Augment Summoning

Round 2: Summoner and Witch

Hey everyone,

Just need some clarification, does Augment Summoning also affect Eidolons as well?



Ferahgo89 wrote:

Hey everyone,

Just need some clarification, does Augment Summoning also affect Eidolons as well?



Jason cleared this up already. It doesn't.

Odentin wrote:
Ferahgo89 wrote:

Hey everyone,

Just need some clarification, does Augment Summoning also affect Eidolons as well?



Jason cleared this up already. It doesn't.

Along a similar tangent, then, could an eidolon take summon monster as a spell-like ability? After all, if it doesn't qualify as a "summoned creature" (which would normally prevent it from summoning anything), then it seems logical it would be able to do so.

Muahahaha. There's a interesting use for a size-small eidolon --- minor summoning ally. *evil grin*

Eidolons are summoned monsters. Augment Summoning specifically says "monsters summoned through a summon spell". Eidolons are not summoned with spells, or even spell-like abilities. Thus, they do not qualify for the bonus from Augment Summoning.

That aside, there's no restriction on them learning the summon monster spells as SLAs and using them. The restriction against summoned creatures using summon abilities is in the text of the summon monster spell, not the base text for summoned creatures. Since Eidolons are not summoned with summon monster, and don't have any other text to prevent it, they can summon and teleport.

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