Houseruling a Witch.

Round 2: Summoner and Witch

I plan on using a witch as an enemy NPC. I want to use charisma or wisdom on one of my test runs. As someone that has yet to run the class do you think not using intelligence would cause any significant issues?

The reason for the houserule is:
1. The intelligence thing does not make sense to me
2. If I can use something other than intelligence and it works out well it might have some influence to the mental stat being changed in the final version.

wraithstrike wrote:

I plan on using a witch as an enemy NPC. I want to use charisma or wisdom on one of my test runs. As someone that has yet to run the class do you think not using intelligence would cause any significant issues?

The reason for the houserule is:
1. The intelligence thing does not make sense to me
2. If I can use something other than intelligence and it works out well it might have some influence to the mental stat being changed in the final version.

My group has done this as well. It has worked great. Try adding perception and sense motive as class skills as well.

John Falter wrote:
wraithstrike wrote:

I plan on using a witch as an enemy NPC. I want to use charisma or wisdom on one of my test runs. As someone that has yet to run the class do you think not using intelligence would cause any significant issues?

The reason for the houserule is:
1. The intelligence thing does not make sense to me
2. If I can use something other than intelligence and it works out well it might have some influence to the mental stat being changed in the final version.

My group has done this as well. It has worked great. Try adding perception and sense motive as class skills as well.

Ok. Did you use wisdom or charisma?

Judging by the proposed class skills, I'm going to guess Wisdom.

Dark Archive

Odentin wrote:
Judging by the proposed class skills, I'm going to guess Wisdom.


I think the hesitation here for not using Wisdom or Charisma is that there are not many Intelligence based classes in the game; however, this could be a great opportunity to have a wisdom-based arcane spellcaster; I don't think I've seen one of those yet.

By extension, I think it would be pretty neat to have an Int-based divine caster.

Someone who studies and follows sacred inscriptions to channel divine power? Hmm.

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