5E Adventure's in Midgard – North (Reaver's Spring)

Game Master Tareth

A small merchant caravan led by Rook Bentknee, a kobold merchant, travels up the coast of the Bay of Ghed to deliver goods and trade with Rook's former adventuring companion and occasional business partner, Britta Gleamgaurd, human owner of the Frost Maiden Inn in the village of Nargenstal.

Interactive Midgard Map

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HP 41/41 | AC 17+2(shield)| Acr +4 Ath +7 Dec +3 Int +6 Perc -1 Pers +6 Saves: S +4, D +1, C +2, I +0, W +2, Ch +6 Adv charm, disease; Imm Sleep| Init +1 | PPerc 9; PIns 10; Pinv 11; DrkVis | Spd 30' | HD 5/5 | Status: Ok | Spells 1:4/4; 2:2/2 | LoH 25/25 | DivSen 5/5 | Insp: Nope

Although this was about a garter... :)

Male gnome | HP 27/37 | HD 5/5 | 3rd 0/2 | Inspiration! | Active: Prestidigitation, Hex
AC 13 | Str +0, Dex +2, Con +1, Int +3, Wis +3, Cha +7 | Initiative +2 | Perception +0, Darkvision 60 ft

I've a business trip this week leaving tomorrow. My posting will be intermittent. I may return Thursday, but it potentially drags to Friday. Please bot me as necessary.

I'm going to try to post tonight after the kids get to bed.


Male Trollkin; HP 43/43, AC 13(16), PP 17, MV 30, Darkvision 60', Init +0; Inspiration (Y) Druid / 5; XP 6910/14000, Spells (0) 4(1) 4/4, (2) 3/3, (3) 2/1; Saves: +3, +1, +3, +2, +6, +2; Wild Shape 2/2

Trevor>>>>>> Vrindel switched back to his normal form, when he informed you about what was down the tunnel.

Aterro>>>>>> Trevor assisted you which would give you ADVANTAGE on your STR Roll.

Vrindel: Unfortunately, Aterro's most recent STR roll was the Advantage roll. So far he's rolled a 1 and a 2.

HP 41/41 | AC 17+2(shield)| Acr +4 Ath +7 Dec +3 Int +6 Perc -1 Pers +6 Saves: S +4, D +1, C +2, I +0, W +2, Ch +6 Adv charm, disease; Imm Sleep| Init +1 | PPerc 9; PIns 10; Pinv 11; DrkVis | Spd 30' | HD 5/5 | Status: Ok | Spells 1:4/4; 2:2/2 | LoH 25/25 | DivSen 5/5 | Insp: Nope

Please note that I'll be travelling for the next six days or so, with limited opportunities to post. Feel free to bot me as needed.

Silver Crusade

Human Paladin(FEAR) 7/Warlock {FEAR} 1| AC: 20 | HP: 75/80 {0}{Fire & Acid Resistance}|HD 7| LoH: 10/35| Sense: 4/4|Dread: 2/3| Con:+5 Wis:+5 Dex:+4|Smite: 2d8/lvl|CDiv: 0/1| melee: +8/2d8+6 {x2}|Init: +0 Perc: +2 | Insp = YES! |1st: 4/4 2nd : 2/3 | W 1st: 0/1 Hex

Heh, yeah, the bad thing about Advantage is that it don't mean much of the dice are against you. ^_^

(Of course, you can say that about pretty much everything. In life.)

Eh, sorry. Didn't mean to ignore the call for a plan. I was hoping Snicker might have some insights if its still alive.

Ill be out 27 through 29 for holiday.

HP 41/41 | AC 17+2(shield)| Acr +4 Ath +7 Dec +3 Int +6 Perc -1 Pers +6 Saves: S +4, D +1, C +2, I +0, W +2, Ch +6 Adv charm, disease; Imm Sleep| Init +1 | PPerc 9; PIns 10; Pinv 11; DrkVis | Spd 30' | HD 5/5 | Status: Ok | Spells 1:4/4; 2:2/2 | LoH 25/25 | DivSen 5/5 | Insp: Nope

These tentacles are seriously creeping me out! Good thing Trevor is still trapped.

Happy Thanksgiving all! Hope you all have a great holiday.

HP 41/41 | AC 17+2(shield)| Acr +4 Ath +7 Dec +3 Int +6 Perc -1 Pers +6 Saves: S +4, D +1, C +2, I +0, W +2, Ch +6 Adv charm, disease; Imm Sleep| Init +1 | PPerc 9; PIns 10; Pinv 11; DrkVis | Spd 30' | HD 5/5 | Status: Ok | Spells 1:4/4; 2:2/2 | LoH 25/25 | DivSen 5/5 | Insp: Nope

Late Happy Thanksgiving! (Canada's is long past.)

If shooting and moving, I don't know how long we will gain, as we don't know their speed. There might be spells that stop them, but I don't think we have anything that we could try.

If firing and moving is the option, then we'll need one of us to concentrate on making the villagers run like hell.

You've fought a creature like these before in the glade with the sacrificed reavers. It moved quick and could attack with multiple whip-like limbs.

Both the one from before and the one that is moving now seemed to react more to the proximity of heat or life, although none of you are quite sure as to how close you can get before triggering their sense. So far neither of the other two creatures have reacted, only the one closest to where Aterro, Zove, and Vrindel stand outside of the tent.

One sits, currently inactive, in the archway blocking the only known route down back down the hill. It is 100' away. (Zone 2) A second sits up on the ruined wall, 125 feet away. (Zone 3) The third is currently moving toward you in Zone 1.

As far as firing and moving, you can stay within the courtyard and area near the tent and likely not attract the attention of the other creatures. Although the creature is fast enough to reach one of you within the zone each round between its movement speed and reach.

So we would need to make us faster or the thing slower to kite it, is what I'm hearing.

Zove doesn't have spells like that, and I don't think Ibrox does either. Vrindel has entangle, but its only a 20 ft square. Are you going to try that? Go for it.

Silver Crusade

Human Paladin(FEAR) 7/Warlock {FEAR} 1| AC: 20 | HP: 75/80 {0}{Fire & Acid Resistance}|HD 7| LoH: 10/35| Sense: 4/4|Dread: 2/3| Con:+5 Wis:+5 Dex:+4|Smite: 2d8/lvl|CDiv: 0/1| melee: +8/2d8+6 {x2}|Init: +0 Perc: +2 | Insp = YES! |1st: 4/4 2nd : 2/3 | W 1st: 0/1 Hex
DM - Tareth wrote:
Both the one from before and the one that is moving now seemed to react more to the proximity of heat or life,

Guys, we've got the answer right here.

At least two of us can generate heat virtually anywhere--Zove with her fire bolts and Attero with his Sacred Flame.

All we have to do is to keep making small fires randomly around the courtyard. Zove could fire a bolt to the left of the creatures, and Attero could create a flame to the right. Then they'll never know where to go.

With them confused and not knowing which way to hunt--left, right, or at the party--others could try to deal ranged damage by more normal means. (Anyone have a bow?)

Alright lets try it. Vrindel has flaming sphere, also. I imagine that right up in its jowels could be attention grabbing.

HP 41/41 | AC 17+2(shield)| Acr +4 Ath +7 Dec +3 Int +6 Perc -1 Pers +6 Saves: S +4, D +1, C +2, I +0, W +2, Ch +6 Adv charm, disease; Imm Sleep| Init +1 | PPerc 9; PIns 10; Pinv 11; DrkVis | Spd 30' | HD 5/5 | Status: Ok | Spells 1:4/4; 2:2/2 | LoH 25/25 | DivSen 5/5 | Insp: Nope

Sounds like a worthwhile plan. Perhaps we could try to use the fires even to simply slip unnoticed into the ruins by luring the creatures away?

Well I thought our goal was to explore the dungeon below, so if we run in they will be here waiting for us on the way out. I'd vote clearing them before the delve.

You all have the initiative, so go ahead whenever you are ready. No r rush, just wanted to make sure that didn't get lost.

Everyone gets 280 XP for this encounter and rescuing the prisoners. I updated the Campaign Info tab, but also wanted to put it here. I think that puts everyone at 4th level.

Male Trollkin; HP 43/43, AC 13(16), PP 17, MV 30, Darkvision 60', Init +0; Inspiration (Y) Druid / 5; XP 6910/14000, Spells (0) 4(1) 4/4, (2) 3/3, (3) 2/1; Saves: +3, +1, +3, +2, +6, +2; Wild Shape 2/2

Woo! Hoo! That was good teamwork guys.

1d8 ⇒ 6 HP Level 4... I'll take it.

4th: 1d6 ⇒ 5

Male Trollkin; HP 43/43, AC 13(16), PP 17, MV 30, Darkvision 60', Init +0; Inspiration (Y) Druid / 5; XP 6910/14000, Spells (0) 4(1) 4/4, (2) 3/3, (3) 2/1; Saves: +3, +1, +3, +2, +6, +2; Wild Shape 2/2

HP +8

Cantrip - Produce Flame
Spells - (2)Lesser Restoration, (2) Healing Spirits
Wisdom - +2
Improved Shape Changing: Up to 1/2, no flying

HP 41/41 | AC 17+2(shield)| Acr +4 Ath +7 Dec +3 Int +6 Perc -1 Pers +6 Saves: S +4, D +1, C +2, I +0, W +2, Ch +6 Adv charm, disease; Imm Sleep| Init +1 | PPerc 9; PIns 10; Pinv 11; DrkVis | Spd 30' | HD 5/5 | Status: Ok | Spells 1:4/4; 2:2/2 | LoH 25/25 | DivSen 5/5 | Insp: Nope


HD: 1d10 ⇒ 9

Nice as well!

Can we take feats?

Yes, feats are allowed.

HP 41/41 | AC 17+2(shield)| Acr +4 Ath +7 Dec +3 Int +6 Perc -1 Pers +6 Saves: S +4, D +1, C +2, I +0, W +2, Ch +6 Adv charm, disease; Imm Sleep| Init +1 | PPerc 9; PIns 10; Pinv 11; DrkVis | Spd 30' | HD 5/5 | Status: Ok | Spells 1:4/4; 2:2/2 | LoH 25/25 | DivSen 5/5 | Insp: Nope

Ouch! Now I have too many options :)

Anyone here has an opinion of the value of feats vs stats? That would help me.

Hate to ask but any chance of a character crunch rebuild? Would still be Zove the Wizard but a lot of my choices either don't make sense with the party or aren't really working out (I feel).

Hmmm....well of course I want you to enjoy the character, so yes, I think that would be fine. However it would be great if you could keep her same race and general background. (Unless you can come up with a cool reason for a total tranformation that leaves Zove's mind/personality/knowledge of the group in tact, but changes her physically as well as her skills/spells/class traits.)

For sure same race/background, really was just thinking skills and arcane tradition. Eh, I might just stick it out...wizards bloom late anyways. But thanks for support.

HP 41/41 | AC 17+2(shield)| Acr +4 Ath +7 Dec +3 Int +6 Perc -1 Pers +6 Saves: S +4, D +1, C +2, I +0, W +2, Ch +6 Adv charm, disease; Imm Sleep| Init +1 | PPerc 9; PIns 10; Pinv 11; DrkVis | Spd 30' | HD 5/5 | Status: Ok | Spells 1:4/4; 2:2/2 | LoH 25/25 | DivSen 5/5 | Insp: Nope

Please note that I'll be travelling starting Friday, all the way until New Year, with limited opportunities for posting. Please bot me when needed.

Male gnome | HP 27/37 | HD 5/5 | 3rd 0/2 | Inspiration! | Active: Prestidigitation, Hex
AC 13 | Str +0, Dex +2, Con +1, Int +3, Wis +3, Cha +7 | Initiative +2 | Perception +0, Darkvision 60 ft

Warlock 4: 1d8 ⇒ 7 woot

Added Toll the Dead, Detect Thoughts & Mirror Image
Dropped Invisibiity
Added +2 Cha to 18

Silver Crusade

Human Paladin(FEAR) 7/Warlock {FEAR} 1| AC: 20 | HP: 75/80 {0}{Fire & Acid Resistance}|HD 7| LoH: 10/35| Sense: 4/4|Dread: 2/3| Con:+5 Wis:+5 Dex:+4|Smite: 2d8/lvl|CDiv: 0/1| melee: +8/2d8+6 {x2}|Init: +0 Perc: +2 | Insp = YES! |1st: 4/4 2nd : 2/3 | W 1st: 0/1 Hex
Trevor the Yellow wrote:

Ouch! Now I have too many options :)

Anyone here has an opinion of the value of feats vs stats? That would help me.

While I'm normally one to value the permanent boost of stats, there are a few feats that are quite good. (Most are butt.)

A feel Savage Attacker would be appropriate for Trev. The chance to re-roll a damage die can be quite useful, epecially when your whole character is built around HIT FOR MASSIVE DAMAGE!!1! =)

Sorry for delay, will finalize level up within a few hours.

No worries. It is that time of year. I think everyone is just about ready. Once someone posts what they'd like to do, we can get underway again.

All set. Picked a Kobold Press cantrip if you are cool with that.

hp: +6
abi: +2 int
cantrip: starburst (MHH pg 195, 60 ft, line of sight point, cha vs d8 radiant)
2nd: locate object, invisibility
+1 2nd slot

Yay, my spell save is finally equivalent to a normal 1st level wizard. :)

HP 41/41 | AC 17+2(shield)| Acr +4 Ath +7 Dec +3 Int +6 Perc -1 Pers +6 Saves: S +4, D +1, C +2, I +0, W +2, Ch +6 Adv charm, disease; Imm Sleep| Init +1 | PPerc 9; PIns 10; Pinv 11; DrkVis | Spd 30' | HD 5/5 | Status: Ok | Spells 1:4/4; 2:2/2 | LoH 25/25 | DivSen 5/5 | Insp: Nope

Is Atlas (Aterro) still with us?

I haven't heard otherwise. I'm assuming holiday travel, since although his posting rate had dropped, he was still posting up until right before the holidays.

HP 41/41 | AC 17+2(shield)| Acr +4 Ath +7 Dec +3 Int +6 Perc -1 Pers +6 Saves: S +4, D +1, C +2, I +0, W +2, Ch +6 Adv charm, disease; Imm Sleep| Init +1 | PPerc 9; PIns 10; Pinv 11; DrkVis | Spd 30' | HD 5/5 | Status: Ok | Spells 1:4/4; 2:2/2 | LoH 25/25 | DivSen 5/5 | Insp: Nope

Thanks. Let’s hope all is well.

Meanwhile, he’s accumulating a nice conversation with Trevor ;)

Indeed, game not the same without our hulk-smash.

Male gnome | HP 27/37 | HD 5/5 | 3rd 0/2 | Inspiration! | Active: Prestidigitation, Hex
AC 13 | Str +0, Dex +2, Con +1, Int +3, Wis +3, Cha +7 | Initiative +2 | Perception +0, Darkvision 60 ft

Definitely quieter

HP 41/41 | AC 17+2(shield)| Acr +4 Ath +7 Dec +3 Int +6 Perc -1 Pers +6 Saves: S +4, D +1, C +2, I +0, W +2, Ch +6 Adv charm, disease; Imm Sleep| Init +1 | PPerc 9; PIns 10; Pinv 11; DrkVis | Spd 30' | HD 5/5 | Status: Ok | Spells 1:4/4; 2:2/2 | LoH 25/25 | DivSen 5/5 | Insp: Nope

Thorless, to be precise. ;)

Silver Crusade

Human Paladin(FEAR) 7/Warlock {FEAR} 1| AC: 20 | HP: 75/80 {0}{Fire & Acid Resistance}|HD 7| LoH: 10/35| Sense: 4/4|Dread: 2/3| Con:+5 Wis:+5 Dex:+4|Smite: 2d8/lvl|CDiv: 0/1| melee: +8/2d8+6 {x2}|Init: +0 Perc: +2 | Insp = YES! |1st: 4/4 2nd : 2/3 | W 1st: 0/1 Hex

To: Everyone

Around Christmastime I came down with multiple viruses that left me able to only do two things: 1) Cough, and 2) wish I wasn't coughing.

They also had a pretty good symbiosis worthy of a Magic counter-burn deck: The headache from the cold wasn't that bad...except when I coughed.

I can finally start to see the beginning of the end from here so I thank all of you for your patience and promise to start getting caught up soon.


HP 41/41 | AC 17+2(shield)| Acr +4 Ath +7 Dec +3 Int +6 Perc -1 Pers +6 Saves: S +4, D +1, C +2, I +0, W +2, Ch +6 Adv charm, disease; Imm Sleep| Init +1 | PPerc 9; PIns 10; Pinv 11; DrkVis | Spd 30' | HD 5/5 | Status: Ok | Spells 1:4/4; 2:2/2 | LoH 25/25 | DivSen 5/5 | Insp: Nope

Glad to see you back and in better health!

Aterro, sounds like a nasty bug. Welcome back and glad to you are on the mend.

I'm going to give Aterro and Vrindel a chance to post. Will probably bump things ahead tomorrow morning.

Male gnome | HP 27/37 | HD 5/5 | 3rd 0/2 | Inspiration! | Active: Prestidigitation, Hex
AC 13 | Str +0, Dex +2, Con +1, Int +3, Wis +3, Cha +7 | Initiative +2 | Perception +0, Darkvision 60 ft

Tonight I head out of town on business returning Saturday. I'll have limited time to post, and combat posts will be very difficult. Please bot me as necessary. Cheers

Everyone gain 2500XP for holding off the Thing from the Void, recapturing Teronidas Voidweaver, and recovering one of Thor's Javelins.

You also all gain Inspiration if you don't have it already.

Male gnome | HP 27/37 | HD 5/5 | 3rd 0/2 | Inspiration! | Active: Prestidigitation, Hex
AC 13 | Str +0, Dex +2, Con +1, Int +3, Wis +3, Cha +7 | Initiative +2 | Perception +0, Darkvision 60 ft

Is that another level?

Nah, I think we were at 2780. Then 2780+2500=5280

5th is 6500.

Okay all, technically we've just about come to the end of this particular adventure. If everyone wishes to continue I can take a little time to put something together. (I was kind of hoping that the new Empire of Ghouls would be out as I believe that explores some adventures potentially freeing Krakova from the grip of Morgau. Unfortunately it hasn't arrived yet.)

However I do have plenty of bits and pieces for continuing to explore the forests and hills of wild Courlandia using Nargenthal as a safe point/growing home base. Or if you've desires to head to a more populated area we can go south to Zobeck or one of the other major cities. There is also the reaver ship which could be repaired and you could take to the high seas if you are persuasive enough to convince some of the villagers to join the crew.

I guess the first question is just to check and make sure everyone wants to continue. :)

HP 41/41 | AC 17+2(shield)| Acr +4 Ath +7 Dec +3 Int +6 Perc -1 Pers +6 Saves: S +4, D +1, C +2, I +0, W +2, Ch +6 Adv charm, disease; Imm Sleep| Init +1 | PPerc 9; PIns 10; Pinv 11; DrkVis | Spd 30' | HD 5/5 | Status: Ok | Spells 1:4/4; 2:2/2 | LoH 25/25 | DivSen 5/5 | Insp: Nope

I do! :)

Awesome story and storytelling! Many thanks!

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