Alchemist Oversight?

Round 3: Alchemist and Inquisitor

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32

I understand that the alchemist is supposed to be focused first and foremost on self-buffing, but that leaves out some very important alchemist tropes.

Specifically, the alchemist can't use alchemy to transmute objects. No mending. No shrink item. No transmute rock to mud or vice versa. No rusting grasp. Those are all alchemy-themed effects, yet the alchemist can't do any of them.

Perhaps the alchemist needs a fourth tool to go along with bombs, extracts, mutagens. One that allows the alchemist to create substances that work like oils instead of potions.

Dark Archive

Epic Meepo wrote:

Specifically, the alchemist can't use alchemy to transmute objects.

Sounds like you're riffing a bit on Full Metal Alchemist. Alchemy is traditionally the precursor to chemistry. Strip the fluff from FMA and it's basically straight-up magic. It seems the Alchemist class is more about Western alchemy.

Kind of a shame that it doesn't really dip into Eastern influences at all, but that's a derail.

I think the flavour of the class is pretty close to spot on, the whole "FMA Style" alchemy is best done with a Transmuter already, or possibly a psion if you're into that kind of thing.

The only thing I find a little awkward is the way extracts function, it just seems like an arbitrary mechanic to pidgeonhole alchemists into being self-buffers as opposed to being able to share the love.

As an aside, I do understand that the whole 'self-buffing' aspect is meant to be the theme of the class. I just think that an arbitrary restriction and then basically forcing to take 'infusion' is a clunky way to go about it.


I have to admit I've always loved alchemists, but this class basically reads as Dr. Jekyll crossed with The Mad Bomber What Bombs At Midnight.

Having their spells peter out at 6th level means that they suck at actually making potions relative to the old Master Alchemist prestige class.

And the name "mutagen" is way too scifi and modern to be a comfortable fit with medieval alchemy.

While Alchemy is the basis of chemistry, the earliest forms of alchemy are very spiritual and focused on self-improvement.


Edit: In fact, having the "mutagen" effect slowly developing into a more perfect form of being would fit well with the spiritual aspect of alchemy.

Sovereign Court

Kevin Andrew Murphy wrote:
I have to admit I've always loved alchemists, but this class basically reads as Dr. Jekyll crossed with The Mad Bomber What Bombs At Midnight.

LOL! I just used that example in another thread!

I disagree with mutagen being too sci-fi. Same as the summoners evolutions... besides fanstasy is a subgenre of Sci-fi ;-)

--Moon Vrocket!

Kevin Andrew Murphy wrote:

Having their spells peter out at 6th level means that they suck at actually making potions relative to the old Master Alchemist prestige class.

This actually isnt a bad thing, in my opinion, so long as they have prestige class options later on, especially if there is one that lets them take their alchemy on to higher level effects.

I would really like it, though, if there was a little sidebar about how the Alchemist progresses with PRC's. Im assuming he gets more spell/potionthings whenever he gets a +spellcasting.

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