Spell Lists of the Classes and Future Support.

Advanced Player's Guide Playtest General Discussion

Witch, Summoner and Alchemist all have limited spell lists, and not everyone likes this. I think this is mostly because of how WoTC handled similar lists, with there "print it and forget it" pattern with new classes. So i suggest this:

How about you just have a place on the website where the names and levels of every spell on a class's spell list is printed, as well as what supplement the spell can be found in. No more information than that, just what is where.

This way, as you print new spells, you can publish what class received new spells in a supplement. It offers players and easy reference for this sort of thing, and gives you guys incentive to put spells out FOR the classes. (that we will see them and possibly buy the supplement)

you could do something similar with alternative class abilities or similar things, but spells are my real concern.

They already have that, it's called the PRD. They've already committed to making the AGP open gaming content. That means it will also be on the PRD. Since the PRD is not book specific, it get's updated when each book comes out. Expect to see any new class features in the AGP added to the PRD under the class. Just as familiars from the Bestiary were added to the Wizard section.

mdt wrote:
They already have that, it's called the PRD.....

Im not only talking about the APG, i also mean spells introduced in supplements, such as Adventure Paths, or Chronicles. I dont expect all that to be open content, but i do want it to be listed in a place where it can be easily referenced, and where people can become aware when a new spell or ability for their class is introduced.

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

Kadeity wrote:
I dont expect all that to be open content

So far, just about every new rules element Paizo has released has been open content, so I expect a majority of the rules in their forthcoming supplements to be open as well. The only two cases I can think of that a Pathfinder book has had closed content rules were two monsters (the Deep Crow and the Coeurl) which were printed under license from their respective copyright holders. Paizo has banked their whole operation on open gaming, and couldn't exist without the existence of the OGL, so it would not be in their best interest to release rules that didn't support open gaming. So while new feats, spells, and magic items from future volumes of Pathfinder may not show up in the PRD (since a lot of them are intertwined with closed content like proper names from Golarion), they will almost always be open content.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Kadeity wrote:
mdt wrote:
They already have that, it's called the PRD.....

Im not only talking about the APG, i also mean spells introduced in supplements, such as Adventure Paths, or Chronicles. I dont expect all that to be open content, but i do want it to be listed in a place where it can be easily referenced, and where people can become aware when a new spell or ability for their class is introduced.

Almost ALL of the rules content we do is open content. As Yoda8 mentioned, the exceptions are pretty few. And I suspect that we WILL be periodically throwing out new spells for the APG classes as a result... at the very least it's easy enough for us to simply add one of these spells to one of their custom lists by typing "Witch 3" or whatever when we create a new spell.

We won't be doing MANY new base classes. Part of the reason why we won't be is so that we CAN continue to support them in future products, after all!

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