Setting up for a Summoner playtest, but until then...questions!

Round 2: Summoner and Witch

I've thought up a few things over time, and I've heard words about a 'assortment of comments made about Summoner that are collect somewhere', but don't know where this where is!

So, until I find that place to see if other answers are are some questions or curiosities I have, to see what others thing, and so they're out there for answering in a more official capacity.

1) Antimagic fields

The norm of such fields is that summoned creatures 'wink out' until the effect is gone, durations still apply, but the key issue here is thus: does the Eidolon wink out too? Naturally, it has a permanent duration, so it won't run out of time, but It would suck for it to suddenly vanish on you - it also makes the text under flight redundant when you get supernatural flight (it can't fly if it's not there, right?)

2) Eidolon summoning wording

I understand the class is in playtest, so this may be draft wording oopsie than a 'critical error', but by the way the pdf words Summoning your Eidolon, so long as it doesn't get dismissed due to 'death' (via hp loss) You can technically call it back repeatedly in the same day. It only gets full HP once (from the initial summoning) but otherwise, until that one death, you can keep calling it back. True, False? Unsure? I'd feel better knowing a need to dismiss my Eidolon won't screw me over for the rest of the day.

3) Durations after death/otherwise?

This involves summon spells and Eidolons. I don't recall...but will a summoned creature continue after its master bites it or falls unconscious? Does the Eidolon? Heck, if the Summoner dies, and the Eidolon has access to a proper resurrection spell (via various means, such as wishes), and has the necessary components nearby to use, could the Eidolon revive his own Summoner? That'd be pretty friggin sweet, to be honest. Summoner falls, Eidolon swoops in, grabs body, and takes it off to be brought back to life while it still can.

(The only flaw in that plan I can see is the range distance factor. If you're dead, you may not count as being 'there', heh).

4) Transmogrify spell

It doesn't exist to my knowledge, so it must be in the upcoming book. Any minor hints of what it is meant to do? Just a way for players to 'alter' their characters in a more magical way versus IC/OOC 'retraining'? What's to really stop you from using the retraining answer for Eidolons, apart from the current text saying 'they're stuck that way until you level, or use Transmogrify'?

That's all I can think of questions-wise for now. gonna see about a lvl 5 summoner playtest.

Silly me, I forgot part 3 of my confessions...err, forgot a tidbit I considered for the magical items issue.

1) Let the darn equipment go with the Eidolon. So long as they're wearing it or actively carrying it (such as a backpack) Why not? If you're smart, you'll use it in spiffy ways, if not, it won't get used. It saves dealing with some work in some cases, and makes small Eidolons sneaking into places, grabbing loot, and being dismissed a viable use. Living 'equipment' (aka kidnapping halflings, you horrible person) can be excluded. That means cursed gear will stay stuck as needed, and other magical gear doesn't have to be picked up or salvaged from the bottom of rivers.

2) Make it so the Summoner can wear the magic item, and bestow the benefit to the Eidolon by proxy. Whether or not they get the boon too is up for debate, but it would make the issue of item slots moot (since most summoners will have them all), and you don't have to worry about adding feet to your fire-breathing ball of slime to use boots.

Dark Archive

Andramal wrote:

1) Antimagic fields

The norm of such fields is that summoned creatures 'wink out' until the effect is gone, durations still apply, but the key issue here is thus: does the Eidolon wink out too? Naturally, it has a permanent duration, so it won't run out of time, but It would suck for it to suddenly vanish on you - it also makes the text under flight redundant when you get supernatural flight (it can't fly if it's not there, right?)

I see no reason why it would not wink out. Though it does have protection from the effects of Dispel, it is affected by Dismissal and Banishment as normal. It doesn't totally wink out of existence since it comes back in the same spot if the field goes away but I think it would be affected. Having its flight be supernatural is not redundant as supernatural abilities have certain things other than an anitmagic field that do and do not affect them.

Andramal wrote:

2) Eidolon summoning wording

I understand the class is in playtest, so this may be draft wording oopsie than a 'critical error', but by the way the pdf words Summoning your Eidolon, so long as it doesn't get dismissed due to 'death' (via hp loss) You can technically call it back repeatedly in the same day. It only gets full HP once (from the initial summoning) but otherwise, until that one death, you can keep calling it back. True, False? Unsure? I'd feel better knowing a need to dismiss my Eidolon won't screw me over for the rest of the day.

By RAW you can dismiss as a Standard Action and then resummon the Eidolon with Full HP. I have not seen Jason correct this anywhere. It does seem to be something that is straight up wrong, though.

Andramal wrote:

3) Durations after death/otherwise?

This involves summon spells and Eidolons. I don't recall...but will a summoned creature continue after its master bites it or falls unconscious? Does the Eidolon? Heck, if the Summoner dies, and the Eidolon has access to a proper resurrection spell (via various means, such as wishes), and has the necessary components nearby to use, could the Eidolon revive his own Summoner? That'd be pretty friggin sweet, to be honest. Summoner falls, Eidolon swoops in, grabs body, and takes it off to be brought back to life while it still can.

(The only flaw in that plan I can see is the range distance factor. If you're dead, you...

The Eidolon hangs out. As far as I can tell, it will continue to hang out until it takes enough damage to return to its home plane. As to the idea of using a Wish to bring back the Summoner, by 14th level the Eidolon must die before the Summoner can. Before that you're spending pretty much all of your evolution points to do it. But it's possible.

A summoner can summon his eidolon once per
day in a ritual that takes 1 minute to perform. When
summoned in this way, the eidolon is always at its full
hit points. The eidolon remains until dismissed by the
summoner (a standard action). If the eidolon is sent
back to its home plane due to damage, it cannot be
summoned again until the following day.

These are separate sentences.
1) You can summon him once per day, with a casting time of 1 minute. Period. Not twice, not as often as you dismiss him. Once.

2)When he is summoned, he comes at full hit points.

3)He stays until dismissed- and that dismiss takes a standard action.

4)If he dies he can not be summoned again until the next day.

so: If you dismiss him at 1hp you can summon him back. Once. If you haven't already summoned him that day.

If he dies you can not resummon him until the next day, even if you have NOT already used up your once-daily summons.
And tomorrow when you do use it, its gone for the day.


What little information is gleaned from teh context seems to imply that the spell will be at least used to redo the evolution points of your Eidolon. I do agree though- much information needed! I think in fact that the information is needed to complete the play test. The ability to frequently rearrange his points could be a fairly big deal, I would think.


Selgard wrote:


What little information is gleaned from teh context seems to imply that the spell will be at least used to redo the evolution points of your Eidolon. I do agree though- much information needed! I think in fact that the information is needed to complete the play test. The ability to frequently rearrange his points could be a fairly big deal, I would think.

What little information was given about Transmogrify (Damn I feel like Calvin when I type that LOL) indicated that it is expensive and not something that can be done in combat.

It lets you adjust your evolution points as if you had gained a level. It is not known what level of spell it is as far as I could find.

Some good points there about the summon 'bugs'. Regardless of how many times I could summon it, I wouldn't stoop to free healing that way. Limited resummons, however, I'll ponder. Mechanically I don't think it's too major if you did have that option sans death. It takes a minute to re-summon, so very limited combat advantage. Outside of combat, it at least makes going into town a non-issue, since the moment you went very far in, your Eidolon automatically loses a chunk of HP. That seems a senseless waste/quirk there. No one else in my memory 'suffers' that way. Fuzzy Druid friends at best just stay out, and are there later. Even a summon would be okay, albeit they wouldn't last very long anyways.

But things I will keep in mind. :) My playtest may not be finalized before the end date though, irk. *ponders on that*

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