Summoner Feat Question

Round 2: Summoner and Witch

Dark Archive

This may be a stupid question, but I was wondering how the Summon Monster SLA of the Summoner interact with feats like Augment Summoning. The wording is slightly confusing, as the Summoner description says that you may "cast Summon Monster I as a spell-like ability." My question is would this feat affect the SLA or not? How about other feats or traits like Master of Pentacles?

Thanks for the help.

Not sure exactly where but Jason said the SLA works with Augment Summoning but not the Eidolon.

Dark Archive

Because SLA's function "just like the spell of that name" (p.221 Pathfinder Core)

Augment summoning affects "Each creature you conjure with any summon spell" (p. 118 Pathfinder Core)

The ability to call your Eidolon is not a summon spell, nor is it a SLA.

Dark Archive

Thanks for the reply, I knew it wouldn't work with the Eidolon, it was more the SLA's I was concerned with. I assume the same goes with Master of Pentacles? Glad to hear that my character idea remains solid!

Dark Archive

I'd say so, the wording is pretty much the same "With X spell get Y".

Dark Archive

That's what I figured, thanks for the clarification.

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