Forums Are Way Too Long: The Next Generation

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The Exchange

Woodraven wrote:
Moorluck wrote:

Having enjoyed his rousing game of Battleship with me, Kellen has now challenged Lynora to a game. :)

Arden is at her Me-Maws for the night, so it's just us looneys! :P

do you have padded walls?

Sure do! I put 'em up in the shed where we keep our neglected children. ;)

Urizen wrote:
I just reminded myself this evening that my tolerance to anything alcohol has regressed to that of a budding teenager. Egads......!

I can't even imagine what a middle-aged lightweight I must be now tolerance-wise. Crikey I can't even remember the last beer I had. And I used to party like a young god.

Patrick Curtin wrote:
Urizen wrote:
I just reminded myself this evening that my tolerance to anything alcohol has regressed to that of a budding teenager. Egads......!
I can't even imagine what a middle-aged lightweight I must be now tolernace-wise. Crikey I can't even remember the last beer I had. And I used to party like a young god.

On the bright side some of us still have the belly of a god........1q


Patrick Curtin wrote:
Woodraven wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:
Woodraven wrote:
Hey everybody
'Sup Raven?
Not much, just a little sore from practice tonight. helped a buddy move some stuff into his new apartment. oh yeah also got mass effect 2 in the mail today, soon there will be absolutely no life to have with me ;)
LOL. Glad I'm not a big videogame player. I'd never be able to keep up with my PbPs ..

now you are making me jelous since I don't have any PbP's right now.

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012


I should eat seomething soon.

Urizen wrote:
On the bright side some of us still have the belly of a god........1q

I have the belly of a buddha ....

Woodraven wrote:
now you are making me jelous since I don't have any PbP's right now.

Start yer own!

If I don't watch it i willstart spelling like woodraven in decomposition class.

ha i said decomposition

Patrick Curtin wrote:
Urizen wrote:
On the bright side some of us still have the belly of a god........1q
I have the belly of a buddha ....

you too? this must make this place nirvana

Woodraven wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:
Urizen wrote:
On the bright side some of us still have the belly of a god........1q
I have the belly of a buddha ....
you too? this must make this place nirvana

less cobain, more flowing liqauidas

what am i spelling here? LIQUIDS.

Patrick Curtin wrote:
Woodraven wrote:
now you are making me jelous since I don't have any PbP's right now.
Start yer own!

no good at gm'ing. sadly

The Exchange

Patrick Curtin wrote:
Urizen wrote:
On the bright side some of us still have the belly of a god........1q
I have the belly of a buddha ....

I have the heart of a Buddhist.

It's in a jar beside the bed.

Woodraven wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:
Woodraven wrote:
now you are making me jelous since I don't have any PbP's right now.
Start yer own!
no good at gm'ing. sadly

Aww it's easy. I'm allergic to rules and I run four of 'em!


Dark Archive

I am writing my personal statment for my law school application. I didn't realize just how much I loath talking about myself.

i have acute heathyitis.

The Exchange

Urizen wrote:
what am i spelling here? LIQUIDS.

Ah Urizen my friend, can I borrow $1000? I figure now would be the best time to ask you. ;P

The Exchange

bookmark................Some days I am glad I have no clue what is going on.

suuurreeee let me wright this check. it'll bouncve higher than a schooolyard kickballl

man, that better not be a roofie. help

amateru post

The Exchange

This is reminding me of the night I posted under the influence of pain killers. O_o

<---- too lazy to edit spelling mistakes

Urizen wrote:
man, that better not be a roofie. help

quick, someone grab a sharpie ;)

RPG Superstar 2012

Um, Urizen buddy, I think you've had enough...

i actuall remember that noght moorluck

The Exchange

Crimson Jester wrote:
bookmark................Some days I am glad I have no clue what is going on.

Probably for the best. :/

that which does not kill me will only increase my post count!!

Paizo Employee Director of Sales

David Fryer wrote:
I am writing my personal statment for my law school application. I didn't realize just how much I loath talking about myself.

You must've hated posting that, then. :)

The Exchange

Urizen wrote:
i actuall remember that noght moorluck

Funny enough... I don't. :P

i onlyh got like 30,000 more to go to be the king

Moorluck wrote:
This is reminding me of the night I posted under the influence of pain killers. O_o

I believe that was a good time

its awalys a good time! MOORE

i shojuld eat something


Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

Cosmo wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
I am writing my personal statment for my law school application. I didn't realize just how much I loath talking about myself.
You must've hated posting that, then. :)

Just let him tell you about it. :)

Urizen wrote:
i onlyh got like 30,000 more to go to be the king

But, by the time you get those 30000 you will need 50000 more to be king.

Urizen wrote:
i onlyh got like 30,000 more to go to be the king

Yeah. The warwoof's got that gig sewn up.

Waitasec...I've seen Cosmo only post once. How are you all quoting him?


The Exchange

Urizen wrote:

Pie, Good.

Strudel.... not good. O_o

here you go buddy, some nice sweet tea.

~gives urizen a triple strength long island ice tea~

I must make a script.

thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuSMACK.

ghost post

The Exchange

Patrick Curtin wrote:
Urizen wrote:
i onlyh got like 30,000 more to go to be the king
Yeah. The warwoof's got that gig sewn up.

Baring Heath being in a coma for a year or two nobody's gonna touch him.

Although I think Solnes has the record for most post on her first day, 120+! :)

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