Dennis da Ogre |
As an example to beat up on I present Van Halfsing, the halfling undead hunter.
Van Halfsing - Undead Hunter - Inquisitor 8th
CG Small Humanoid (Halfling)
Init +7; Perception +16
AC: 22; Touch: 14; Flat Footed: 18 (Dex +4, Chainshirt +5, Size +1, Buckler +2) or 25 (with Shield of Faith)
hp: 57 HD: 8d8 +8 (+8 Favored Class)
Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +10
Special: Fearless +3 vs. Fear
Offense -
Speed 20ft.
Melee: Rapier +1 +10/+5 (1d4+3/18-20)
Ranged: Comp +2 STR +1 Flaming Longbow (+12/ +7 1d6+3/x3 +1d6 fire)
Str 14(16-2), Dex 18(16+2), Con 11, Int 8, Wis 16, Cha 9(7+2)
Base Atk +6; CMB: +7 (+6 BAB, +2 STR, -1 Size); CMD: 21 (10 +6 BAB, +2 Str, +4 Dex, -1 Size)
Feats: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Many Shot
Skills: (5/level) - Acrobatics +17, Climb +11, Knowledge (Religion) +9, Perception +16, Stealth +19, Survival +14 (+18 track)
Spells Known: 0 - Detect Magic, Stabilize, Light, Create Water, Acid Splash, Detect Poison
1 - Cure Light Wounds, Disguise Self, Expedious Retreat, Protection from Evil, Hide from Undead
2 - Invisibility, Silence, Tongues, Detect thoughts
3 - Heroism, Keen Edge, Halt Undead
Domain Powers: Agile Feet (Su), Dimension Hop 80' (Sp), Rapier Proficiency
Gear: +1 Flaming Composite Longbow +2 Strength, +1 Rapier, Chain Shirt +1, Buckler +1
Tactics: Van isn't very bright, his tactics are generally pretty straight forward. He tries to rely on his natural stealth as much as possible. Van is an archer and he will stays back as much as possible and uses his bow to inflict maximum damage possible.
If Van knows he's going into combat he usually casts heroism on himself and keen edge on a batch of arrows. Closer to an encounter he might add in Shield of Faith or Protection from Evil.
Twice per day Van can use his Judgment powers, if he's going to use it his first action in combat is to initiate the destruction and justice judgments. If injured he will use a swift action to switch one of the judgments to healing.
For 8 rounds a day Van can use a swift action to inbue his bow with Bane as the weapon enhancement. Van will only use this power when he can get a full attack in the round and preferably after his justice enhancement is at +3 to ensure the shots hit.
In normal encounters Van will have heroism going and his full attack action is 4 arrows, 3 at +12 (1st two together with manyshot) and 1 at +7. Each arrow does 1d6 +2 strength, +1 enhancement, + 1d6 fire
Normal Full Attack: (Manyshot/ Iterative attack)
+10 2d6+6 + 2d6 Fire and +5 1d6+3 + 1d6 Fire Avg dmg: 30hp MAX: 45hp
Out the gate against a typical CR 8 creature with a 21 AC Van hit's 60% of the time with the first 2 arrows and 35% of the time with the third. A typical round he's doing 21.5 HP damage. (note Van does more damage without rapid shot against AC 21 so I omitted it)
In the third round of judgments and with bane things are vastly different: (Manyshot/ Rapidshot/ Iterative
+15 2d6+12 + 2d6 Fire +4d6 Bane and +15/+10 1d6+6 + 1d6 Fire +2d6 Bane Avg dmg: 14+24+14+28 = 80hp MAX: 120hp
With typical CR 8 creature AC of 21 Van hit's 75% of the time with the first 3 arrows and 50% of the time with the third. A typical round he's doing 55 HP damage.
Other bonuses I didn't add:
Finally... I don't do a lot of these math heavy posts, Inquisitor is a curious class mathematically because there are SOO many bonuses you can tweak one way or the other. It seems to me that Van is a weak caster and moderately competent bowman until he turns on the SHAZAM where he becomes a serious killing machine. He can only crank out that much damage for 8 rounds a day and he will probably save his bane for the the second or maybe even the third round of his judgments so he can assure max impact.
Dennis da Ogre |
Are you suggesting that the Bane ability is too much? Have you noticed that the Inquisitor somewhat favors an Archery build, yet all the tactical feats favor the melee type?
I definitely noticed the class favors archery (note the build) and I completely omitted the 2 tactical feats, primarily because I don't see them as being very good class features for an archer.
As for the bane ability, I like it. I don't see it as overpowered because it's inherent limitations 8 rounds per day is 2 rounds/ encounter. I see it as a damage spigot, when you need to kill something FAST you fire up the bane and get it done. For example if you are taking down a sentry bane would be a great way to get it done quick.
Bane damage definitely favors archers (and two weapon fighting?) because it encourages multiple attacks per round.