Inquisitor: Evasion with a poor Reflex save?

Round 3: Alchemist and Inquisitor

Seems like an odd choice. For that matter, a good Fort save seems like an odd choice. Ref+Will seems much more appropriate, and it's a more unusual combo anyway.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Zurai wrote:
Seems like an odd choice. For that matter, a good Fort save seems like an odd choice. Ref+Will seems much more appropriate, and it's a more unusual combo anyway.

I have to agree. With the Inquisitor's focus on being a quick combatant and always adapting to the opportunities presented in combat, I would say Reflex is a much better fit than Fortitude.

Paizo Employee Director of Games


In retrospect... that seems sort of odd to me as well.. I will think on this issue.

Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer
Paizo Publishing

Dark Archive

When I think of an Inquisitor, I think of Solomon Kane. That character seemed more tough and iron-willed, less able to dive out of the way of explosions. If you left the save progressions as-is, would a Mettle-style ability be more appropriate?

Diaghilev wrote:
When I think of an Inquisitor, I think of Solomon Kane. That character seemed more tough and iron-willed, less able to dive out of the way of explosions. If you left the save progressions as-is, would a Mettle-style ability be more appropriate?

Well, if they aren't meant to be quick on their feet, the Cunning Initiative class ability needs to go too, and the tactical feats and ability to hotswap tactical feats don't seem terribly appropriate either. The Inquisitor as presented is definitely more of a mobile/reactive character than a stand-there-and-take it character.

well I am not for giving them all good saves, the way I look at it is evasion makes up a bit for not having good reflex, it's not that they are fast to react, but that they have more of an instinct for danger

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

You could always give them something that functions like mettle, but yeah, will+ref does seem more fitting for the class.

Liberty's Edge

Ben Adler wrote:
You could always give them something that functions like mettle, but yeah, will+ref does seem more fitting for the class.

Agreed, from what I've seen so far I was surprised it wasn't this way already.

seekerofshadowlight wrote:
well I am not for giving them all good saves, the way I look at it is evasion makes up a bit for not having good reflex, it's not that they are fast to react, but that they have more of an instinct for danger

I don't think the idea is for them to have all good saves but to give them a good reflex save instead of fortitude.

Dennis da Ogre wrote:
seekerofshadowlight wrote:
well I am not for giving them all good saves, the way I look at it is evasion makes up a bit for not having good reflex, it's not that they are fast to react, but that they have more of an instinct for danger
I don't think the idea is for them to have all good saves but to give them a good reflex save instead of fortitude.

Exactly. It's not that I don't think Fortitude fits, it's just that I think Reflex fits better. They certainly don't need all three good saves, and Will is a definite must-have for the class; that only leaves Fort OR Reflex, and I just think Reflex is the better choice given the class as presented.

Liberty's Edge

I am a little worried that if we switch Fort to Ref, won't this class look too much like Bard? Perhaps swapping evasion with mettle is a good idea instead.

Mettle's crappy, and owned by another company.

Besides, aside from skeleton and class progression the inquisitor is worlds apart from the bard. I wouldn't base their saves on how much they resemble such a different class. Especially when they are, logically a class based on agility.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Isn't this why the Inquisitor gets to use their tactical feats even when party members don't have them? Duck & Cover people. :)

I would be ok with it going either way. As it is I think it's more a wisdom/ dexterity based class so having a good fortitude means I have 3 decent saves instead of 2 strong and one weak which is good with me.

Sovereign Court

It's not much different that what I've seen in the Psychic Warrior having a good Fort but bad Will. Their Wisdom is the prime stat for their powers so it's likely to be higher which makes up for a bad save somewhat. YMMV.

--Vrocking around the Christmas Tree

+1 about Reflex and Will good saves. Inquisitor gave me more the idea of someone agile and strong willed, rather than a tough one.

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