Idea for the Summoner - Thoughts?

Round 2: Summoner and Witch

At level 1, instead of automatically being given the Summon Monster SLA, a Summoner would be given a choice between two abilities.

Option 1: Summon Monster SLA (the 1min duration/standard action version) and the Life Link ability as it stands now.

Option 2: Merge Forms, Life Link without the ability to share HP, and a small number of bonus evolution points that can be spent whenever you use Merge Forms and leave when you end the ability.

(1) would get Merge Forms at 16th level as normal, while (2) would get the ability to share hp around level 10-12 and never gain the summon SLA.

(2)'s # of bonus evolution points would need to be small, but preferably would scale with level in some way. 1+1 every time you gain a new level of spells? 1 for every level where you would have gained a new Summon Monster level with the SLA? Something like that.

Opinions, thoughts, cantankerous flaming trolls?

I know a change like this isn't very likely, but it seems like a good idea to a sleep-deprived mind.

(Also, ignore typos. I'll come back and try to see if I made any tomorrow after I've slept.)

Ok, I missed something critical. Merge forms would lose both the time limit and the ability to cast while merged (until later levels?).

I was thinking of it like the ranger combat styles. One path lets you summon a more powerful eidolon, while the other lets you summon a less-powerful eidolon to be able to summon more powerful SM X monsters.

I also advocate the removal of both light armor prof. and the d8 HD.

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