Haunted Halls of Eveingstar 5E

Game Master Trailjava

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Male Dragonborn/Warlock 1 Warlock/1| HP 9/9 | AC 12| Spd 30 | Init+1|STR +3| DEX + 1| CON +1| INT 0| WIS-1*| CHA +3*| Spells2/1



As young elf making her rounds in the town of Neverwinter, you stop by your favorite cafe just below the Lord's Proctector's Enclave. It is a nice place and comfortable serving your favorite tea. As you sit in your favorite spot a young handsome halfling you know comes up to you.
Well Met Jinx. How is your day going this fine day The halfling is none other than Ib Brewleaf the son of the owner of cafe. He is short and stout like most of his kind. As he welcomes you to the cafe. He waits for you to answer.

HP:31/31 | AC 13 | Int +2 | Warlock/4

1d20 ⇒ 14

For Ib
1d20 - 1 ⇒ (7) - 1 = 6

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