Expanded new class spell lists

Round 2: Summoner and Witch

Sovereign Court

Backwards compatibility is one of the great things about Pathfinder, and I'm using many things from 3.5 in my Pathfinder game. One of the most used is the Spell Compendium. Which brings up a problem with the new Advanced caster classes... they have unique spell lists. While this both adds to their unique flavor and limits their power, it means they don't work with all the spells in the Spell Compendium (and any other sources), no matter how appropriate the spell may be for their class.

So I have a couple solutions: First, you could limit their spells in a way that expansion is easy. For instance, if a Summoner can cast only Conjuration spells, then any new Conjuration in the SC are also usable, and his repertoire is expanded just like the Clerics, Wizards, etc.

If you don't want to do that, what about releasing a free pdf with "Expanded spell lists" for the new classes detailing which Spell Compendium spells they may use, assuming the SC is open content and may be referenced.

If a solution can't be found, then all the new classes will have spell lists far, FAR shorter than any basic class.

There is a pretty long discussion about this here:

http://paizo.com/paizo/messageboards/paizoPublishing/pathfinder/pathfinderR PG/advancedPlayersGuidePlaytest/round2/pleaseNoUniqueSpellLists

long story short, paizo staff felt their is a need for a unique list as just giving a school or a descriptor doesnt cut it. I tend to agree, but they do intend to give advice in a sidebar on how to add to the list with 3rd party material.

Edit: Oh and the spell compendium is not open content, and paizo cannot directly refer to it. But i guarantee a week after the apg comes out there will be lots of discussion here as to which spell compendium spells go in which list.

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