The DPR Olympics - or "I'm not the mechanic here, Ironsides! I mostly just hurt people!"


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kyrt-ryder wrote:
A Man In Black wrote:
kyrt-ryder wrote:
You would get that extra attack by casting haste Angryscrub. Infact I would argue that haste is a wiser choice than Keen Edge for the 3rd level spell.
Falchion of speed. BTW, the inappropriate wizard breaks a couple of the rules if anyone really cares but it's hilarious so who cares.
*facepalm* I didn't expect him to spend THAT MUCH gold on speed when he could just swap out keen for Haste and put that money towards damage or other assets.

haste doesn't meet the criteria for the challenge. 1 round per level.

A Man In Black wrote:

BTW, the inappropriate wizard breaks a couple of the rules if anyone really cares but it's hilarious so who cares.

i actually do kinda care. i meant it to be amusing, but possible. what rules does he break?

kyrt-ryder wrote:
A Man In Black wrote:
kyrt-ryder wrote:
You would get that extra attack by casting haste Angryscrub. Infact I would argue that haste is a wiser choice than Keen Edge for the 3rd level spell.
Falchion of speed. BTW, the inappropriate wizard breaks a couple of the rules if anyone really cares but it's hilarious so who cares.
*facepalm* I didn't expect him to spend THAT MUCH gold on speed when he could just swap out keen for Haste and put that money towards damage or other assets.

Infact... if anybody redoes this build... swap Keen Edge for Haste, and replace Speed with Keen.

Should free up about 20,000 gold or so to play with (or just 2 weapon enhancement slots)

EDIT: Oh, duh, the rules. My bad, I was thinking at least one of those was being cast at the start of combat.

Sorry Scrubby lol.

Here's a fun little rogue build. A melee character that can do 187.55 DPR.

Edit. . . oops, I accidentally gave him 20 Dex instead of 22. lol editing. . . you can see the DPR as if I gave him +1 hit, it's now up to 204.6 DPR

Edit. . . OK, I don't have time to edit *EVERYTHING* to add +1 hit in, but you can plug in the numbers to get the proper +1 hit/+1 damage/extra attack.

Ruh-roh the rogue (Elven Curve Blade Whirlwinder Rogue)
elite array - elf

20 (+2 racial) (+1 level) (+4 item)
12 (-2 racial) (+1 level)
14 (+2 racial)

1 - Martial Weapon Proficiency (ECB)
2 - Weapon Finesse (talent)
3 - Combat Expertise
4 - Weapon Focus (ECB) (talent)
5 - Power Attack
6 - Bleeding Attack (talent)
7 - Dodge
8 - Combat Trick (talent) - Mobility
9 - Spring Attack
10 - Feat (advanced talent) - Whirlwind

gear 62000
+3 ECB (18380)
+4 dexterity belt (16000)
+1 moderate fortification studded leather (50%) (16175)
+3 cloak of resistance (9000)
handy haversack (2000)
445 extra

full attack: +14/+9 (7 BAB + 5 Dex + 3 Weapon + 1 WF - 2 PA)
base damage: 1d10 + 12 (17.5), +17.5 on a crit
sneak attack damage: 5d6 + 5 bleed (22.5)

Chance to hit 24 AC ~ 10 (.55), 15 (.30)
Chance to threat ~ 18-20 (.15)
Chance to crit ~ 0.0825, 0.045

DPR without sneak attack, single target full attack
(.55 + .30 + .0825 + 0.045) * 17.5 = 17.10625
(.60 + .35 + .09 + 0.0525) * 17.5 = 19.11875, add +1 hit = 2.0125
(.55 + .30 + .0825 + 0.045) * 18.5 = 18.08375, add +1 damage = 0.9775
(.55 * 2 + .30 + .0825 * 2 + 0.045) * 17.5 = 28.175, add attack = 11.06875

DPR without sneak attack, two target Whirlwind
(.55 + .0825) * 2 * 17.5 = 22.1376
(.60 + .09) * 2 * 17.5 = 24.15, add +1 hit = 2.0125
(.55 + .0825) * 2 * 18.5 = 23.4025, add +1 damage = 1.265
No extra attack allowed

DPR without sneak attack, eight target Whirlwind (maximum)
(.55 + .0825) * 8 * 17.5 = 88.55
(.60 + .09) * 8 * 17.5 = 96.6, add +1 hit = 8.05
(.55 + .0825) * 8 * 18.5 = 93.61, add +1 damage = 5.06
No extra attack allowed

DPR with sneak attack, single target full attack
(.55 + .30) * 40 + (.0825 + 0.045) * 17.5 = 36.23125
(.60 + .35) * 40 + (.09 + .0525) * 17.5 = 40.49375, add +1 hit = 4.2625
(.55 + .30) * 41 + (.0825 + 0.045) * 18.5 = 37.20875, add +1 damage = 0.9775
(.55 * 2 + .30) * 40 + (.0825 * 2 + 0.045) * 17.5 = 59.675, add attack = 23.44375

DPR with sneak attack, two target Whirlwind
(.55 * 2) * 40 + (.0825 * 2) * 17.5 = 46.8875
(.60 * 2) * 40 + (.09 * 2) * 17.5 = 51.15, add +1 hit = 4.2625
(.55 * 2) * 41 + (.0825 * 2) * 18.5 = 48.1525, add +1 damage = 1.265
No extra attack allowed

DPR with sneak attack, eight target Whirlwind (maximum)
(.55 * 8) * 40 + (.0825 * 8) * 17.5 = 187.55
(.60 * 8) * 40 + (.09 * 8) * 17.5 = 204.6, add +1 hit = 17.05
(.55 * 2) * 41 + (.0825 * 2) * 18.5 = 48.1525, add +1 damage = 5.06
No extra attack allowed

i didn't bother doing all the math because he is basically the same as but seems to be always slightly inferior to falchion fred. but here he is:

barack obarbarian:

Ability Scores:
STR: 22 (+6) (15 base, +2 racial, +1 level, +4 belt) or 26 (+8) (+4 rage)
DEX: 14 (+2) (13 base, +1 level)
CON: 14 (+2) or 18 (+4) (+4 rage)
INT: 10 (+0)
WIS: 12 (+1)
CHA: 8 (-1)

HP: 100.5 HP (10d12+30) / 120.5 raging

Saving Throws
Fort: +11, +13 rage Ref: +7 Will: +6, +8 rage

AC: 22 - Touch 14, Flatfooted 19 (+7 +1 breastplate, +2 dex, +1 Amulet of Natural Armor, +1 Ring of Protection, +1 Dodge) -2 all if raging

Attacks: Falchion +17/+12, 2d4+9 dmg (15-20/x2)

Class Abilities:
fast movement
improved uncanny dodge
damage reduction 2-
animal fury
clear mind
no escape
surprise accuracy
unexpected strike

BAB: +10 CMB: +16 CMD: 28

Weapon Focus (falchion)
Power Attack
Improved Critical (falchion)
Improved Initiative

perception, Some stuff

+3 falchion
Belt of +4 str
+1 full plate
Cloak of Resistance +2
Handy Haversack
Amulet of Natural Armor +1
Masterwork composite longbow (+6 str mod)
Ring of Protection +1
1000 GP in miscellaneous consumables, gear, non-portable goods, etc.

attack routine with PA no rage:
+3 falchion +17/+12, 2d4+21 dmg (15-20/x2)
38.87 DPR

attack routine PA & rage
+3 falchion +19/+14, 2d4+24 dmg (15-20/x2) and bite +13, 1d4+4
54.145 DPR

I know this is somewhat offtopic, but I'm sure many of you guys would be interested in it. I've posted a homebrewed monk change Here and was hoping you could weigh in on it. (Particularly since I have two guys claiming core monks are OVERpowered.)

kyrt-ryder wrote:
I know this is somewhat offtopic, but I'm sure many of you guys would be interested in it. I've posted a homebrewed monk change Here and was hoping you could weigh in on it. (Particularly since I have two guys claiming core monks are OVERpowered.)

I saw it, but my brain is head so I did not want to comment on it. However, even with my brain being dead I think I can beat the logic of a monk being overpowered. Now I am all happy in anticipation of the nonsense I am about to read.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

angryscrub wrote:
i actually do kinda care. i meant it to be amusing, but possible. what rules does he break?

He has 18K more gold spent than the other characters, and also has double gear from taking two feats (which is silly and impractical and a non-selfish benefit to boot). Now, we can argue that the feats are intended to work that way, but many games won't allow that and it makes them the best feats in the game by a longshot so let's not do that for a thread that is intended to set a universal baseline.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

4 people marked this as a favorite.

This probably took more time than it will save.

DPR calculator, guys! Behold the bewildering bounty of bells, marvel at whistles beyond reckoning! Locked, but just save it to your own Google Docs account (you've all got those, right?). Blue fields are for data entry, red ones contain formulas. Not extensively tested, so let me know when you find the bugs. Or if I forgot anything.

tejón wrote:

This probably took more time than it will save.

DPR calculator, guys! Behold the bewildering bounty of bells, marvel at whistles beyond reckoning! Locked, but just save it to your own Google Docs account (you've all got those, right?). Blue fields are for data entry, red ones contain formulas. Not extensively tested, so let me know when you find the bugs. Or if I forgot anything.

I almost have this working entirely -- one issue. . .

I'm putting my rogue above in and trying to get the correct attack bonus to display in the table to the right. . .

BaB of +7
Finessed Dex mod of +6
Weapon enhancement bonus of +3 (I put this in misc. +hit/+dam)
Weapon Focus +1
Power Attack -2

This should be +15 -- to hit AC 24, I should roll a 9 to hit, which gives me a .60 chance to hit. But the table is saying I have a .55 chance? Is this right?

meabolex wrote:
tejón wrote:

This probably took more time than it will save.

DPR calculator, guys! Behold the bewildering bounty of bells, marvel at whistles beyond reckoning! Locked, but just save it to your own Google Docs account (you've all got those, right?). Blue fields are for data entry, red ones contain formulas. Not extensively tested, so let me know when you find the bugs. Or if I forgot anything.

I almost have this working entirely -- one issue. . .

I'm putting my rogue above in and trying to get the correct attack bonus to display in the table to the right. . .

BaB of +7
Finessed Dex mod of +6
Weapon enhancement bonus of +3 (I put this in misc. +hit/+dam)
Weapon Focus +1
Power Attack -2

This should be +15 -- to hit AC 24, I should roll a 9 to hit, which gives me a .60 chance to hit. But the table is saying I have a .55 chance? Is this right?

It is .6 by my math also. The table is saying you have 11/20 numbers to use to hit so its showing as .55, but if you can hit on any number between 9 and 20 and each one is 5% then it should be .60.

PS: If I am wrong I will blame someone else.

wraithstrike wrote:
It is .6 by my math also. The table is saying you have 11/20 numbers to use to hit so its showing as .55, but if you can hit on any number between 9 and 20 and each one is 5% then it should be .60.

Yeah, if I add +1 to hit, everything works out the way I had above.

The flag values seem to work -- Power Attack works properly -- Weapon Focus works -- the +hit/+dmg values work properly. . . must be some global "off by one" error.

This tool rocks! I now know for sure whether or not Power Attack will lower my DPR or not!

For my rogue, it lowers my DPR by about half a point during normal full attack actions with sneak attack. For sneak attack Whirlwind Attacks, it ups the DPR by half a point.

So, in reality, this feat is worth less than 1 point of damage vs. this AC.

Without sneak attack, Power Attack becomes more powerful, adding +4 DPR.

So, assuming you're always trying to sneak attack and non-sneak attacks will be a minority of attacks, Power Attack is practically worthless.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Bah... off-by-5% hit calculation should be fixed now. I can't believe I got it right on the crit calculation but not the base hit calculation!

Edit: Also, permissions fixed I think. It doesn't seem to want to save the lock. I've made a back-up copy just in case, but please save your own copy before working with it.

tejón wrote:

Bah... off-by-5% hit calculation should be fixed now. I can't believe I got it right on the crit calculation but not the base hit calculation!

Edit: Also, permissions fixed I think. It doesn't seem to want to save the lock. I've made a back-up copy just in case, but please save your own copy before working with it.

Now it seems the "off by 1" bug is in the crit calculation. I have a threat range of 18-20 (.15). I have a chance to hit of .60 and .35 (iterative attacks). My crit chance should be 0.09, but it's showing 0.0825, the value I'd have if my +hit were -1. . .

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Whoops... that's because the other half of the crit formula was a copy-paste of the hit formula, haha... fixing, one moment.

Edit: bah, won't let me copy between sheets... here's a new link, give it a shot?

tejón wrote:

Whoops... that's because the other half of the crit formula was a copy-paste of the hit formula, haha... fixing, one moment.

Edit: bah, won't let me copy between sheets... here's a new link, give it a shot?

It works! Thanks a bunch!

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Added some annotations, fixed a typo in the main hand damage calculation (looks like it would have ignored all bonuses if there was no Str bonus), and added a crossbow mode (ignores negative strength) to the ranged cap. Added hover notes to a couple of fields to make sure their function is nice and clear.

And I might as well give this its own thread, now. :)

Very cool! I'll have to play with this toy over the weekend. Merry Christmas to me!

Thanks tejón!

Wraithstrike wrote:
PS: If I am wrong I will blame someone else.

You learn well graasshopah!

Merry Christmas to you all. Again, thanks for this thread A Man In Black
Looking forward to the the barbarian and Paladin
Kind regards

A Man In Black wrote:
angryscrub wrote:
i actually do kinda care. i meant it to be amusing, but possible. what rules does he break?
He has 18K more gold spent than the other characters, and also has double gear from taking two feats (which is silly and impractical and a non-selfish benefit to boot). Now, we can argue that the feats are intended to work that way, but many games won't allow that and it makes them the best feats in the game by a longshot so let's not do that for a thread that is intended to set a universal baseline.

oh, you're not gonna normalize the characters with the appropriate wealth per level? well, i think my barbarian i just copied directly from falchion fred, so he should be good.

as for the item crafting feats, is that really true that a lot of people don't allow them? and how does arcane bond fit into that? i could have easily taken that for the falchion, and irving would have the same damage output still for half price, just less AC without the item creation feats. is that allowed, or do a lot of games also not allow arcane bond? honestly curious here, because i've yet to play in a game where anyone actually took any item creation feats, but that was the players decision, the dms never cared one way or the other.

A Man In Black wrote:
Hogarth wrote:

For my own amusement, I did some of the same analysis for an alchemist.

Two-Weapon Thrower Alchemist:

It's kind of sad that alchemist's fire is better than his bombs.

Then be sad no longer! Pathfinder's version of "Quick Draw" explicitly states that you can't use it on alchemical items, so my analysis was a complete fraud. Hurray!

angryscrub wrote:
A Man In Black wrote:
angryscrub wrote:
i actually do kinda care. i meant it to be amusing, but possible. what rules does he break?
He has 18K more gold spent than the other characters, and also has double gear from taking two feats (which is silly and impractical and a non-selfish benefit to boot). Now, we can argue that the feats are intended to work that way, but many games won't allow that and it makes them the best feats in the game by a longshot so let's not do that for a thread that is intended to set a universal baseline.

oh, you're not gonna normalize the characters with the appropriate wealth per level? well, i think my barbarian i just copied directly from falchion fred, so he should be good.

as for the item crafting feats, is that really true that a lot of people don't allow them? and how does arcane bond fit into that? i could have easily taken that for the falchion, and irving would have the same damage output still for half price, just less AC without the item creation feats. is that allowed, or do a lot of games also not allow arcane bond? honestly curious here, because i've yet to play in a game where anyone actually took any item creation feats, but that was the players decision, the dms never cared one way or the other.

They aren't quite banned per say.

But many GM's feel that the feats aren't designed to effectively double the money your spending, instead they rule that the feats allow you to get what you want, but keep the average wealth by level totals intact.

kyrt-ryder wrote:

They aren't quite banned per say.

But many GM's feel that the feats aren't designed to effectively double the money your spending, instead they rule that the feats allow you to get what you want, but keep the average wealth by level totals intact.

I normally say that item crafting feats are like selling your feat slots for gold.

However, if a DM interprets it this way, then it's like giving away your feat slots for nothing.


Treantmonk wrote:
kyrt-ryder wrote:

They aren't quite banned per say.

But many GM's feel that the feats aren't designed to effectively double the money your spending, instead they rule that the feats allow you to get what you want, but keep the average wealth by level totals intact.

I normally say that item crafting feats are like selling your feat slots for gold.

However, if a DM interprets it this way, then it's like giving away your feat slots for nothing.


My sentiments exactly TM, but it's very true, infact I've seen several posters on this board state that very position.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Treantmonk wrote:
However, if a DM interprets it this way, then it's like giving away your feat slots for nothing.

That's what you get for building characters above level 1, you damn kids! ;)

Strictly speaking, most GMs are far too lenient with starting gold:

PRD wrote:
For a balanced approach, PCs that are built after 1st level should spend no more than 25% of their wealth on weapons, 25% on armor and protective devices, 25% on other magic items, 15% on disposable items like potions, scrolls, and wands, and 10% on ordinary gear and coins. Different character types might spend their wealth differently than these percentages suggest; for example, arcane casters might spend very little on weapons but a great deal more on other magic items and disposable items.

Yeah, there's some slip room built in there; but really, wealth-by-level "purchases" are supposed to be mostly things you've found during the adventures which got you to that level in the first place, and therefore balanced like placed loot. It's a wealth budget, not a gold budget. Kind of like if you've got a $500 TV and $40, you don't have $540 to spend. They don't accept TVs at the supermarket.

If you have an item creation feat, you can toss those rules out the window and spend every penny of your WBL on a single item if you want, because you can just sell everything else (for half price) and craft what you want (for half price). That's the advantage of taking them "before play." Meanwhile, they're also quite handy once you've actually started playing the character.

tejón wrote:


If you have an item creation feat, you can toss those rules out the window and spend every penny of your WBL on a single item if you want, because you can just sell everything else (for half price) and craft what you want (for half price). That's the advantage of taking them "before play." Meanwhile, they're also quite handy once you've actually started playing the character.

wow wow wow. i totally missed that magic items only sell for half price. don't get me wrong, i do understand why they did that, but that is quite possibly the dumbest thing ever. i really wish they could have come up some more elegant solution, because that makes absolutely no sense from a world building point of view. i make it up to level 20, literally a world bestriding colossus to the average commoner, and no one will pay more than half price for the +5 keen great axe of speed i just made, and am personally guaranteeing? but some no name knock off from china with no provenance warrants paying full price to the merchant next door? would have just been better for them to say it costs the same for anyone to make an item or buy it. still dumb, but less dumb than the current situation.

that being said, i don't want to derail this thread, so i'll try to redo irving to reflect item creation feats being completely pointless and a waste of ink. maybe do him as an archer too, just for completeness sake. silly, i know, but irving has grown on me.

tejón wrote:

DPR calculator, guys! Behold the bewildering bounty of bells, marvel at whistles beyond reckoning!

Yay, what a cool christmas present! Tejón, You're my hero!


Hey anyone willing to give the new ¨martial¨ classes a shot?
TWF Cavalier is aching to be part of this.

ok, for the low end, we have iriving after the bank came and repoed a bunch of his stuff. being a wizard, you'd think irving would know better than to over leverage himself.

irving melee, half orc wizard:

Ability Scores:
STR: 22 (+6) (15 base, +2 racial, +2 level, +3 physical enhancement)
DEX: 12 (+1)
CON: 14 (+2)
INT: 15 (+2) (13 base, +2 headband)
WIS: 10 (+0)
CHA: 8 (-1)

HP: 77.5 (10d6+40) + 15.5 temp = 93 HP

Saving Throws
Fort: +7 Ref: +6 Will: +9 (+2 to all when heroism in effect)

AC: 18 - Touch 13, Flatfooted 16 (+4 mage armor, +1 dex, +1 Amulet of Natural Armor, +1 Ring of Protection, +1 dodge)

Attacks: Falchion +12, 2d4+9 dmg (18-20/x2)

Class Abilities:
Transmuter, opposition schools evocation & illusion
Arcane Bond, ring
Physical Enhancement +3
Change Shape (10 rounds per day)

BAB: +5 CMB: +11 CMD: 22

Scribe Scroll (Wizard Bonus)
Weapon Focus (falchion)
Power Attack
Extend Spell (Wizard Bonus)
Arcane Strike
Still Spell (Wizard Bonus)

Spellcraft, whatever


+1 falchion of speed 32000gp
handy haversack 2000gp
amulet of natural armor +1 2000gp
ring of protection +1 2000gp
cloak of resistance +2 8000gp
headband of int +2 4000gp


Full attack with PA, Heroism, Keen edge, Greater magic weapon, arcane strike, false life, overland flight, mage armor

results courtesy of tejon's awesome dpr calculator

. .Full Attack Single Attack
DPR: 17.88 17.88
Per +1 to hit: 1.25 1.63
Per +1 damage: 0.72 0.72
Extra attack: 17.88

so 35 DPR thanks to speed on the falchion

and now

irving archer, human wizard:

Ability Scores:
STR: 12 (+1)
DEX: 22 (+6) (15 base, +2 racial, +2 level, +3 physical enhancement)
CON: 14 (+2)
INT: 15 (+2) (13 base, +2 headband)
WIS: 10 (+0)
CHA: 8 (-1)

HP: 67.5 (10d6+30) + 15.5 temp = 83 HP

Saving Throws
Fort: +7 Ref: +6 Will: +9 (+2 to all when heroism in effect)

AC: 17 - Touch 12, Flatfooted 16 (+4 mage armor, +1 dex, +1 Amulet of Natural Armor, +1 Ring of Protection)

Attacks: Falchion +12, 2d4+9 dmg (18-20/x2)

Class Abilities:
Transmuter, opposition schools evocation & illusion
Arcane Bond, ring
Physical Enhancement +3
Change Shape (10 rounds per day)

BAB: +5 CMB: +11 CMD: 22

long bow proficiency (human bonus)
Scribe Scroll (Wizard Bonus)
point blank shot
Weapon Focus (longbow)
deadly aim
Extend Spell (Wizard Bonus)
Arcane Strike
rapid shot
Still Spell (Wizard Bonus)

Spellcraft, whatever

WBL = 62000gp

+4 longbow 32000gp
handy haversack 2000gp
amulet of natural armor +1 2000gp
ring of protection +1 2000gp
cloak of resistance +2 8000gp
headband of int +2 4000gp


i changed from a speed weapon to a straight +4 because speed was only about a point better DPR, and this way irving can benefit from haste if he ever has a buff round.

Full attack with DA, Heroism, Keen edge, arcane strike, false life, overland flight, mage armor

tejon's beast of a calculator strikes again

Full Attack Single Attack
DPR: 20.30 11.80
Per +1 to hit: 4.95 0.91
Per +1 damage: 1.23 0.72
Extra attack: 10.15

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

angryscrub wrote:

. .Full Attack Single Attack

DPR: 17.88 17.88
Per +1 to hit: 1.25 1.63
Per +1 damage: 0.72 0.72
Extra attack: 17.88

Huh... that's weird. Shouldn't those be the same? Should I go bug-hunting again? :)

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Bruiser the Bard

Half-Elf Bard 9/Fighter 1

22 Str (15 +2 race +1 level +4 belt), 14 Dex (13 +1 level), 12 Con, 10 Int, 8 Wis, 16 Cha (14 +2 headband)
Racial Traits: +2 Any one score (Str); Medium Size; Speed 30 ft; Low-Light Vision; Adaptability (Skill Focus as bonus feat); Elf-Blood; Elven Immunities (immune to magic sleep effects, +2 vs. Enchantment); Keen Senses (+2 Perception checks); Multitalented (two favored classes- Bard, Fighter)
Class Features: Bardic Knowledge (+5), Bardic Performance (23 rounds/day, move action, Countersong, Distraction, Fascinate DC 18, Inspire Courage +2, Inspire Competence +3, Suggestion DC 18, Dirge of Doom, Inspire Greatness), Cantrips, Versatile Performance (Dance- Acrobatics, Fly; Oratory- Diplomacy, Sense Motive), Well-Versed (+4 saves vs. bardic performance, sonic, language-dependent effects), Lore Master (take 10 on Knowledge checks, take 20 1x/day); Bonus Feat (1)
Skills*: Climb 1 (+8/+10), Disable Device 10 (+14/+16), Knowledge (Local) 4 (+12/+14), Perception 10 (+14/+16), Perform (Dance) 5 (+11/+13), Perform (Oratory) 8 (+14/+16), Spellcraft 5 (+8/+10), Stealth 4 (+8/+10), Use Magic Device 9 (+15/+17)
Feats: Arcane Strike, Cleave, Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Skill Focus (Disable Device), Vital Strike, Weapon Focus (Greatsword)
Spells*: Bard (CL 9); 1st-6, 2nd-5 (4), 3rd-4
Spells Known: dancing lights, daze, detect magic, mage hand, prestidigitation, read magic; animate rope, cure light wounds, feather fall, hideous laughter, identify; cat's grace, glitterdust, heroism, rage; cure serious wounds, dispel magic, fear, haste
Gear: +2 mithral breastplate (+8 AC, +5 Max Dex, -1 Armor Check; 8,200 gp), +1 composite longbow (+6 Str bonus) (3,000 gp), +1 keen greatsword (8,350 gp), ring of protection +2 (8,000 gp), amulet of natural armor +2 (8,000 gp), belt of giant strength +4 (16,000 gp), cloak of resistance +2 (4,000 gp), handy haversack (2,000 gp), headband of alluring charisma +2 (4,000 gp), 450 gp of miscellaneous gear

Combat*: AC 24 (touch 14, flat-footed 22), 69.5 avg. hp, +14/+9 (+16/+11) greatsword (2d6+10 damage, 17-20/x2), Fort +8 (+10), Ref +10 (+12), Will +7 (+9), Init +6, CMB +13, CMD 25
*- second values include the effects of heroism (90 min duration; +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, skill checks, and saves)

Baseline combat: Round 1- activates Inspire Greatness on self as a move action (+2d10+2 hp- avg. 13, +2 competence bonus on attack rolls, +1 on Fort saves) and casts haste as a standard action (9 round duration; +30 ft enhancement bonus to speed, +1 untyped bonus on attack rolls, +1 dodge bonus to AC and Ref saves, one extra attack on full attack action), Round 2- maintains Inspire Greatness as a free action, draws greatsword and moves toward opponent(s) at 60 ft speed as a move action, activates Arcane Strike as a swift action (weapon gains +2 enhancement bonus on attack rolls and damage), and Power Attacks (-2 on attack roll, +6 on damage rolls) with either Cleave or Vital Strike, Round 3+- maintains Inspire Greatness as a free action, activates Arcane Strike as a swift action, and Power Attacks with a full-attack action. This can occur up to 4 times per day (haste), for up to 5-6 rounds average per fight (Bardic Performance); Arcane Strike and Power Attack are unlimited.

AC 25 (touch 15, flat-footed 22), 82.5 avg. hp, +19/+19/+14 greatsword (2d6+17 damage, 17-20/x2), Fort +11, Ref +13

For values of h > ct, the actual formula = ((h - ct) * (wd + cb + ncb)) + (ct * ((wd + cb + ncb) + (h * (((wd + cb) * (cm - 1)) + chb)))
h - chance to hit/confirm
ct - chance of critical threat
wd - weapon damage
cb - critical multiplied bonus (Str mod, enhancement bonus, Power Attack, etc.)
ncb - non-critical multiplied bonus&#8232;cm - critical multiplier
chb - critical hit bonus

The variation on the formula used in my post = h * ((wd + cb + ncb) + (ct * (((wd + cb) * (cm - 1)) + chb))). This lets you calculate damage per hit, as well as damage per attack.
This formula is derived as follows:
((h - ct) * (wd + cb + ncb)) + (ct * ((wd + cb + ncb) + (h * (((wd + cb) * (cm - 1)) + chb))) =
((h - ct) * (wd + cb + ncb)) + (ct * (wd + cb + ncb)) + (ct * h * (((wd + cb) * (cm - 1)) + chb))) =
(h * (wd + cb + ncb)) + (h * ct * (((wd + cb) * (cm - 1)) + chb))) =
h * ((wd + cb + ncb) + (ct * (((wd + cb) * (cm - 1)) + chb)))
With ncb and chb both at 0, this reduces to h * ((wd + cb) + ((ct * (cm - 1)) * (wd + cb)))

Combining wd and cb into d gives h* (d + ((ct * (cm - 1)) * d))
h= 80%/80%/55%
d= 24
ct= 20%
cm= 2

DPR vs. AC 24 = .8 * (24 + (.2 * 24)) + .8 * (24 + (.2 * 24)) + .55 * (24 + (.2 * 24)) = .8 * (24 + 4.8) + .8 * (24 + 4.8) + .55 * (24 + 4.8) = 23.04 + 23.04 + 15.84 = 61.92

Using a falchion (2d4+17 damage, 15-20/x2), instead of a greatsword:
h= 80%/80%/55%
d= 22
ct= 30%
cm= 2

DPR vs. AC 24 = .8 * (22 + (.3 * 22)) + 8 * (22 + (.3 * 22)) + .55 * (22 + (.3 * 22)) = .8 * (22 + 6.6) + .8 * (22 + 6.6) + .55 * (22 + 6.6) = 22.88 + 22.88 + 15.73 = 61.49

Both results are even better than the falchion fighter, showing why haste is such a must have combat buff. In addition to being a damage machine, he can act as the "face" (+14/+16 Diplomacy and Sense Motive checks, with Versatile Performance) and fill in for the rogue (+11/+13 Acrobatics and Fly checks with Versatile performance, +14/+16 Disable Device and Perception checks, +8/+10 Climb and Stealth checks).

The following requires GM approval to be able to maintain a Bardic Performance while under the effect of a rage spell:

If given a little warning and spending one more round preparing: Before combat- casts cat's grace (9 min duration; +4 enhancement bonus to Dex), Round 1- activates Inspire Greatness on self as a move action (+2d10+2 hp- avg. 13, +2 competence bonus on attack rolls, +1 on Fort saves) and casts haste as a standard action (9 round duration; +30 ft enhancement bonus to speed, +1 untyped bonus on attack rolls, +1 dodge bonus to AC and Ref saves, one extra attack on full attack action), Round 2- maintains Inspire Greatness as a free action, casts rage as a standard action (duration 9 rounds; +2 morale bonus to Str and Con, +1 on Will saves, -2 AC), draws greatsword and moves toward opponent(s) at 60 ft speed as a move action, Round 3+- maintains Inspire Greatness as a free action, activates Arcane Strike as a swift action, and Power Attacks with a full-attack action. This can occur up to 2 times per day (cat's grace and rage), for up to 11 rounds average per fight (Bardic Performance; 5-6 rounds if maintaing rounds for other fights); Arcane Strike and Power Attack are unlimited.

AC 25 (touch 15, flat-footed 22), 94.5 avg. hp, +20/+20/+15 greatsword (2d6+19 damage, 17-20/x2), Fort +12, Ref +15, Will +10

h= 85%/85%/60%
d= 26
ct= 20%
cm= 2

DPR vs. AC 24 = .85 * (26 + (.2 * 26)) + 85 * (26 + (.2 * 26)) + .6 * (26 + (.2 * 26)) = .85 * (26 + 5.2) + .85 * (26 + 5.2) + .6 * (26 + 5.2) = 26.52 + 26.52 + 18.72 = 71.76

Using a falchion (2d4+19 damage, 15-20/x2), instead of a greatsword:
h= 85%/85%/60%
d= 24
ct= 30%
cm= 2

DPR vs. AC 24 = .85 * (24 + (.3 * 24)) + 85 * (24 + (.3 * 24)) + .6 * (24 + (.3 * 24)) = 85 * (24 + 7.2) + 85 * (24 + 7.2) + .6 * (24 + 7.2) = 26.52 + 26.52 + 18.72 = 71.76

Oh, BTW, Merry Christmas!

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Dragonchess Player wrote:

Bruiser the Bard

Half-Elf Bard 9/Fighter 1
** spoiler omitted **

Combat*: AC 24 (touch 14, flat-footed 22), 69.5 avg. hp, +14/+9 (+16/+11) greatsword (2d6+10 damage, 17-20/x2), Fort +8 (+10), Ref +10 (+12), Will +7 (+9), Init +6, CMB +13, CMD 25
*- second values include the effects of heroism (90 min duration; +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, skill checks, and saves)

I made an error on the base combat values: I forgot to include the +1 for the weapon's attack bonus; it should read "+15/+10 (+17/+11) greatsword." The rest of the blocks should be correct (calculated using Arcane Strike).

DPR using just Arcane Strike and Power Attack (+16/+11, 2d6+17, 17-20/x2):
h= 65%/40%
d= 24
ct= 20%
cm= 2

DPR vs. AC 24 = .65 * (24 + (.2 * 24)) + .4 * (24 + (.2 * 24)) = .65 * (24 + 4.8) + .4 * (24 + .48) = 18.72 + 11.52 = 30.24

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Dragonchess Player wrote:
activates Arcane Strike as a swift action (weapon gains +2 enhancement bonus on attack rolls and damage)

Arcane Strike is bonus damage only, not to-hit... and it's untyped, not enhancement.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

Dragonchess Player wrote:

Bruiser the Bard

Half-Elf Bard 9/Fighter 1

Baseline combat: Round 1- activates Inspire Greatness on self as a move action (+2d10+2 hp- avg. 13, +2 competence bonus on attack rolls, +1 on Fort saves) and casts haste as a standard action (9 round duration; +30 ft enhancement bonus to speed, +1 untyped bonus on attack rolls, +1 dodge bonus to AC and Ref saves, one extra attack on full attack action), Round 2- maintains Inspire Greatness as a free action, draws greatsword and moves toward opponent(s) at 60 ft speed as a move action, activates Arcane Strike as a swift action (weapon gains +2 enhancement bonus on attack rolls and damage), and Power Attacks (-2 on attack roll, +6 on damage rolls) with either Cleave or Vital Strike, Round 3+- maintains Inspire Greatness as a free action, activates Arcane Strike as a swift action, and Power Attacks with a full-attack action. This can occur up to 4 times per day (haste), for up to 5-6 rounds average per fight (Bardic Performance); Arcane Strike and Power Attack are unlimited.

DCP, the rules are in the OP, c'mon.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
tejón wrote:
Dragonchess Player wrote:
activates Arcane Strike as a swift action (weapon gains +2 enhancement bonus on attack rolls and damage)
Arcane Strike is bonus damage only, not to-hit... and it's untyped, not enhancement.


Damn. I'll recalculate using +1 attack/+3 damage from weapon enhancement and Arcane Strike. I was using just +2 attack/+2 damage from Arcane Strike (I must have been conflating Arcane Strike and Shield Master).

DPR using just Arcane Strike and Power Attack (+15/+10, 2d6+18, 17-20/x2):

h= 60%/35%
d= 25
ct= 20%
cm= 2

DPR vs. AC 24 = .6 * (25 + (.2 * 25)) + .35 * (25 + (.2 * 25)) = .6 * (25 + 5) + .35 * (25 + 5) = 18 + 10.5 = 28.5


With Inspire Greatness and haste:

Round 1- activates Inspire Greatness on self as a move action (+2d10+2 hp- avg. 13, +2 competence bonus on attack rolls, +1 on Fort saves) and casts haste as a standard action (9 round duration; +30 ft enhancement bonus to speed, +1 untyped bonus on attack rolls, +1 dodge bonus to AC and Ref saves, one extra attack on full attack action), Round 2- maintains Inspire Greatness as a free action, draws greatsword and moves toward opponent(s) at 60 ft speed as a move action, activates Arcane Strike as a swift action (weapon gains +2 untyped bonus on damage), and Power Attacks (-2 on attack roll, +6 on damage rolls) with either Cleave or Vital Strike, Round 3+- maintains Inspire Greatness as a free action, activates Arcane Strike as a swift action, and Power Attacks with a full-attack action. This can occur up to 4 times per day (haste), for up to 5-6 rounds average per fight (Bardic Performance); Arcane Strike and Power Attack are unlimited.

AC 25 (touch 15, flat-footed 22), 82.5 avg. hp, +18/+18/+13 greatsword (2d6+18 damage, 17-20/x2), Fort +11, Ref +13
h= 75%/75%/50%
d= 25
ct= 20%
cm= 2

DPR vs. AC 24 = .75 * (25 + (.2 * 25)) + .75 * (25 + (.2 * 25)) + .5 * (25 + (.2 * 25)) = .75 * (25 + 5) + .75 * (25 + 5) + .5 * (25 + 5) = 22.5 + 22.5 + 15 = 60


Using a falchion (2d4+18 damage, 15-20/x2), instead of a greatsword:

h= 75%/75%/50%
d= 23
ct= 30%
cm= 2

DPR vs. AC 24 = .75 * (23 + (.3 * 23)) + 75 * (23 + (.3 * 23)) + .5 * (23 + (.3 * 23)) = .75 * (23 + 6.9) + .75 * (23 + 6.9) + .5 * (23 + 6.9) = 22.425 + 22.425 + 14.95 = 59.8


He's still does comparable damage to the falchion fighter in four combats (not rounds, combats) each day.

If allowed a little warning and can maintain a Bardic Performance while under the effect of a rage spell:

Before combat- casts cat's grace (9 min duration; +4 enhancement bonus to Dex), Round 1- activates Inspire Greatness on self as a move action (+2d10+2 hp- avg. 13, +2 competence bonus on attack rolls, +1 on Fort saves) and casts haste as a standard action (9 round duration; +30 ft enhancement bonus to speed, +1 untyped bonus on attack rolls, +1 dodge bonus to AC and Ref saves, one extra attack on full attack action), Round 2- maintains Inspire Greatness as a free action, casts rage as a standard action (duration 9 rounds; +2 morale bonus to Str and Con, +1 on Will saves, -2 AC), draws greatsword and moves toward opponent(s) at 60 ft speed as a move action, Round 3+- maintains Inspire Greatness as a free action, activates Arcane Strike as a swift action, and Power Attacks with a full-attack action. This can occur up to 2 times per day (cat's grace and rage), for up to 11 rounds average per fight (Bardic Performance; 5-6 rounds if maintaing rounds for other fights); Arcane Strike and Power Attack are unlimited.

AC 25 (touch 15, flat-footed 22), 94.5 avg. hp, +19/+19/+14 greatsword (2d6+20 damage, 17-20/x2), Fort +12, Ref +15, Will +10
h= 80%/80%/55%
d= 27
ct= 20%
cm= 2

DPR vs. AC 24 = .8 * (27 + (.2 * 27)) + 8 * (27 + (.2 * 27)) + .55 * (27 + (.2 * 27)) = .8 * (27 + 5.4) + .8 * (27 + 5.4) + .55 * (27 + 5.4) = 25.92 + 25.92 + 17.82 = 69.66


Using a falchion (2d4+20 damage, 15-20/x2), instead of a greatsword:

h= 80%/80%/55%
d= 25
ct= 30%
cm= 2

DPR vs. AC 24 = .8 * (25 + (.3 * 25)) + 8 * (25 + (.3 * 25)) + .55 * (25 + (.3 * 25)) = .8 * (25 + 7.5) + .8 * (25 + 7.5) + .55 * (25 + 7.5) = 26 + 26 + 17.875 = 69.875


Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
A Man In Black wrote:
Dragonchess Player wrote:

Bruiser the Bard

Half-Elf Bard 9/Fighter 1

Baseline combat: Round 1- activates Inspire Greatness on self as a move action (+2d10+2 hp- avg. 13, +2 competence bonus on attack rolls, +1 on Fort saves) and casts haste as a standard action (9 round duration; +30 ft enhancement bonus to speed, +1 untyped bonus on attack rolls, +1 dodge bonus to AC and Ref saves, one extra attack on full attack action), Round 2- maintains Inspire Greatness as a free action, draws greatsword and moves toward opponent(s) at 60 ft speed as a move action, activates Arcane Strike as a swift action (weapon gains +2 enhancement bonus on attack rolls and damage), and Power Attacks (-2 on attack roll, +6 on damage rolls) with either Cleave or Vital Strike, Round 3+- maintains Inspire Greatness as a free action, activates Arcane Strike as a swift action, and Power Attacks with a full-attack action. This can occur up to 4 times per day (haste), for up to 5-6 rounds average per fight (Bardic Performance); Arcane Strike and Power Attack are unlimited.

DCP, the rules are in the OP, c'mon.

That's why I added the second post with only Arcane Strike and Power Attack.

A Man In Black wrote:
A single full attack. Classes with significant limited abilities, be they situational ones (favored enemy, sneak attack) or limited on a per-day basis (smite, Quickened Divine Favor), will have their damage figured out both with and without those limited abilities

The limitations are specified and all abilities are innate due to class features or spells cast, not consumable or per day items.

"Baseline" was also a poor choice of words; I should have used "usual" or "typical actions in."

Of course, the following just bones casters:

A Man In Black wrote:
No class will be allowed any in-combat rounds to set up. Buffs are part of your baseline if you can apply them yourself, and they either have a duration of 10 min/level or longer or can be applied as a swift/immediate/free action

Perhaps limiting in-combat preparation to a single round? I note you included the effects of divine power (even though it can't be used under the ground-rules) on the archer cleric under "random factoids."

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

We have a two-handed weapon fighter and a two-weapon fighter, but not a two-weapon fighter using weapon/shield bash.

Shieldy Stan

Human Fighter 10

20 Str (15 +1 level +4 belt), 17 Dex (14 +2 race +1 level), 13 Con, 10 Int, 12 Wis, 8 Cha
Racial Traits: +2 Any one score (Dex), Medium Size, Speed 30 ft, Bonus Feat at 1st level, Skilled (+1 Skill Rank per level)
Class Features: Bonus Feats (6), Bravery +3, Armor Training 2 (normal speed in medium, heavy), Weapon Training (+2 Heavy Blades, +1 Close)
Skills: Craft (Armor) 5 (+8), Craft (Weapons) 5 (+8), Intimidate 5 (+7), Perception 10 (+11), Ride 5 (+11)
Feats: Combat Reflexes, Critical Focus, Double Slice, Greater Weapon Focus (Scimitar), Improved Bull Rush, Improved Shield Bash, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Power Attack, Shield Slam, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (Scimitar), Weapon Specialization (Scimitar)
Gear: +2 full plate (5,650 gp), +1 bashing light steel shield with masterwork shield spikes (4,469 gp), masterwork composite longbow (+5 Str bonus; 900 gp), +2 keen scimitar (18,315 gp), ring of protection +1 (2,000 gp), amulet of natural armor +1 (2,000 gp), belt of giant strength +4 (16,000 gp), boots of striding and springing (5,500 gp), cloak of resistance +2 (4,000 gp), handy haversack (2,000 gp), 1166 gp for other equipment

Combat: AC 28 (touch 14, flat-footed 25), 79.5 avg. hp, +21/+16 scimitar or +17/+12 shield or +19/+16 and +15/+10 both, Fort +10, Ref +8, Will +6, Init +3, CMB +15 (+17 bull rush), CMD 28

((h1 - ct) * d) + (ct * (d + (h2 * (d * (cm - 1))))
h1- chance to hit
h2- chance to confirm critical
d- average damage
ct- chance of critical threat
cm- critical multiplier

Power Attacking gives +16/+11 scimitar (1d6+15, 15-20/x2) and +12/+7 shield (1d8+8, 20/x2), CMB +12 (+14)

h1= 65%/40% scimitar, 45%/20% shield
h2= 85%/60% scimitar, 65%/40% shield
d= 18.5 scimitar, 12.5 shield
ct= 30% scimitar, 5% shield
cm= 2 for both

DPR vs. AC 24 = ((.65 - .3) * 18.5) + (.3 * (18.5 + (.85 * 18.5))) + ((.4 - .3) * 18.5) + (.3 * (18.5 + (.6 * 18.5))) + ((.45 - .05) * 12.5) + (.05 * (12.5 + (.65 * 12.5))) + ((.2 - .05) * 12.5) + (.05 * (12.5 + (.4 * 12.5))) = (.35 * 18.5) + (.3 * (18.5 + 15.725)) + (.1 * 18.5) + (.3 * (18.5 + 11.1)) + (.4 * 12.5) + (.05 * (12.5 + 8.125)) + (.15 * 12.5) + (.05 * (12.5 + 5)) = 6.475 + 10.2675 + 1.85 + 8.88 + 5 + 1.03125 + 1.875 + .875 = 36.25375


If using the Pathfinder Campaign Setting, switching to the falcata (16 gp, 1d6(S)/1d8(M), 19-20/x3, 4 lbs, Slashing), replacing Combat Reflexes with Exotic Weapon Proficiency and switching the order the feats are chosen, gives:

h1= 65%/40% falcata, 45%/20% shield
h2= 85%/60% falcata, 65%/40% shield
d= 19.5 falcata, 12.5 shield
ct= 20% falcata, 5% shield
cm= 3 falcata, 2 shield

DPR vs. AC 24 = ((.65 - .2) * 19.5) + (.2 * (19.5 + (.85 * 19.5 * 2))) + ((.4 - .2) * 19.5) + (.2 * (19.5 + (.6 * 19.5 * 2))) + ((.45 - .05) * 12.5) + (.05 * (12.5 + (.65 * 12.5))) + ((.2 - .05) * 12.5) + (.05 * (12.5 + (.4 * 12.5))) = (.45 * 19.5) + (.2 * (19.5 + 33.15)) + (.2 * 19.5) + (.2 * (19.5 + 23.4)) + (.4 * 12.5) + (.05 * (12.5 + 8.125)) + (.15 * 12.5) + (.05 * (12.5 + 5)) = 8.775 + 10.53 + 3.9 + 8.58 + 5 + 1.03125 + 1.875 + .875 = 40.56625


The two-weapon fighting, weapon/shield bash fighter really comes into its own at 11th level, when Shield Master is available (no more two-weapon penalties when using any shield, add the "shield bonus" to attack and damage rolls as an enhancement bonus). For illustrative purposes, if the 10th level fighter had been able to take Shield Master (remove Improved Bull Rush), then the results would be:

AC 29 (touch 14, flat-footed 26), +18/+13 scimitar (1d6+15, 15-20/x2) and +15/+10 large shield (2d6+9, 20/x2)

h1= 75%/50% scimitar, 60%/35% shield
h2= 95%/70% scimitar, 80%/55% shield
d= 18.5 scimitar, 16 shield
ct= 30% scimitar, 5% shield
cm= 2 for both

DPR vs. AC 24 = ((.75 - .3) * 18.5) + (.3 * (18.5 + (.95 * 18.5))) + ((.5 - .3) * 18.5) + (.3 * (18.5 + (.7 * 18.5))) + ((.6 - .05) * 16) + (.05 * (16 + (.8 * 16))) + ((.35 - .05) * 16) + (.05 * (16 + (.55 * 16))) = (.45 * 18.5) + (.3 * (18.5 + 17.575)) + (.2 * 18.5) + (.3 * (18.5 + 12.95)) + (.55 * 16) + (.05 * (16 + 12.8)) + (.3 * 16) + (.05 * (16 + 8.8)) = 8.325 + 10.8225 + 3.7 + 9.435 + 8.8 + 1.44 + 4.8 + 1.24 = 48.5625


Switching to the falcata:

h1= 75%/50% falcata, 60%/35% shield
h2= 95%/70% falcata, 80%/55% shield
d= 19.5 falcata, 16 shield
ct= 20% falcata, 5% shield
cm= 3 falcata, 2 shield

DPR vs. AC 24 = ((.75 - .2) * 19.5) + (.2 * (19.5 + (.95 * 19.5 * 2))) + ((.5 - .2) * 19.5) + (.2 * (19.5 + (.7 * 19.5 * 2))) + ((.60 - .05) * 16) + (.05 * (16 + (.8 * 16))) + ((.35 - .05) * 16) + (.05 * (16 + (.55 * 16))) = (.55 * 19.5) + (.2 * (19.5 + 37.05)) + (.3 * 19.5) + (.2 * (19.5 + 27.3)) + (.55 * 16) + (.05 * (16 + 12.8)) + (.3 * 16) + (.05 * (16 + 8.8)) = 10.725 + 11.31 + 5.85 + 9.36 + 8.8 + 1.44 + 4.8 + 1.24 = 53.525


Which brings DPR up to Tempest Ted levels.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

Dragonchess Player wrote:
Perhaps limiting in-combat preparation to a single round? I note you included the effects of divine power (even though it can't be used under the ground-rules) on the archer cleric under "random factoids."

The idea is to get a handle on personal DPR. Stuff like Haste, Heroism, GMW, etc. are shared resources, ones which you'll typically cast on the best recipient. (That's the reason for the values of +1 to hit, +1 damage, and an additional full-BAB attack.) Generally, the caster is not the best recipient. Remember, this isn't a willy-measuring contest to see who can get highest DPR using every single bit of his abilities on himself. It's a measurement of baseline DPR before you start using consumables, group buffs, and suchlike, to get an idea of who does "lots of damage" and who does not.

To use the example of the bard, he's almost certainly better off casting Heroism and Haste on someone with a baseline DPR higher than 30-ish. Thus, it's kind of silly to say, "Oh, bard DPR can keep up with the martial classes!" because the only way he can do that is to cast buffs on himself that would be better served being cast on classes with inherently high DPR.

Part of the reason I've been leery about the cleric and bard in particular is because of how much of their mojo is tied up on stuff they can use on the party or share with the party. I just did the cleric archer because I wanted to point out how gross animal domain is, really, and to illustrate how much martial archers have improved. I didn't even get the animal domain stuff done before travel demanded the bulk of my attention.

As for DP, mostly I only did the math for Divine Power because it's really easy math. It's just the Divine Favor DPR + the value of another full-BAB attack.

Which brings DPR up to Tempest Ted levels.

Tempest Ted gets Two-Weapon Rend at that level, so Stan's still behind. It's depressing to see exactly how far he is behind, though, ouch. Even if you spot him the Best Weapon In The Game.

In any event, I'm working on a trio of paladins. And possibly updates of the old 45K WBL characters. Let's just go ahead and use the 62K from here on out.

A Man In Black wrote:

To use the example of the bard, he's almost certainly better off casting Heroism and Haste on someone with a baseline DPR higher than 30-ish. Thus, it's kind of silly to say, "Oh, bard DPR can keep up with the martial classes!" because the only way he can do that is to cast buffs on himself that would be better served being cast on classes with inherently high DPR.

Note that a Bard applying Heroism to himself for the purpose of this thread fits your criteria in your OP.

Heroism is a 10 min/level spell that the Bard can cast on himself.

Also note that in one level (level 11), the Bard could also apply Inspire Courage on himself (of course it's the whole party that benefits - but for the purpose of this thread) as a swift action, allowing it as well under the guidelines of the OP, for a +3/+3 that would stack with Heroism. (Level 10 is actually a particularly poor snapshot of a martial Bard)

Of course Bruiser the Bard is multiclass (fighter/bard), so it really isn't giving us the best picture of a Bard.

I'll maybe take a run at the build in the morning and see if I can do anything with it. Note that the Druid's Dan's DPR was heavily improved with some tweaking, although he was originally looking less offensively talented than the fighter builds.

(not that I expect any Bard build to be equivalent offensively to a fighter build)

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

Treantmonk wrote:

Note that a Bard applying Heroism to himself for the purpose of this thread fits your criteria in your OP.

Heroism is a 10 min/level spell that the Bard can cast on himself.

Also note that in one level (level 11), the Bard could also apply Inspire Courage on himself (of course it's the whole party that benefits - but for the purpose of this thread) as a swift action, allowing it as well under the guidelines of the OP, for a +3/+3 that would stack with Heroism. (Level 10 is actually a particularly poor snapshot of a martial Bard)

I know about Heroism and Inspire Courage. I'm not particularly happy with it.

As for level 11 breakpoints, except for the rogue pretty much everyone in the thread gets a lot better at level 11 one way or another. Third iterative attacks, Two-Weapon Rend, Improved Critical, Medusa's Wrath combined with Imp Crit, etc. Any level you pick, some class gets a Major Ability next level. It's unavoidable.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

First off is a paladin archer, because there's a shortage of archery love in the thread. I am disappointed that I can't fit Mounted Combat or Mounted Archery into this one but oh well. The soft feats to drop are Deadly Aim and/or Improved Critical, but they do do a lot of damage.

By the by, she has 62K WBL, not the 45K of previous characters. As predicted, it pretty much went into defensive gear.


Pinpoint Patty, human paladin 10.


Ability Scores:
STR: 14 (+2)
DEX: 22 (+6) (15 base, +2 racial, +1 level, +4 belt)
CON: 14 (+2) (13 base, +1 level)
INT: 10 (+0)
WIS: 8 (-1)
CHA: 14 (+2) (12 base, +2 hat)

HP: 89 HP (10d10+30)

Saving Throws
Fort: +12 Ref: +10 Will: +9

AC: 23 - Touch 17, Flatfooted 17 (+6 +2 mithral shirt, +6 dex, +1 Ring of Protection)

Attacks: Longbow +18(x2)/+18/+13/+13 d8+5 (19-20/x3)

Class Abilities:
Smite Evil 4/day (+2 to hit, +10/+20 damage)
Divine Bond
Divine Grace
Other stuff, I am lazy

BAB: +10 CMB: +12 CMD: 28

Point Blank Shot
Precise Shot
Rapid Shot
Deadly Aim
Improved Critical (longbow)


+3 composite longbow (+2 str mod)
Belt of +4 dex
+2 mithral shirt
Cloak of Resistance +2
Handy Haversack
Masterwork greatsword
Ring of Protection +1
Lesser Bracers of Archery
Hat of +2 cha
+1 half plate barding
800 GP in miscellaneous consumables, gear, non-portable goods, etc.

Whee three separate attack routines. This is why I was putting off doing paladins. While smiting, Deadly Aim is a damage loss, so that's not included in this math, but it's worth using the rest of the time (since it's a 24% damage increase without smite). Smite is 4/day.

Smiting a dragon/undead/fiend: Longbow +20(x2)/+20/+15 d8+25 (19-20/x3)
Smiting a guy who's just a jerk: Longbow +20(x2)/+20/+15 d8+15 (19-20/x3)
Not smiting: Longbow +16(x2)/+16/+11 d8+11 (19-20/x3)

Thus, her average damage per round varies depending on which attack routines she's using.

Smiting Team Evil: ~106.50 DPR - +1 to hit is ~8.56 more, +1 damage is 4.33 more, an extra full-BAB attack is 30.09 more
Smiting a jerk: ~70.40 DPR - +1 to hit is ~5.66 more, +1 damage is 4.33 more, an extra full-BAB attack is 19.89 more
Not smiting at all: ~41.70 DPR - +1 to hit is ~4.50 more, +1 damage is 2.57 more, an extra full-BAB attack is 12.09 more

Wooooooow. Team Evil is pretty much screwed. I suspected that Smite Evil was really good with archery, but the proof is in the putting, huh. I did expect smite to be a bit better against jerks who aren't on Team Evil.

Next up is a TWF paladin. Does anyone really care what the numbers are on a 2h paladin?

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

It's not a paladin. Tempest Ted gets an update to 62K WBL, since his extra money turns into extra damage. (This way, I get to reuse his gear for Two-Paw Pete.) He loses one AC and +1 to all saves but I think going up a click on his weapons is probably worth it.


Tempest Ted 1.1, human fighter 10.


Ability Scores:
STR: 20 (+5) (14 base, +2 racial, +4 belt)
DEX: 17 (+3) (15 base, +2 level)
CON: 13 (+1)
INT: 10 (+0)
WIS: 12 (+1)
CHA: 8 (-1)

HP: 89 HP (10d10+30)

Saving Throws
Fort: +10 Ref: +7 Will: +7 (+9 against fear)

AC: 24 - Touch 14, Flatfooted 23 (+10 +1 full plate, +3 dex, +1 Ring of Protection)

Attacks: Kukri +20/+20/+15/+15, d4+12 dmg (15-20/x2)

Class Abilities:
Weapon Training +2 (light blades)
Weapon Training +1 (bows)
Armor Training 2
Other stuff, I am lazy

BAB: +10 CMB: +15 CMD: 28

Weapon Focus (kukri)
Weapon Specialization (kukri)
Power Attack
Improved Critical (kukri)
Critical Focus
Two Weapon Fighting
Iron Will
Greater Weapon Focus (kukri)
Improved Two Weapon Fighting
Double Slice
Step Up


Two +3 kukris
Belt of +4 str
+1 full plate
Cloak of Resistance +1
Handy Haversack
Masterwork composite longbow (+6 str mod)
Ring of protection +1
734 GP in miscellaneous consumables, gear, non-portable goods, etc.

Power Attack is still a damage increase, so he still uses it. His attack routine with Power Attack is:

+3 kukri +17/+12, d4+18 dmg (15-20/x2) and +17/+12, d4+15 (15-20/x2)

Ted's average damage per round is 61.37. A +1 to hit is worth 4.94 DPR, a +1 to damage is worth 2.99 DPR, and an additional attack is worth ~18.66 DPR.

He has sliiiightly worse AC than Falchion Fred. He could drop Critical Focus for Dodge and end up with 56.81 DPR and AC 25 instead. Then again, Fred's probably going to pick up some AC from the switchover to 62K WBL.

A Man In Black wrote:
Next up is a TWF paladin. Does anyone really care what the numbers are on a 2h paladin?

Of course

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

Since I'm here, Shieldy Stan should have higher DPR. Combat Reflexes is junk with a 1h weapon and no reach and no way to trigger AoOs out of sequence. So he flips to Improved Critical (scimitar), and takes an actual +3 weapon. (Plus he doesn't have a proper ranged weapon but whatever.) That amounts to a +1 to hit and +1 to damage on his mainhand attacks. That gives him a total DPR of ~40.15. Incidentally, if he just Power Attacks and doesn't use the shield, it's ~38.12 DPR.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

Okay, Two-Paw Pete. This also needs a swifty-Pete alternative that uses Weapon Finesse, since I can't just eyeball it.


Two-Paw Pete, human paladin 10.


Ability Scores:
STR: 20 (+5) (14 base, +2 racial, +4 belt)
DEX: 17 (+3) (15 base, +2 level)
CON: 13 (+1)
INT: 10 (+0)
WIS: 8 (-1)
CHA: 12 (+1)

HP: 89 HP (10d10+30)

Saving Throws
Fort: +10 Ref: +8 Will: +8

AC: 21 - Touch 11, Flatfooted 20 (+10 +1 full plate, +1 dex, +1 Ring of Protection)

Attacks: Kukri +17/+17/+12/+12, d4+8 dmg (15-20/x2)

Class Abilities:
Smite Evil 4/day (+1 to hit, +10/+20 damage)
Divine Bond
Divine Grace
Other stuff, I am lazy

BAB: +10 CMB: +15 CMD: 28

Two Weapon Fighting
Weapon Focus (kukri)
Double Slice
Improved Two Weapon Fighting
Improved Critical (kukri)


Two +3 kukris
Belt of +4 str
+1 full plate
Cloak of Resistance +1
Handy Haversack
Masterwork composite longbow (+6 str mod)
Ring of protection +1
734 GP in miscellaneous consumables, gear, non-portable goods, etc.

Three separate attack routines again. Pete doesn't have Power Attack because Power Attack sucks for him all the time, so he just has Weapon Focus to help with his mediocre to-hit. As usual, Smite is 4/day

Smiting a dragon/undead/fiend: +3 kukri +18/+18/+13/+13 d4+28 (15-20/x2)
Smiting a guy who's just a jerk: +3 kukri +18/+18/+13/+13 d4+18 (15-20/x2)
Not smiting: +3 kukri +17/+17/+12/+12, d4+8 dmg (15-20/x2)

Thus, his average damage per round varies depending on which attack routines she's using.

Smiting Team Evil: ~99.13 DPR - +1 to hit is ~7.93 more, +1 damage is 3.25 more, an extra full-BAB attack is ~29.74 more
Smiting a jerk: ~66.63 DPR - +1 to hit is ~5.33 more, +1 damage is 3.25 more, an extra full-BAB attack is ~19.99 more
Not smiting at all: 31.40 DPR - +1 to hit is ~2.73 more, +1 damage is 2.99 more, an extra full-BAB attack is ~9.56 more

Talk about all your eggs in one basket. I'm tentative about the practicality of this one, since he's about 4 AC behind the curve and has miserable non-smite DPR. I'm going to try a dex-heavy Pete, but if that doesn't work, I may have to reconsider recommending TWF as the paladin fighting style of choice.

Yeah, it's hard to recommend two-weapon fighting for Paladins because of their extreme shortage of feats and the reduced benefit of later parts of the feat.

(Then again... it is REALLY hard to beat Rapidshot+Manyshot when you're able to add your level or double your level to the damage. When you add to that the fact that Pinpoint is going to be getting full attacks off more often... yeesh the odds stack up in it's favor.)

3 people marked this as a favorite.

OK, I decided to have a run at the Bard. I started from scratch since Bruiser is a multiclass.

Bill the Bow using Bard:

Bill the Bow using Bard

Race: Elf

Ability Scores:
STR: 16 (+3) (+2 belt)
DEX: 22 (+6) (15 base, +2 racial, +1 level, +4 belt)
CON: 10 (+0)
INT: 12 (+1)
WIS: 8 (-1)
CHA: 16 (+3) (13 base, +1 level, +2 hat)

HP: 59 HP (10d8+10)

Saving Throws
Fort: +5 Ref:+15 Will:+8 (+4 to saves vs sonic, language dependant, and bardic perform)

AC: 24- Touch 17, Flatfooted 18(10+6 dex +6 armor, +1 natural, +1 Ring of Protection)

Class Abilities:
Spells of up to 4th level
Bardic Knowledge
Performance: (Countersong, Distraction, Fascinate, Inspire courage, Inspire competence, Suggestion, Dirge of Doom, Inspire greatness)
3 Versatile Performances
Well Versed
Lore Master
Jack of all trades

BAB: +7 CMB: +10 CMD: +20

Point Blank Shot
Precise Shot
Rapid Shot
Arcane Strike

Perform: Oratory (Versatile Performance: Diplomacy and Sense Motive)
Perform: Comedy (VP: Bluff and Intimidate)
Perform: Dance (VP: Acrobatics and Fly)
All Knowledges (all 10) at one Rank (For a +10 on each, and he can take twenty for an assured 30)
Use Magic Device

+3 composite longbow (+3 str mod) (18, 675 gp)
Belt of +4 dex , 2nd property +2 Str (16,000 gp)
+2 mithral shirt (5,100 gp)
Cloak of Resistance +2 (4,000 gp)
Handy Haversack (2,000 gp)
Ring of Protection +1 (2,000 gp)
Lesser Bracers of Archery (5,000 gp)
Hat of +2 cha (4,000 gp)
Amulet of Natural Armor +1 (2,000 gp)
3225 GP in various ammunition, adventuring gear, etc.

Precast Buffs: Heroism (10 min/level +2 to hit/damage)

Uses Arcane Strike, Rapid Shot, Manyshot

Attack bonus: +7 BAB, +2 Heroism, +1 Bracers, +1 PBS, +6 Dex, -2 Rapid Shot, +3 Enhancement

Attacks: Longbow: +18 (x2)/+18/+13 Damage average: 16.5 (4.5+3 Arcane St +3 Str +1 PBS +3 enchance +2 heroism)

3x(0.75)x16.5+(.65x.05x2x16.5x2)+1x(.50)x16.5+(.40x.05x2x16.5) = 48.18 DPR

Special Circumstances: Using a Bard, Bill should use round 1 to raise Inspire Courage and a Spell. If he uses round 1 for Inspire Courage and Haste (both full party buffs – good idea if there are a couple melee characters in the party), then Full Attack on round 2 looks like:

Attack bonus: +7 BAB, +2 Heroism, +1 Bracers, +1 PBS, +6 Dex, -2 Rapid Shot, +3 Enhancement, +2 Inspire courage, +1 Haste

Attacks: Longbow: +21 (x2)/+21/+21/+16 Damage average: 18.5 (4.5+3 Arcane St +3 Str +1 PBS +3 enchance +2 heroism, +2 Inspire Courage)

4x(0.9)x18.5+(.9x.05x2x18.5x3)+1x(.65)x18.5+(.65x.05x2x18.5) = 84. 82 DPR

So if Bill begins attacking on round 1, without casting or using inspire courage, his DPR is 48.18. Not fighter level damage, but still in the 50 range, which is higher than I expected.

However, if using tactical advice from this awesome Bard Guide I read ;), Bill instead uses round 1 to buff the whole party using inspire courage and Haste, on round 2 he begins attacking at DPR of 84.82 This means that at the end of round 2, Bill has done only 11.54 less damage on average than if he had been full attacking right from round 1, and he's significantly increased the rest of the party as well.

Imagine Bill the Bow using Bard plus Falchion Fred plus Jack B. Nimble (flanking with Falchion Fred). Falchion Fred and Jack B. Nimble delay action (if necessary) for Bill to go first on round 1.

By the end of round 2 pretty much any halfway appropriate CR creature is dead.

Treantmonk wrote:

OK, I decided to have a run at the Bard. I started from scratch since Bruiser is a multiclass.

** spoiler omitted **...

How can he have a +2 belt and a +4 belt? Perhaps I'm wrong but isn't a Belt of Physical Might is +2 or +4 or +6?

A Man In Black wrote:
I may have to reconsider recommending TWF as the paladin fighting style of choice

We have a paladin with a greatsword. He is just fine.

Edit. So it would be interesting to see how a paladin with a Falchion would turn out.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

Treantmonk wrote:

OK, I decided to have a run at the Bard. I started from scratch since Bruiser is a multiclass.

Belt of +4 dex , 2nd property +2 Str (16,000 gp)

I've been skipping homebrew items, TM, otherwise all the archers would have something like this, and not including PBS because it's generally not worth it (and it's easy to calculate roughly since the values of +1 hit and +1 damage are right there). Also, Heroism is not +2 damage.

Since you're losing +1 to hit and +4 damage there, I'm guessing your damage is fair bit lower.

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