Alchemists and familiars

Round 3: Alchemist and Inquisitor

So, here's a dumb question: Let's say my alchemist has a familiar for some reason (either through acquire familiar or levels in another class). How does that interact with extracts and/or bombs?

Obviously, extracts work as spells, so, I see no real reason the "share spells" feature shouldn't also work for extracts.

As for Bombs, can the familiar use them? I'm not necessarily trying to worm more actions for the alchemist (I'm the DM anyway), But I could absolutely see making a bomb and handing it off to your hawk familiar for dropoff as a viable tactic.

Velderan wrote:

So, here's a dumb question: Let's say my alchemist has a familiar for some reason (either through acquire familiar or levels in another class). How does that interact with extracts and/or bombs?

Obviously, extracts work as spells, so, I see no real reason the "share spells" feature shouldn't also work for extracts.

As for Bombs, can the familiar use them? I'm not necessarily trying to worm more actions for the alchemist (I'm the DM anyway), But I could absolutely see making a bomb and handing it off to your hawk familiar for dropoff as a viable tactic.

Extracts aren't spells but I could see an argument for allowing them to share them anyways, and the same for bombs, mutagen would be a question too.

As stands the answer is no... the familiar is not you, and these are not spells. As a houserule it would be reasonable.

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