gains a huge damage jump with certain weapons. Why does a d8 weapon go to 2d6 and not d10? How about d10 becoming 2d8? If the damage increase wash incremental by a factor of 2 (deals up to an additional 2 damage - d8 becomes d10) and was easier to disarm/deal damage to (harder to break b/c it's bigger, but penalty to CMD to resist taking damage from sunder) then I would have no reason to cry foul. As is RAW make it too good to wield an oversized weapon.
One feat that does it all and then some becomes a must have feat. Even with a -2 to hit I'd get a greatsword that dealt an additional d6, had twice as many hit points (20 instead of 10, equal to the hp of a +2 medium greatsword) and no bonus against disarm. . . . Just reread the rules on that, kind of surprised me that a two-handed weapon is just as easier to disarm a knife, but every other point I was trying to make still applies.
This is not the place for an argument like this, but it is up to the guys at Paizo to decide if they want a Monkey Grip like feat.
I would like to see a knockdown feat. It is a little unusual that a brute can't shoulder check somebody and send them flying. Battlefield control is something 4E has in spades. I'd like to see some that reasonably bleed into Pathfinder.
Reasonably. My beef with 4E is how ridiculous some of the "powers" are. If I can make a CMB roll to knock someone down without needing a 13 Int then I'll be happy. If I can "body slam" somebody I've grappled and pinned into whatever adjacent square I want then that would be alright too.