1v1 playtest

Round 2: Summoner and Witch

I decided to put together a summoner, and the first reaction that I saw was that the eidolon was rather broken, so I decided to do a little test of the creature. Neither the eidolon nor the summoner has any items, and it is assumed that the summoner is staying within the prerequisite 80 of the eidolon invisible.

The setup is that the summoner and the eidolon is starting 150 ft away from the frost giant, and the frost giant is up a gentle hill that covers the last 50 ft (treated as difficult terrain). The frost giant also has an ample supply of rocks.

Other assumptions: Huge evolution actually gives 15ft reach, as well as it's other listed effects.

Base form Biped

Str 36
Dex 10
Con 21
Int 7
Wis 10
Cha 11
Free Evolutions
Claws (1d4, arms)
Limbs (arms)
Limbs (legs)
Natural Armor +2(base) +2(Large) +3(Huge) +4(INA)
+8(11th summoner)
AC 27 FF 27 Touch 8
Base speed 30ft

Fort +7 +5 = 12
Ref +3 +0 = 3
Will +7 +0 = 7

+23 Bite 3d6+19 damage + 1d6 electricity damage
and 1d4 Str 1/rnd for 4 rounds or 1 successful save Fort DC 22
+21 2 Claws 1d8+6 damage+ 1d6 electricity damage

Feats (5)
Improved Natural Attack (Bite)
Ability Focus(Eidolon poison)
Power Attack
Great Cleave

Evolution Pool = 15
Bite(2) (1.5 str)
Improved Natural Armor(2)
Energy Attacks(electricity) 2

Test 1: Eidolon wins initiative.
Round 1
Eidolon moves 60 ft towards the frost giant [90 ft away from giant, 40 ft away from hill]
Frost giant throws a rock at the eidolon (natural 20, 9+1 does not confirm) 16 damage, eidolon has 89hp left

Round 2
Eidolon double moves to close, nets 50 ft [40 ft away from giant, 10 ft up the hill]
Frost giant chucks another rock (9+5=14 miss), then draws his greataxe.

Round 3
Eidolon charges, ends 5 ft outside of the frost giant's reach, and attacks (25+18=42 vs AC 21) 32 total damage (2 of which is electricity)
101 hp remaining Fort save 14+16=30 vs DC 22, is not poisoned)
Frost Giant 5ft steps toward the eidolon, then full attacks with the greataxe
18+3=21 vs 25 fail
13+10=23 vs 25 fail

Round 4
Eidolon full attacks
23+3=26 vs 21 28 damage (2 electricity) 73hp and 14+9= 23 vs DC 22 not poisoned
21+11=32 9 damage (2 electricity)
21+17=38 18 damage(6 electricity) 46hp on the frost giant

Frost Giant full attacks
18+5=23 vs 27 fail
13+18=31 vs 27 23 damage 65hp remaining

Round 5
Eidolon continues to attack
23+7=30 32 damage (3 electricity) 14hp and 14+4 =18 vs 22 for 4 str damage
21+5=26 15 damage (1 electricity) -1 hp

In the end, the eidolon still has more than half of his health, and the summoner used 1 second level spell (invisibility). I also don't think that the build was not the most optimal. I don't suspect that having the frost giant win initiative would have made as much of a difference, and both sides power attacking would have ended even worse for the giant. I'd hate to think of what would happen if the summoner and eidolon were properly equipped.

I think it's important to note that during the playtest, the Frost Giant rolled abnormally low. He got 7 attacks and rolled only two number above a 10, one 10, and then the rest didn't even break 5. That's the majority of his rolls failed to beat a 5 on the die.

In comparison the Eidolon had half of it's rolls beat a 10. If you ran the same test over again, it might have gone differently. When the Frost Giant whiffs 3 times in a row with 7, 12, and 9 needed on the die, that's a little abnormal. I'm not saying the Frost Giant would win if you ran it again, but I'm sure it would be a bit closer.

Darn it all, my post got wiped, and I forgot to copy it. I can't repost it, but I reran it with the frost giant winning initiative, and with the same conditions as before, the frost giant never rolled under a 10 for attacks, and the eidolon had 2hp left at the end. This time, I'm going to try with a young red dragon (CR 10). Same starting distance as before, and the summoner is taking a more active role. Let's assume now that the dragon gets the surprise round and prep time(which is not a given with +11 stealth vs a potential +13 perception)

Human summoner 11
Str 8(-2)
Dex 14(5)
Con 14(5)
Int 14(5)
Wis 12(2)
Cha 16[20](10)

HP 76

AC 16 (+2 Dex, +4 chain shirt) FF 14 Touch 12

Fort +3 +2 =5
Ref +3 +2 =5
Will +7 +1 =8
Spell Focus (conjuration)
Weapon Finesse
Augment Summoning
Scribe Scroll
Nimble Moves
Skill Focus(UMD)

Melee attack +10 with rapier 1d6-1 damage

Handle Animal 11 5 3=19
Use Magic Device 11 5 3 6=25
Know(Planes) 11 2 3=16
Spellcraft 11 2 3 = 16
Linguistics 11 2 3 = 16

0th [6]
Detect Magic
Mage Hand
1st [6]
Summon Monster I
Protection from Law
Mage Armor
Enlarge Person
2nd [5]
Summon Monster II
Summon Swarm
Resist energy
3rd [4]
Summon Monster IV
Greater Invisibility
Dispel Magic
4th [3]
Summon Monster V
Baleful Polymorph
Mass Bull's Strength

Above is the summoner that I put together (again with no non-mundane gear except enough materials for 1 casting of stoneskin)

Round 0:
Dragon casts shield (AC is now 26)
Dragon casts true strike (first attack is now at +37)

Round 1 [Suprise round]:
Dragon charges eidolon, and does a power attacked bite with IVS
34+4=38 vs 27 21+10+9 39 damage
Eidolon has 66hp left

Round 2 [Main round]
Dragon 5ft steps up (Making the fly check even on a 1 to fly less than half speed)
Then, it drops the breath weapon on the group. Recharge in 5 rounds
3+11=14 vs DC 22 40 damage 26 hp left
7+18=25 vs DC 22 20 damage 56 hp left

Summoner uses haste on the eidolon and himself, and then moves 60 ft away.

The eidolon will chance using power attack, seeing already how dangerous this thing is.
21+10=31 vs 24 hit 11+19+9+3=42 damage
21+5=26 hit 14+19+9+4=46 damage
19+18=37 hit 3+6+3+3=15 damage
Dragon has 8hp left
Fort save 11+2 vs DC 24 fail 2 strength damage leaving it with 23 strength.

At this point, it seems that it would make the most sense for the dragon to retreat (400 ft withdraw action), but I'll try to finish this out.

Round 3
Dragon has the choice to close into melee immediately, and possibly finish off the eidolon, or to try to chase the summoner, which would leave it open to a charge with no effect (since it has to take a 5ft step or a withdraw action to not take an AoO). However, it will back off for now to try to get the flame breath back, since that was it's original plan, and it can't get more than 1 attack in the situation that it is in.

The summoner takes the lapse in action to cast invisibility on himself, and get back with the eidolon.

The eidolon can't pursue it (because even if it had a fly speed, 200 fly speed is very hard to keep up with, so it hangs back in a defensive position.

Fort save 11+17=28 vs 24 save successful

Rounds 4-6
At this point, the dragon may have had a chance to maul the summoner, but since he had to retreat, then the summoner went invisible, he lost the summoner. He's also trying hard to stay out of wand of magic missile range, because of how beat up he is.
Summoner uses Resist energy fire on both the eidolon and the summoner, resisting 30 fire damage each.
At round 6, the summoner is summoning 1d3 (3) large air elementals.

Round 7
The dragon is ready to go again, and it closes in range to 40 ft away, and does another fire breath (recharge in 2 rounds)

3+7=10 fail 38-30=8 18hp left
7+17=24 success 17-30=0

The air elementals go in effect, and have flanking.
16+7=23 vs26 fail
16+3=19 fail
16+4=20 fail
16+10=26 success 2+6=8 damage dragon is staggered
14+10=24 fail
14+3=17 fail

The dragon is still out of the reach of the eidolon, so the eidolon does nothing.

Round 8:
At this point, the dragon cries. If he moves more than 5ft, he takes an AoO. There may be a path that does not intersect in the 4 creatures reach. He knows where the summoner is, but can't do anything to the summoner.

The dragon may have been played a little suboptimally. The point is that a level 11 character took out a CR 10 while having no gear and the CR 10 creature getting prep time and a surprise round. The resources that were used were 4 2nd level spell slots, 1 SM spell-like, and the Hit Point damage. This may be a problem.

Dark Archive

Kamai wrote:

Darn it all, my post got wiped, and I forgot to copy it. I can't repost it, but I reran it with the frost giant winning initiative, and with the same conditions as before, the frost giant never rolled under a 10 for attacks, and the eidolon had 2hp left at the end. This time, I'm going to try with a young red dragon (CR 10). Same starting distance as before, and the summoner is taking a more active role. Let's assume now that the dragon gets the surprise round and prep time(which is not a given with +11 stealth vs a potential +13 perception)

Human summoner 11
Str 8(-2)
Dex 14(5)
Con 14(5)
Int 14(5)
Wis 12(2)
Cha 16[20](10)

HP 76

AC 16 (+2 Dex, +4 chain shirt) FF 14 Touch 12

Fort +3 +2 =5
Ref +3 +2 =5
Will +7 +1 =8
Spell Focus (conjuration)
Weapon Finesse
Augment Summoning
Scribe Scroll
Nimble Moves
Skill Focus(UMD)

Melee attack +10 with rapier 1d6-1 damage

Handle Animal 11 5 3=19
Use Magic Device 11 5 3 6=25
Know(Planes) 11 2 3=16
Spellcraft 11 2 3 = 16
Linguistics 11 2 3 = 16

0th [6]
Detect Magic
Mage Hand
1st [6]
Summon Monster I
Protection from Law
Mage Armor
Enlarge Person
2nd [5]
Summon Monster II
Summon Swarm
Resist energy
3rd [4]
Summon Monster IV
Greater Invisibility
Dispel Magic
4th [3]
Summon Monster V
Baleful Polymorph
Mass Bull's Strength

Above is the summoner that I put together (again with no non-mundane gear except enough materials for 1 casting of stoneskin)

Round 0:
Dragon casts shield (AC is now 26)
Dragon casts true strike (first attack is now at +37)

Round 1 [Suprise round]:
Dragon charges eidolon, and does a power attacked bite with IVS
34+4=38 vs 27 21+10+9 39 damage
Eidolon has 66hp left

Round 2 [Main round]
Dragon 5ft steps up (Making the fly check even on a 1 to fly less than half speed)
Then, it drops the breath weapon on the group. Recharge in 5 rounds
3+11=14 vs DC 22 40 damage 26 hp...

At the very least summon monster is a full round cast so the summoner has to make a caster level check to see if he loses the spell or not when he gets toasted by the flame breath.

Draeke Rafael wrote:
At the very least summon monster is a full round cast so the summoner has to make a caster level check to see if he loses the spell or not when he gets toasted by the flame breath.

But the caster didn't actually take any damage from the fire breath on the round that he cast Summon Monster (17 fire damage - 30 fire resist) so he shouldn't have to make the caster level check.

Dark Archive

Kamai wrote:
Draeke Rafael wrote:
At the very least summon monster is a full round cast so the summoner has to make a caster level check to see if he loses the spell or not when he gets toasted by the flame breath.

But the caster didn't actually take any damage from the fire breath on the round that he cast Summon Monster (17 fire damage - 30 fire resist) so he shouldn't have to make the caster level check.

Ah, since you didn't specify I though the summoner was the top save and the eidolon was treated second.

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