Bombs have no range

Round 3: Alchemist and Inquisitor

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RPG Superstar 2011 Top 4

Abraham spalding wrote:
The delay bomb discovery does state that if the vial is broken it explodes but it's the only bomb that goes into detail about this.

Makes sense what with that one being actively armed.

The Exchange

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Sean K Reynolds wrote:
Enevhar Aldarion wrote:
Alright, 10' increments when throwing a bomb can't be right.

This site says the average soldier can throw a 14 oz. grenade about 40 meters, "shorter distances more accurately."

Average soldier = Ftr 1, Dex 10.
40 meters = 120 feet
that's 11 range increments beyond the first, so -22 penalty.
The fighter's attack bonus brings that down to a -21 penalty.
Attacking a SQUARE is AC 5.
So a Ftr1 trying to accurately hit a SPECIFIC 5 ft. square at 120 feet away has to roll a 26 to do so. Fortunately, he auto-hits on a 20. And if he misses, it goes 10 feet (the range increment) in a random direction... which is still pretty accurate!
What if he's only throwing a grenade at a target 60 feet away? That's 5 range increments beyond the first, so -10 to hit, +1 from fighter BAB, overall -9 penalty to hit AC 5, fighter needs to roll a 14... not too difficult.

11 range increments...

well, rules as written limit thrown objects to 5 range increments. so in game, grenades would only have a max range of 50 ft.

and with real world grenades, close is good enough, because the blast radius is larger. 5' blasts, or 10' blasts with the Explosive discovery, don't leave a lot of room for error in hitting friendlies vs. foes, and make a fireball which casters don't have to roll to place accurately, a nicer option.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 4

Since when do you roll where you place your fireballs?

Scipion del Ferro wrote:
Since when do you roll where you place your fireballs?

You misunderstood, He said it makes a fireball a nice option because casters don't have to roll to place it accurately.

Also, while it requires the point blank shot feat (a good feat for any alchemist, really) you can get the far shot feat and take only a -1 penalty per range increment.

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