
Rules Questions

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16, 2011 Top 32, 2012 Top 4

The rules for demoralizing an opponent annoy me as a DM. One of my players has a barbarian that has tossed a ton of points into Intimidate and has the ability to demoralize his foes as a move action. I'm fine with him demoralizing your typical humanoids and natural animals, but it's difficult to suspend my disbelief when this 8th level barbarian successfully demoralizes a hezrou demon. Especially when the barbarian is clearly outmatched by the hezrou (he barely gets through the demon's DR) and currently has him in the grappled condition.

Aside from the penalty for trying to demoralize a creature larger than yourself, are there any situational modifiers I should be using?

Tom Qadim wrote:

The rules for demoralizing an opponent annoy me as a DM. One of my players has a barbarian that has tossed a ton of points into Intimidate and has the ability to demoralize his foes as a move action. I'm fine with him demoralizing your typical humanoids and natural animals, but it's difficult to suspend my disbelief when this 8th level barbarian successfully demoralizes a hezrou demon. Especially when the barbarian is clearly outmatched by the hezrou (he barely gets through the demon's DR) and currently has him in the grappled condition.

Aside from the penalty for trying to demoralize a creature larger than yourself, are there any situational modifiers I should be using?

Larger-than-the-PC creatures have a small advantage against this tactic, but no, there are no other modifiers (aside from save vs. fear mods).

Has it occured to you that maybe the fact that the barbarian is being grappled by a demon and is still talking sh_t is probably rather unsettling? Batman does this kind of thing all the time.

As an aside: how did your barbarian get the move-action Intimidate? I'm curious.

Rake wrote:
As an aside: how did your barbarian get the move-action Intimidate? I'm curious.

Barbarian rage power... Intimidating Glare (Ex): The barbarian can make an Intimidate check against one adjacent foe as a move action. If the barbarian successfully demoralizes her opponent, the foe is shaken for 1d4 rounds + 1 round for every 5 points by which the barbarian's check exceeds the DC.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16, 2011 Top 32, 2012 Top 4

Rake wrote:
Has it occured to you that maybe the fact that the barbarian is being grappled by a demon and is still talking sh_t is probably rather unsettling? Batman does this kind of thing all the time.

It's my own personal bias, I guess. I like to imagine demons, devils, etc as entities of pure cosmic evil, and not subject to the same fears and weaknesses of mortals. I figured the hezrou deserved some kind of bonus against a human's pitiful attempt to demoralize it. With all of his bonuses, the barbarian only had to roll an 9 or better on a d20 to make the big scary demon wet itself. That just didn't seem right.

Rake wrote:
As an aside: how did your barbarian get the move-action Intimidate? I'm curious.

Yep, Intimidating Glare rage ability.

Tom Qadim wrote:
Rake wrote:
Has it occured to you that maybe the fact that the barbarian is being grappled by a demon and is still talking sh_t is probably rather unsettling? Batman does this kind of thing all the time.

It's my own personal bias, I guess. I like to imagine demons, devils, etc as entities of pure cosmic evil, and not subject to the same fears and weaknesses of mortals. I figured the hezrou deserved some kind of bonus against a human's pitiful attempt to demoralize it. With all of his bonuses, the barbarian only had to roll an 9 or better on a d20 to make the big scary demon wet itself. That just didn't seem right.

Rake wrote:
As an aside: how did your barbarian get the move-action Intimidate? I'm curious.
Yep, Intimidating Glare rage ability.

9 or better is not an EASY roll. It's an average one, and if he spent his points, feat and rage powers in it, I think he deserves it. Besides, the Hezrou is not running away like a baby, he just gets -2 to some rolls. If u want someone to be fearless do so, but remember that few have this advantage, and it is so for a reason.

Hell, a barbarian in the midle of his rage can still be intimidated by a puny oponent, who knows? It's a bluffing game intimidating, as much as a threatening one.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16, 2011 Top 32, 2012 Top 4

Xum wrote:

9 or better is not an EASY roll. It's an average one, and if he spent his points, feat and rage powers in it, I think he deserves it. Besides, the Hezrou is not running away like a baby, he just gets -2 to some rolls. If u want someone to be fearless do so, but remember that few have this advantage, and it is so for a reason.

Hell, a barbarian in the midle of his rage can still be intimidated by a puny oponent, who knows? It's a bluffing game intimidating, as much as a threatening one.

Xum, you make good points. Thanks for the input!

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