Races of Diomin


Dark Archive

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This is the first in my series of Diomin racial conversions. Enjoy. The color text and original ideas are the work of Hyrum Savage.

The Arak


In the language of the Arak, the word arak means The First. This is the source of their pride, their noble carriage, and their isolation.

According to the other races of the world, the Arak are little more than blue-skinned barbarians. If you called an Araki a barbarian, he would probable snort and mutter, "What do you know? You are but a simple t'endrak." Unless you spoke Araki, the fact that you had just been named the worst insult than one of the Arak can utter would me lost on you. If you did speak it, you'd know that he'd just called you a Second.

That is the core of the Arak worldview. You are either one of the Arak, or you are just a Second…simple, foolish, and one of the lost.

Physical Characteristics

All Arak have blue skin, black hair and reddish colored eyes. There is almost no variation among them. Most wear their hair long. Warriors wear a single long braid with bands of color that signify the battles that they have won. Women, if they do not wear their hair long and loose, will wear two braids, and if married will wear the same bands as their warrior husband, but only in the right-hand braid. If their husband was killed, the bands will be transferred to the left-hand braid.

They stand between 5'4"-6'2", with males averaging toward the higher end. Due to a lean diet they usually weigh less than humans of the same height. You will see few bulky Arak -- even the strongest men in the clan tend to be thin and wiry rather than bulky. They move with practiced grace, and have excellent balance.

They tend to wear leathers or simple loincloths for clothing. Warriors and Shamans always drape themselves in the skins of their clan animal. (In the case of the Dragon clan, how they get their skins is a mystery known only to them and perhaps the clan elders of the other clans.) Women sometimes wear a shift or a halter, but sometimes not. Warriors, chiefs, and women rarely wear any jewelry, save for the most special of occasions. Shamans however, always have pendants, teeth, fetishes; bits of carved bone -- the usual tools of the trade.

Arak Racial Traits
+2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom; Arak are healthy and intuative but they are primative and uneducated by the standards of other races.
Medium: Arak are medium sized creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to size.
Normal Speed: Base speed for Arak is 30 feet.
Low-light Vision: Arak can see twice as far as humans in conditions of low light.
Beast Kin: Arak gain a +2 bonus to Handle Animal checks and unlike other races can use Handle Animal as an untrained skill.
Quick Reflexes: Arak gain a +2 racial bonus to Stealth checks.
Poverty: Arak characters recieve half as much starting gold at 1st level as other members of their class.
Languages: Arak speak Arak and Common, Arak with high Intelligence can learn to speak Giant, Goblin, Orc, or Terran.

Copyright R. Hyrum Savage, used with permission

Dark Archive

The Gadianti


The Gadianti are the decedents of the Jaguar and Tiger Clans, warped by their goddess Akish into the form of their totems. They are a foul, evil race, who delight in nothing short of blood and destruction. They are organized into three castes, the Priest, Warrior, and Slave. To be of the Priest caste, your mother must have been a priest. Everyone else who is not crippled, or retarded, or deformed in some way are Warriors and each grouping of Warriors are dedicated to a particular Lord of Darkness. Everyone else is a Slave.

Their goal is the complete subjugation of Diomin and the destruction of all sentient life.

Most Gadianti wear simple loin cloths and light cotton shirts in the cooler areas. With their natural fur they are protected from all but the harshest weather.

Gadianti warriors wear only their loin cloths into battle and sometimes they bathe in blood before combat. They are armed with whatever is the appropriate weapon for the God they are dedicated to. Gadianti Priests will wear robes when officiating in religious ceremonies and loin cloths most every time else.

Gadianti Racial Traits
+2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, -2 Charisma; Gadianti are quick and hearty, but they have abrasive personalities.
Medium: Gadianti are medium sized creatures and have no bonuses or penelties due to size.
Normal Speed: Gadianti base speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision: Gadianti can see in the dark up to 60 feet.
Natural Weapons: Gadianti possess claws that do 1d4 points of damage. They are considered secondary attacks that do not provoke attacks of opportunity. They also grant a +2 bonus to Climb checks.
Languages: Gadianti speak Common and Gadianti. Individuals with high Intelliegence can learn Abyssal, Draconic, Giant, Goblin, and Sylvan.

Copyright R. Hyrum Savage, used with permission

Dark Archive

The Hearthom


The Hearthom are the most mysterious race to walk the land of Diomin. No one knows where they come from, but records show that they suddenly appeared a little over 700 years ago. What is known is that they appear to be made of some sort of living stone, which while hard, is warm to the touch. They are also the merchants, diplomats, and arms dealers of Diomin. Almost anything can be obtained from a Hearthom merchant, for the right place.

The Hearthom worship the Children of the Vineyard, and live on the Isle of Assarion. No one is allowed to visit their island, and strange and wondrous inventions are said to exist there. Anyone who tries to visit Assarion is met with stiff resistance, and if they do not back down, they are killed.

The Hearthom refuse to trade with the Gadianti and most Hearthom warriors will attack a Gadianti almost on sight. They have been at war with the Gadianti for the past 100 years, although no one really knows the reason why.

Most Hearthom wear breeches and shirts, although they have no reason to. Their stone skin protects them from the elements, but it is said they do so out of respect for the other races of Diomin and to better fit in.

Hearthom Racial Traits
+2 Strength, +2 Wisdom, - 2 Dexterity; Hearthom are strong and alert to opportunities but are less agile than other races.
Medium: Hearthom are medium sized creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to size.
Normal Speed: Hearthom base speed is 30 feet.
Skilled Merchant: Hearthom gain a +2 racial bonus to Appraise checks.
Double Talk: Hearthom gain a +1 bonus to Bluff checks.
Tough Skin: Hearthom's rocky skin grants the a +2 racial bonus to armor class and they do not suffer ill effects from normal temperature extremes, as per the Endure Elements spell.
Poor Healing: Without the aid of healing magic, a Hearthom can only heal a number of hit points per week equal to their Constitution modifier, minimum of 1.
Languages: Hearthom speak Common and Hearthom. Individuals with high Intelligence can learn any language.

Copyright R. Hyrum Savage, used with permission

Dark Archive

Because they will be helpful as well, The Gods of Diomin

The Warriors of Light - Those who serve The One.

    *Barak 'The Viceroy' - God of Law, Good, and Protection.

    *Ashima - 'The Templar' - Goddess of War, Law, and Strength.

    *Chemosh - God of Knowledge, Magic, Law

    *Sepharvaim - God of Good, Healing, and, Protection.

The Lords of Darkness - Those who serve the Liberator.

    * Akish - Goddess of Chaos, Destruction, Evil

    * Rimmon - God of War, Strength, Chaos, Destruction

    * Molech - God of Knowledge, Evil, Fire, Magic

    *Ashtoreth - Goddess of Chaos, Healing, Trickery

Children of the Vineyard - Those who serve only themselves.

    *Tartak - God of Chaos, Luck, Trickery

    * Succoth-Benath - Goddess of Chaos, Earth, Good

    * Nebo - God of Knowledge, Plant, Earth

    * Kalaratri - Goddess of Chaos, Death, Trickery

Both races look good, David.
I must say that i don't know the reference, but it doesn't matter.

Maybe you could consider raising the gadianti claws damage to 1d4, as they are medium size, and giving them a bonus to Climb (from the claws) and even to Acrobatics ?

RPG Superstar 2012

Let's try this again:

These look really good. I'm not familiar with Diomin, but these races are interesting.

Dark Archive

Here is a brief primer on Diomin. It's also where I got the color text.

Dark Archive

Seldriss wrote:

Maybe you could consider raising the gadianti claws damage to 1d4, as they are medium size, and giving them a bonus to Climb (from the claws) and even to Acrobatics ?

You aren't the first persn to ask fo this. At first I was leery to do so, because ultimately I'm converting someone else's work. However, I can see the value in it and I have edited the post to reflect this.

RPG Superstar 2012

David Fryer wrote:
Here is a brief primer on Diomin. It's also where I got the color text.

Thanks for the link.

Do you know if there are plans to do a full-on Pathfinder conversion? Maybe with you involved. :)

Dark Archive

Not that I'm aware of. I have asked Hyrum about the possibility and he said that the market isn't right to do anything with Diomin right now. It is his baby and he'd love to do more with it, but it's not going to happen right now.

Dark Archive

However, if we could drum up enough interest around here for it, maybe it would happen.

The Exchange

Looking good so far David.

Dark Archive

For the Gadianti, their fur is said to help protect them vs. temperature extremes, but they have no ability to back up this flavor text. I'd suggest giving them the ability to count as if clothed for checks vs. temperature extremes / weather conditions. (Or just a flat +2 bonus to Con checks / Fort saves vs. environmental effects like heat exhaustion, sunstroke, etc.)

Otherwise, neat stuff. I'm not at all familiar with this setting, but it sounds interesting.

Dark Archive

Okay, so I made a change that Hyrum suggested.

The Hearthom


The Hearthom are the most mysterious race to walk the land of Diomin. No one knows where they come from, but records show that they suddenly appeared a little over 700 years ago. What is known is that they appear to be made of some sort of living stone, which while hard, is warm to the touch. They are also the merchants, diplomats, and arms dealers of Diomin. Almost anything can be obtained from a Hearthom merchant, for the right place.

The Hearthom worship the Children of the Vineyard, and live on the Isle of Assarion. No one is allowed to visit their island, and strange and wondrous inventions are said to exist there. Anyone who tries to visit Assarion is met with stiff resistance, and if they do not back down, they are killed.

The Hearthom refuse to trade with the Gadianti and most Hearthom warriors will attack a Gadianti almost on sight. They have been at war with the Gadianti for the past 100 years, although no one really knows the reason why.

Most Hearthom wear breeches and shirts, although they have no reason to. Their stone skin protects them from the elements, but it is said they do so out of respect for the other races of Diomin and to better fit in.

Hearthom Racial Traits
+2 Strength, +2 Wisdom, - 2 Dexterity; Hearthom are strong and alert to opportunities but are less agile than other races.
Medium: Hearthom are medium sized creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to size.
Normal Speed: Hearthom base speed is 30 feet.
Skilled Merchant: Hearthom gain a +2 racial bonus to Appraise checks.
Double Talk: Hearthom gain a +1 bonus to Bluff checks.
Tough Skin: Hearthom's rocky skin grants the a +2 racial bonus to armor class and they do not suffer ill effects from normal temperature extremes, as per the Endure Elements spell.
Poor Healing: Without the aid of healing magic, a Hearthom can only heal a number of hit points equal to half its level per night of sleep.
Languages: Hearthom speak Common and Hearthom. Individuals with high Intelligence can learn any language.

Copyright R. Hyrum Savage, used with permission

Dark Archive

Added a change suggested by a few people.

The Gadianti


The Gadianti are the decedents of the Jaguar and Tiger Clans, warped by their goddess Akish into the form of their totems. They are a foul, evil race, who delight in nothing short of blood and destruction. They are organized into three castes, the Priest, Warrior, and Slave. To be of the Priest caste, your mother must have been a priest. Everyone else who is not crippled, or retarded, or deformed in some way are Warriors and each grouping of Warriors are dedicated to a particular Lord of Darkness. Everyone else is a Slave.

Their goal is the complete subjugation of Diomin and the destruction of all sentient life.

Most Gadianti wear simple loin cloths and light cotton shirts in the cooler areas. With their natural fur they are protected from all but the harshest weather.

Gadianti warriors wear only their loin cloths into battle and sometimes they bathe in blood before combat. They are armed with whatever is the appropriate weapon for the God they are dedicated to. Gadianti Priests will wear robes when officiating in religious ceremonies and loin cloths most every time else.

Gadianti Racial Traits
+2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, -2 Charisma; Gadianti are quick and hearty, but they have abrasive personalities.
Medium: Gadianti are medium sized creatures and have no bonuses or penelties due to size.
Normal Speed: Gadianti base speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision: Gadianti can see in the dark up to 60 feet.
Fur: The Gadianti's thick fur grants the a +2 bonus to saving throws to resist the effects of environmental extremes.
Natural Weapons: Gadianti possess claws that do 1d4 points of damage. They are considered secondary attacks that do not provoke attacks of opportunity. They also grant a +2 bonus to Climb checks.
Languages: Gadianti speak Common and Gadianti. Individuals with high Intelliegence can learn Abyssal, Draconic, Giant, Goblin, and Sylvan.

Copyright R. Hyrum Savage, used with permission

RPG Superstar 2012

I like the change to "poor healing". It fixes a metagaming concern I had. :)

Super Genius Games

Hey guys,

Nice to see some interest in Diomin. :)

While we don't have any plans right now to do more Diomin stuff, if the interest is there we can be persuaded....

(And man do I want to rewrite a lot of the fluff.)

David is doing some great conversion work here but if you've got any fluff questions, ask away!


Dark Archive

Okay, so some people asked me to link all my various works together so here goes.

Dragon conversions
Urgal PC race
Assorted monster conversions
Shadow Elf PC race
Creesh PC race
Svartalfar PC race
Avenger base class

Super Genius Games

Just got back from seeing Avatar and I've got to say that the Na'vi are the best representation of the Arak I've ever seen. (They've even got blue skin. :>) The way they view the world around them is dead perfect for how the Arak do.

And it's a cool movie as well. :)


David Fryer wrote:

Okay, so some people asked me to link all my various works together so here goes.


Lots of David Fryer's stuff can also be found at the Pathfinder Database.

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