Improved Damage ruling question for the eidolon

Round 2: Summoner and Witch

Does the improved damage evolution stack with improved natural attack feat?

wraithstrike wrote:
Does the improved damage evolution stack with improved natural attack feat?


Dark Archive

wraithstrike wrote:
wraithstrike wrote:
Does the improved damage evolution stack with improved natural attack feat?

By RAW they do. The bonus is untyped and the names are different. I'd ask your DM for his ruling, though. For matters of balance I'd personally hesitate to allow it.

Please note also that monster feats are not legal in Organized Play at all, so if you play PFSOP its moot.

YuenglingDragon wrote:
wraithstrike wrote:
wraithstrike wrote:
Does the improved damage evolution stack with improved natural attack feat?

By RAW they do. The bonus is untyped and the names are different. I'd ask your DM for his ruling, though. For matters of balance I'd personally hesitate to allow it.

Please note also that monster feats are not legal in Organized Play at all, so if you play PFSOP its moot.

I am the DM, and I am going to make a reasonable, and broken eidolon to try to see any potential problems. Certain Evolution will be moved around after that. Thanks for pointing that out.

Dark Archive

Ah, well in that case you ought to just Rule Zero the hell out of that. Four claws attacks doing d8 damage each at level 2 is silly.

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